3x Green Drop Weekend
They sure picked the wrong weekend for this to happen... grrrr had to work Saturday and had a charity walk to do on Sunday and between that had to figure out what to buy for my new place with my girlfriend. Sigh. Glad everyone enjoyed it though.
lag, lag, lag and only lag
it's just impossible to play this weekend
i'm trying to farm the green i want, but i have to add more than 1 second on all skill casting time.
it's just impossible to play this weekend
i'm trying to farm the green i want, but i have to add more than 1 second on all skill casting time.
Das Hip
Originally Posted by MelechRic
What do you expect? If you buy a 1981 Honda Civic do you expect Honda to still be providing upgrades for it? Hey Honda, I'd like some anti-lock brakes and an few air-bags for my 1981...
Don't be ridiculous. You bought a year old game and you get year-old-game level support. ANet needs to make a profit so they spend their time and money on generating new products and servicing their latest releases. |
What is the formula for how much henchman decease the likelyhood of the drop?
Can anyone recommend a good A/R solo build?
Can anyone recommend a good A/R solo build?
Originally Posted by DinaQ
What is the formula for how much henchman decease the likelyhood of the drop?
Can anyone recommend a good A/R solo build? |
The event was great. My ritualist Vizula Ra got herself most of the green ritualist staves and is now ready to take on the darkness that has invaded Elona!
Hi i'm a R/N and it's TRAP / Touch . What dropps could i do with it in : Solo , Duo or trio and what build ?
Thank you to reply !
Thank you to reply !
I run a 3 or 4 man Ironclaw group and was 3-manning it last night. Today, the menders are outhealing a 3-man. Did they change the skill setup for the menders or did I just have a sucky group?
wow, 11 pages.
has anyone else had trouble getting stuff to drop, I was doing my normal kaolin farming run with 4 people like I usally do and some reason, since this weekend no greens have droped! Before the weekend every run we did, about 1 or 2 greens would drop, now on this weekend nothing drops. feals more like a "- 3x"
has anyone else had trouble getting stuff to drop, I was doing my normal kaolin farming run with 4 people like I usally do and some reason, since this weekend no greens have droped! Before the weekend every run we did, about 1 or 2 greens would drop, now on this weekend nothing drops. feals more like a "- 3x"
I've obsessively grind farmed the kaolin dom and accursed staff. I made a million
. Drop rates were excellent.

Chilly Ress
I have now finished up the weekend. After 43 Kaolin runs, I received the follow: 1 prot staff, 1 accursed staff. (I 5-manned it) Umm...ya...
Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
I have now finished up the weekend. After 43 Kaolin runs, I received the follow: 1 prot staff, 1 accursed staff. (I 5-manned it) Umm...ya...
I'm sort of happy. Solo'd Sunreach and got it to drop 5 times. But the prices dropped so I only made around 100k off it.
Now that it's over, I have to say, I loved it.
I wasn't interested in making money, I just wanted to outfit myself and some friends with stuff.
Didn't manage to get everything I was aiming for (Sunreach was a pain for me, and Jacqui's Aegis just wouldn't drop) but I'm not complaining. This was a BLAST!
I managed to get items for my husband and stepson, too. 
Fabulous and fun weekend; I practically squealed every time I saw green text on a drop.

Fabulous and fun weekend; I practically squealed every time I saw green text on a drop.
Silvergun Superman
Originally Posted by ElinoraNeSangre
Fabulous and fun weekend; I practically squealed every time I saw green text on a drop.
Feminist Terrorist
I'm very disappointed in this weekend. I tried for two days, off and on, to get Jacqui to drop the frickin' shield. Nothing, not even cash. I just wanted one bloody shield for my warrior.

Yep, I'd have to say this weekend was a resounding success. Phooey to all those who said 0x3=0! The proof is in the pudding. Pudding, I tell ya!
Running total for my wife and I (duo farming) = 17 greens! Total hours played = ~7
Running total for my wife and I (duo farming) = 17 greens! Total hours played = ~7
I'd have to say I'm pretty happy with the event. I didn't quite clear off my wanted greens list, but it is about 8/20 greens shorter. Did I get everything I tried for? Nope...but that's the way it always goes. Maybe after NF comes out...
I ended with (some even acquired with henchies):
1 sunreach's shield (keeping)
2 ironclaws (lagged and accidently sold one to merchant, giving the other to boyfriend)
2 dream haunters (keeping one)
2 windcatchers (keeping one)
1 sentasi's jade hammer
1 time eater (keeping)
1 jayne's staff (keeping for nightfall)
1 spiritgarden's repose
1 vera (keeping)
2 scar eaters (traded 1 for another vera, keeping the other for nightfall)
1 reefclaw's refuge (unintentional)
2 shreader's talons (unintentional)
2 byzzr's benedictions (keeping one, gave one to a guildie)
1 ssun's staff (keeping)
1 scourgewind's branch (giving to a guildie)
Then 1 cho wei's axe, 1 feng's focus, 1 jin's hornbow, 1 auri's wand, 1 deathkeeper for low level heroes.
I got pretty much everything I wanted, minus Jacqui's Aegis and Ghial's Staff. I didn't end up getting most of those until a few hours ago. Until then, I was getting the "3x0=0". I guess persistence pays off.
1 sunreach's shield (keeping)
2 ironclaws (lagged and accidently sold one to merchant, giving the other to boyfriend)
2 dream haunters (keeping one)
2 windcatchers (keeping one)
1 sentasi's jade hammer
1 time eater (keeping)
1 jayne's staff (keeping for nightfall)
1 spiritgarden's repose
1 vera (keeping)
2 scar eaters (traded 1 for another vera, keeping the other for nightfall)
1 reefclaw's refuge (unintentional)
2 shreader's talons (unintentional)
2 byzzr's benedictions (keeping one, gave one to a guildie)
1 ssun's staff (keeping)
1 scourgewind's branch (giving to a guildie)
Then 1 cho wei's axe, 1 feng's focus, 1 jin's hornbow, 1 auri's wand, 1 deathkeeper for low level heroes.
I got pretty much everything I wanted, minus Jacqui's Aegis and Ghial's Staff. I didn't end up getting most of those until a few hours ago. Until then, I was getting the "3x0=0". I guess persistence pays off.

Originally Posted by MelechRic
What do you expect? If you buy a 1981 Honda Civic do you expect Honda to still be providing upgrades for it? Hey Honda, I'd like some anti-lock brakes and an few air-bags for my 1981...
Don't be ridiculous. You bought a year old game and you get year-old-game level support. ANet needs to make a profit so they spend their time and money on generating new products and servicing their latest releases. |
Edit: Sorry, I didn't notice the 11 pages between this post and the one I quoted =b
Stonereaper, stoneweaver. That's all.
I got nothing, but I didn't farm bosses...I hate Cantha just that much
I think this triple green weekend has been awsome. I've experienced a new way for people to play in a group. I was in a group with three others to farm the Sskai sword and we agreed that each person will get one. I got the first one, then two others each got one. Then I got one again and gave it to the fourth person. A deal's a deal. Everyone stayed, everyone got one.
I think there should be triple green weekends like this every now and then to increase the number of green items going around. So what if the price people are willing to pay for them decreases. I'd rather see these items more and more affordable and available to new gamers and those who don't have much gold.
And I'd like to state my appreciation to the alliance that owns the House zu Heltzer for ferrying people for free to Urgoz, tips being optional. I want to see more and more Urgoz longbows going around. That's right, let's bring the price for the Urgoz Longbow down to 50k(only cause it takes a long time to get one in Urgoz, otherwise I'd say 20k). Seriously. Works for everyone. Maybe not so much for sellers, but so what. Get 50k for it. And buyers can refuse to pay more than that. I say that's a good thing.
I'm disappointed in the alliance that owns Cavalon for doing the opposite in ferrying to the Deep. I wish they would make that one also available to EVERYONE. I doubt they're making a killing in the trade selling items from it anyways.
I think there should be triple green weekends like this every now and then to increase the number of green items going around. So what if the price people are willing to pay for them decreases. I'd rather see these items more and more affordable and available to new gamers and those who don't have much gold.
And I'd like to state my appreciation to the alliance that owns the House zu Heltzer for ferrying people for free to Urgoz, tips being optional. I want to see more and more Urgoz longbows going around. That's right, let's bring the price for the Urgoz Longbow down to 50k(only cause it takes a long time to get one in Urgoz, otherwise I'd say 20k). Seriously. Works for everyone. Maybe not so much for sellers, but so what. Get 50k for it. And buyers can refuse to pay more than that. I say that's a good thing.
I'm disappointed in the alliance that owns Cavalon for doing the opposite in ferrying to the Deep. I wish they would make that one also available to EVERYONE. I doubt they're making a killing in the trade selling items from it anyways.
i hardly farmed greens. Tried the soloable ones a couple times till i got bored with it. Got a Jayne's Staff and Arash' Aegis.
I'm happy now :-)
I'm happy now :-)
That's cool. I got the Ssun's staff thing, Sskai's Sword, and Geoffer's Bulwark. I also got a Snapjaw Powerstone and traded it for a Ssyn's Staff. I got a second Sskai's Sword which I gave to the fourth member of the party who didn't get one yet.
achilles ankle
Didnt really play with anyone cept guildy's, moslty solo'd on my sin. Got 2 scar eaters, 2 chkkr's talons, 1 jaynes staff, razortongebow?, some rit staff for channeling and 3 sunreach shields. oh and a woespreader.
Had a great time, met some new people too, got several greens as well so a good weekend really.
I went for about a total of 15 runs in Durheim Archives. Of these 4 were for the purpose of getting Sunreach's shield. The others we then for most of the bosses in Mourning Veil.
1-Chakrams I can remember the name.
I also got
1-set of Gold Dagger's
Overall quite enjoyable. It was fun to group up and go hunting for a change with real ppl instead of going with henchies. There were lots of ppl at least at Durheim Archives...instead of the 3 or 4 you usually see. Great event ANET!
I went for about a total of 15 runs in Durheim Archives. Of these 4 were for the purpose of getting Sunreach's shield. The others we then for most of the bosses in Mourning Veil.
1-Chakrams I can remember the name.
I also got
1-set of Gold Dagger's
Overall quite enjoyable. It was fun to group up and go hunting for a change with real ppl instead of going with henchies. There were lots of ppl at least at Durheim Archives...instead of the 3 or 4 you usually see. Great event ANET!
Well i only farmed zarna and rajazan for their greens.It didnt take long for me to get the 4 Fervors i was after for my casters.but it took me over 15 runs to get Zarnas wrath

I have got to be the unluckiest GW player there is. I went out with guildies, pugs and henchies (gasp). I 6 manned, 5 manned, 4 manned and I even tried some 3 man teams. Couldn't bring myself to try solo ( a man has got to know his limitations), but not a single green droped that had my name on it.
Actually I did get the Purifier. Does anyone even use that thing? And no I'm not a farmer so the so-called farm code doesn't even come into play.
Actually I did get the Purifier. Does anyone even use that thing? And no I'm not a farmer so the so-called farm code doesn't even come into play.
Fairly productive weekend with my limited playtime these days, but overall, it was pretty cool.
2x Jacqui Aegis - 3 attempts
1x Sskai Sword - dropped on first try in 4 attempts
1x Koosun Fire Staff - 10+ attempts, stingy guy
And bought a Ghial Staff for 15k, which is still better than prices a month or so ago, when I saw them go for 35k-40k.
That just fills in a few odds and ends for my characters, so the Heroes will be getting collector items.
2x Jacqui Aegis - 3 attempts
1x Sskai Sword - dropped on first try in 4 attempts
1x Koosun Fire Staff - 10+ attempts, stingy guy
And bought a Ghial Staff for 15k, which is still better than prices a month or so ago, when I saw them go for 35k-40k.
That just fills in a few odds and ends for my characters, so the Heroes will be getting collector items.

Andisa Kalorn
Did a lot of soloing this weekend, got not only greens for myself and my heroes, but collector's items for them. I am now ready to equip the 6 heroes of my choice for all my characters.
Got 2 more Sskai's Swords, 5 more Wing's Axes, about 7 Woe Spreaders, Kyril's Fervor, and 2 Wingstorms for the heroes, and Rajazan's Fervor, Sunreaches' Shield, Deeproot's Sorrow, Bazzr's Staff, Kaolin Wand, and Strongroot's Shelter for me.
There's just something much more satisfying about seeing that green you want drop with your name on it, rather than buying it. Unless, of course, it's rare and you're just happy to find someone with it.
Got 2 more Sskai's Swords, 5 more Wing's Axes, about 7 Woe Spreaders, Kyril's Fervor, and 2 Wingstorms for the heroes, and Rajazan's Fervor, Sunreaches' Shield, Deeproot's Sorrow, Bazzr's Staff, Kaolin Wand, and Strongroot's Shelter for me.
There's just something much more satisfying about seeing that green you want drop with your name on it, rather than buying it. Unless, of course, it's rare and you're just happy to find someone with it.
I really enjoyed myself. On the whole I was pleasantly surprised that the 3 x chance seemed to actually give results & I got 3 greens despite using hench on 2 of them.
We need more of this. Bin the scroll / XP / crappy weekends and have regular ones giving us something we can use
We need more of this. Bin the scroll / XP / crappy weekends and have regular ones giving us something we can use
Overall, I was happy with this weekend, and the timing was perfect. Managed to kit out my new Ele, who was forced to complete the game with weapons from 'n00b island'.
Got all the greens I wanted for her, and some others from bosses along the way (my Mesmer is happy with a new staff, which I didn't plan to get).
The only one that wouldn't drop was Koosun's Fire Staff, so I bought it in the end. I was disappointed to not see it drop, but happy to see that someone was selling it before I logged off for the night.
Got all the greens I wanted for her, and some others from bosses along the way (my Mesmer is happy with a new staff, which I didn't plan to get).
The only one that wouldn't drop was Koosun's Fire Staff, so I bought it in the end. I was disappointed to not see it drop, but happy to see that someone was selling it before I logged off for the night.
Originally Posted by Badger2
I have got to be the unluckiest GW player there is. I went out with guildies, pugs and henchies (gasp). I 6 manned, 5 manned, 4 manned and I even tried some 3 man teams. Couldn't bring myself to try solo ( a man has got to know his limitations), but not a single green droped that had my name on it.
Edit Actually I did get the Purifier. Does anyone even use that thing? And no I'm not a farmer so the so-called farm code doesn't even come into play. |
I don't waste time with greens. While everyone was having "fun" farming greens I was chest farming and made around 800k this weekend.
Dr Wu
I was just playing the game and got 2 greens (my first)..Falaharns Split Chakrams and Razortongue's Recurve Bow.
I have an archer but no assassin. I wasn't realy impressed with the stats of either one.
I have an archer but no assassin. I wasn't realy impressed with the stats of either one.
I capped 6 more elites and killed another 2 bosses while playing the game, and got a green (the Skill Eater)! Looks like the triple weekend actually worked, seeing that I was around 2 for 50 before...
I have yet to see Wing's axe drop, and that is what I was trying to get. I can't stand Cantha, so yeah. Also tried for the scar eater a few times, but got in terrible groups - so not very fun. I think I've killed Wing like 50 times now.
Originally Posted by DeathByAmor
I don't waste time with greens. While everyone was having "fun" farming greens I was chest farming and made around 800k this weekend.
Thats what I do when a preview is out, although I do not do chest runs (my luck stings with chests) but I farm and get lots of gold and good drops.