3x Green Drop Weekend
Well, seeing as I've gotten one green drop in Factions since it came out, at three times that rate I'll only have to put about four months worth of play into this weekend to get the drops I wanted.
Originally Posted by Emik
Says the one holding Kanaxai's Edge: LOL
It's a gold Barbed Crenallated Sword of Fortitude.
Lengthens Bleeding 33%
Damage +15% in a stance
Health +30
+20% customised
You probably just hit the farming code or somethin. I was farming Swiftscale's Shortbow for a while and got it about one every three runs for a while along with several purples and golds, but now it's almost all whites and blues and it's been about 7-8 runs with no drop.
I love it , I can sit back and chill during the weekend and then buy cheap "greenis" next week for the "Hero's" in Nightfall.
Sir Skullcrasher
I wonder how low the prices will be for greens next week.
If what happene dwith the Urgoz longbow after the elite weekend is any indication, expect a good price hit on Canthan greens.
If what happene dwith the Urgoz longbow after the elite weekend is any indication, expect a good price hit on Canthan greens.
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I wonder how low the prices will be for greens next week.
Arteful Dodger
I've read all the theories about green drop rates in this thread and several others and I don't think anyone really knows what triggers them one way or the other. Though I suspect that amonsgst all the theories, one of them is probably correct.
The one thing I don't understand though is why would or should the drop rate be any different (however it's done) if I decide to go with henchies or human players? What makes the difference who I choose to go with if the drop rate is random or luck as some suggest?
I've farmed with both and to be quite honest, my luck is the same no matter which group I choose to go with. Rotten. Either the henchies get any green drops if there are any since you can't see them or some other lucky human player gets the green drop.
I just wish that the drop rate for whatever it is, gold, green or whatever would be equally fair for all players. The way it is right now I don't feel that's the way it's set up. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
The one thing I don't understand though is why would or should the drop rate be any different (however it's done) if I decide to go with henchies or human players? What makes the difference who I choose to go with if the drop rate is random or luck as some suggest?
I've farmed with both and to be quite honest, my luck is the same no matter which group I choose to go with. Rotten. Either the henchies get any green drops if there are any since you can't see them or some other lucky human player gets the green drop.
I just wish that the drop rate for whatever it is, gold, green or whatever would be equally fair for all players. The way it is right now I don't feel that's the way it's set up. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
At least without henchies you can tell when a green is dropping at all. With henchies you always have to wonder if anything good did drop.
Sir Skullcrasher
I would suggest those who can solo bosses in Cantha to do so on this 3x Green Drop Weekend.
Originally Posted by MelechRic
What do you expect? If you buy a 1981 Honda Civic do you expect Honda to still be providing upgrades for it? Hey Honda, I'd like some anti-lock brakes and an few air-bags for my 1981...
Don't be ridiculous. You bought a year old game and you get year-old-game level support. ANet needs to make a profit so they spend their time and money on generating new products and servicing their latest releases. |
Also people are still buying prophecies. So let me put this in your tone.
Let take all prophecies games off store shelves. Why sell something you don't intend to support. Or, let’s just say Hey new customer you bought our product and thank but screw you! We don't plan to support you because you decide to buy a game we made a year ago (which we designed to be played for a year or more) so it's your mistake not ours.
To end, you know you are comparing a car to a video game right? You're not even in the same ballpark with that analogy. Did I say ballpark, I meant to say city oh hell how about your not in the same country with that analogy.
How about investing some effort into fixing or, at the very least, identifying what causes lag and educate your customers. Here is a suggestion for an event. How about for one weekend you let greens from Cantha bosses drop from bosses in Prophecies for those of us who still play prophecies.
Oh a GW forum
Did this start or is anet half an hour late as usual?
I'm pretty sure it started as I got 3 Chkkr's in a row...
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
I'm pretty sure it started as I got 3 Chkkr's in a row...
Has it started? I logged on when I got home, around 3:30 Eastern, and there was no download and still haven't had one.
Sir Skullcrasher
whos up for some farming tonight?
Is this active at all? Duo-killed 11 bosses over the last hour and no greens yet.
Since this is the only evening I get to play this weekend I sure as hell hope it's active.

Since this is the only evening I get to play this weekend I sure as hell hope it's active.

yes it started there are tons of sales for greens in all the typical sales places. plus in non xp zones all over where people are farming.
But typical greed most are asking for more than you use to find them by hanging out for 20 or 30 minutes.
But typical greed most are asking for more than you use to find them by hanging out for 20 or 30 minutes.
Give a day or two and they'll be giving them away.....
Is this triple chance thing working yet? I've just soloed 5 different bosses 3 times each and got nada, nothing at all.
I doubt it.
I killed Arrahshh 20+ times to no avail.
I killed Arrahshh 20+ times to no avail.
Originally Posted by Theus
I doubt it.
I killed Arrahshh 20+ times to no avail. |
Same here, I'm just trying to get an extra Scar Eater and no luck at all in 4 & 5 player groups.
Me and my friend killed Arrahsh, Geoffer and Sskai about 5 times before they dropped 1 of their items for each of us.
2 razajan solo runs = 2 sword drops, about time i had some luck.
so yeah is the green drop weekend working now? I know the chances are still slim but figured i'd give it a chance.. hope at least one drops that i can use for my heroes in nightfall
Killed the Monk kaolin boss twice with 3 other people, no greens. Killed geoffer three times with another guy, no greens

Vermilion Okeanos
I killed geoffer guy 7-10 times, got 1. (DUO)
I killed snapjaw 5-6 times, got 1. (SOLO)
Now... I dread the need for kaolin sword, kaoling staves (domination/water), kaolin wand, phi's wisdom. For the kaolin, I probably should make a build to go through all of them, hoping to find some thing for trade... =(
I killed snapjaw 5-6 times, got 1. (SOLO)
Now... I dread the need for kaolin sword, kaoling staves (domination/water), kaolin wand, phi's wisdom. For the kaolin, I probably should make a build to go through all of them, hoping to find some thing for trade... =(
*sigh* I wish they'd increased the drop rate of other rarities. I'm not far enough into Faction to benefit from this event and the drop rate for all other items seems greatly reduced. I played for an hour and only got 3 items!! I was running between Byduk Byway and the Bazaar and fought a veritable army of Jade Brotherhood and Am Fah. Was it just a fluke or did the drop rate of all items change?
P.S. Anyone want to give me a Necro green weapon? I've been using the same weapon for a month and have been playing GW for 2 months.
P.S. Anyone want to give me a Necro green weapon? I've been using the same weapon for a month and have been playing GW for 2 months.

Joao Ninguem
1 hour on Miella(solo), 10 attempts, 0 drops
3x0 = 0
3x0 = 0
I picked up 6 greens tonight...on Noob Island. Hey, I have to stock up on stuff for Heroes. I'm not going to BUY them weapons when they're level 5. I got a couple minor runes that'll be helpful too. I'll hit the mainland tomorrow to look for the good stuff.
Sasuke The Betrayer
I did one run of Ghial for the hell of it.
I got 1 Ghial's Staff.
Too bad anyways, people are selling Ghial's for like 13k... its ridiculous how many people are farming them. FOUR districts to farm ONLY ghials... thats 1-2 more districts then Warcamp. *Sigh*
I got 1 Ghial's Staff.
Too bad anyways, people are selling Ghial's for like 13k... its ridiculous how many people are farming them. FOUR districts to farm ONLY ghials... thats 1-2 more districts then Warcamp. *Sigh*
Tobias Funke
Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
I'm not going to BUY them weapons when they're level 5.
Yeah, the weekend event is working. I've had Scar Eater drop twice, Jayne's Staff twice and Everthorns once in a 3 hour period while soloing.
No greens so far during my solo attempts, but I have gotten 2 golds...
Weekend is working fine for me, got 7 Chkkr flatbows, 1 Sskai sword and 1 Wing's Axe in a few hours of work.
Andisa Kalorn
11 greens for me so far today.
Gonna have to stock up for heroes for 10 characters so... yeah. Getting there.

Originally Posted by Andisa Kalorn
11 greens for me so far today.
![]() |
Add to my previous runs about 6 goes at Xukeao the deceptive (or whatever his name is) and no drops..
But I managed to buy a spiritgardens repose for 13.5k.. hurray for price drops!
Meh, farmed Sunjiang for a little while and got five drops in three runs, not bad I guess.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
I'm sorry, but just watching the chats in towns and outposts, I've actually heard an increase in complaining that greens are not dropping even after huge ammounts of farming bosses.
Apparently Anet needs to increase the drop rate to like 12 times the normal to even make a difference.
Apparently Anet needs to increase the drop rate to like 12 times the normal to even make a difference.