prices for greens

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


will the price of greens go back to normal?????? i hate when people offering me 500g - 2k for my scar eaters



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Probably not going to happen, seeing that there are so many more copies of the item out there now.

Supply and Demand, yo!

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Probably the top Canthan green price will be 10k other than the Elite greens out there.

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


wat about scar eater? this guy said its worth 40k - 25k but ppl r offering me for 1k for it????

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Think about it this way: There are about 1 million players worldwide who play Guild Wars. All these players had the same line of thought and decided to farm the same area over a 72 hour span.

The economy's bound to be destroyed after that. I am just glad I got a Kaolin Accursed for such a good price.

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Everything dropped now, there are so many going round it mad Ghial's Staff is down to 8 - 13k on euro, even then alot aint selling it



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

I just loved the guy who called me a noob for saying 50k Vera was a bad price. Pathetic. I spammed "WTB: Vera" once and got a guy offering it to me for 10k.

Jeff Highwind

Jeff Highwind

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


I shoulda sold my Gihal for 50k before this event.




Join Date: Apr 2006

"Normal price?" You mean the bs price gouging prices for weapons that arn't worth squat?

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



i am really frustrated with the drop in prices. i found 2 very nice canthan greens today that were usually high in price and are now worth nothing. if i get a green i can't use (sunreach's shield) i'll sell it. the shield would not be worth selling now because of the green drop weekend. the price for the shield has dropped VERY quickly and people are selling it for 8k.

so overall, i do not like the fact that anet had to make a 3x the chance of greens dropping weekend in cantha. there will be no profit for people who find expensive greens, with prices now slashed in half or in thirds.

the prices will most likely not go back to normal now that everyone has the greens they want from cantha. why would someone now want a 25-40k item which they can get for 1-8k?

anet basically made this event to crash the green prices.

i bet the next to crash will be the golds. so my advice would be to sell your golds now for that nice price of 100k+xx ectos, because the gold items prices are causing people to find 3rd party programs to buy what they want.

Vel Satis

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

No guild as yet

Originally Posted by chicks boy
wat about scar eater? this guy said its worth 40k - 25k but ppl r offering me for 1k for it????
It's worth whatever people will pay for it. If 1k is the best you can get then it's worth 1k.

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Crystal Alice
anet has made a bunch of people angry.
Who cares! People who didnt farm all day to get 100k to spend on weapons, now have what they wanted GW is a "game" not the stock exchange lol



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


Am I wrong for assuming that the idea behind green weapons is to have a perfect weapon for the casual player?

Am I also wrong in assuming that the casual player doesn't run around in fissure and has lots of money to spend to start with?

And yet, you guys would like the casual player to have the 100k to buy a certain green weapon...

Personally, I'm glad the prices are going down. I'm a casual player and while I did pick up some greens for personal use, the ones that didn't drop, I should be able to pick up at a reasonable price now.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

petawawa armed forces


Originally Posted by King Kong
Who cares! People who didnt farm all day to get 100k to spend on weapons, now have what they wanted GW is a "game" not the stock exchange lol

no seriously.. im not joking.... its called (well, pre-factions) LASX
Lions arch stock exchange.. you could get EVERYTHING there...though i always preffered droks cuz of less noobs trying to trade ur 50k item for a couple purple things.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by lg5000
Am I wrong for assuming that the idea behind green weapons is to have a perfect weapon for the casual player?

Am I also wrong in assuming that the casual player doesn't run around in fissure and has lots of money to spend to start with?

And yet, you guys would like the casual player to have the 100k to buy a certain green weapon...

Personally, I'm glad the prices are going down. I'm a casual player and while I did pick up some greens for personal use, the ones that didn't drop, I should be able to pick up at a reasonable price now.
Amen to that. The only people that are getting pissed off here are the ones that have forgotten that this is a GAME. Most people I've seen that charge the rediculous prices are usually very rude and don't seem to want to have fun. May they get so annoyed with this that they leave and make the community a better place




Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Crystal Alice
so overall, i do not like the fact that anet had to make a 3x the chance of greens dropping weekend in cantha. there will be no profit for people who find expensive greens, with prices now slashed in half or in thirds.
Go frak yourself. You people were ruining the economy Arena Net has refused to make more than a half-asses attempt to put a lid on. Now that they do something that is taking a shot at it, you whine that you can't sit around and gouge prices for worthless items. Boo hoo.

PS. The only problem with the event is they didn't triple Tyrian drops as well. And that forgetting previous chapters will eventually kill Guild Wars, mark my words.

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Meatloaf_man

no seriously.. im not joking.... its called (well, pre-factions) LASX
Lions arch stock exchange.. you could get EVERYTHING there...though i always preffered droks cuz of less noobs trying to trade ur 50k item for a couple purple things.
Factions must have been LA's black monday lol



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

petawawa armed forces


lol, kinda... alot of people are split between kaineng and la now, and personally i do trading in kaineng now.

hmm, maybe they could have a town for only trading....

well. basically that would be an auction house.... anywho....



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Aussie land


Originally Posted by Crystal Alice
i am really frustrated with the drop in prices. i found 2 very nice canthan greens today that were usually high in price and are now worth nothing. if i get a green i can't use (sunreach's shield) i'll sell it. the shield would not be worth selling now because of the green drop weekend. the price for the shield has dropped VERY quickly and people are selling it for 8k.

so overall, i do not like the fact that anet had to make a 3x the chance of greens dropping weekend in cantha. there will be no profit for people who find expensive greens, with prices now slashed in half or in thirds.

the prices will most likely not go back to normal now that everyone has the greens they want from cantha. why would someone now want a 25-40k item which they can get for 1-8k?

anet basically made this event to crash the green prices.

i bet the next to crash will be the golds. so my advice would be to sell your golds now for that nice price of 100k+xx ectos, because the gold items prices are causing people to find 3rd party programs to buy what they want.
I do not agree with what you said at all. Why should the players who are not rich and who do not like to farm, go without a good green items because they cannot afford it? Just to make people like you richer?

I find your post arrogant and unfriendly, just because this weekend event did not please you that doesn't mean it should be the same for everybody!
I had the fortune to find good green items that, if not for this event, I vould have never been able to acquire. What I did not need I gave "for free" to my friends.

I think Anet made this event to help casual or poor/needy players to finally get green items, and I sincerely hope they will do the same for gold items.

Please excuse me if my post offended someone!


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Otto's Army [OA]


Originally Posted by Angelica
I think Anet made this event to help casual or poor/needy players to finally get green items
I believe this was exactly the intent. Look at the timing of the event: 2 weeks before Nightfall goes live. This weekend allowed people to have a better chance of getting the greens that they've wanted since Factions was released, but were unable to get thus far. Then when Nightfall goes live, all of the people whining about not being able to take tens of platinum from the poor will have a new set of greens to farm up and sell to other players for outrageous prices (through spamming their ad in the all channel of course).


Moist Muffin

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Running for my life because some idiot El aggro'd the beasties and then ran by my monk

GamerzUnlimited [gu]


With any luck NF will have a new color weapons with a tiny bit increase in dammage or slight mod increase.

Rit Gin dos

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of having no advantage if you bought a certain chapter over another?? Anet has stated that no matter what chapter you own or dont own you would be competive.??

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Moist Muffin
With any luck NF will have a new color weapons with a tiny bit increase in dammage or slight mod increase.
^this would be nice. a new thing to add so more people will be interested in NF. smart idea

fyi, i'm not one of those people who sits on my computer all day and farms for greens. lol. i completely understand why people like the event and are happy about getting their weapons. i probably sound really mean and stuff, but the reason i wanted to get money is for my friend, who is working towards getting his droks armor and then on to his 15k armor from factions.

kurzick and luxon 15ks are not cheap when buying the amber and jadeite..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Greens were meant to be the perfect weapons for the casual/new player to Guildwars, not neccessary the money making tool as many of us think it is. But the mentality is too taken into account to promote players to buy the new chapter.

Originally Posted by Thallandor
Hence to say, the newer chapters is where the money making will always be and these events pushes the enconmy in such a way that it will remain pointless to farm in the old areas for profit unless you havent have the old greens from there already.



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

Originally Posted by Moist Muffin
With any luck NF will have a new color weapons with a tiny bit increase in dammage or slight mod increase.
Originally Posted by Crystal Alice
^this would be nice. a new thing to add so more people will be interested in NF. smart idea
...while ruining the whole fundamantal element of balance that makes GW what it is, and cause an uproar in the community that would make the numerous complaints about inscriptions -which aren't even implemented yet - look like mail from fanboys.

Smart idea? Really? Really?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Greens are how they should be now :\

Most are in a price range suited for those that really need them, while still saving a few more expensive ones for the wealthy to buy.

The fact that farming them isn't as profitable doesn't stop the flow of farming...During this Weekend while Ghial was selling at horridly lower prices I saw no Decrease in the number of willing farmers in Senji's Corner (these people are willing to 4 man it..why I dont know) I actually saw an increase of course because of the allure of 3x.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


All anet did was make green farming pointless. Why would I or anyone waste time killing bosses for hard to sell low profit items when anyone can just uw/fow solo or just do Souther shiverpeak or mission runs. Which is a shame because green farming was less boring then running people.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


i have a small rant about this. many wont agree.. but oh well.

i dont farm greens.. but i can see where all this event crap is heading.. and i dont like it

Pretty much what a-net is doing with these weekend events is making it so that anyone can get anything they want with a ton less work...

i wonder if it ever gets to the point where we can just type in

/need help crystaline sword req 8 15^50 20/20 +30

and it will drop for us.. cause ballence is that importance..

I understand what anets mission is..

make it so that players who never play the game can have the very same items that a few months earlier other players farmed there asses off for.

and all they have to do is destroy the green economy.. or the factions rare economy.. or anything really..

so why play a game that spits in the face of hard work and determination?

why play a game that supports players who choose to not play the game?

why play a game when you know that the few truly rare items in it are soon to be handed to for anyone who wants them..

why play a game that takes the highest level dungeons in the game.. and turns them into crafting material grounds....

why play a game for 1000+ hours when joe blow can buy the game and get the exact same items you have in a few weeks with much less effort.

good question.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
..good question..

Indeed. To me that sounds like the wrong type of GAME for that person to PLAY. I'd might say go play WOW to those kind of people.
But now it looks as if that's no solace anymore.
People on their forums and boards are dismayed that the items they spent hours farming and grinding instances and reputations for different factions for several months to a year are becoming obsolete in the expansion.
They feel their HARD WORK, as you put it as well, is going to waste when the very first new item drops from the lowest expansion mobs overshadow their items formerly-known-as epic.

So yes, why bother PLAYING this sort of GAME. I see no point really.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


I love how noone believes me when I say items are worth what people are willing to pay for them (semi-quote from some dead guy I think). Anyways for example Rago's Flame Wand according to this site's PC threads is worth 20-25k, you know what my guildmate sold it for? Guess....come on guess.... thats right 55k. Seriously these prices aren't set in stone. If you think your item is worth more than the offer don't sell it. I can't count the times I've been called "noob" for turning down low offers, simply because Guru says this, and then 5 minutes later sell it for what I thought it was worth. Ok ok so very few times after only 5 minutes later, but if you're willing to wait for the buyer then hold off on selling to those lowbie offers. Otherwise sell it cheap and don't complain.

Namely if no one sells then the market stops being "flooded" and prices will go up. Again flame away............



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Oh no... here we go again...

INRE: Narutoscryed's post


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Farming is collecting things that have been planted there at some point. Farm groups know what there doing or they don't. After someone figures one of the roles of the group its just reaping cropes repeatively. It's boring, I'd rather use a collectors weapon then pay for some over priced farmed staff to disencourage whide scale farming of boss mobs.

Now to be a dip I'll gladly state that if it drops for me while soloing a boss i'd use it since it does some mob dodging, beating the boss and being something I like hopefully.

Gwondolas Marillion

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005


SWAC (30+ Swedish Adults Club)

Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
so why play a game that spits in the face of hard work and determination?

why play a game that supports players who choose to not play the game?

why play a game when you know that the few truly rare items in it are soon to be handed to for anyone who wants them..

why play a game that takes the highest level dungeons in the game.. and turns them into crafting material grounds....

why play a game for 1000+ hours when joe blow can buy the game and get the exact same items you have in a few weeks with much less effort.
good question.
I dare say I don't agree with this at all. I'm somewhat more than a casual player with some 1500+ hrs over the past 12 months. The amount of hard work I've put in has resulted in 6 chars through both campaigns, all cities visited, all primary elite and most non-elite skills unlocked on all chars, a nice variety of perfect (req 9 or less and max dmg) equipment for all of the chars and all of their respective lines of attributes.

All of this means I can join any team build at any of the ingame outposts and thus enjoy playing guild wars to - imo - it's full extent. I would say hard work does pay off.

The bonuses for my hard work does not come in the shape of uber-equipment; it comes in the fact that I can enjoy playing the game with a wider variety of character classes and builds!

It's not like it's hard to make money in this game, provided you put in the time needed. I've farmed, bought and sold tons of "green" equipment and made several million gold by doing so, but I really like the fact that all players are now able to get "perfect" equipment for their chars once they've turned lvl 20. I just turn to other means of making money for my next set of obsidian armor. The obsidian armor and different 15k variants is also a nice bonus; I like them but they're really not necessary.




Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



To me it’s all profit no matter what it sells for, if I am standing around do nothing such as spamming wts xxxx then I am losing money but then to each their own. I wasn’t affected by falling prices before this weekend and I am still not affected by it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

is it so that all cantha prices of greens are "price from before" :3 or is it way lower? (Since the triple drop rate)




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Zealand

Retired :)

Originally Posted by Moist Muffin
With any luck NF will have a new color weapons with a tiny bit increase in dammage or slight mod increase.
Sorry but I just have to call you on that one, very stupid idea...whats the point? Anets basis is that eveyone has an equal playing field, why do you need weapons that create unbalance between chapters even if it is tiny.

Back on topic, with new greens or similar *probably* coming out its very unlikely that prices will rise. Sought after greens price should stay stable however because there will be a lack of supply with everyone farming nightfall instead and there should still be demand with the introduction of heros.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Jersey, Channel Islands

Perfection Is Everything [PiE]


I finally got a green I'd been spending ages to get =D

I was farming it for the sake of greens, the pincers that the mantid level 10 guy drops outside of that place in the shing jea island.

lol worth 50 gold.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

The price of green never raised before.
If their price went down, it just down.
So, come to normal price? I don't think so....


Caged Mongrel

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cage in a Dungeon

Flaming Turtles


Personally, I 'farm' for greens that I need/want. Unfortunately, due to global farming trends, this can sometimes require a lot of repetitve killing to no avail. This weekend offered an opening to clear off roughly half of my green want list.

Do I mind that the prices of those greens I didn't want (but picked up anyway) went down? Nope. Sure, a few more bucks would be nice sometimes, but most often I lack useful stuff to spend it on anyway.

That all said, I personally like fighting for my own greens so I won't be taking advantage of the buyer's market.

Furthermore, most of these green will probably be dropping in price in two weeks anyway. ANet just helped the trend out a bit early.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Simple fact is..greens were never meant to be 100k+ecto weapons, greens are for those that choose not to or are too lazy to farm golds.

Greens have reached their true worth now..absolute f*ck all.