Trial/Buddy Key Requests


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Thanks Darcy


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

I've been eyeing GW for quite some time but would like a trial key to test it out first(it would also buy me some time to convince the wife of this most important purchase ).

If anyone has an extra key, for anything Guild Wars, it would be much appreciated.

[email protected]

Thanks in advance.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Can some one send me a trial key to, I have a new laptop and don't know if it will handle this game so I would like a trial first. Thanks in advance.

[email protected]



Join Date: Feb 2007

Hi. My friends and I are new to online gaming and would like to try out Guild Wars. We don't know anyone who has purchased it, though, so don't have access to any trial keys. If anyone has one key they can part with, there are 5 potential converts who would thank you for it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



hey guys, i have prophecies and i am undecisive whether to purchase factions or nightfall, if any one has a trial key or buddy key (i dont kno the diference) i would really appreciate it. if you would like something in return for 'sed' trial key jus let me know, i offer many services.

pm me please


soul dancer

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


is a buddy key only good for a one time use.... in other words one friend
and what is the epci key for....
sorru noob here



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


I currently have Prophecies and Factions and I would love to be able to try out Nightfall. If anyone has a NF trial key that they can give me, I would greatly appreciate it. I can definetely offer something in return for your kind deed.


Thrax Kun

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Centuriate Assembly


Any keys would make me happy. Just pm me btw off topic but does anyone know why I cant add my guild to database, pm me if you can help. Thanks alot.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Shadows Of The Celestial Flame


Hi guys,
Im a long time guild wars player and trying to get one of my friends into it. He wants me to find him a trial key for prophecies - so here I am.
Thanks in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction




Join Date: Jan 2007

Nova Scotia, Canada


Hi all,
I as well was wondering if anyone would have a spare buddy key for a friend to try GW, any chapter is fine. Thank you all in advance.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Ummm... ?


I've downloaded the client etc

and they said they'd supply a code with it and they haven't

This game looks amzingly cool and I was wondering if someone had a spare code that I could try before buying this game.

I would appreciate it ALOT!! if you could send me one. (PM or [email protected])

Thanks a bunch!!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


I have Prophecies and Factions and I was wondering if anyone has a Night Fall trial thing that you don't need. I really want to try it out to see if it is any good before I buy it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007


does anyone have a proph buddy cd key? i reallly wanna play prophchies because i mite buy it and i tried factions and faction sucks so i wanna try propchies

PS:and if anyone has one can u give me on and pm me appreciate tat


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


Bractwo Krwi


Hello guys.
Can someone give me trail key to GWF and GWN. I really want to play GWF and GWN because I have only Prophecies. Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Poland.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

My wife and I are also looking for a free trial access key.

We have played DAoC for years but are getting sick of the monthly fees and lack of decent updates,

So we were looking around and Guild Wars looks pretty decent on paper, we're just wanting to give it a try before committing fully with 2 accounts and all expansions etc...

That 14 day thing that the others are getting seems like it would be exactly what we would be interested in.

My wife is bedridden with cancer and mmo's are pretty much our means of entertainment, sadly we've gotten bored with our current selection of games.

Any help would be great


Ozurr Teq

Ozurr Teq

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Once upon a time, me and my girlfriend played prophecies together. I kept playing, but she had to focus her priorities elsewhere. Now that her schooling is over, id really like to get her to play nightfall with me. Can anyone PM me a trial key so she can try it before she buys it?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Hi all, i'm new to the idea of guild wars, before I go out and buy the game, I was wondering if somebody could give me there free-buddy trial access key for nightfall, I would greatly appreciate it and I dont know if it makes any difference..but i'm in Canada...if keys are different for country or whatever...

thanks, pm me one


if you would rather email it to me, [email protected] thanks

....this might take awhile....


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Castle 2_5_2 SwissLand




if someone can get me a free trial key also, I appecatie it


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Hello, I recently upgraded my computer to run the latest games (I used to be so outdated basicaly the best games I could run were diablo 2 and starcraft). Upon upgrading and speding almost $500 I was ready to dive into the pc mmorpg world. My first choice was WoW and I was dissapointed to find that the game lagged horribly in many instances, even in places where it generaly should not be lagging. I ran above reccomended and this still happens, so I think it is either the games servers itself or my running my connection through a router.

Anyway cutting to the point, I want to try a mmorpg and guild wars is the next one on my list. I donwloaded the trial and need an access key so I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could email, send me a messgae on xbox 360, or PM me one as I would really be interested in seeing if my cpu can handle the game (which it should be) and cant wait to try it out.

email: [email protected]
xbox 360 gamertag: PeteDorr (this is probably the fastest way to get it to me)



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

British Columbia, Canada


My friend recently tried a Nightfall trial that he got from another friend, and while he liked it, he really has his heart set on trying factions. All I have is a Nightfall buddy key I got in an e-mail from ArenaNet a while back.

So, if anyone has one of those "Epic" keys, that let a friend or you try Factions/Prophecies for ten hours/fourteen days, or just a trial of Factions, and you don't need it, could I get it?

If I need to, I'd be willing to trade the Nightfall Buddy key for it.

Thanks in advance,



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

I'm also looking for a trial key for Nightfall or Factions.
If any1 has one and is willing to share, I'm waiting then



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007



I'd like to give my a friend a try with GW but unfortunately I lost my booklet with the buddy key. If anyone can spare one, please PM me. Thanks.

EDIT: Nevermind, we figured something out.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Svyatoy Leagion


Umm guys and gals im new to the forums, i have both GW Prophecies and Factions but i really want NF so badly, but sadly i can't afford it...
if someone plz could like send me a key so i can play NF that'd be great, i'd even be glad to try and give u something in the game, please really need =P


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Me and a buddy want to test Guild Wars as we are quitting Wow..

Could we please get 2x test keys?

I would be greatful


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Svyatoy Leagion


Is NF really worth it? I heard it was so if someone could give me an access key that'd be great!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'm a former WoW player and I reaaaalllyy wanna try Gw, id buy it but im running low on money at the moment and need something to do lol. If anyone still has any left it would be grealty appriciated. [email protected]


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


I am wanting to try GW out before i buy it.So I was wondering if anyone had a extra buddy key they dont need Email:[email protected]


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


If anyone could send me a trail key(Or two, one for my friend too!) I'd love you! I really want to try out Nightfall, and then I'll decide if I like it or not. Please PM me!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



i posted on this forum a while ago before it was stikied, i was looking for a nightfall trial buddy, any type of key which will allow me to play it, before i buy it, i have prophecies and would like an upgrade, any help would be appreciated.

thanks in advance (again)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Castle 2_5_2 SwissLand




if someone can please send me a Nightfall one to, I be happy also..

Yeshwah Tud

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Katipunan Avenue, Q.C.


Semi off-topic but.. Hey guys, Factions is the only GW that I haven't tried.. So if anyone has a Factions Trial Key and/or Epic Trial Key that hasn't been used, can you please PM it to me? I'll trade you a Prophecies or Nightfall Trial Key for any of the two.. Thanks guys! Just PM me here..

Mr. Fahrenheit

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Anyone have a Nightfall Trial key I can borrow?
I just wanna try some skills in PvP that are only in Nightfall.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


I'm looking for a Nightfall (or even Prophecies) trial key - have a friend who says that WoW is taking up too much of his life and he needs something that gives him more time for his family. Figured it's worth a shot.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


hey if anybody has a free trial key for any of the guild wars seriese ide realy apreciate it if you could donate one 2 me i want to make sure it works on my computer before i buy it

Chaos Draven

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


The Last Of The Elites


Hey guys, I'm hoping to find a key for Prophecies or Nightfall if anybody has some spares it would be appreciated. I bought factions a few nights ago and I'm kind of disappointed with it and I'm hoping 1 of the other 2 is better and can break me from World of Crackcraft for good lol


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


Greetings all,

I've just purchased Prophecies, thanks to an gift certificate I received. Unfortunately, I'm now looking at about a 2-week wait until I receive the shipment. If anyone has a trial key they'd be willing to give out to tide me over, I'd be eternally grateful.

If, on the other hand, you want to save them for people who haven't already spent their hard-earned cash, I understand completely. I'm already hooked; you might want to save them for people who are still on the fence.



Chaos Draven

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


The Last Of The Elites


Originally Posted by Chaos Draven
Hey guys, I'm hoping to find a key for Prophecies or Nightfall if anybody has some spares it would be appreciated. I bought factions a few nights ago and I'm kind of disappointed with it and I'm hoping 1 of the other 2 is better and can break me from World of Crackcraft for good lol
ya.. nvm. I had all I could stand, I can't hardly make sense of the game and it's pretty boring imo so I'm back to wow. Wasted about $45 on this junk, anybody wanna buy it? lol



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


Originally Posted by Chaos Draven
ya.. nvm. I had all I could stand, I can't hardly make sense of the game and it's pretty boring imo so I'm back to wow. Wasted about $45 on this junk, anybody wanna buy it? lol
Factions is widely considered the worst one to start with; you would have been much happier with one of the two.

Heh you made it longer trying GW than I did trying WoW though.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007



Could someone pm me a trial key for factions or nightfall please, thank you if you would . I would really like to try this game before I'm going to buy it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

I´m thinking about buy GW, don´t know wich yet but I think the first one.
But before I buy the game I wanna try it, so I don´t buy a game I doesn´t even like. So can someone please Pm me a trial-key.