Trial/Buddy Key Requests


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

good for 10 hours or 14 weeks w/e comes first ( for nightfall )



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Xen of Oblivion


Hi all,

I need an Epic Trial buddy key (Prophecies and Factions), or just Prophecies if such a thing even exists.

I have three friends that are moving from WoW to GW, and I have hooked two of them up already with my remaining keys (they're sure to buy now that they've played, woot), but I am short one key for my last friend.

Please PM me if you have a spare Prophecies Buddy key.

Thanks in advance,


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007


Me and another friend would like to try out Nightfall, if you have 2 extra NF keys, would you kindly pm it to me?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hey, my wife and I were considering getting back into Guild Wars (it's been ages since we played last and no longer have any copies)

does anyone have one key that my wife and I could share? We are hoping to experience not only guild wars, but the expansions as well before we commit to re-buying the games....

If anyone has a trial key can you toss it to me in a PM? thanks in advance!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

If anyone still has a trial key for the original Guild Wars, I'd appreciate it! Thinking of switching from WoW. If not, a trial key from one of the expansions would work too.

Thanks in advance! I've been wanting to try this game for some time ^.^



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005



Hi, if anyone could send me a trial key for any of the chapters, that would be great! And I have gave out some keys out on this site before


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007


I've been looking at Guild Wars for quiet some time and have much interest in possibly joining the ranks of all of you in this game I've downloaded the preview version of the game, and i simply need a trial key. Could any of you please be kind enough to spare me a trial key? That way i can test thing out and let the fun begin! Thank you to those who are considering my request! Please send in a private message! Thank you.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Primeval Alliance


hi everyone
my friend wants to start playing GW but he wants to try it first and i already used my code up so can anyone pm me a trial code? Nightfall ones are preffered
it would be greatly appreciated.
Ty in advance

silent kel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

I'd really like to give Guild Wars a try before I buy. If anyone could spare a buddy key it would really be appreciated. PM please.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Could use one, but so many requests. I'll just start praying. I get Nightfall in a week.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Looking for a trial key for a friend (already gave mine away) anyone got one? Please send me a PM if you do. Thanks!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Can someone give me there trial key please, i really want to try the game before i buy it


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

I'm looking for a trial key as well. I'm actually amazed that they don't have an easier way to start the trial. You would think they would make it as easy as possible. All well. Anyone out there have a key I can use please?

edit - I'm sorry, I should have specified. I'm looking for a trial key to the original Guild Wars, not any of the expansions.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Some one be so kind to give me a trial key for guild wars Prophecies.!

Abbel Calima

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007

The Netherlands

Envoys From Above [soul]


idem dito.
If anyone has a spare prophecies key,
dont hesitate to pm me

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

HI everyone

i am new to gw and basicly online gaming. but my friend realy wants me to get this game. i liked the look of the game from the offical sight but i don't want to buy the game till i have tried it out.

so all in all i was wondering if anybody had a spare activation key it would really help.

if so could u tell me



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Order of the Migrating Coconuts



Just a bit ago, someone in Factions/Tsumei Village was offering 20k for a Buddy/Trial key...

Just wondering, is it against the various user agreements to sell a key for virtual cash? I know it is for a retail key (for obvious reasons), but the trial keys are specifically made to give to other people.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but slogging through eighteen pages looking for the answer while my poor assassin sits and rots in the background isn't any fun :3

Thanks to whoever answers~

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

If u do have a key i will look through the forums for u to find out for u

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

Originally Posted by Septfox

Just a bit ago, someone in Factions/Tsumei Village was offering 20k for a Buddy/Trial key...

Just wondering, is it against the various user agreements to sell a key for virtual cash? I know it is for a retail key (for obvious reasons), but the trial keys are specifically made to give to other people.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but slogging through eighteen pages looking for the answer while my poor assassin sits and rots in the background isn't any fun :3

Thanks to whoever answers~
to that i have looked through this forum and have to tell u that no where does it say it is against the rules.

it is up to u but if u do give it to me thank you so much and if i decied to get NF then i will pm u that buddy key so u can still get 20k for it. it may just take a little longer

your choice but thanks anyway

let me have it.......


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Order of the Migrating Coconuts


It was prolly a fluke anyway, the guy didn't want it once I actually found the bloody thing :P

Soooo, I give it to you. 'tis a key that should let you try both Prophecies and Factions out, so if you don't like one, try the other before deciding it all sucks. *PMs it*

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

ok thank u so much


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

My brother gave me GW Nightfall and he did install it on his pc. He registered the access key to create an account. Now I try installing the game on my pc, but the access key has already been used and I get an error (Code=103). I've contacted support, haven't heard back. My brother deleted the game off of his pc, is there a way to reuse the access key? Is there a tracer on his harddrive that shows the access key is in use?




Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


I've been playing Guild Wars since December 2005, though due to hiatuses and involvement in other games, I haven't gotten all the way back into the game, as in I lack Factions.

I was in the FPE, but as we know, that started you off on the mainland, and I'd like to see this Shing Jea Monastery business and whatnot.

In short - if anyone has a spare Factions trial key, could you give it to me? (PM me) I'll repay you with an imaginary forum cookie.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Ive been thinking about buying GW, just thought that maybe I should give it a try before I spend the money. I would love to try Prophecy or Nightfall, preferrebly not Faction b/c Ive read that is the least beginner friendly, but if thats the only one available I wont complain. Hope to see you all in game soon.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Hi everyone,
Ive been researching Guild Wars (reading reviews etc) for the past couple of weeks and i have become very interested , It would be great to be able to try the game out and was wondering if anyone had a trial key for Guild Wars Nightfall?

Thanks in advance

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]



i have the most wonderfullest (not a word) news ever!!

I bought a game of the year edition for a friend of mine and inside the game was a copy of Nightfall and Faction key codes!

The gods(if you believe in them/him) have smiled upon me this day and to 2 lucky people.

The Buddy key and the trial key inside the Nightfall key that was inclosed will be given to the first 2 people that message me here!.

As for the account codes themselves ill think of a contest maybe or give them aways as i can't sell them

(Btw this will be my 3rd or 4th time giving away a buddy and trial key)

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

Loki check ur PMs

ThE CrUsAdEr

ThE CrUsAdEr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Australia, melbourne

my friend wants to try GW


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Sent you a PM Loki

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


watch those double posting crusader

given both away ty

now to find away to get rid of the real keys...and no i will not give them away free...feel free to pm me with contest ideas


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Order of the Migrating Coconuts


Originally Posted by Goregasm
My brother gave me GW Nightfall and he did install it on his pc. He registered the access key to create an account. Now I try installing the game on my pc, but the access key has already been used and I get an error (Code=103). I've contacted support, haven't heard back. My brother deleted the game off of his pc, is there a way to reuse the access key? Is there a tracer on his harddrive that shows the access key is in use?

Nope, it's stored on their server. Once a key is used, that's it---it can't be used for another account. You'll need to log in with his account username/pass if you wanna play :P

Campanella and SirJD: I've got a buddy/trial key for each. Let me know if you still need'em.

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


gave one to Camp is the only one that needs one now

thnx for helping people Sept


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Yep, Loki sent me one so im fine, thanks for all the help guys, im just about to start the trial, im pretty excited

Thanks again,

[email protected]*

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm new here, and I found out about this place while cherching for a cd key for one of the Gw games. Previously, I had GW prophetie but the account belonged to my friend so he when he wanted it back, he took it, leaving me with nothing.

<--So yeah, can anyone help this nub whith the buddy key or whatever.


Ps : Sry for my grammar but my first language isn't english.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Hey could anyone drop me a Nightfall buddy Key. I've been playing WOW for awhile and want to see how this game compares.

Thanks in advance.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

I have just been looking around for a new game of this genre and this game is the one i chose because it lookes good and there is no monthly fee
and i was wondering if i could also get a key for any of the games (prefferably prophecies) oh and do i need a cd to install before i can use this key? thank you


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

hi all i want try gw maibe someone can give me trial key?i want try and after maibe i buy it...tks


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007



i would really like to try this game before i buy it so please lend me a buddy key please


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

Does anyone have a Prophecies one? Even if it includes Factions that would be very helpful as I'd liek to try those out! Thanks if you do have one.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

I've been looking at guild wars. I'm an Ex WoW player who is looking for a more pvp orientated game, but also a game I don't need to dedicate my life to.

If somone has a key I could use to try it out, I'd greatly appreciate it!