Healbot Blues: Updates & Talkback!
HO-HO-HO from Healbot! Hopefully everyone got a new GW product for Xmas. If not, be a grenchie and go steal one from a noob.
A year of comics is a lot of work, check out this picture:
A year of comics is a lot of work, check out this picture:
that's a lot of paper
keep up the comics

Jeff Highwind
I still laugh at Red Nails Xue panicking over losing a Water E/mo to henches.
Great comic.. you got much talent there...
I hope you take good care of those stuff.
New Elonian Hero Comic!
Almost as good as spiked 'nogg...
New Elonian Hero Comic!

Almost as good as spiked 'nogg...
Jeff Highwind
Ahahah Olias made me laugh so hard.
Serves her right for not being there when she's going to be the star witness at MY trial. Lyssa knows how many lives could have been saved if she'd been there to recount that conversation she overheard to General Morgahn...
Serves her right for not being there when she's going to be the star witness at MY trial. Lyssa knows how many lives could have been saved if she'd been there to recount that conversation she overheard to General Morgahn...
rofl, nice new comic

Giga Strike
ya, i always thought that she was a royal wuss.
Hyper Cutter
rofl, poor Tahlkora. And that is one BIG Heket...
Also, apparently Olias is a jerk.
Also, apparently Olias is a jerk.
That's one of the drawbacks of being a Vabbian Princess, that's for sure.
Sihaya Syme
I got the link to your comic from a friend a few months ago and I love it!
So I figured that, since I'm finally here, I should drop a post in and tell you you've got an extra fan
Too bad about the pins
Please keep up the brilliant work in the next year!
So I figured that, since I'm finally here, I should drop a post in and tell you you've got an extra fan

Too bad about the pins

Please keep up the brilliant work in the next year!
Ulivious The Reaper
WHY OH WHY DID *insert spoiler warning here* KEHANNI HAVE TO DIE SHE WAS HOT talkhora so should have taken her place
Giga Strike
i was looking back through the old comics and noticed that healbot is holding a doll that looks a bit like kormir in "factions preview", which is way before nightfall was released. is the doll supposed to look like any character or am i imagining things?
Originally Posted by Ulivious The Reaper
WHY OH WHY DID *insert spoiler warning here* KEHANNI HAVE TO DIE SHE WAS HOT talkhora so should have taken her place
[SPOILER]Because General Morgahn thought she was hot long before the PCs met her.[/SPOILER]
Healbot has an Evennia stuffie in the "Faction Weekend" strip.

aramdol: I don't see it either.
I don't understand why no one ever tought of rezzing Kehanni...

Giga Strike
Originally Posted by labsenpai
Healbot has an Evennia stuffie in the "Faction Weekend" strip.
oooooohhhhh...just goes to show you how long its been since i did the prophecies campaign.

Kit Engel
Originally Posted by EPO Bot
I don't understand why no one ever tought of rezzing Kehanni...
She wasn't partied up with anyone alive when she died, and there's no resurrection orbs on that map.

Well, I'm thinking my Xmas present for the Anet team must have gone down some postal black hole. My inquiries about its arrival have gone unanswered. I suppose I could remake the contents...
Jeff Highwind
The Good ol'American postal system, screwing things over since the stagecoach was invented.
Ulivious The Reaper
Originally Posted by EPO Bot
I don't understand why no one ever tought of rezzing Kehanni...
same can be said of rurik AND togo..

Jeff Highwind
Someone DID revive Rurik...while he was decomposing. And Togo was an idiot, I could care less if he rots.
Giga Strike
congrats on 100,000 views! yay!
Yes, lots more people than I expected.
I do wish there would be more than one donator per 10,000 unique visitors, but I guess that can't be helped. Maybe button merchandise should be offered...
I'm lagging on this week's comic due to videocard problems that kept me shutdown for a couple days. Gotta order a new cooler...
I do wish there would be more than one donator per 10,000 unique visitors, but I guess that can't be helped. Maybe button merchandise should be offered...
I'm lagging on this week's comic due to videocard problems that kept me shutdown for a couple days. Gotta order a new cooler...

In honor of GWG being the number one referrer for my site, and how everyone here loooves CONTESTS, I present to you the 2007 DESIGN A HEALBOT BUTTON COMPETITION!!!
Why? Because having just eleven buttons doesn't fly.
Where? Make a SINGLE post here with your idea. (FYI - I'm the sole judge...along with Healbot).
How? Look at the existing designs, which are intended to be sold as pins. Clear your mind of everything but GW and Healbot and try to think of something cool that fits in a ONE INCH CIRCLE and isn't offensive to wear. Limited text allowed.
Reward? The winner will get to choose one of 2 SPECIAL prizes!
Why? Because having just eleven buttons doesn't fly.
Where? Make a SINGLE post here with your idea. (FYI - I'm the sole judge...along with Healbot).
How? Look at the existing designs, which are intended to be sold as pins. Clear your mind of everything but GW and Healbot and try to think of something cool that fits in a ONE INCH CIRCLE and isn't offensive to wear. Limited text allowed.
Reward? The winner will get to choose one of 2 SPECIAL prizes!
Jeff Highwind
Can I do multiple ideas?
For now, my idea is:
Angry ranger saying "NEEDS MORE B/P!!"
And holy crap I wanna use "RANGERS RULE!" as my avatar.
For now, my idea is:
Angry ranger saying "NEEDS MORE B/P!!"
And holy crap I wanna use "RANGERS RULE!" as my avatar.

Giga Strike
does it have to include your artwork?
A female monk with hearts around her saying "Monkie love." xD (I want this
[edit] Only 1 per person ;-; so I take out my second suggestion. :d

[edit] Only 1 per person ;-; so I take out my second suggestion. :d
Giga Strike
ya maybe we could take the pic of healbot next to lili frog and add hearts. im already wondering about her after the japanese healbot comic anyway.

after clearing my mind of everything but GW and Healbot. i think it would be fun to have a button of the err=7 scroll in Healbot Blues episode 13.
One submitted concept per person. Spamming will trigger Healbot to use Aura of Disqualification on you.
I will draw the art for the button, if it isn't from a previous comic like the others.
At the scale of these buttons, you can fit about one character from the waist up. I can fit an entire "super-deformed" figure...like the Charr shown above.
I will draw the art for the button, if it isn't from a previous comic like the others.
At the scale of these buttons, you can fit about one character from the waist up. I can fit an entire "super-deformed" figure...like the Charr shown above.
Knighte Slayer
how about a baby character saying "LFR"
Giga Strike
when do we have to submit our ideas by?
Sihaya Syme
I'm buying ALL of them when they become available xD
Now to think on an entry...
How and when do we have to submit?
Now to think on an entry...
How and when do we have to submit?

How about a W/Mo using mending, wielding a vampiric weapon, and begging for gold for new leet armor in town. I know it want fit on a button but I do see a lot of people in towns begging for money in chat so they can by armor. And the W/Mo using mending, wielding a vampiric weapon is just downright funny.

My contribution:
A monk wearing old and worn clothes carrying a little bowl asking for 5 gold :P (the monk should be your monk ofcourse)
A monk wearing old and worn clothes carrying a little bowl asking for 5 gold :P (the monk should be your monk ofcourse)
The Real Avalon
Random background spam goes:
Healbot in front with a smile, with her finger on the little 'V', and the message:
"Disable Trade Chat Ftw!"
Perhaps an end to the 'WTB' message with some sort of crossing out the text
Healbot in front with a smile, with her finger on the little 'V', and the message:
"Disable Trade Chat Ftw!"
Perhaps an end to the 'WTB' message with some sort of crossing out the text