Smart Armor System v3.0~Change AL,Skins,Insignias,Runes while in towns/outposts

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Scroll down to read about:
1. Smart Armor Version 3.0 which allows the changing of armor skins, as well as the Armor Level (AL).
2. Smart Armor System for Guild Wars 2
3. One can also voice out one's support for the Guild Wars 2 Concept Armor System here.

Off-Topic: Here is a Guild Wars related article written by a Guild Wars fan boy which might be amusing to read.

Hello everyone,

Yes, it is me and my "Essence Armor" idea again, however this time I will call it the "Smart Armor System".

Even though I think the new Armor Insignia system is nice, still I hope for a similiar feature that is proposed in this topic of discussion to be implemented into Guild Wars in the future.

The proposed idea:
- Armor can absorb and remember all kinds of Insignias & Runes
NOTE: All kinds of Insignia that your character can use.
Obviously, a Warrior primary cannot use Mesmer Insignias, etc.

- Armor can change its stats to whatever Insignia & Rune it has absorbed

For example:

[Radiant][\/] Primeval Gauntlets of [Superior Swordsmanship][\/]

While my character is in any town or outpost and not in combat areas such as PvP battles, missions and explorable areas, I can click on the [\/] can choose from a list of Insignias & Runes that this particular piece of Primeval Gauntlets has absorbed and remembered to become something like the following instead:

[Stonefist][\/] Primeval Gauntlets of [Attunement][\/]

If you like/support/love or dislike/object/hate this idea, please share with the rest of us your reasons/opinions/point of view/2 cents/etc.


Signed / Agree / Yes / Support
Tuoba Hturt Eht, martyr migraine, dgb, arcanemacabre, Blightfire, Elena, The Muffen Man, jjs80, mega_jamie, alexthefire, generik, Chipp Zanuff, Gregslot, Series, King Symeon, broodijzer, Joao Ninguem, Zexion, brokenmonkey, greyf0x_f0x, aaronsgh, Solar_Takfar, Deleet, Akimi Akatsuki, The Silver Star, MrEctoplasma, Not A Fifty Five, holymasamune, Riou McDohl, Sidra, Cataclysm, Poison Ivy, Mathias Deathwater, Lynxius Pardonus, Kamer, Dalimoor_Kalkire, MrTwisted, Riplox, omcginty44, DreamWind, Omnidragon42, birdfoot, legion_rat, Jessyi, bunneh, bamm bamm bamm, Bryant Again, phasola, Hypernecrofear, You just got tomahawked, ЪngêR!, GranDeWun, Riesz, MithranArkanere ,Sir Mad, Relnor, Niku Kune, Elemental Cotton, BustroQuick, Cataclysm, Quid Pro Quo, Nexus Icon, Altair, Alya, Crom The Pale, «Ripskin, Bartuc Galadwor, Sientir, Dalimoor_Kalkire, ennea, Anon-e-mouse, Flukie Lukie, yayrichie, Cybergasm, The Mad Man, Imperator209, Losttoapathy, Pandemonium Angel, azathothx, Woop Shotty, TideSwayer, thedork01, Rakeman, jummeth, dbulger, Liberations, Joe Steele, Xpl0iter, Cherrie, gene terrodon, Sado The One, tjcochran01, Infinity^, czymann, Andrew_, mwpeck, Enix, Wretchman Drake, Buzzer, Kai Nui, Orinn, RagnarArthurson, -.-, Archon Calran, roalgumo7, drekmonger, Kendar Muert, DeathByBowtie, Cid, ericdanie, Retribution X, Lord-UWR, FelixCarter, pixiLated, chaoticmadness, MrSlayer, drupal, Beat_Go_Stick, Freon41, Apoc, Dragonious, Fallen Hunter, Saraphim, Sqube, absolutionx, Shady79, darkdawn, getalifebud, Puebert, yazzy, Rockby Quickfoot, Starfleet Commando, Senrath, MrTickle, Geckoo, Tactical-Dillusions, Pan Head, Master Ketsu, Wulfgast, Whisper Evenstar, beanerman_99, Lokomotiv, BrotherGilburt, Tarun, Thug, Bryant Again, Takuna, DeathShadowX, Master Sword Keeper, blakecraw, jjtrasher, CR3AT0R, Atomheart, TiggerDeathDagger, electrolust, Holy, UltimaSlash, 0phelia, eggs0wn, R F O X, Antonius Talm, kifli555, Kairu2468, FenrirOfSleipnir, Enix, R!ghteous Ind!gnation, Targren, JaiGaia, deadman_uk, OI-812, Whirlwind, Phoenix Tears, Shadow Spirit, Äaron, creelie, LuckyGiant, Tonis, Wish Swiftdeath, Aera Lure, Knight Othin Of War, Lady Raenef, wolfmane, Vijnana Baji, Stranger The Ranger, AuraofMana, fowlero, Sir Tificate, Ixl Krosstika Ixl, genofreek, VinnyRidira, MywayFtw, Fried Tech, Sniper22, GloryFox,

Un-Signed / Dis-Agree / No / Object
FrogDevourer, Aeon_Xin, Puliver, Thom The Brawler, Charr, Red Sonya, TheLichMonky, Moral55, The Blade From Hell,

Smart Armor System Version 2.0 (SASv2) (Added 23 Dec 06)
Similar to its predecessor, the SASv2 enables the changing of Armor Insignias and Runes while the character is residing in outposts / towns. However, the SASv2 is also capable of changing the skin of the armor as well.

[Radiant][\/] [Primeval][\/] Gauntlets of [Minor][\/][Tactics][\/]

By clicking on the [\/] respectively, the Armor Insignias, Skins and Runes can be changed while the character is residing in outposts / towns.

The respective Armor Insignias, Skins and Runes must be acquired and absorbed into each of the armor pieces before they are able to change its Armor Insignias, Skins and Runes while the character is residing in outposts / towns.

The headpiece will function like the heroes' headpiece, gaining +1 attribute based on what type of rune is currently applied on it.

To continue the concept of armor as a gold sink, a reasonble fee consisting of gold and possibly some additional crafting materials would be charged upon the user that wishes to infuse together armor pieces of different skins.


1. Please indicate if you wish to support the implementation of SASv2
(For example:
"/signed for SASv2"
"I like the idea of SASv2 and would like to see it implemented into Guild Wars."
2. I will put your names herebelow if you already signed for the prototype Smart Armor System, or by from what you wrote in your post.

Signed / Agree / Yes / Support
Tuoba Hturt Eht, -.-, Relnor, Poison Ivy, ericdanie, FelixCarter, azathothx, Beat_Go_Stick, Freon41, Saraphim, Shady79, darkdawn, getalifebud, Puebert, yazzy, MrTickle, Geckoo, Master Ketsu, Lokomotiv, DeathShadowX, Master Sword Keeper, blakecraw, Kairu2468, FenrirOfSleipnir, Enix, R!ghteous Ind!gnation, Cherng Butter, Targren, JaiGaia, deadman_uk, OI-812, Whirlwind, Phoenix Tears, Shadow Spirit, Äaron, Shayne Hawke, creelie, LuckyGiant, Tonis, Wish Swiftdeath, Aera Lure, birdfoot, Knight Othin Of War, System_Crush, Lady Raenef, wolfmane, Vijnana Baji, Stranger The Ranger, AuraofMana, fowlero, Sir Tificate, Ixl Krosstika Ixl, genofreek, VinnyRidira, MywayFtw, Fried Tech, Sniper22, GloryFox, RotteN,

Un-Signed / Dis-Agree / No / Object

Smart Armor System Version 3.0 (SASv3) (Added 10 March 2007)
Version History:
Smart Armor System (SAS)
- Change Insignias & Runes while in towns / outposts
[Radiant][\/] Primeval Gauntlets of [Superior Tactics][\/]

Smart Armor System Version 2.0 (SASv2)
- Change Skins, Insignias & Runes while in towns / outposts
[Radiant][\/] [Primeval][\/] Gauntlets of [Superior Tactics][\/]

Smart Armor System Version 3.0 (SASv3)
- Change AL, Skins, Insignias & Runes while in towns / outposts
[Radiant][\/] [Primeval][\/] Gauntlets of [Superior Tactics][\/][80AL][\/]

As shown above, the Smart Armor System Version 3.0 (SASv3) would allow our characters to have an even greater depth of flexibility in fine-tuning the statistical values of our characters' armor to our liking.

With the implementation of the SASv3, your characters can do spirit bond farming while wearing Obsidian Armor!

Instead of throwing away (or selling to NPC Merchant) old armor (non-max AL) and crafting entirely new ones, the armor would be upgraded to be able to switch to different AL (different levels of non-max ALs & max AL) if so desired. Armor would become even more personalized than before.


1. Please indicate if you wish to support the implementation of SASv3
(For example:
"/signed for SASv3"
"I like the idea of SASv3 and would like to see it implemented into Guild Wars."
2. I will put your names herebelow if you already signed for the prototype Smart Armor System, or by from what you wrote in your post.

Signed / Agree / Yes / Support
Tuoba Hturt Eht, blakecraw, Vonturn Runesworth, Kairu2468, FenrirOfSleipnir, Enix, R!ghteous Ind!gnation, Mangione, Targren, JaiGaia, deadman_uk, OI-812, blakecraw, Whirlwind, Phoenix Tears, TaCktiX, Shadow Spirit, Äaron, creelie, Tonis, Wish Swiftdeath, Aera Lure, Knight Othin Of War, Lady Raenef, wolfmane, Vijnana Baji, Stranger The Ranger, AuraofMana, fowlero, Sir Tificate, Ixl Krosstika Ixl, genofreek, VinnyRidira, MywayFtw, Fried Tech, Sniper22, GloryFox, RotteN,

Un-Signed / Dis-Agree / No / Object

Proposed Method of implementing Smart Armor Version 3.0
Armors in its current state, have 2 variables, them being:
1. Runes (+1,+2,+3 to attributes)
2. Insignias (AL modifiers)
As of now, Runes and Insignias can be salvaged off armor dropped by various armor wearing mobs or bought from a Rune Trader located in Towns and PvP Outposts.

In order to achieve the features of SASv3, I propose the following 2 variables to be added:
3. Essence (Armor Skins)
4. Core (AL)
The above two can only be crafted by armor crafters. Once crafted, the said Essence and / or Core are merged into our armor.

I can only hope that an armor system similar to the above proposed would be implemented in Guild Wars 2, an armor system that does not force our characters to dispose off their armor, but instead upgrade it as they (our characters) progress throughout the game. As time passes by, our characters would have developed a truly personalized unique set of armor.

Again, if you like or dislike the above ideas and wish to voice your support or objection, please feel free to do so by stating clearly in your post.

Also, please feel free to use the "Rate this Thread" button to rate this topic of discussion to your liking. Say, giving it 5 stars if you really love this thread, or 1 star if you dislike it, etc.


Smart Armor System - Guild Wars 2 (SAS-GW2) (Added 30 March 2007)

Basically, the concept is as follows:
- character never needs to discard armor
- existing armor is upgraded by various armorers as character progresses
- armor is capable of altering its appearance and stats after various upgrades
- various materials and cost (gold?) is required for the armor upgrades
- possibly special items required for special armors (unique skins)


1. Please indicate if you wish to support the implementation of SAS-GW2
(For example:
"/signed for SAS-GW2"
"I like the idea of SAS-GW2 and would like to see it implemented into Guild Wars."
2. I will put your names herebelow if you already signed for the prototype Smart Armor System, or by from what you wrote in your post.

Signed / Agree / Yes / Support
Tuoba Hturt Eht, Velath, FenrirOfSleipnir, Enix, R!ghteous Ind!gnation, Targren, JaiGaia, deadman_uk, OI-812, Whirlwind, Phoenix Tears, Shadow Spirit, Äaron, creelie, Tonis, Wish Swiftdeath, Aera Lure, Knight Othin Of War, Lady Raenef, wolfmane, Vijnana Baji, Stranger The Ranger, AuraofMana, fowlero, Sir Tificate, Ixl Krosstika Ixl, genofreek, VinnyRidira, MywayFtw, Fried Tech, Sniper22, GloryFox,

Un-Signed / Dis-Agree / No / Object

Notes: (These apply to all versions of the SAS)
0. A new "Armor Window" to accommodate this new feature.
1. This feature should be applicable to armors in all chapters of Guild Wars, existing chapters and future chapters. i.e: Prophesies Armor, Factions Armor, FOW Armor (Suggested by Priest of Sin, aaronsgh, and many more)
2. Head gear should work like our heroes's (Suggested by Series)
3. The "Smart Armor System" would be applicable on Heroes' Armor as well. (Suggested by greyf0x_f0x)
4. PvP character's armor have this function as well.
5. Smart Armor System is per character per armor piece, not per account. (Suggested by MrTwisted)
6. Under the "Smart Armor System", Insignias and Runes, once absorbed into said armor piece, cannot be salvaged off. (Suggested by yayrichie)
7. "Old Armor" can be upgraded into "Smart Armor" via NPC (Suggested by drekmonger)

Comprehensive Feedback from the Community of GWG:
1. Read about TideSwayer's comment by clicking here.
2. Check out Xpl0iter's post by clicking here for a proposal regarding this idea.
3. Click here for Freon41's thoughts regarding the Smart Armor System.
4. Click the following for MithranArkanere's contribution to this topic of discussion:
Post No. 66
Post No. 263
Post No. 265
Post No. 270
Post No. 274
5. System_Crush shares his views regarding this topic:
Post No. 294

Note: If you wish to have your name appear in the "Signed" or "Un-Signed" sections hereabove, please do a /sign /agree /yes /support in your post. Or /un-sign /dis-agree /no /object if otherwise. Thank you.

P/S: If you like/love this thread, please rate it. Thank you.

Topics of Discussions of similiar nature:
11-22-2006 | Lord Zado | Armor: Final Solution?
11-08-2006 | Karmaniac | Petition: Insignias available for Tyrian/Canthan armor
11-06-2006 | Sable Phoenix | Insignia Prices Must Be Frozen
11-05-2006 | Monk Mystic | Why i believe armor insignias are retarded.
11-03-2006 | Rhedd | Runes, Insignias, Heroes, and Math
11-03-2006 | Priest of Sin | Armor Insignias: Make them retroactive, please
11-02-2006 | Clawdius_Talonious | Petition to allow Insignias to stack
11-02-2006 | hidden_agenda| Proposal: Insignia Crafter
11-02-2006 | azuresun | [Petition] Insignias & Inscriptions For All Campaigns
11-01-2006 | Tuoba Hturt Eht | Petition: 0% Item Destruction when salvaging Insignia/Runes from own Armor
10-31-2006 | Zinger314 | Insignia Vendor
10-30-2006 | Oh a GW forum | How have insignias made anything easier? *revised*
08-10-2006 | Cybah | Change your fow armor stats :: Price: 100k each time you change
08-06-2006 | Hella Good | Armor TYPEs change option in Nightfall?
07-14-2006 | Sarevok Thordin | Default Armor modification NPC
06-09-2006 | Pompeyfan | Armour crafter to change stats
05-20-2006 | Cybah | Make FOW armor stats changeable !? (closed thread)
05-05-2006 | LifeInfusion | Armor modder
05-06-2006 | Tuoba Hturt Eht | Essence Armor - Able to change armor stats, runes while in town

martyr migraine

martyr migraine

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

new zealand, mount maunganui, beach FTW!

Dragon Storm (DRGN)


Signed/agree/support, bah, the whole lot of em!

idea is awesome, means we can spend less time farming for armours and more time having fun playing the game


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Signed. I honestly think this is necessary for PVE characters to become viable in PVP again - it's just way too much effort to have to buy runes everytime you need to change a stat.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

/signed most definately


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

/signed its also a big space hog.... to have one set of armor for every build.. i easily have at least 3 builds per char that requires me to have a different set of equip



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


/signed with glitter pen

i like this idea would make everything so much easier

The Muffen Man

The Muffen Man

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Druery Lane


/signed for all of it


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006




Excellent idea!

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Thank you all for the support and feedback, it is much appreciated.

Added a note to the original post of this topic of discussion, just in case someone gets confused with what I wrote up there.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


i saw the title and was ready to point outt he old link, nice to see you've rejuvenated interest in your idea.


Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Updated the original post of this topic of discussion to include links to various other related topics of discussion found in both Sardelac Sanitarium and Riverside Inn.

Keep 'em feedback comin!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Super armor all in one, wow!

Chipp Zanuff

Chipp Zanuff

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005


Organization of XIII



:Omg really nice idea there



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006



first they have to add the new insignea system to all armors



Join Date: Aug 2006

This deserves a /sign. I would actually save up for a 15k armor then, instead of buying 3 different 5k sets like I do now (or at least DID in factions and such).

However, the headgear wont work with this. You'd need several headgears anyway... maybe our headgears could work like hero headgear does?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Don't we all just love Tuoba's threads?




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006




awesome idea.

Joao Ninguem

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


but anet is not gonna do this =/

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated.

Regarding Joao Ninguem's comment of "but anet is not gonna do this", this is not 100% true.

ANET would consider implementing ideas/proposals/new features/suggestions given that if there is a large enough demand for it.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Warrior Nation [WN]


Definately signed. I actually spoke of this with my guild (Warrior Nation casual) today, and they liked it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Uh... Isn't this almost exactly like that essence armour concept you posted way back when?

Not that I disagree about it being a good idea...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue





Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


DVD Forums [DVDF]



It's not often I sign petitions, but this is a beautifully simple concept that would solve the current trend of ever-increasing armour costs. If it were expanded to include hero armour, It would make those a lot cheaper to maintain too.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Warrior's Isle

Negative Zero [nO]


nightfall update made pve chars cumbersome to equip and fully effectively in pvp...
it should not have been like this because some of us have invested a lot of time and effort in they pve chars prior to NF

OT, also, pls make fow armor = NF armor... ><


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


this is a Good idea.

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Again, I must express my appreciation to those who replied to this topic of discussion, your feedback will help make Guild Wars a better game.

In reply to Cjlr's question:
Yes, you are correct, this is almost exactly like the essence armor concept that I posted 5 months ago, except that back then ANET did not reveal its plan for Armor Insignias in Nightfall.

Now that the concept of Armor Insignias is unleashed upon the public by ANET, I believe people would better understand the flexibility and usefulness offered by the proposed "Smart Armor System" that is being discussed in this topic of discussion.

I have updated the original post in this topic of discussion to include the feedback of the community.

Kindly check and see if you still agree with what is being proposed in this topic of discussion.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


Rule Thirty Four [prOn]


I was actually expecting NF to have thus upon release..

/signed !

Akimi Akatsuki

Akimi Akatsuki

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Las Vegas

Lose Your Nerve



Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


/signed if able to change while in pve explorable areas -- since yer able to armor swap in pve anyway, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to under this system.

The Silver Star

The Silver Star

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

UK, Scotland

Il Guild Name Il



Should of been like this originally in Nightfall, Also make Obsidian armor fully customizable, thanks.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

/signed... and retroactive with canthan and especially Tyrian armors.

Not A Fifty Five

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Creating guild





I like yumy food!

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I can eat yumy food

Dead Alley [dR]



i'd prefer not to spend 1k every time to buy a +10 health rune for a pvp game just so i'd have that additional edge.

Riou McDohl

Riou McDohl

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Defenders of Aderon [DoA]



I'd rarther have the Canthan system, but this is a step in the right direction. I haven't bothered to buy any more armours in NF, because it costs more just to get the set to the standard of the previous releases.

We're paying the same amount for 'less' basicly at the moment. Either go back to making armour Tyr/Can style with premade stats, or allow this.



Join Date: Aug 2006

A system like this needs to take place...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006




/signed. Sounds really cool. Don't have any objections at all. Sure beats carrying around 5 sets of armor 0.0

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


Added a new link to the "Topics of Discussion of similiar nature".
Added new note "4. PvP character's armor have this function as well."

Keep the feedback comin' in!

I will be very, very happy if ANET decided to finally implement the "Smart Armor System", or at least something similiar, the new Armor Insignia system introduced with the release of Nightfall is a step towards that direction.




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]




Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006





(Personally, I think they should just make PvE armor like PvP armor, and remove Rune Traders and Runes from ever dropping. When you press V, it shows a list of all the armor you own, and you can change insigmas/runes at your will without charge)

Mathias Deathwater

Mathias Deathwater

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

In a maze of twisty passages, all alike

Fifteen Over Fifty

This is exactly what I had hoped would happen with nightfall armors in the first place: the ability to further expand your character's flexibility without it being a huge time/money sink. At this point, having different armor for anything more than different skins has become almost as cumbersome as the attribute refund points used to be.
