How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

in a house

The Knitters Guild


Well I have died over 115,000 times and currently have my war at lvl 19 33% to next lvl.

I do enjoy the extreem fast killing with him and the fire imp. If I get to lvl 20 then my imp goes away bu the title will go in my hall.

So, I am all things GW;EN so....once I get it.. I am OFF TO my HALL, but not before I lvl my ranger up a bit..

Knight of Ninestars

Knight of Ninestars

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009

Penn State

X Peace and Love X


Originally Posted by Covah View Post go go

Video guide to deathleveling.

We really should get the guides updated tho :P

Originally Posted by imnotyourmother View Post
Well I have died over 115,000 times and currently have my war at lvl 19 33% to next lvl.
My pure War had around 130k deaths, but i disconnected a lot.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


I never finished my LDoA because of other time consuming things but now finally after 620 hours and 77k deaths later my Necromancer is up to level 17 and 80% \o/

My second account has a Warrior who also is currently at, 779 hours and 73k deaths and is up to level 17 and 46%

The only problem for me is constant night time disconnections (They rock my world) In a BAD way !!! Still, It's onwards and upwards !!! How is everyone else coming along?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006



I had been lvl 15 for about 20 or so months on my necro, got level 16 though, but that was about 3 months ago lol. Constant night dc's are my major deterrent too >.< ive decided to only work on my necro during breaks from schoool, so it should be a bit before i turn 20



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

United Kingdom Essex

Fight For The Win


I got almost all pve titles now except unlucky and this. I just cant get motivated to do this title. It takes ages. I /Clap anyone who has acheived it.

I personally think this is definatly the hardest PvE title to get. It bugs me to think i will complete HoM calculator except this. Thats why i want it but also find it hard to get motivated as i said as i dont need it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2010

Vancouver Island, BC

Halo Combat Evolved-Super Snipers


Does the character have to leave pre for the title to show in HoM or can another character on the account display the monument for the pre character?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

United Kingdom Essex

Fight For The Win


I am 99% sure it has to be that char unfortunatly so it can not stay pre-searing and commit title to HoM.

Icy The Mage

Icy The Mage

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2008



Just a quick fix for you guys getting constant night D/Cs, if you hold down your turn left or turn right key (usually A or D) and hit your cancel action key (usually escape) you will spin in place. I`ve had great success in not being disconnected while doing this, so I`ve adopted it whilst Death Leveling as well as those blasted 9-rings



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2009

The Netherlands


Just a tip for people getting dc's:

WARNING! we do not know if auto-clickers will get you banned by Anet. So it's your own risk if you do this. If you have used it for drunkard bot etc. before. You prolly wouldn't mind using it again anyways.

Okey. it's very easy. You have to find out the cordinates of the "Yes" button that appears on the box when Guild Wars asks you if you want to reconnect. Now when you sleep, you can't press this "Yes" button. And therefor you get disconnected after 20 minutes. If you know the cordinates. You start ur clickerbot at the end of you DL setup, set interval at 1 minute or so. and go AFK. Now when ever you lose your internet. It's not a biggie, because when the reconnect box appears, you will automatically click "Yes" every minute and eventually reconnect to the game

But like i said before. I am not responsible for bans etc. Attempt at own risk.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2010



cool guide,i better start working on title


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2010


Originally Posted by Snograt View Post
But wouldn't the xp be shared, thus making it just as slow?
No, because charr necros have mark of pain which if there are lots of physicals in your deathleveling group will deal tons of damage to both characters


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Anyone done the calculations as to what point is the best level to kill Charr off at? I've heard both player lvl -1 and player lvl a lot. Just going through rough calculations in my head it seems pretty close, but I've heard some people tell me to always kill them at a certain level so I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious? As far as I can tell its close enough that the loss of time due to them gaining half XP to next level before you kill them pretty much makes everything else statistically insignificant and the most efficient way is to simply kill them whenever you see their group level up in the range of your level +-2 to rein in the lost XP of half-leveled groups.

Originally Posted by Warvic View Post
Just a tip for people getting dc's:

WARNING! we do not know if auto-clickers will get you banned by Anet. So it's your own risk if you do this. If you have used it for drunkard bot etc. before. You prolly wouldn't mind using it again anyways.

Okey. it's very easy. You have to find out the cordinates of the "Yes" button that appears on the box when Guild Wars asks you if you want to reconnect. Now when you sleep, you can't press this "Yes" button. And therefor you get disconnected after 20 minutes. If you know the cordinates. You start ur clickerbot at the end of you DL setup, set interval at 1 minute or so. and go AFK. Now when ever you lose your internet. It's not a biggie, because when the reconnect box appears, you will automatically click "Yes" every minute and eventually reconnect to the game

But like i said before. I am not responsible for bans etc. Attempt at own risk.
You can get the same effect simply pressing the enter key. That should be completely untraceable by Anet if you are afraid of getting detected as a bot. Not that I think there is any real chance of that happening.

Originally Posted by Acehole2006 View Post
I got almost all pve titles now except unlucky and this. I just cant get motivated to do this title. It takes ages. I /Clap anyone who has acheived it.

I personally think this is definatly the hardest PvE title to get. It bugs me to think i will complete HoM calculator except this. Thats why i want it but also find it hard to get motivated as i said as i dont need it.
Really not that bad TBH. Run bosses for a few weeks, death level for a few weeks. Just a few hundred hours, being AFK 75% of the time. Endless Charr Boss runs giving me just a sliver of XP was actually harder on my psyche than setting up a Death Level in about 40 mins and getting 10-20% of an XP bar by the next day. In retrospect I would have started death leveling at level 15. Treasure Hunter and the related titles are far worse IMO. Absolutely no chance of any interesting drops to anticipate like charr bags/kits and much less interesting in terms of what you are actually doing.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2009

The Netherlands


Most people do 3 groups. Also remember that a group with two hunters will lvl up first because of their high damage output. Kill them when they reach your lvl. After that you get less exp relatively.

If you DL at night, this is not rly possible. And in 8 hours you will mostly see 1 group being lvl 20. And 1 group being arround lvl 14-16. So it's wise to kill the lvl 20's at that point and wait a bit for the second group to reach your level.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Why a small number? That would seem counterproductive, as small amounts of charr kill slower, there is the increased overhead of re-setting the death level again, and the XP gained for the charr per death is constant.

I've been pulling every charr group I can (20ish charr normally) minus groups with only casters (which never level until all other charr are dead, at which point it takes 30s to die once). I try to be there when the highest group is ready to level up to my level or higher and kill them as soon as they do so there is no wasted experience from a partial charr level.

EDIT: Are you considering having another lvl 20 character helping you death level them, in which case you want to kill all charr at once and reset the run? That would probably favor smaller number of charr groups with approximately equal damage that level evenly.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

@ Home

League Of Friends [LOF]


The 2 main methods are pulling (say) 3 groups level them to your level -1, this gives you XP and is fairly quick to turn around and do multple sessions a day.

The other method (5+ groups and leveling all to 20), takes a lot longer as the charr are sharing your XP between a lot more charr, so they level slower. The upside is when they do level you get more XP, and you can go afk/sleep/work/have fun.

The only real problem I found with getting a large group was that going across the crossroads you often lost a least a couple of charr making your pull to the shrine a bit scrappy.

Which method you want to use in the end boils down to your playing style and how much time you have to monitor the session. What often worked for me was to do the setup before bed, cull the lead group in the morning, goto work and kill the rest when I got home.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2009

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by Kunder View Post
Why a small number? That would seem counterproductive, as small amounts of charr kill slower, there is the increased overhead of re-setting the death level again, and the XP gained for the charr per death is constant.

I've been pulling every charr group I can (20ish charr normally) minus groups with only casters (which never level until all other charr are dead, at which point it takes 30s to die once). I try to be there when the highest group is ready to level up to my level or higher and kill them as soon as they do so there is no wasted experience from a partial charr level.

EDIT: Are you considering having another lvl 20 character helping you death level them, in which case you want to kill all charr at once and reset the run? That would probably favor smaller number of charr groups with approximately equal damage that level evenly.
Well i'm not leveling anymore because i alrdy have a LdoA. But my guildmaster has more then five LdoA's. He helped me at the end with dual-account leveling. And No, Even then, we didn't take more groups. Like i said. I did it at night most of the time. And in 8 hours only 1/2 groups will get to your lvl. There is absolutely no point in taking more Charr. The killing speed is extremely nihil, and exp will be spreaded among all those Charr. Wich means it takes a lot longer for them to reach your level.

Originally Posted by Anon-e-mouse
The only real problem I found with getting a large group was that going across the crossroads you often lost a least a couple of charr making your pull to the shrine a bit scrappy.
Reorder the charr before you cross the road. This can be done by taking aggro, running to the middle of the crossroad, make sure all charr are now in the tight spot at the bush. And run back to bush so the axefiends will kill you there. Then you cna do the last pull. Knowing till how far you can go is also important.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by Warvic View Post
Well i'm not leveling anymore because i alrdy have a LdoA. But my guildmaster has more then five LdoA's. He helped me at the end with dual-account leveling. And No, Even then, we didn't take more groups. Like i said. I did it at night most of the time. And in 8 hours only 1/2 groups will get to your lvl. There is absolutely no point in taking more Charr. The killing speed is extremely nihil, and exp will be spreaded among all those Charr. Wich means it takes a lot longer for them to reach your level.
Takes longer but you get more. Whats wrong with a 24 hour clear that gives more then 3x the experience of an 8 hour clear and only has to be set up once? Pulling less means that the rate at which you die is reduced (most significantly when you are death leveling the last 2-4 charr), so the more you pull the greater the XP/hour. I suppose shorter is better if you have problems with your connection but I haven't had a disconnect yet. Just remember to force a disconnect and reconnect if you are approaching the 24 hour limit.

Originally Posted by Warvic View Post
Reorder the charr before you cross the road. This can be done by taking aggro, running to the middle of the crossroad, make sure all charr are now in the tight spot at the bush. And run back to bush so the axefiends will kill you there. Then you cna do the last pull. Knowing till how far you can go is also important
You can also split your pulls up into two groups, one near the bush and another at the ruined building further in. When ready, pull the one near the ruined building across the corner to the shrine without aggroing the bush group, then pull the bush group and merge them. I like to make the bush group all Charr groups that have melee and the other groups the ones without melee, it makes it much easier to control. You don't have to worry about accidentally pulling only half a group that way. I'm sitting on a 20 charr pull atm

Sankt Hallvard


Join Date: Dec 2006

While I respect the dedication and effort you guys put into this prestiguous title (it may in fact be the greatest achievement most of you will attain in life) I can't help noticing how this title negatively affects energy conservation by having thousands of young boys leaving their computers on at night. Would the energy spent add up to providing an african village with year-round electricity?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2007

GMT +8



Originally Posted by Sankt Hallvard View Post
While I respect the dedication and effort you guys put into this prestiguous title (it may in fact be the greatest achievement most of you will attain in life) I can't help noticing how this title negatively affects energy conservation by having thousands of young boys leaving their computers on at night. Would the energy spent add up to providing an african village with year-round electricity?
your holy crusade would be better spent preached to torrent users.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by Shady Guy View Post
It has been a while since I death leveled, but my point indeed was that there are two styles I recommend.
I'm still not seeing any reason leveling less charr at a time would help you, and I can see many reasons it would hurt you. Please show your work.

EDIT: In 1 week I went from lvl 17 @ 0% to lvl 17 @ 90%, a gain of 10451 XP. Based on the numbers here, we can calculate the expected XP to be gained from Charr Leveling to be 10486 < x < 13069, considering the given xp/death that you gain by leveling charr to level 17 and assuming that it takes 20s per death. This is actually amazing to me how close I am to the optimum, as it doesn't take into account the time lost due to pulling mobs, not killing charr off at the perfectly optimal time, waiting in Ascalon looking for someone to open the gate, and me probably spending extra to,e doing the Gift of the Hunter stuff. The theoretical maximum of 13k XP could only be reached if you sat with the computer every second to monitor levels and killed the charr the INSTANT they leveled (to minimize lost XP), as well as being able to magically restart runs and pull charr to the shrine.

Originally Posted by Sankt Hallvard View Post
While I respect the dedication and effort you guys put into this prestiguous title (it may in fact be the greatest achievement most of you will attain in life) I can't help noticing how this title negatively affects energy conservation by having thousands of young boys leaving their computers on at night. Would the energy spent add up to providing an african village with year-round electricity?
No, but it might add up to the amount of energy you save by taking the bus instead of driving to work once.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2010




Originally Posted by Sankt Hallvard View Post
While I respect the dedication and effort you guys put into this prestiguous title (it may in fact be the greatest achievement most of you will attain in life) I can't help noticing how this title negatively affects energy conservation by having thousands of young boys leaving their computers on at night. Would the energy spent add up to providing an african village with year-round electricity?
Condescending much?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by Shady Guy View Post
Ok kunder, as stated I did not do the multiple sessions in one day method, but here is a very rough reason on why it gets you there faster. Assuming you are level 18:

5 groups of charr means about 15 charr. These will not level evenly, so the last group of 3 charr will contribute usually 100 xp or under. For killing all charr you will receive on your good days maybe 2000 xp. This will also likely take 24 hours or more. 3 groups of charr at 4 charr each will give you 1200 xp per session, so two sessions per day means more total gain. I don't advise it though unless you disconnect frequently because the extra work is a pain. If you want to get more exact figures and run tests I am sure this would be a useful tool for death levelers, but it boils down to getting multiple smaller groups of xp that add up to more instead of one large amount of xp one time.
You are making up tons of numbers here that are completely unfeasible. The upper limit on making XP that I calculated above is 1498 < x < 1867 XP per day, and thats for level 17. For level 18 its even worse as 1355< x < 1670. These are ideal leveling rates not taking into account wasted time rezoning and pulling charr (which will end up being slightly worse for your method than mine). Furthermore you aren't even using my method right. You don't kill all charr at once, you kill the first group that reaches your level ASAP, which then lets the rest of them level faster, etc etc.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by Shady Guy View Post
Numbers not made up, but for ones like 2000 I gave a high ideal which would almost never happen. The absolute highest that could happen at level 18 from a single session is 2448 xp, but no this would never happen because it means killing 18 charr all at level 20. As for me not using your method right... what? I am not using your method at all. I have not discussed what you might do, I suggested two possible ways that do or do not apply to you at your choosing. I did not kill all charr at once, I killed them as one group reached high level, then I waited, killed next group, then next group, and so on.

So 2000 xp for one session: yes this is too high, I said it to make the point but it is possible. 5 groups leveling as high as practical takes 24 hours or more: do you disagree with this one? Several possible setups take the full day or over. 1200 xp per session: 3 groups of charr, 4 charr in each group means 12 charr. you get 100 xp at level 18 for killing level 18 charr. 100x12=1200. Does this assume you have three groups of charr that had low shaman and balanced correctly, yes. But it is still a very real, not made up number.
No, your numbers are completely made up. I specifically asked for people with hard numbers as to the optimally efficient death leveling method. Everything you have posted is 100% useless. Present hard facts that rely on evidence rather than wild guesses please.