Locked out of end game content, again. Will ANet ever respond?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Str0b0
Ok here we go. The fact of the matter is I did nothing, let me say it again for the young man at the back of the room NOTHING, that you yourself cannot do. I am not in an alliance at all. Look at my guild name for crying out loud. Do you honestly think I want to be bothered with an alliance? I am a guild of one and I like it that way. Now you want to blame my fortune on luck and happenstance. The fact of the matter is that any controlling alliance will have a significant number of players in Alliance battles at any given point. It's an easy and enjoyable way to get some faction and maintain your hold on the capitals. Now we get into statistics, and while I don't have exact numbers we can form blanket equations based on common sense. It is statistically more likely that there will be a member of the controlling alliance participating in any alliance battle or other faction earning activity. So if you participate regularly in Alliance battles, which I do, you are statistically more likely to attract the attention of someone that will see your abilities and say,"Neat. I'd like him on one of my elite teams." And the invitation will happen.

Now if you would care to enlighten me on how I did anything that you can't do then I'll retract my arguments. If you can show me, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I somehow bucked the system and that it is impossible for you to follow in my footsteps and do the same I'll retract my arguments. You damned yourself with your first statement, where you said that you only play with a limited group of friends. That is your right, however by making that conscious decision you should be prepared to deal with the consequences.
You could've saved yourself a lot of typing and just said: "You're right, Gli, and I was wrong. There isn't a game mechanism that allows you to earn acces for yourself." Because that's what the above paragraphs boils down to.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
This is a social game believe it or not. Now you don't have to go out and pimp yourself to an alliance or anything like that but it does help if you break out of your clique and actually play with the other people. You willfully cut yourself off from the majority of the game population and now you want to cry because you can't find a way to get into the Elite content that doesn't require you to get outside of your comfort zone?
Guild Wars has always been (and still is) a game you play with a maximum of 12 (and rarely that much, usually no more than 8) players. If you can't play together with more than 11 (7) others, why are there mechanisms in place that require you rely on 999 others, 992 of whom you can't even interact with in a meaningful manner while playing? Whoever thought of that idea shouldn't be working in the gaming industry. Seriously.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
Where do you get off? This is a MMORPG with a competitive twist. Now you tell me where Massively Multiplayer ever entailed you and 8 buddies?
It's not a MMORPG. It's a game you play with a tiny group of players. Don't let the outposts with hundreds of people running around fool you, those are just glorified chat rooms. When you're out playing, you're playing a tiny scaled game. Much like Diablo II, nothing like a MMORPG.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
The game mechanics are supposed to be accessed by groups.
Yes, groups of 8, sometimes even 12.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
It entails a certain amount of social interaction. By willfully cutting yourself off from that of course you will miss out on some of the content. You are ignoring one of the games major aspects and therefore, by your own actions, keeping yourself from accessing 100% of the content.
I'm not cutting myself off from the group mechanism, I practically always play with other players. In small groups, while other people are playing in their own small groups.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
In conclusion Gli I say this to you. If you don't like the other people in the game then this game probably isn't for you.
You're really stretching now. I never said I didn't like the other people in the game, I just don't much care about them either way. I do like to have a choice who I play with. I bet you do too. My choices just appear to be a bit more limiting than yours. Or do you really accept every random invite that comes your way?

Originally Posted by Str0b0
This is a game with a strong social aspect to it and while you don't have to join a gianormous guild to enjoy it the social aspect does play a strong role in the game. By ignoring this very strong aspect of the game itself you are of course going to miss out on a lot of the content.
This social aspect you keep bringing up, you're totally overstating it. It's not strong at all. It's weak to the point of not existing at all. Every part of the whole game, and I mean the WHOLE game, except this tiny teeny little mechanism that decides who gets to play the elite missions, can be enjoyed with just a small circle of friends. That's why me and my guild are still here after one and a half years. It's a game that doesn't (didn't) require us to extend our circle into the faceless masses of the internet.

This is why the Factions elite access system is so incredibly flawed. It goes against everything Guild Wars used to stand, and still mostly stands for.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
I know that by being in my own little guild with just me I miss out on GVG battles and the global tournament ranking. I don't ask Anet to make it possible for me to fight in GvG all on my lonesome, nor do I demand to be ranked like other guilds are ranked. Why? Because I made the choice not to be in a guild and to therefore miss out on some of the content of the game. You have done the exact same thing by isolating yourself from the population and playing with just your buddies.
No, I (we) haven't cut ourselves off from anything. After a year of playing 'our' way, and being able to play every aspect of the game we cared to play, Factions hit the stores, and alienated us and countless players like us, by adding a metagame driven content-access mechanism, where there previously hadn't been anything like it before. We didn't cut ourselves off from anything, we we're never connected, and that worked out just fine.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
So yeah unless you and your friends can muster up a few million faction on your lonesome you'll never control cavalon but that's not the only way to get access. The problem is you're too hung up on your clique to try anything else.
I'd like to think the problem lies with ANet being too hung up to realize that they made a big booboo with the Factions elite missions.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by floppinghog
wow so much mindless bullshit to read just to get here.. good thing i skipped the last 3 pages.

To those of you who think so highly of yourself and that you pay for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter have it BACKWARDS.

"locked out of end game content"
lemme fix it for you;
its, "not unlocked end game content"
YOU HAVNT UNLOCKED IT. its your fault, now shut up and figure it out.

i dont see how a game can be a game without challenges, the hell is your excuse? "oh this isnt reality - everything can be 1 click away", then what? are monsters supposed to commit suicide when they see you trying to open a chest? "BUT I PAID TO OPEN THE CHEST, ANET HAS MY 50$!!"

get REAL, and get the hell out. shut up, play or leave. and stop making useless topics. k thnx boi
Hey. Posting such hostility after admitting not to have even read the thread... Not cool, dude.

Let me make this clear. No one--I mean, no one--is saying they want everything for free, easy, immediate, perfect and one click away. Those who did, were being facetious.

Re-read and respond to real posts, not your fantasy of what this thread is about. Mkthxbai.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Rest En Pieces [RIP]


The whole control thing is retarded. Why? Because all it takes to get faction is time; time to run that particular quest over and over again to farm faction, or jump into a half-assed grind in Alliance Battles. The whole system is pointless, unrewarding, takes time over skill, and overall, results in very little merit for the victor.

All achievements degenerate into: "oh great, your alliance has more bored idiots to farm faction than our alliance! Congratulations!"

The Ferry system is also broken and retarded. It's a pointless system that results in chores, whines, and complaints with very little merit to the system.

Here are my proposed suggestions:

- Ownership of the towns should be rewarded by serious, competitive play. The top 10 kurzick/luxon guilds (and their alliance) from the end of a particular season should be granted ownage of the Kurzick/luxon towns through the end of the next season. Top 2 kurz/lux guilds would own cavalon/house, etc. If a guild disbands while they own a town, the ownership is transferred to the next runner's up.

- There should be an automated system and a set-in-stone fee for accessing The Deep and Urgoz, maybe 1k per party. The gold would be collected by an NPC, much like the UW and FoW. This gold is "sunk" and doesn't go anywhere.

This is a much more robust system because:

1. It rewards SKILL instead of farming a particular quest over and over again
2. It makes the mission accessable to EVERYONE willing to pay for access
3. It gives the alliance owning the town exactly what they want: recognition and fame.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


If you say so Gli. your logic and your arguments seem to be all hung up on you being right. So fine you're right. Anet screwed something up . Cry about it some more. I'm done arguing with you except on one point. You say you never cut yourself off. I believe your exact words were that you didn't give a "flying toss" about anyone else. You did alienate yourself and now you're back peddling. Whatever though Gli. You're right. That's what you want to hear. Now you can go cry about some other part of the game you don't like.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Str0b0
If you say so Gli. your logic and your arguments seem to be all hung up on you being right. So fine you're right. Anet screwed something up . Cry about it some more. I'm done arguing with you except on one point. You say you never cut yourself off. I believe your exact words were that you didn't give a "flying toss" about anyone else. You did alienate yourself and now you're back peddling. Whatever though Gli. You're right. That's what you want to hear.
Classy way to end a discussion you can't win. My arguments aren't 'hung up on me being right', they are right, and you know it. If they weren't you'd be able to counter them wouldn't you?

And not giving a flying toss about all the faceless internet people doesn't mean I cut myself off from anything. To cut yourself off from something, you'd have to have been connected in the first place. I never was connected to any of them. I didn't alienate myself, because to alienate oneself implies one was once part of something. Not me.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
Now you can go cry about some other part of the game you don't like.

More classy yet, a generalization about me that doesn't make any sense at all.

Oh, and 'cry'? You've got that broken record thing going on again. Get it fixed.