Heck I cant even claim to have yet beaten every chapter because I am taking my time, and trying to do it all on limited playtime...
But, I do avidly read the boards when things get slow here at my work... (internet access at work is a gift from the gods to be sure!)
And one things I have seen is a growing concern that Heroes are killing the game, and that there are no longer any people looking for PUGs...and Tied to this are an increasing number of players complaining that without farming and running (which some claim is nerfed) they have grown bored...
My solution to both of these problems, while perhaps a bit naieve, is simplicity itself!
Become a Mentor!
PUG everywhere, but especially with n00bs! Find someone in Ascalon and team up with them through as much of the game as you can tollerate!
Looking for a challenge? Try to keep a group of n00bs lacking experience alive during a tough mission instead of doing a run!
See a l33t [email protected] making a fool of themselves and annoying everyone around them? Invite them on a run and have a little "chat" with them enroute, maybe give 'em a few valuable trinkets to enrich their characters while you enrich their minds to reinforce your example!
Create a guild who's only purpose is to school the n00bs (litterally) on how to make the GW community the best one around! Gather the most tollerant players you can find, and create your own "Guardian Angels"! Spread the word of GW!
Play watchdog for the Local and Trade channels, diffusing or reporting the Scammers and abusers.
Instead of complaining about the community, work actively to improve it!
Instead of wishing there were more PUGs or that PUGs were more fun, make it so!
This is just my two cents, and I hope no one decides this is the perfect target for a flame attack or an excellent chance to point out that I am st00p!d for being so naieve...But I think what I am sayign has merit...
So now, in my mind, it's up to those complaining loudest...do they want change bad enough to work for it...or will they only be happy if its someone else doing the work. And dont get me wrong, this is work I am proposing...but then again so is farming and running...and the way I see it, you'll meet more people and have a lot more variety than ripping through the same mobs over and over in the hope of getting those greens, golds and Ectos...
Consider this a challenge...who accepts? I look forward to seeing people out there PUGing for change!