Grey Fox's Art
hey, u know dat daz program. um I have one question. how do u get that human pose. When i load up mines I get blocks instead. >_< srry I dont have a knack on these stuff. So if its not too much trouble, um can u tell me how to get the human instead of blocks. thanks in advance.
Edit: i found out how, but erm how do u change d girl into a guy?
Edit: i found out how, but erm how do u change d girl into a guy?
You'll need to download the model first, it's free, and can be found here:
Just download that, and install it ^^ I should then appear along with your female model in the content panel.
Just download that, and install it ^^ I should then appear along with your female model in the content panel.
Hi Grey fox
What? What??? Using a 3d program to emulate human posture and positioning....... /flames start snorting out of nostrils, forehead frowns and cracks, face turns red and background starts shaking....
Oki whatever floats your boat. As you said it won't help you with gravity, but thats the first thing. You wont have the correct spinal curvature, the bodies wont interact naturally, as I said there is no way in Gods green earth the Mesmer B could have her head that high under the armpit of Mesmer A. Not unless the Mesmer's A torso was arched back over the shouldiers of Mesmer B. that could have been a nice effect, - quite literally Mesmer A's shoulders roliing back over the shoulder curve of Mesmer B, her breasts (A's) would be pointing straight up, and you could still have them covered by the hands of mesmer B.
Then Mesmer As right arm could be pointing straight up, that would give a wonderful effect for leading the viewers eye to follow the lines of the central composition to something above, or it could invite the viewer to start at the top and work their way down .... (so to speak)
Anyway far be it from me to dictate to you how to compose your drawings - Back to light and skin.
Skin - very hard to get right - you're doing a good job. Thing about skin is, its bloomin' well reflective, and the bugger about light is. Is that it jumps all over the place. (but always in straight lines) Espaecially on skin as there are no flat planes on a body. (Unless your drawing a stylised cartoon - I saw a friend drawing an elf and he made a great job of making it look like a vulcan manga elf, lots of hard lines and flat planes on the face to great effect) Shadows on skin are more often the reflections of light from over parts of the body than they are 'shadows' Also the shadows and the hue of the skin differ greatly in relation to the intensity of the light source.
Keep up the good work.
(note. lots of paragraphs there />;D)
Imagine a light source falling onto a figure that you are drawing, Everything that is skin is going to reflect a 'red' shadow (assuming that the subjects skin is caucassion - if its black skin, it will reflect blue/violet colours and if its oriental the shadows are more green/blue/yellow) the intensity and hue of the shadow is going to differ depending on the distance from the skin that is being reflected.
What? What??? Using a 3d program to emulate human posture and positioning....... /flames start snorting out of nostrils, forehead frowns and cracks, face turns red and background starts shaking....

Oki whatever floats your boat. As you said it won't help you with gravity, but thats the first thing. You wont have the correct spinal curvature, the bodies wont interact naturally, as I said there is no way in Gods green earth the Mesmer B could have her head that high under the armpit of Mesmer A. Not unless the Mesmer's A torso was arched back over the shouldiers of Mesmer B. that could have been a nice effect, - quite literally Mesmer A's shoulders roliing back over the shoulder curve of Mesmer B, her breasts (A's) would be pointing straight up, and you could still have them covered by the hands of mesmer B.
Then Mesmer As right arm could be pointing straight up, that would give a wonderful effect for leading the viewers eye to follow the lines of the central composition to something above, or it could invite the viewer to start at the top and work their way down .... (so to speak)

Anyway far be it from me to dictate to you how to compose your drawings - Back to light and skin.
Skin - very hard to get right - you're doing a good job. Thing about skin is, its bloomin' well reflective, and the bugger about light is. Is that it jumps all over the place. (but always in straight lines) Espaecially on skin as there are no flat planes on a body. (Unless your drawing a stylised cartoon - I saw a friend drawing an elf and he made a great job of making it look like a vulcan manga elf, lots of hard lines and flat planes on the face to great effect) Shadows on skin are more often the reflections of light from over parts of the body than they are 'shadows' Also the shadows and the hue of the skin differ greatly in relation to the intensity of the light source.
Keep up the good work.
(note. lots of paragraphs there />;D)
Imagine a light source falling onto a figure that you are drawing, Everything that is skin is going to reflect a 'red' shadow (assuming that the subjects skin is caucassion - if its black skin, it will reflect blue/violet colours and if its oriental the shadows are more green/blue/yellow) the intensity and hue of the shadow is going to differ depending on the distance from the skin that is being reflected.
My second entry into the Pantheon of Gods contest (and the main reason why some of my commissions aren't seeing the attention they deserve >_>)
I'm bending the lore a bit... (I'm fairly certain that Abaddon didn't "actually" feast on Kormir's eyes...) but it made a good subject, and ensures that Abaddon's nastyness can be illustrated. Hopefully I'll have a colour version by the deadline for the contest

Unlucky Slayer
Holy crap dude, that is pretty freakin sweet.
i dont like it, it's too scary /hides
nuff said
nuff said

Basic colouring on Kormir is done:
Mistical miss
argh bloody...beautiful... crap... what made me think I could try and win that contest -.- oh well it was fun trying :S
shes ... um... pretty..?
dont really know the way to respond to that lol

dont really know the way to respond to that lol
Mistical miss
The extra blood was a good add ^^
AW Lore
first i was going to say bondage ftw... but dam... then i noticed the blood... and then the eyes... ill have to quote Tahlkora:
"are those... eye balls?... eew!"
nice... drawing... i think... bloody one, keep up the... evil job...errr i mean, good job on those drawings
"are those... eye balls?... eew!"
nice... drawing... i think... bloody one, keep up the... evil job...errr i mean, good job on those drawings
kormir's bottom row of teeth looks a bit odd methinks
Originally Posted by FireFox
kormir's bottom row of teeth looks a bit odd methinks
Fixed now ^_^
Here's Abaddon:
Just a few more details, and a background, and it'll be ready ^^
Here's Abaddon:
Just a few more details, and a background, and it'll be ready ^^
Done! ^^ (Probably...)
Looks very nice mate.
Impressive work.
Impressive work.
Mistical miss
The plate with eyeballs doesn't match the floor (I recon it is a round plate^^)
Doing well though
Doing well though

Now that the gods contest is out of the way, I've got back to work on my commissions.
and Hengis'
Clearly this is just the first stage of painting, as you can see, it's all rather scruffy at the moment. But I thought I'd just let everyone know I'm still working >_>
I'm doing these slightly different to usual, in that I'm painting the characters and backgrounds at the same time. Often with the earlier works, I'd finish the characters completely, then get to work on the backgrounds, and try and blend them together best I could. That would often result in a disparity between the characters and their surroundings. Hopefully this method will lessen that effect.
and Hengis'
Clearly this is just the first stage of painting, as you can see, it's all rather scruffy at the moment. But I thought I'd just let everyone know I'm still working >_>
I'm doing these slightly different to usual, in that I'm painting the characters and backgrounds at the same time. Often with the earlier works, I'd finish the characters completely, then get to work on the backgrounds, and try and blend them together best I could. That would often result in a disparity between the characters and their surroundings. Hopefully this method will lessen that effect.
At last 
Looks really good Fox. I can't wait to see how it looks once you add at more detail.
Of course I know that ascalon is a dark place but I hope you add a bit more light to my character. She looks dark enough to be from Elona :P
I really like the spider by the way

Looks really good Fox. I can't wait to see how it looks once you add at more detail.
Of course I know that ascalon is a dark place but I hope you add a bit more light to my character. She looks dark enough to be from Elona :P
I really like the spider by the way

Hey Greyfox
With the guy sitting by the fire picture, may I suggest you either make it a bigger fire in relation to the amount of light it gives out or dim down the lightsource. It kinda looks like one of those 50's films where the hero lights a candle and gets 16k Watts of light booming out of a little flame.
Also try orange and red reflects on the stone with blue shading. Keep up the good work.
Brgrds Paul
With the guy sitting by the fire picture, may I suggest you either make it a bigger fire in relation to the amount of light it gives out or dim down the lightsource. It kinda looks like one of those 50's films where the hero lights a candle and gets 16k Watts of light booming out of a little flame.

Brgrds Paul
i think the fire lights good, the lighting would be dramatic seeing as the forest is pitch black.
Working on the atmosphere of ascalon again

Fallen Hunter
VERY nice...
That ascalon background is so awesome
That ascalon background is so awesome

Rushing Wind
That is a nice touch there. Good ol' Ascalon. Whats better is knowing that once its all done its gonna look 100x better than that.
Is that the backdrop for RTS' commission out of curiousity?
Is that the backdrop for RTS' commission out of curiousity?
Originally Posted by Rushing Wind
...Is that the backdrop for RTS' commission out of curiousity?
Indeed it is ^_^
Miss Danshai
i am interested in knowing what media is used in coloring the drawings. I really like the effect.

baring any last minute changes, RTS's work is done ^^
I'll tell you one thing, I'm not doing 3 character pieces again for while xD. This has got to be the toughest commission I've worked on in a ages, just to give you an idea, I usually get up to around version 4 or 5 of an image, making backups etc as I go along. Luna went up to v12. I redrew her body twice, and that head of hers, has been redrawn 4 times now. That's before it comes to lighting and that blasted furry charr. But, I think it's looking ok now, hopefully RTS won't want "too" many things changing before it's done >_>.
Also, Hengis's work is coming along nicely, though his sleeping wolf is proving to be... challenging
Ranger pets ftw eh!
Finally, I'll probably be posting some news concerning how I take commissions once these two are out of the way. It should mean people who are creative, and love their character, can get portraits significantly earlier than they thought they would ^_^.
I'll tell you one thing, I'm not doing 3 character pieces again for while xD. This has got to be the toughest commission I've worked on in a ages, just to give you an idea, I usually get up to around version 4 or 5 of an image, making backups etc as I go along. Luna went up to v12. I redrew her body twice, and that head of hers, has been redrawn 4 times now. That's before it comes to lighting and that blasted furry charr. But, I think it's looking ok now, hopefully RTS won't want "too" many things changing before it's done >_>.
Also, Hengis's work is coming along nicely, though his sleeping wolf is proving to be... challenging

Finally, I'll probably be posting some news concerning how I take commissions once these two are out of the way. It should mean people who are creative, and love their character, can get portraits significantly earlier than they thought they would ^_^.
Sword Liger
Damn Fox, great work once again, hopefully when I got some money going spare, I'll ask you to draw my warrior
ahhhh I can dream...

Jecht Scye
wow, I bet he thinks it was worth the wait.
Neriandal Freit
You and Vinegar are by far my favorite artists in Guru Forums, and as I stated in his thread, I can't wait until your commissions are open once again and I can pay to have my host of characters drawn in the way they deserve from two good artists such as your selves.
AW Lore
keep up the awesome job Greyf0x, cant wait to see what you are planning to do in the near future.

Marty Silverblade
Leet stuff! Let me know when you reopen commissions.
Thats awesome. Gd Job grey =] Charr looks amazing
Grey truely is a master of artwork.
I'm paying a extra towards the image because I'm really pleased by how well it has come out
Grey has in fact made a couple of last min edits to the image for me, one in regards to the colour of the Half Moon bow.
I'm paying a extra towards the image because I'm really pleased by how well it has come out

New commission thread is GO! Take a look:
For the reasoning behind the changes, take a look at This Post
For the reasoning behind the changes, take a look at This Post
Wow, I am lucky I got to the top of the list before the changes!
Interestingly enough though, this kind of character background information is exactly what I gave to Grey before he started work on Hengis's drawing.
Interestingly enough though, this kind of character background information is exactly what I gave to Grey before he started work on Hengis's drawing.
nice exept the second one , she doesn't has niples ^^
nice exept the second one , she doesn't has niples ^^
Very good Art. How long does it take you to make them??
Very good Art. How long does it take you to make them??