Prophecies CE still available anywhere?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

I just got the Nightfall Collector's Edition, and I really like all the bonus material. The thing is, I also wanted to get the CE for the Prophecies campaign, but I cannot find it anywhere. Anyone know if there are any yet for sale somewhere?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



I believe Prophecies CEs are not being made anymore. Your best bet is the Guild Wars "Special Game of the Year Edition." This should include all of the goodies that the Proph CE had and more. You'll get additional unique weapons but you won't get the coveted Divine Aura. The GotY Edition is 69.99.

EDIT: Here is the eb page for it..

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The Prophecies CE is indeed out of print.
You can still find a few online, but they're epensive due to availability.
Here's one for only 299.95 USD

I've also heard reports that some stores out in the middle of nowhere still have it in stock for the original price; but those would be hard to find if you don't live in such an area.

Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
I believe Prophecies CEs are not being made anymore. Your best bet is the Guild Wars "Special Game of the Year Edition." This should include all of the goodies that the Proph CE had and more. You'll get additional unique weapons but you won't get the coveted Divine Aura. The GotY Edition is 69.99.
The Special Edition and the Game of the Year edition are two seperate things. The GOTY edition is only $50; the Special Edition is $70.


The GOTY edition is basically exactly the same as the standard edition except it comes with 7 bonus items you can spawn just like the preorder weapons. I find them quite handy for outfitting heroes.

These other two editions definitely DO NOT include everything from the CE and more. They don't come with the full size hard cover art book (the art book in the Special edition is a tiny paper pamphlet), they also don't come with the Logitech headset, they don't come with the soundtrack, and of course they don't come with divine aura. These include none of the goodies that the Proph CE has.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


As some people said it is becoming hard as heck to find the Profecies CE or the Special edition anymore. Try E-Bay, but make sure the box is an unopened retail still wrapped in celophane, or you may be getting screwed.

Mega Mouse

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


It would be nice if they just made available in the on-line store the ability to purchase CE's of any Guild Wars edition as an upgrade to an existing account.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


I'd be for that as well, especially if the player was willing to pay for the CE and you can't buy it in stores anymore, and that those willing to pay for it could get it. I'd willingly pay $70 over again for a Prophecies CE key from the online store so I could add the Divine Aura to my primary account (bought a 2nd account before purchaseable slots came out so that I could have one of everything. This later became my primary account and the other is the one with the Proph CE on it). For that matter, I'd love to be able to buy preorder keys in the store too - again, for those wanting the items and willing to pay for them. I understand the "you should have gotten it while you could theory" but those new to Guild Wars with a Nightfall CE who want to buy Prophecies CE shouldnt be told too bad. If people are willing to pay for this stuff, just to have the items/bonuses that came in-game as part of the CD Key, why not? Put it in the store for the same price as it was on store shelves when you were able to get them locally.

Elite Yakuza Yuki

Elite Yakuza Yuki


Join Date: Nov 2006

Elite Yakuza and Gaijin


Yes, It's sure that if they did start re-selling at the previous retail price they would make a great deal of money


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

the divine aura will not be an online store purchase period.

and a CE is a limited edition so no reprints on it

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Selling an upgrade to the CE (after the CE is out of print) would contradict the very concept of the CE. The major factor that makes the CE's so exclusive is the fact that they are only available in limited quantities. Making the CE available at any time would be a horrible idea. The potential to offer an upgrade in the ingame store has come up before; Anet's current tone seems to be that they have no intention of offering it (thankfully).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


So new players to the game should be told too bad because they didn't get it back when it came out? If the CEs are such a limited thing, then explain why more Factions CEs were printed to meet demand, or why the Nightfall CE is so plentiful that it will never be a rare find? That in and of itself contradicts the very reasoning you both present. Thanks to their decision to print more Factions CEs, I was able to get one. They made more money off of that. By your reasoning, that should have never happened and the Prophecies CE should be no more or less a limited thing than other CEs. And as you can see, the demand for the Prophecies CE is still existant.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


More Factions CE's were printed cause there was a snafu at the factory and not enough were printed in the first place. They made more Nightfall CE's to be absolutely sure that the expanded player base would have every opportunity to grab a CE before they disappeared. It may seem like it'll never be a rare find now; but give it a few years and it will be.

In producing more copies of the newer CE's; they increase the time in which they are available. This deafeats any reason to add them to the ingame store as everyone should have ample time to grab one.

As far as new players, the bonuses are purely cosmetic and if they regret not getting into the game sooner; perhaps they'll be sure to buy the future CE's.

You didn't contradict my reasoning in the least



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
More Factions CE's were printed cause there was a snafu at the factory and not enough were printed in the first place. They made more Nightfall CE's to be absolutely sure that the expanded player base would have every opportunity to grab a CE before they disappeared. It may seem like it'll never be a rare find now; but give it a few years and it will be.

In producing more copies of the newer CE's; they increase the time in which they are available. This deafeats any reason to add them to the ingame store as everyone should have ample time to grab one.

As far as new players, the bonuses are purely cosmetic and if they regret not getting into the game sooner; perhaps they'll be sure to buy the future CE's.

You didn't contradict my reasoning in the least
And you don't think this very same expanded player base would like to have an opportunity to get the Prophecies CE? If they are chucking Nightfall CEs out to make sure that those who wanted them could get them, they should do so with ALL of the CEs. Do I think it should be a permanent thing? No, of course not. It's not fair to this expanded player base and those who would like to get one to increase the time newer CEs are available but not the older ones as well. Plus I highly doubt with this kind of demand that people are regretting not getting into the game sooner. That's no reason to deny their demand for the older CEs. So yes that is a contradiction, because newer CEs should not get preference over older CEs. It should be the same.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Um, yeah, so I think I found one, but there is a small dilemma. I am now wondering if the UK version key can be linked to an account with several US keys. If so, I think I found one fairly cheaper than the rest (only 50!).

(BTW, anyone know the exchange rate for UK currency to US currency?)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


I'm pretty sure they can't be linked, but I cant remember where I read that.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by nbajammer
I'm pretty sure they can't be linked, but I cant remember where I read that.
wrong like everything else.

EU/USA keys link



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Iowa Guild Wars


I got Faction CE from a uk site and it was shiped from the uk and it linked to my account with US server.. so it will work.. also try ebay thats where i got my CE for Prophecies... there r still ppl out there that have them,sometimes u have to pay more for them...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by sissy4005
I got Faction CE from a uk site and it was shiped from the uk and it linked to my account with US server.. so it will work.. also try ebay thats where i got my CE for Prophecies... there r still ppl out there that have them,sometimes u have to pay more for them...
This is a much more constructive response than the last one.

Back to the subject at hand, I do recall that at one point they could not be linked, unless this has somehow changed. If it is indeed now possible to link a UK with a US (and mind you, all I need is the key, nothing more), it might be worth looking into so long as the UK edition also includes the Divine Aura and whatnot. Which I imagine it does (can someone confirm?). If so, I'd like to know where that el cheapo Proph CE was obtained so I can obtain one as well.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

That's the full URL of the 'cheap' price I found, although it doesn't state if it is still in stock; it did, however, allow me to put it in my cart, which *seems* to indicate it is still in stock. I found another source selling for a little over $100, but I cannot determine if it is entirely trustworthy.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


This looks very interesting...Wonder what the shipping costs on it would be though. Thanks for posting that.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
And you don't think this very same expanded player base would like to have an opportunity to get the Prophecies CE? If they are chucking Nightfall CEs out to make sure that those who wanted them could get them, they should do so with ALL of the CEs. Do I think it should be a permanent thing? No, of course not. It's not fair to this expanded player base and those who would like to get one to increase the time newer CEs are available but not the older ones as well. Plus I highly doubt with this kind of demand that people are regretting not getting into the game sooner. That's no reason to deny their demand for the older CEs. So yes that is a contradiction, because newer CEs should not get preference over older CEs. It should be the same.
Sure some players would now like the Prophecies CE; but you can't always get what you want and sometimes you shouldn't either.

No, It's still not a contradiction. They produce an appropriate amount of the CE's relative to the player base at the time of release. If there was a higher demand than anticipated and they all sold out in like three days; then I could see them maybe doing a second run. But the Prophecies release had no issues. It came out on time; there were no shortages. It was atleast 8 months before they even started getting scarce. That release went off without a hitch and now it's over and done with.

Just like the Special edition that is starting to get more scarce, once they're gone they're gone. No matter how many people regret not buying them when they had a chance; they're not going to reprint them. This is like people that just bought Factions demanding a Tengu mask.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Sure some players would now like the Prophecies CE; but you can't always get what you want and sometimes you shouldn't either.

No, It's still not a contradiction. They produce an appropriate amount of the CE's relative to the player base at the time of release. If there was a higher demand than anticipated and they all sold out in like three days; then I could see them maybe doing a second run. But the Prophecies release had no issues. It came out on time; there were no shortages. It was atleast 8 months before they even started getting scarce. That release went off without a hitch and now it's over and done with.

Just like the Special edition that is starting to get more scarce, once they're gone they're gone. No matter how many people regret not buying them when they had a chance; they're not going to reprint them. This is like people that just bought Factions demanding a Tengu mask.
Guess what? This is an online, ever-changing game. The player base changes and grows over time. If the player base says we want this, it may be an indication that they should listen. After all, this is how we get things changed in the game. But no, this is not the same as people just buying Factions demanding a Tengu mask because they couldn't walk into a store and plop down some money and receive their own in-game mask. The Factions release had no issues either - just an oversight to the actual demand which created a lack of availability. Well the demand for the previous CE apparently is also underestimated, even if it is over a year later. This is more than a few people wanting it. Maybe it's time another run was done.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Cheshire, UK

As well as, you can also find copies listed at and However, I don't believe that the last two stores will ship beyond Europe.

Differences between the European and US Proph CE
- Genius headset instead of Logitech
- Softback art book

The European version has the same DA.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


All this talk about Prophecies CE never becoming available again.

Give it time. Any major game I have ever seen that is a series comes out as a multi-pack at some time. I anticipate that all three games (or four or five) will all be packaged together at some point in a trilogy package or something of the sort. And it will probably have something special with it.

If there is a demand, they could easily put all three collector's editions in one package and sell it once sales start to slow down to get people interested again.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

A re-release of all of them together wouldn't be a completely good thing either, because I am only missing one of them; I don't see any reason to start another account. Anyways, aside from the art book being soft cover (as opposed to the US version being hardcover, I assume), and the headset thing (which doesn't really matter), there aren't any differences? Maybe the UK version could work, then; hard cover is overrated anyways.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Griff Mon
All this talk about Prophecies CE never becoming available again.

Give it time. Any major game I have ever seen that is a series comes out as a multi-pack at some time. I anticipate that all three games (or four or five) will all be packaged together at some point in a trilogy package or something of the sort. And it will probably have something special with it.

If there is a demand, they could easily put all three collector's editions in one package and sell it once sales start to slow down to get people interested again.
That's something I hadn't considered - also since rumor has it that these 3 are a trilogy of sorts, it'd make sense to repackage them together. Hopefully they will make it special as a compilation of the CEs complete with minipets and the DA and the sort. I'd actually buy that, believe it or not.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



One question about prophecies CE. Is it possible to add the key for the divine aura without losing any of the characters created under standard propehcies?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Yes, because all adding the CE key to a standard Prophecies account will do is add the features not already present, such as the Divine Aura. Your characters will still be there but will now have "glowing hands".

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Well, I had to try even if it's a scam. It looked pretty legit and I paid by credit card so I'm not to worried. I'll post if I get a reply that they are shipping it. And shipping to the US is ~19 dollars.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Im not sure how it'd be a scam, since it appears to be a retail site, but nonetheless I'm interested in the results. Did it get shipped? How fast did it get here? Were you able to link it? And so forth...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

hmmm...hehehe i just got an idea, since most ppl want the divine aura nowadays, why not make it a reward, like for the ppl who win 1st place in the Guild Wars Championships, that way those who really want it will have to work their a**es off to get it, this will also inspire ppl to do more GvG



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


That'd be an interesting way to do it, but I would make it more something anyone could do, since not everyone likes to play GvG. Maybe something like achieving the "People Know Me" title or something.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

I really don't see why they don't re-print CE's. Its not like it will be "ruined" because more people have it. If anything, I would think it would be good, because ArenaNet would make a lot more money, and more people would be able to enjoy it.

And don't say "it won't be as special because then everyone will have the special dances/glowing hands/whatever else it is." 100 People having it and 100000 people having it won't make it look any different. It will still look exactly the same and you want it because it looks good, right?

I know that if 5 years from now, I still play GW (hopefully I will! ), and ArenaNet remakes all the CE's, even if every single person that plays buys a CE, I'll still like my CE just as much. Acually, maybe even more because then there are more people with shiney cool dances and more people to sync with.

And as far as getting a emote for pve titles, that might not be the best. Just look at fame. We might end up having all the player groups for missions (especially ones that are almost imposible with henchies/heros) saying "Looking for more for mission~~~~need (insert build here)~~~~must have (insert emote that you get for title here)."

On the other hand, if something like that doesn't happen, then that would be awsome to get emotes for pve titles.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by gamecube187
I really don't see why they don't re-print CE's. Its not like it will be "ruined" because more people have it. If anything, I would think it would be good, because ArenaNet would make a lot more money, and more people would be able to enjoy it.

And don't say "it won't be as special because then everyone will have the special dances/glowing hands/whatever else it is." 100 People having it and 100000 people having it won't make it look any different. It will still look exactly the same and you want it because it looks good, right?

NO .....WRONG!

the CE is the real life equivalent of the ingame super rare item that collectors will pay 1000k plus ectos for.

if it was not rare why bother collecting it?

you pay a higher price to get something *special* that will *stand out* in the crowd.

the people who bought the very first CE had no idea if it would be a waste of money or not.

we (i as well) got lucky with DA .

if the special ingame effects become available in game the CE market will drop badly not go up.


art book?........wouldnt pay a cent for
headphones?......have them and the CE ones are still in the box
poster? box
other items? box


make the backup dancers/DA/disco ball/etc available from store/in game and no need to bother with a CE at all



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


There were plenty of CE's on release just like there are plenty of Nightfall CE's now. Prophecies CE was not uber-rare. It was not a limited supply in any real sense. It took many many months before I stopped seeing the CE sitting on the Best Buy store shelf. Check back in 18 months and see how many Nightfall CE's are still available.

People that wanted it and wanted to show their support to GW purchased it. DA was one of their rewards. The in-box items were their other rewards. All of these items (both in-game and real-life) have value now. This value has increased because the supply has dried up.

Producing more CE copies now would de-value these items and would be a slap in the face to the loyal customers that ponied up for them when they were readily available. This is a COLLECTOR'S ITEM. Name another collector's item that the manufacturer just decided to produce more of 18 months later. It just is not done as it devalues the current supply that is in the market. Instead, NEW collector's items are created, giving new people a chance to start collecting. By your reasoning, everyone that started playing Magic the Gathering after it became popular should have been able to purchase all the Alpha & Beta cards that were no longer being produced just because they wanted to.

I do believe there will be a future compilation that has all three games. But based upon what has happened with all the various re-releases of GW:Prophecies, I am confident that any future compilations will have entirely new and different in-game bonuses than anything previously released. A-Net has already stated they feel DA is a gift to the people that were around and willing to support a fledgling product.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Dazzler
There were plenty of CE's on release just like there are plenty of Nightfall CE's now. Prophecies CE was not uber-rare. It was not a limited supply in any real sense. It took many many months before I stopped seeing the CE sitting on the Best Buy store shelf. Check back in 18 months and see how many Nightfall CE's are still available.

People that wanted it and wanted to show their support to GW purchased it. DA was one of their rewards. The in-box items were their other rewards. All of these items (both in-game and real-life) have value now. This value has increased because the supply has dried up.

Producing more CE copies now would de-value these items and would be a slap in the face to the loyal customers that ponied up for them when they were readily available. This is a COLLECTOR'S ITEM. Name another collector's item that the manufacturer just decided to produce more of 18 months later. It just is not done as it devalues the current supply that is in the market. Instead, NEW collector's items are created, giving new people a chance to start collecting. By your reasoning, everyone that started playing Magic the Gathering after it became popular should have been able to purchase all the Alpha & Beta cards that were no longer being produced just because they wanted to.

I do believe there will be a future compilation that has all three games. But based upon what has happened with all the various re-releases of GW:Prophecies, I am confident that any future compilations will have entirely new and different in-game bonuses than anything previously released. A-Net has already stated they feel DA is a gift to the people that were around and willing to support a fledgling product.
The items in question are not valuable items, nor do they carry any real sense of value. Again, this is confusing Collector's Edition with Limited Edition. If Anet wanted to appease the fan base who want to buy the Prophecies CE, they have every reason and every ability to do so. And from a financial standpoint, they very well should. I have a fair number of old trading cards here at home. I looked up their value. They aren't worth squat. The art book, poster, etc. in the box won't carry any form of value with anyone except those willing to buy them and comparing that to something like trading cards where there are collectors everywhere, would show that producing more will NOT devalue the items in question. Supply would be up, but not the value. 20 years from now, people are not going to be looking for the art book that came with the Prophecies CE because it is rare and they want to look at the pictures.

And do not compare Guild Wars to Magic the Gathering. That's comparing apples to oranges. Computer game vs card collecting game. Two entirely different entities.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
Remember this is a COLLECTOR'S edition, not a LIMITED edition. In fact, the more copies sold means that people cared enough about the game - even after playing Factions and Nightfall - to want to throw their support behind Anet, and this with or without owning the standard Prophecies.
As far as video games go; collector's editions are inherently limited editions.

They're not going to re-release it no matter how you try to justify why they should; the point is moot.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
As far as video games go; collector's editions are inherently limited editions.

They're not going to re-release it no matter how you try to justify why they should; the point is moot.
They also said (numerous times) they would never add character slots. Look what happened. Point valid.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
They also said (numerous times) they would never add character slots. Look what happened. Point valid.
I don't recall them ever saying they wouldn't add character slots; what they did say was they'd never allow account merging(which they have stuck to).

Anarion Silverhand

Anarion Silverhand

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005



Deleted a bunch of posts. Please try and keep this thing on topic.


Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

For any that care I just bought the Prophecies CE from that Euro site listed and they just processed my order. I'll update again when they bill my credit card and provide a shiping/tracking number.