Prophecies CE still available anywhere?
I find it sad to think that people think they are better than others, and should have their petty elitism preserved, over what amounts to some glowing picture elements in a computer game.
Find something actually meaningful to jealously horde over others, please.
It's really sad.
Find something actually meaningful to jealously horde over others, please.
It's really sad.
Originally Posted by toramiko
That is a good solution if we are speaking of the Divine Aura specifically. But at the same time, I have to point out that the Factions and Nightfall CE included a mini-pet AND unique dances for their corresponding professions. Something the Prophecies CE will lack if the DA was a staple of all CEs.
So for this to be a workable idea, a balance will have to be achieved throughout all the CEs. Would Anet be willing to revisit old CEs and make these adjustments? You can't really say. But you can keep hoping. Makes life interesting. ![]() |

Anarion Silverhand
Again I deleted some posts, please... PLEASE try to keep this from becoming a user vs. user thread....
Manic Smile
*sigh* this is just depressing...
has ever thought that some of us physically couldn't get a CE when it first came out...I mean up untill factions I knew more about GW then my local game stores...too many WoW fanboys. Seriously, one employee at Gamestop wouldn't sale me the regular GW, for 5 min of bs, because he said I was just being scammed as there was no way could keep it non p2p. When I finnaly could get one online, credit card required they're scarce as can be, I hate being on a rock...
has ever thought that some of us physically couldn't get a CE when it first came out...I mean up untill factions I knew more about GW then my local game stores...too many WoW fanboys. Seriously, one employee at Gamestop wouldn't sale me the regular GW, for 5 min of bs, because he said I was just being scammed as there was no way could keep it non p2p. When I finnaly could get one online, credit card required they're scarce as can be, I hate being on a rock...
Tsunami Rain
Originally Posted by Manic Smile
I hate being on a rock...
Feminist Terrorist
Hengis, any word on your order if you didn't cancel it already? I'm interested to know if HMV actually have any stock left.
Manic Smile
Sorry no word on my order from HMV. I just bought one off of ebay. Seems like paying through your teeth is the only option.
I'd like to see a re-issue of Prophecies CE and here's why. There are still original copies out there. But they aren't selling for the original price. They're selling for much more, but Anet does not get that extra cash. If they re-issue Prophecies CE, they get the money they deserve for this excellent game and it helps put an end to people out there scalping this item for extra cash.
Manic Smile
i would agree yesterday...
got my copy from amazon for two arms, three legs, 10 teeth and my first two kids (it was very expensive).......but since ALL of my characters get the aura, its ok. If it had been a chapter only thing then I would not have put out the cash.....since I have the ce's for the other 2 already, wouldnt really cared about the first 4 characters not having them.
Lol, there's a shop near where I live that still has a CE and GoTY (only 39.99 for GoTY) in stock.
I should pick the CE up and sell it on ebay for 300 dollars
I should pick the CE up and sell it on ebay for 300 dollars
Manic Smile
be nice to some poor GW addict and give em a deal...
Feminist Terrorist
I'm not willing to pay an outrageous price for it. Heck, I'm not even sure I'm going to keep playing when the next game comes out, that's the main reason I'm still on the fence about placing an order with HMV.
It's really no big deal guys, the DA and all. Yes I have the CE, but I don't go around flaunting my "specialness". GW should not have ever referred to the CE as Collector's Edition. They should have called it some other name, like Special Edition from the start. Why not Collector's Edition? Because there's nothing to collector about it besides the art book and headset. Wow, im really gonna get a big deal out of that headset in 20 years. I doubt A-net will still be making GW in 20 yrs. As someone stated earlier, a rare coin set is collector material, but a GW game whose each subsequent CE quanitity keeps rising? LMAO. Recently in Maximum PC, I read an article about the emergence(sp?) of old games such as Doom STILL in it's wrapping, untouched and never played. I believe in Floppy Disk form too! Now that's collector material! That will be worth more in the future, not some game that refers to itself as collector edition.... Those "CE"s that are still wrapped up, now those will be valuable in the future. But don't think they'll be worth mad money. They may go up enough to pay a month or two worth of rent lol that's it. Why do I say that? Because even those RARE Doom games are barely selling for $300. What im gonna do is, i'm gonna go investigate around my area in Texas and see if I can find any CH1 CE's in stores still. I know I will find at least 1 or 2. It's exactly how I found my CE. They had it stored in the back of the store under some more unpopular games. At least THEY thought it's unpopular. I'll update when I find my first one.