Prophecies CE still available anywhere?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

Originally Posted by Manic Smile
For any that care I just bought the Prophecies CE from that Euro site listed and they just processed my order. I'll update again when they bill my credit card and provide a shiping/tracking number.
I also took a similar plunge when I bought Prophecies CE after seeing that ANET wasn't going to reprint them any time soon. I went through an e-tailer advertising on The asking price was double the original sale price, but fortunately everything worked out well... the box was still sealed with an unopened CE-key inside. I would have been happier to give ANET that cash, but it seems that they don't want it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Better Than Life (BTL)


Originally Posted by lord_shar
I also took a similar plunge when I bought Prophecies CE after seeing that ANET wasn't going to reprint them any time soon. I went through an e-tailer advertising on The asking price was double the original sale price, but fortunately everything worked out well... the box was still sealed with an unopened CE-key inside. I would have been happier to give ANET that cash, but it seems that they don't want it.
I too have placed an order with HMV. HMV is a well respected chain store selling CDs DVDs and PC Games, but I have ordered on a Credit Card rather than a Dedit Card so that I have some comeback if the order is not as described.

I really cannot imagine that they still have CE in stock over a year and a half after release, but I too am willing to take the chance to find out.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Hand of Omega [WHO]


Just as a FYI, guys.

HMV do not have it. Your order will change from "on order" to "on special order with our suppliers". I placed an order with them months ago, they don't have it in stock and are relying on trying to purchase it from their suppliers - who of course, don't have it either.

I left my order open with them for almost two months, and when I emailed their sales team they had to admit they were "trying to obtain it". But as they can only order from wholesalers/publishers there's no way they'll get hold of it.

Your best bet is to do one of two things:

Ebay (but only a sealed copy)


Whenever you go to a town you haven't been to, check the games stores and see if they have any on their shelves. HMV will not bill you, but unless pushed they won't admit you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting it from them.


As for all this stuff about the Divine Aura.. everyone's different. I don't consider the art books to be crappy at all, and are worth the extra twenty quid to me. I do it for a living and I still never get tired of seeing other artist's work.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


If they honestly don't have it then they really need to take the page down or change it to Out Of Stock until they can verifiably get it. Otherwise it creates undue hardship for the consumer. But like lord_shar said, I'd rather give my money to Anet. They are the ones who deserve any profit, not another end user.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I don't recall them ever saying they wouldn't add character slots; what they did say was they'd never allow account merging(which they have stuck to).

GAILE GRAY made several posts on the old *CHARACTER SLOTS* thread as well as the *CHATS* and every time she stated

*at this time we are UNABLE to add extra slots and we are working on a way to hopefully provide for something that is a very popular request*

that was a technical inability to provide slots at that time.

that was not a policy of we wont but a statement of we are not able at this time but are working to provide it.

GAILE on the other hand has flatly said that while we can produce more early CE policy and fairness to CE buyers not to devalue their extra cost purchase means we will not keep making more of a limited item.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I don't recall them ever saying they wouldn't add character slots; what they did say was they'd never allow account merging(which they have stuck to).
I do recall this, they flat out said that adding character slots would be impossible from a technical standpoint however once people began saying that they'd be willing to pay for those extra slots, they took another look at it and found a way to make it possible provided the slots were purchased (to make up the cost on Anet's end).

So this has gone from a will-not to a here-ya-go. There's no reason this can't or won't either. Sure they may currently say no we won't print more CEs, but if the consumer demands it and is willing to pay, they'd have to listen.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Loviatar

GAILE GRAY made several posts on the old *CHARACTER SLOTS* thread as well as the *CHATS* and every time she stated

*at this time we are UNABLE to add extra slots and we are working on a way to hopefully provide for something that is a very popular request*

that was a technical inability to provide slots at that time.

that was not a policy of we wont but a statement of we are not able at this time but are working to provide it.

GAILE on the other hand has flatly said that while we can produce more early CE policy and fairness to CE buyers not to devalue their extra cost purchase means we will not keep making more of a limited item.
They said it was impossible, but later found a way to do so once the players said they'd be willing to pay for them. The players pressed and pressed their desire and won out in the end. That may not happen every time, but that can also happen now. The simple fact that end users are getting profit from something they themselves could be selling would be a major sticking point.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by nbajammer
They said it was impossible, but later found a way to do so once the players said they'd be willing to pay for them. The players pressed and pressed their desire and won out in the end. That may not happen every time, but that can also happen now. The simple fact that end users are getting profit from something they themselves could be selling would be a major sticking point.
sorry to disagree but you are flat out provably wrong.

note the simple provable facts.

1 they already had the ability to add slots when you linked both chapters so obviously they could add slots and did not say it was impossible.

2. they did state that *at this time we do not have the ability to add slots to individual accounts above the increase from merging*.

they did state they were working on a solution but due to technicalities could not give a hard and fast date on when it would be available.

3 ANET has always agreed it was popular and never stated WE WONT only that WE CANT at this moment but are working to provide a way to do so.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Hand of Omega [WHO]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
If they honestly don't have it then they really need to take the page down or change it to Out Of Stock until they can verifiably get it. Otherwise it creates undue hardship for the consumer. But like lord_shar said, I'd rather give my money to Anet. They are the ones who deserve any profit, not another end user.
I agree. And I did point it out to them at the time. I could've used the money I had sat there for two months 'just in case' for something else. In the end I decided to bid on eBay... but the prices they get up to just aint worth it, in my opinion.

I also seriously doubt that DA will ever be sold in the store. Ir's fair enough (imo) that early users who took the plunge get something nice. If everyone has DA then being in a town would be something like a bizarro fireworks display 24/7. I don't think my graphics card would be able to take the strain.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Loviatar
sorry to disagree but you are flat out provably wrong.

note the simple provable facts.

1 they already had the ability to add slots when you linked both chapters so obviously they could add slots and did not say it was impossible.

2. they did state that *at this time we do not have the ability to add slots to individual accounts above the increase from merging*.

they did state they were working on a solution but due to technicalities could not give a hard and fast date on when it would be available.

3 ANET has always agreed it was popular and never stated WE WONT only that WE CANT at this moment but are working to provide a way to do so.
sorry to disagree but you are flat out provably wrong.

note the simple provable facts.

1. They had the ability to add slots to a merged account, but they did not have the ability to simply add slots at will.

2. Therefore, they said no can do.

3. This only happened after the players demanded the ability to get extra slots.

I posted in that very thread on GWO. 50+ pages long. I was there. I know what was said. I know they took another look at the situation when the players demanded the ability to buy slots. I know they then relented on it when told we'd be willing to purchase them. Sorry, but the facts back me up here.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Saraphim
I agree. And I did point it out to them at the time. I could've used the money I had sat there for two months 'just in case' for something else. In the end I decided to bid on eBay... but the prices they get up to just aint worth it, in my opinion.

I also seriously doubt that DA will ever be sold in the store. Ir's fair enough (imo) that early users who took the plunge get something nice. If everyone has DA then being in a town would be something like a bizarro fireworks display 24/7. I don't think my graphics card would be able to take the strain.
People do it now with the disco balls, and it doesn't get too bad. Doubt it'd be any worse with the DA. At least the fireworks would be costly.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


As a lot of people have mentioned, You would probley have to buy from Amazon or Ebay - I have it, and my mom, got it as a birthday present from ebay last may - I think she payed somewhere around 120 dollars maybe? Not completely sure on that, but it was in fine condition and worked perfectly =)

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The point being made about the whole comparison to character slots is that:

when it was constantly being requested; they said they couldn't at the time not that they wouldn't. After rewriting some of the game code; they were then able to offer them and were glad to.

With producing more CE's:

They have stated they could but they wont because it would be like stabbing everyone that already bought them in the back.

In summation; you're statement that Gaile's statement that they wont re-release CE's lacks credability cause they had previously said they wouldn't do something and did it anyway is false because they said they couldn't (at the time) not that they wouldn't at any future date if it did become possible. As it stands, we have no reason to doubt that Gaile's statement will hold true.

(that last part may be a bit confusing but I can't really reword it any better...)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
As a lot of people have mentioned, You would probley have to buy from Amazon or Ebay - I have it, and my mom, got it as a birthday present from ebay last may - I think she payed somewhere around 120 dollars maybe? Not completely sure on that, but it was in fine condition and worked perfectly =)
Was it sealed or opened? At $120, that's a heck of a deal. Most of them now go for $150+. I have my eyes on one right now, but being it's Christmas season, I sent the link to guildies and relatives for Xmas ideas.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
The point being made about the whole comparison to character slots is that:

when it was constantly being requested; they said they couldn't at the time not that they wouldn't. After rewriting some of the game code; they were then able to offer them and were glad to.

With producing more CE's:

They have stated they could but they wont because it would be like stabbing everyone that already bought them in the back.

In summation; you're statement that Gaile's statement that they wont re-release CE's lacks credability cause they had previously said they wouldn't do something and did it anyway is false because they said they couldn't (at the time) not that they wouldn't at any future date if it did become possible. As it stands, we have no reason to doubt that Gaile's statement will hold true.

(that last part may be a bit confusing but I can't really reword it any better...)
Like I said - I was there, I posted in it, I spent over an hour reading it. They said it couldn't be done, and then it was - as you stated - with a code re-write after people kept requesting it and said they'd pay for it no less. There's no reason the same can't be done here. Thus by virtue of the fact that I posted in that thread multiple times does gives the statement a LOT of credibility.

But making it available doesn't stab everyone in the back because the item is no more or less special if everyone had it. If the item is so special as you say- why do I not see people prancing around going emoting everything under the sun for the purpose of displaying it? Every time I see an emote spammer it is to be annoying (as the following stop spamming comments indicate), and there is no DA. None. The disco ball dance for Dervishes, the equivalent in Nightfall, is being beaten to death and then some but the fact that everyone has it does not make it less special. Either you have it or you don't.

Also, if you look back at the last Gaile chat, she stated that there "are no plans.." to make more. Just because there are no plans to doesnt mean they won't. Or that they will. But it does seem to show that they are aware of an interest on the part of the fanbase. If anything is to happen at all, that's the first step.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Currently Looking...


For those that want the CE... ftw!!!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by wolfmane
For those that want the CE... ftw!!!
That's the standard edition, not the CE.

bog boy

bog boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



i think i have seen one in the virgin megastores in peterborough not sure u know where this is but thought id say anyways



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
Was it sealed or opened? At $120, that's a heck of a deal. Most of them now go for $150+. I have my eyes on one right now, but being it's Christmas season, I sent the link to guildies and relatives for Xmas ideas.
It was sealed =) It came after my birthday, but she sent me the receipt and info in an email so i could see that it was coming, and like i said im pretty sure it was 120$, I havent looked at there prices now, but one of my buddies said they saw one going for 220 So im very glad my mom got it when she did.

My guess is as long as they don't release more, that its price will continue to go up. When i first looked into it a few months before i got mine, the price was at 90-100.

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


As to why the DA isnt seen as often, its becasue most of us with it, are either not spamming it, busy doing stuff ingame, and, the difference in player population and the fact that old players do tend leave or semi-retire

so, the players that display DA are less then what used to be.

I have the Aura myself, and i dont see others using it too often, and yes, i like the bit of attention and comments i get from it sometimes.

I like the uniqeness of it, compared to seeing someome spamming the Factions or NF emotes everywhere, i would swear that the NF CE had the largest amount made to date >.>

Personaly, im fine with keeping DA as it is, seeing every joe and whammo spamming it in town would be a spit in the face to me.

if you want comparisons, there is plenty of things in life we all cannot get, you dont see every player walking around with crystalline swords now do you? or stuff in RL like other collecables and items, ect

quite simply, everyone cannot have all they want, and i count myself lucky to have the Proph CE

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
Like I said - I was there, I posted in it, I spent over an hour reading it. They said it couldn't be done, and then it was - as you stated - with a code re-write after people kept requesting it and said they'd pay for it no less. There's no reason the same can't be done here. Thus by virtue of the fact that I posted in that thread multiple times does gives the statement a LOT of credibility.

But making it available doesn't stab everyone in the back because the item is no more or less special if everyone had it. If the item is so special as you say- why do I not see people prancing around going emoting everything under the sun for the purpose of displaying it? Every time I see an emote spammer it is to be annoying (as the following stop spamming comments indicate), and there is no DA. None. The disco ball dance for Dervishes, the equivalent in Nightfall, is being beaten to death and then some but the fact that everyone has it does not make it less special. Either you have it or you don't.

Also, if you look back at the last Gaile chat, she stated that there "are no plans.." to make more. Just because there are no plans to doesnt mean they won't. Or that they will. But it does seem to show that they are aware of an interest on the part of the fanbase. If anything is to happen at all, that's the first step.
They didn't say it couldn't be done; they said it wasn't possible with the current build of the game. You can keep talking about this mythic thread that's the cornerstone of your argument; but if you can't give a linky it amounts to nothing.

Actually; it would be far less special if everyone had it. A feature being constatnly flaunted by everyone that has it would not indicate how special it is.

She says there are no plans as in they aren't even considering it (as in there is zero intent to do it). She also says they dont' reprint them as a rule.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
They didn't say it couldn't be done; they said it wasn't possible with the current build of the game. You can keep talking about this mythic thread that's the cornerstone of your argument; but if you can't give a linky it amounts to nothing.

Actually; it would be far less special if everyone had it. A feature being constatnly flaunted by everyone that has it would not indicate how special it is.

She says there are no plans as in they aren't even considering it (as in there is zero intent to do it). She also says they dont' reprint them as a rule.
Not my problem if you dont want to look up a 50+ page thread on GWO and then spend hours on top of that looking for the specific post(s). Fact is, it was there. You cannot change the facts. Since I was there, and you apparently were not, it amounts to everything. And no, the thread is not the cornerstone of my arguement, had you read my posts you'd see that. But you have no link to anything that says it will never, ever happen either so by your own standards your arguement has no merit either. She says they dont reprint them as a rule, but past rules have been changed. Nothing to say this won't be either, in one form or another.

As for how special it is, fact is not everyone is flaunting it. Countless people who have it don't even play. So you have glowing hands. Big deal. Anyone who thinks they are uber special because they have one emote is not focusing on the big picture. Even if everyone had the DA, you still have your art book, your poster, your headset, etc. So no, it isn't devalued at all.

No plans means it may or may not happen. Can't argue the facts there. They said they wouldnt add slots, but that got changed. There's nothing to suggest this couldn't be changed either.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Solar Light
if you want comparisons, there is plenty of things in life we all cannot get, you dont see every player walking around with crystalline swords now do you? or stuff in RL like other collecables and items, ect

quite simply, everyone cannot have all they want, and i count myself lucky to have the Proph CE
You don't get crystallines by adding a CD Key to your account, do you? No. Invalid comparison. There's no reason not to make it available.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by nbajammer

So you have glowing hands. Big deal. .
yes it is a big deal to you as you posted earlier that

I'd willingly pay $70 over again for a Prophecies CE key from the online store so I could add the Divine Aura to my primary account
you would pay an extra 70 dollars to add to an existing account.

so those *glowing hands* are worth at least SEVENTY DOLLARS to you

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


yes, but the Cd key is a rare item aswell.

DA is not a nessesary thing to enjoy GW, its a bonus, a rare one now due to the age of it

i bet your one of those whiners about item rarity and crap like that? if not, when sorry, but seriously, YOU CANNOT GET EVERYTHING HANDED TO YOU ON A PLATTER.

if i didnt have my DA, of course i would want it, like i want a million bucks, tons of gold, and all that other junk we all want.

Da is just icing on the cake, get your head straight please.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Originally Posted by Solar Light
As to why the DA isnt seen as often, its becasue most of us with it, are either not spamming it, busy doing stuff ingame, and, the difference in player population and the fact that old players do tend leave or semi-retire

so, the players that display DA are less then what used to be.

I have the Aura myself, and i dont see others using it too often, and yes, i like the bit of attention and comments i get from it sometimes.

I like the uniqeness of it, compared to seeing someome spamming the Factions or NF emotes everywhere, i would swear that the NF CE had the largest amount made to date >.>

Personaly, im fine with keeping DA as it is, seeing every joe and whammo spamming it in town would be a spit in the face to me.

if you want comparisons, there is plenty of things in life we all cannot get, you dont see every player walking around with crystalline swords now do you? or stuff in RL like other collecables and items, ect

quite simply, everyone cannot have all they want, and i count myself lucky to have the Proph CE
Exactly =) I continue to get the CE's but i don't often show off my disco ball or spirits, beacuse everyone has them, so i simply just type /dance to show off.

But, sorry to everyone else, but I agree with Solar. I'm glad that I have it, and if everyone else had it, then it wouldn't really matter to me anymore, just like the disco ball isn't that significant. So i hope that they don't release more, simply to keep the DA a rareity. I think it is awesome when im standing in a town with 50 others, and one other person comes over with the DA, beacuse it hardly ever happens, but If all of those 50 people had it, Well what would be so special about it?

I contine to buy the CE's beacuse I like collecting them, after all, they are collector editions

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by nbajammer
Not my problem if you dont want to look up a 50+ page thread on GWO and then spend hours on top of that looking for the specific post(s). Fact is, it was there. You cannot change the facts. Since I was there, and you apparently were not, it amounts to everything. And no, the thread is not the cornerstone of my arguement, had you read my posts you'd see that. But you have no link to anything that says it will never, ever happen either so by your own standards your arguement has no merit either. She says they dont reprint them as a rule, but past rules have been changed. Nothing to say this won't be either, in one form or another.

As for how special it is, fact is not everyone is flaunting it. Countless people who have it don't even play. So you have glowing hands. Big deal. Anyone who thinks they are uber special because they have one emote is not focusing on the big picture. Even if everyone had the DA, you still have your art book, your poster, your headset, etc. So no, it isn't devalued at all.

No plans means it may or may not happen. Can't argue the facts there. They said they wouldnt add slots, but that got changed. There's nothing to suggest this couldn't be changed either.
The burden of proof is on your shoulders bud. A lawyer can't go to court and tell the judge his client didn't kill that woman Cause he was in another state with a friend and happened to video tape the occassion; then when the judge asks to see the tape tell him that if he wants to see it so badly he can go find it himself. And since you claim to have "been there", and no one else has seen it and you can't prove it ever happened; then it does amount to nothing. I do have a link if you recall, a link to a Gaile chat log that says they have a policy of not reprinting CE's. Did you forget about that? Again you make claims to precedent such as "past rules have been changed"; but have you given any actual example? Of course not.

If you claim divine aura is a trivial thing that's no "big deal"; then why are so many people asking for it? Devaluing part of the whole does indeed devalue the whole.

Once more you refer back to the character slots; you say it's not the cornerstone of your argument but so far it's the only form of evidence you've given..... and still no proof. If you intend to debate this, you have to actually cite evidence rather than just making something up and telling everyone else to find it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
If you claim divine aura is a trivial thing that's no "big deal"; then why are so many people asking for it? Devaluing part of the whole does indeed devalue the whole.
Devaluing part of the whole does NOT devalue the whole. Everyone having it does not devalue it. You may want to look up the contents of the Prophecies Collector's Edition and review it. The rest of your post is a flame, and does not deserve a response from me as I do not respond to flamers or trolls. If you cannot disagree with me civilly then you do not deserve a response from me. Your only choice then is to agree to disagree and move on.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


It does indeed devalue the whole. Say I have a coin collection worth $2 thousand; then the mint finds a cache of coins and now half of my coin collection is only worth a forth what it was previously. The entire collection now only has a value of $1250. A whole is the sum of its parts; if you detract from its parts, the sum is indeed less. >_<

It's not a flame at all, it's me explaining to you that if you want to continue this debate (which you seem to); you have to actually provide evidence. You can't just say whatever you want and expect it to have any merit.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

As guildwars was still a new game when prophecies came out, I didnt buy the CE. Now its the only chapter that I dont have the CE for, and I really want the divine auras .

They should add bonus dances for all classes in each CE.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

glad i got my prophecies ce the first day gw released



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Originally Posted by bhavv
As guildwars was still a new game when prophecies came out, I didnt buy the CE. Now its the only chapter that I dont have the CE for, and I really want the divine auras .

They should add bonus dances for all classes in each CE.
I agree that they should, because for each CE put out its one more person in the same shoes as those of us wanting a Proph CE released. That would be fair to the long-term customers who've paid for every CE released.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mystic Masters of Gaia


Touchy subject. You got to remember, Guild Wars is only 3 chapters old and you don't know exactly what will happen in the future regarding past campaigns. (Despite even Anet's position on certain subjects.)

In my opinion though, the collector's edition should be self explanatory. It's a collector's item, once the supply runs out -- there shouldn't be any more.

You can't really re-introduce a collectors item. Or you will devalue what is already available. (As already pointed out in this thread.)

I think the best example of this relating to Guild Wars was the collectible headgear that was mentioned in the thread already. You can't get them again.

You can hope, dream and look forward to getting it again, only to find out it's not the same. Like the pumpkin heads given out during the 2006 Halloween event. It was not the same as the one from 2005.

Hypothetically speaking, IF Anet did decide to release a collector's edition of prophecies again, it probably won't be the same as the ones now (probably won't be called collector's edition either).

That would probably appeal to a wider spectrum of players than just re-releasing a CE because players with or without the Prophecies CE would be inclined to buy it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


Again you're confusing Collector's Edition with Limited Edition. This isnt a case of number xx out of xxxx copies made sort of thing. However, you do reinforce what I've said a little bit as well - you never know what's going to happen in the future. As the case was with the slots, anything could change. And this thread shows several reasons why it could change. This is why I am not replying to every post anymore, as many are not even worth replying to since they are nothing more than flamebait. The track record speaks for itself. Since demand is picking up let's see what they are willing to do about it. That's how things got changed in the past - if even not as everyone wanted - butchanged nonetheless.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mystic Masters of Gaia


Originally Posted by nbajammer
Again you're confusing Collector's Edition with Limited Edition.
I may be, but you have to understand as well that we can not take these terms in literal meaning because it is the company who defines these terms. Whether it be Collector's Edition, Limited Edition, Special Edition, Platinum Edition, etc. It would be a misconception to say that x Editions are (or should be) always available because that is not always necessarily true.

When the production of a product has ended, there may be a decision not to produce the product under a "x Edition" again. Despite its popularity.

However, as it stands now, Anet appears to be treating the Collector's Edition as a Limited Edition. They are producing them based on initial orders, statistics, and what they foresee and may not be produced in levels to meet market demand. That was especially true for Prophecies because they did not foresee such a high demand for it.

But like I mentioned before, based on how Anet has been operating, I would guess a different Edition of Prophecies may be released to appeal to fans, but I doubt they would reprint/produce the exact same CE.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


I much prefer the other option listed - add the DA to the subsequent CEs (and only CEs) to maintain a standard of continuity - much like the artbook and poster have been staples so too should the DA as opposed to the DA only for select few.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Originally Posted by toramiko
In my opinion though, the collector's edition should be self explanatory. It's a collector's item, once the supply runs out -- there shouldn't be any more.

Tsunami Rain

Tsunami Rain

mmmmmmmm pie.

Join Date: Aug 2005

Honolulu, Hawaii

Favorable Winds [Gust]


sorry guys but flaming, trolling, etc. has to stop now. any more of it and I'll have to start taking more forceful actions.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

It's really up to ANET to decide whether or not they will ever re-implement divine aura in any future edition. Stating either one way or another is just more guess-work on our part, which doesn't help anyone.

One other poster claimed that divine aura would never get implemented in the final Nightfall Release since it wasn't present in the PvE preview weekend... see how correct he/she was?

Anyway, the few remaining unopened Prophecies CE's will only go up in price given how DA has been fully supported in every chapter so far. It is the one bonus feature that gets to enjoy too many ANET updates (going well beyond Ch1 content).

I sincerely hope ANET starts releasing chapter-specific divine auras variants, just to give others a chance of seeing it on their toons.

PS: I have all CE copies, so I have nothing to gain with the above suggestion.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mystic Masters of Gaia


Originally Posted by nbajammer
I much prefer the other option listed - add the DA to the subsequent CEs (and only CEs) to maintain a standard of continuity - much like the artbook and poster have been staples so too should the DA as opposed to the DA only for select few.
That is a good solution if we are speaking of the Divine Aura specifically. But at the same time, I have to point out that the Factions and Nightfall CE included a mini-pet AND unique dances for their corresponding professions. Something the Prophecies CE will lack if the DA was a staple of all CEs.

So for this to be a workable idea, a balance will have to be achieved throughout all the CEs.

Would Anet be willing to revisit old CEs and make these adjustments? You can't really say. But you can keep hoping. Makes life interesting.