Domain Of Anguish
Look this build
7 necro/sins everyone choose a target, cast at same time rising bile and teleport away wait for 30 seconds take drops and go to another group...
1 monk to rez
I like i see in DoA, soon you will see 7 man, 6 man, 5 man and 4 man partys
7 necro/sins everyone choose a target, cast at same time rising bile and teleport away wait for 30 seconds take drops and go to another group...
1 monk to rez

I like i see in DoA, soon you will see 7 man, 6 man, 5 man and 4 man partys

Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
Avarre, you nearly read my mind. Does it work when you combine those two spells? Defiant Was Xinrae + Spell Breaker? Does a spell still count as used against you if it fails due to Spell Breaker?
Wish I could go back and tell myself to make a Rt in Factions instead of the Ass. All I ended up with was a melee character who has nothing extraordinary or special to her ![]() |
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by dansamy
No. They are average players. They are sheep who need the elite to figure out the build(s) that work, post tutorials and guides, and tell them where to stand and which skills to bring and which buttons to push in which order. That's how these "terrible" players will be able to complete areas of DoA. Already we are seeing average PuGs completing City and Stygian because players ahead of them have posted "how to" thread. In another week, we will see average PuGs complete the other areas after "how to" threads have been posted.
BTW: had a good laugh after logging into add a new member to the guild, and saw that district 3 was all but dead, and the active areas were demanding vent/ts before you could join there group, in fact I'm still laughing PvE requiring a voice communication to even get anywhere, I can understand PvP but PvE come on, that is about the largest retarded thing I've seen in a long time.
I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. You see the same phenomenon in other games. Most sorcs in D2 were Meteorb cookie-cutters because bleeding edge players found it effective. Same for hammerdins & trap sins. (I had to go outside the norm and make an enchantress using a crossbow!)
This person doesn't have Raza just the way to access him. You need one of each gem which takes you to where he is yes? But don't you need to finish a quest. Either way the photo doesn't change how difficult the area is or isn't.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
*snip off unreleated pvp rant*
He can have hench because the place where you do the quest for Razah has henchmen. Hell, I beat Abaddon with heroes AND henchmen so I should know that.
Lucifer PVP
Gloom took about 1 1/2
City took about 1 1/2
Stygian took about 2 hours
and heres another thing in DoA. the pix says it all. notice the first 3 to drop didnt drop anything. now if u wanna blame it on my ele farming. she dont farm at all.
Make this a PvP vs PvE discussion, or a trolling fest, and it gets closed.
Originally Posted by Avarre
Make this a PvP vs PvE discussion, or a trolling fest, and it gets closed.

This is thread is kinda dying.. and Gaile already said they weren't going to make it easier so I guess now everyone just has to deal and move on. :\ I've been seeing people have more success so maybe it wasn't as bad as first thought...
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by natuxatu
This is thread is kinda dying.. and Gaile already said they weren't going to make it easier so I guess now everyone just has to deal and move on. :\ I've been seeing people have more success so maybe it wasn't as bad as first thought...
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
We shall see, in a month or so if we get topics like . "I can't find anyone to play with there is like 3 people in the only district", then ArenaNet will have a problem.
Also, to the guy who posted the pic of him farming in Stygian, ever heard of fire attunement
Cut it out people, it has been proven that Razah can be obtained - with Heroes, at that. Reporting this thread so it gets closed, this has been going on for too long.
OMFG you guys beat the first part of Foundry with heroes!?
very, very nice.
very, very nice.
Njaiguni Blaze
I frikking laugh at all the people who are looking for the latest cookiecutter build there and limit people to that. I was kinda afraid of it and knew it would happen, but just like in FoW, just like in UW, I proved them wrong! I'm a mesmer myself and we went in there with a totally random group, which consisted of: Me/Mo, W/Me tank, Rt/R, 2x E/Me, N/Mo, 1 "bonder" (not even a full bonder, but some skills we just throwed together) and a WoH with some random skills also. We did the city part and almost made it through. We had little problems with defeating the Margonites. We NEVER had ANY use for a BiP, SS, MM, Mendinger or Trapper, and we certainly didn't need a 12-man party. You guys go ahead and look for the latest cookiecutter and stare yourself blind at it, we'll have a blast without the elitism and crap like, "Equip skill X and Y, or else you get kicked".
I had the greatest time in the DoA and have made some new friends. DEATH TO THE COOKIECUTTER SNOBS!!!
I had the greatest time in the DoA and have made some new friends. DEATH TO THE COOKIECUTTER SNOBS!!!

Originally Posted by Njaiguni Blaze
I frikking laugh at all the people who are looking for the latest cookiecutter build there and limit people to that. I was kinda afraid of it and knew it would happen, but just like in FoW, just like in UW, I proved them wrong! I'm a mesmer myself and we went in there with a totally random group, which consisted of: Me/Mo, W/Me tank, Rt/R, 2x E/Me, N/Mo, 1 "bonder" (not even a full bonder, but some skills we just throwed together) and a WoH with some random skills also. We did the city part and almost made it through. We had little problems with defeating the Margonites. We NEVER had ANY use for a BiP, SS, MM, Mendinger or Trapper, and we certainly didn't need a 12-man party. You guys go ahead and look for the latest cookiecutter and stare yourself blind at it, we'll have a blast without the elitism and crap like, "Equip skill X and Y, or else you get kicked".
I had the greatest time in the DoA and have made some new friends. DEATH TO THE COOKIECUTTER SNOBS!!! ![]() ![]() |
Bocjo Bassannn
FINALY made it through city..... got a primeval armor and of course the 1 gem at the end.
Have to say that my feelings about the place havn't changed.
It took our group about 4 hrs to compleat it. I still feel that the rit hero should be moved and made more achievable for a larger part of players. I still think 4 hrs is too long for most people for just one part of a quest.
I still think increasing team size there to 10 to 12 people to speed things up and make the difficulty level "chooseable". Is a simple easy fix that will apease to almost everyone. Want it harder take less people, easier and faster more. But the main reason I would like to see a team size increase is error 7s.... We made it and the amazing mesmer on our team error 7's not 15 mins before Lord Jardoth is on his face at our feet. Now I feel sad and almost even guilty rather than a sense of achievement. Why, because someone in our party missed out due most likely how long the dang mission took and there connection droped or hiccuped or whatever.
I have to say that overall at least my experience in the city wasnt at all fun. Not due to the difficulty level so much as the error 7's and the grueling almost "marathonish" feel to the gameplay there. Will I still play there? Only to aquire the rit hero that I want for the characters that I wish to use a rit with. Will I do it for all of my 10 characters....... probably not.
Have to say that my feelings about the place havn't changed.
It took our group about 4 hrs to compleat it. I still feel that the rit hero should be moved and made more achievable for a larger part of players. I still think 4 hrs is too long for most people for just one part of a quest.
I still think increasing team size there to 10 to 12 people to speed things up and make the difficulty level "chooseable". Is a simple easy fix that will apease to almost everyone. Want it harder take less people, easier and faster more. But the main reason I would like to see a team size increase is error 7s.... We made it and the amazing mesmer on our team error 7's not 15 mins before Lord Jardoth is on his face at our feet. Now I feel sad and almost even guilty rather than a sense of achievement. Why, because someone in our party missed out due most likely how long the dang mission took and there connection droped or hiccuped or whatever.
I have to say that overall at least my experience in the city wasnt at all fun. Not due to the difficulty level so much as the error 7's and the grueling almost "marathonish" feel to the gameplay there. Will I still play there? Only to aquire the rit hero that I want for the characters that I wish to use a rit with. Will I do it for all of my 10 characters....... probably not.
Originally Posted by Etrik
Also, to the guy who posted the pic of him farming in Stygian, ever heard of fire attunement |

Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by Bocjo Bassannn
I still think increasing team size there to 10 to 12 people to speed things up and make the difficulty level "chooseable". Is a simple easy fix that will apease to almost everyone.
well, finally finished the city quest tonight. it was pretty cool, given how many attempts i had made. which wasn't too many given i only have time each night to try one run if i'm lucky.
the funniest part was that it was just about the worst pug i'd ever had.
my past successful pugs who have performed real well, but still either wiped, couldn't rez a dead member w/o crazy long range aggro, or just too many drops/err 7's have usually consisted of:
1 war tank, 1 paragon support, 3 monks (heal/prot/bond) and 3 meteor shower eles.
sometimes the paragon can be a necro, or dervish (great as emergency tank)
usually these groups would open up the city walls before doing something really dumb - like the tank who argued w/ me that he could hold aggro on the 3 patrols in the city. Kept him alive for a few seconds, but never did manage to rez his dead body.
but someone was talking about the lack of even basic lvl 20 gameplay.. most of this group was completely lacking it. I don't know how we finished in just over 3 hours, but we did, mostly due to one of our members knowing how to finish off the end boss part and what to expect.
Our tank never listened the entire time. he would pull w/ a bow, then run back into our caster aggro, then run forward while the derv mobs rushed our eles and monks, then he'd tank a bit, then run back into the monks for something, then rush back out. Other times he'd charge straight for the enemy backline monks putting us monks completely within ranger/ele spike range if we wanted to keep his ass alive. All the while we'd be trying to save the eles as they had run up to cast on the enemy monks.
Our bip was good though, constantly energizing everyone and staying completely out of trouble. The eles were mostly clueless, often rushing w/o any prot, chasing after running mobs when 3 party members were down.
We had no bond monk, and I was told in town by one of the other monks that my build sucked and wasn't going to work. Fortunately they didn't bother telling me to change my skills. Later turns out I was the only monk w/ any prot skills one me, prot spirit/rof. And then the other monk ended up w/ severe lag issues in the latter half of the quest.
It was fun, it was hectic, and half the time I wanted to scream and throttle our tank. The rest of the party didn't seem to have the basics down, the necro and I tried to educate our tank. But he often refused to listen, and you had to repeat things over and over and over and not know if he'd bother doing them. He didn't take damage too well, and had no basic knowledge of aggro management.
I guess the only thing that saved us most of the time was that the softies had the presence of mind to run. It's still remarkable that we finished in such a short time.
Even more remarkable that I still love pugs, although that one certainly tried my patience. I probably came off as the crazy bossy, controlling monk.. but when your tank doesn't even know the basics of how best to manage the well being of the rest of the party - healer/nukers.. you gotta say something if you don't want to all end up back in town.
Two gems and a completed subquest.
I still think a group w/ at least 3 monks, 3 eles and a tank give you the best shot. And I run as a primary spike healer/prot
It's sad that the area sometimes does have become so elitist already.. rather like the old days of uw/fow. Where many groups want vent/ts, certain skill builds, and very much like to dictate what's in your skill bar.
I've joined many of those groups before and often I find they fail just as easily as your random pugs. Only, pugs require much less set up time to get up and go.
the funniest part was that it was just about the worst pug i'd ever had.
my past successful pugs who have performed real well, but still either wiped, couldn't rez a dead member w/o crazy long range aggro, or just too many drops/err 7's have usually consisted of:
1 war tank, 1 paragon support, 3 monks (heal/prot/bond) and 3 meteor shower eles.
sometimes the paragon can be a necro, or dervish (great as emergency tank)
usually these groups would open up the city walls before doing something really dumb - like the tank who argued w/ me that he could hold aggro on the 3 patrols in the city. Kept him alive for a few seconds, but never did manage to rez his dead body.
but someone was talking about the lack of even basic lvl 20 gameplay.. most of this group was completely lacking it. I don't know how we finished in just over 3 hours, but we did, mostly due to one of our members knowing how to finish off the end boss part and what to expect.
Our tank never listened the entire time. he would pull w/ a bow, then run back into our caster aggro, then run forward while the derv mobs rushed our eles and monks, then he'd tank a bit, then run back into the monks for something, then rush back out. Other times he'd charge straight for the enemy backline monks putting us monks completely within ranger/ele spike range if we wanted to keep his ass alive. All the while we'd be trying to save the eles as they had run up to cast on the enemy monks.
Our bip was good though, constantly energizing everyone and staying completely out of trouble. The eles were mostly clueless, often rushing w/o any prot, chasing after running mobs when 3 party members were down.
We had no bond monk, and I was told in town by one of the other monks that my build sucked and wasn't going to work. Fortunately they didn't bother telling me to change my skills. Later turns out I was the only monk w/ any prot skills one me, prot spirit/rof. And then the other monk ended up w/ severe lag issues in the latter half of the quest.
It was fun, it was hectic, and half the time I wanted to scream and throttle our tank. The rest of the party didn't seem to have the basics down, the necro and I tried to educate our tank. But he often refused to listen, and you had to repeat things over and over and over and not know if he'd bother doing them. He didn't take damage too well, and had no basic knowledge of aggro management.
I guess the only thing that saved us most of the time was that the softies had the presence of mind to run. It's still remarkable that we finished in such a short time.
Even more remarkable that I still love pugs, although that one certainly tried my patience. I probably came off as the crazy bossy, controlling monk.. but when your tank doesn't even know the basics of how best to manage the well being of the rest of the party - healer/nukers.. you gotta say something if you don't want to all end up back in town.
Two gems and a completed subquest.
I still think a group w/ at least 3 monks, 3 eles and a tank give you the best shot. And I run as a primary spike healer/prot
It's sad that the area sometimes does have become so elitist already.. rather like the old days of uw/fow. Where many groups want vent/ts, certain skill builds, and very much like to dictate what's in your skill bar.
I've joined many of those groups before and often I find they fail just as easily as your random pugs. Only, pugs require much less set up time to get up and go.
Maria The Princess
i wounder how many wounders a rit could do in there....
a spirit spammer/restauration rit might be more usefull then a bonder imo
what do u guys think?
a spirit spammer/restauration rit might be more usefull then a bonder imo
what do u guys think?
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
i wounder how many wounders a rit could do in there....
a spirit spammer/restauration rit might be more usefull then a bonder imo what do u guys think? |
Although I am a fan of Restoration I'm not convinced it could outheal the damage from Uber-Margonites. Spirit Spammer, maybe. Shelter always seems to die too fast but I was considering Earthbind with an ele using Thunderclap/Dragon's Stomp/*sigh*Meteor Shower (Man, am I getting bored of MS), or a necro using Soul Bind.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
We shall see, in a month or so if we get topics like . "I can't find anyone to play with there is like 3 people in the only district", then ArenaNet will have a problem.
Greed is a good motivator.
Maria The Princess
^^ even tho my Rit is only lvl 15 you'll see her there VERY soon 
With rit lord Shelter and Union might be more effective (more spamable)
So far playing I found that having both up is not as effective as chaining them one after the other dies, so it would provide constant protection and not protection for a short period of time. I also see how Misplacement could work in there (ZOMFG the tank died and theres 5 margonite dervishes runing around!!!)
Anouther thing that im SURE of is that people underestimate water magic. A dervish who cant run faster then a siege turtle is not very dangerous imo, and Maelstorms + Mind freese could take care of those spikers. By the time they will get out of the AOE they will be dead.
I'm planing to try a new build in there which would work imo. Too bad pugs won't admit eles have more then 3 skills.
obsidian flesh tank
MS ele
MS ele
water ele
BiP necro or MM
Prot monk
Spirit spamer rit
as soon as my ele and rit beats the game ....
With rit lord Shelter and Union might be more effective (more spamable)
So far playing I found that having both up is not as effective as chaining them one after the other dies, so it would provide constant protection and not protection for a short period of time. I also see how Misplacement could work in there (ZOMFG the tank died and theres 5 margonite dervishes runing around!!!)
Anouther thing that im SURE of is that people underestimate water magic. A dervish who cant run faster then a siege turtle is not very dangerous imo, and Maelstorms + Mind freese could take care of those spikers. By the time they will get out of the AOE they will be dead.
I'm planing to try a new build in there which would work imo. Too bad pugs won't admit eles have more then 3 skills.
obsidian flesh tank
MS ele
MS ele
water ele
BiP necro or MM
Prot monk
Spirit spamer rit
as soon as my ele and rit beats the game ....

Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
Anouther thing that im SURE of is that people underestimate water magic. A dervish who cant run faster then a siege turtle is not very dangerous imo, and Maelstorms + Mind freese could take care of those spikers. By the time they will get out of the AOE they will be dead.

I've been wanting to try water magic in there for a while but it seems Meteor Shower is everyone's comfort blanket. Perhaps If I beat the game with my rit tonight I'll take my ele back in there and see if I can get into a group as water. I like to use Deep Freeze and Feast of Corruption...but Maelstrom should help sort out some of the spellcasters. We will have to see.
Maria The Princess
so far my monk is the only toon there (but we are desperatly needed
pm me in game if you wanna try water ill tag along (never had a problem finding a group as monk lol)
my monk is Cutie Monk, or you can ad me as Maria the Princess
pm me in game if you wanna try water ill tag along (never had a problem finding a group as monk lol)
my monk is Cutie Monk, or you can ad me as Maria the Princess
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
so far my monk is the only toon there (but we are desperatly needed
pm me in game if you wanna try water ill tag along (never had a problem finding a group as monk lol) my monk is Cutie Monk, or you can ad me as Maria the Princess |
Lucifer PVP
Originally Posted by Bocjo Bassannn
FINALY made it through city..... got a primeval armor and of course the 1 gem at the end.
Have to say that my feelings about the place havn't changed. It took our group about 4 hrs to compleat it. I still feel that the rit hero should be moved and made more achievable for a larger part of players. I still think 4 hrs is too long for most people for just one part of a quest. I still think increasing team size there to 10 to 12 people to speed things up and make the difficulty level "chooseable". Is a simple easy fix that will apease to almost everyone. Want it harder take less people, easier and faster more. But the main reason I would like to see a team size increase is error 7s.... We made it and the amazing mesmer on our team error 7's not 15 mins before Lord Jardoth is on his face at our feet. Now I feel sad and almost even guilty rather than a sense of achievement. Why, because someone in our party missed out due most likely how long the dang mission took and there connection droped or hiccuped or whatever. I have to say that overall at least my experience in the city wasnt at all fun. Not due to the difficulty level so much as the error 7's and the grueling almost "marathonish" feel to the gameplay there. Will I still play there? Only to aquire the rit hero that I want for the characters that I wish to use a rit with. Will I do it for all of my 10 characters....... probably not. |
Do you only need one person with the gems or each party member to get into the area
Finally! Someone else wanting to try a Water Ele in there and not just one but 2!
I tried for days to get in a party to try it but my god you'd think the world ended the way people act about it.
OMG!! SF and MS make the world go round ya know.
**click leave**
Which of course is followed by a rousing chorus of "YOU SUCK", "YOU NOOB!" and other lovely sentiments.
I don't claim to be all knowing by any means but dang at least TRY something before you declare it stupid.
I have wanted to try 2 Fire Ele with 1 water Ele....
Water atribute 16
Water Attunement
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Deep Freeze
Blurred Vision
LB Gaze (or whatever)
Icy Shackles ?? not sure what elite to take, if there’s a ranger along with Conflagration then Ward Against Harm would probably be a better choice.
Deep Freeze + Maelstrom + Savannah Heat + MS + whatever the hell else ya want to toss at em.
Savannah Heat at 16 Fire Atr = 21 + 42 + 63 + 84 + 105 = 315 * 2 = 630
5 seconds...
2 SH 630 damage 30 energy
2 SF 546 damage 75 energy (includes the 70 damage from 5 seconds of burning)
(Yes I realize it wouldn't be this full damage to them due to armor)
If you slow them down enough and with the proper timing they will eat the entire 5 seconds of Savannah Heat and double
of that from the 2 fire eles with MS plus whatever else should drop the whole group. All thats needed then is a tank who
knows how to get and hold aggro which requires the healers to keep the tank standing.
The idea obviously needs tweaking and finalizing to round out the entire party but I can't even get a start at it.
But yeah I'm just a babbling idiot who doesn't know that I should be eating, drinking and sleeping with my Searing Flames.
Hell it might not work, OH NO! the horror! but it would be fun to try.
As for the so called "Elite" people that decide anyone else's idea is stupid before they try it... Go blow cheese whiz out your nose!
I tried for days to get in a party to try it but my god you'd think the world ended the way people act about it.
OMG!! SF and MS make the world go round ya know.
**click leave**
Which of course is followed by a rousing chorus of "YOU SUCK", "YOU NOOB!" and other lovely sentiments.
I don't claim to be all knowing by any means but dang at least TRY something before you declare it stupid.
I have wanted to try 2 Fire Ele with 1 water Ele....
Water atribute 16
Water Attunement
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Deep Freeze
Blurred Vision
LB Gaze (or whatever)
Icy Shackles ?? not sure what elite to take, if there’s a ranger along with Conflagration then Ward Against Harm would probably be a better choice.
Deep Freeze + Maelstrom + Savannah Heat + MS + whatever the hell else ya want to toss at em.
Savannah Heat at 16 Fire Atr = 21 + 42 + 63 + 84 + 105 = 315 * 2 = 630
5 seconds...
2 SH 630 damage 30 energy
2 SF 546 damage 75 energy (includes the 70 damage from 5 seconds of burning)
(Yes I realize it wouldn't be this full damage to them due to armor)

If you slow them down enough and with the proper timing they will eat the entire 5 seconds of Savannah Heat and double
of that from the 2 fire eles with MS plus whatever else should drop the whole group. All thats needed then is a tank who
knows how to get and hold aggro which requires the healers to keep the tank standing.
The idea obviously needs tweaking and finalizing to round out the entire party but I can't even get a start at it.
But yeah I'm just a babbling idiot who doesn't know that I should be eating, drinking and sleeping with my Searing Flames.
Hell it might not work, OH NO! the horror! but it would be fun to try.
As for the so called "Elite" people that decide anyone else's idea is stupid before they try it... Go blow cheese whiz out your nose!
Originally Posted by Lucifer PVP
Do you only need one person with the gems or each party member to get into the area
Originally Posted by Lucifer PVP
Do you only need one person with the gems or each party member to get into the area
Originally Posted by Zyndaar
Finally! Someone else wanting to try a Water Ele in there and not just one but 2!
I tried for days to get in a party to try it but my god you'd think the world ended the way people act about it. OMG!! SF and MS make the world go round ya know. BAH! **click leave** Which of course is followed by a rousing chorus of "YOU SUCK", "YOU NOOB!" and other lovely sentiments. I don't claim to be all knowing by any means but dang at least TRY something before you declare it stupid. I have wanted to try 2 Fire Ele with 1 water Ele.... Water atribute 16 Water Attunement Glyph of Lesser Energy Deep Freeze Maelstrom Blurred Vision LB Gaze (or whatever) Rez Icy Shackles ?? not sure what elite to take, if there’s a ranger along with Conflagration then Ward Against Harm would probably be a better choice. |
I plan to try out running with a build like this:
Water Attunement
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Freezing Gust (or maybe Steam if there is a Fire ele about)
Vapor Blade
Ice Spikes
Deep Freeze
Feast of Corruption
Originally Posted by Zyndaar
Finally! Someone else wanting to try a Water Ele in there and not just one but 2!
I tried for days to get in a party to try it but my god you'd think the world ended the way people act about it. OMG!! SF and MS make the world go round ya know. BAH! **click leave** Which of course is followed by a rousing chorus of "YOU SUCK", "YOU NOOB!" and other lovely sentiments. I don't claim to be all knowing by any means but dang at least TRY something before you declare it stupid. |
Glyph maelstrom is great, but requires different group dynamics. In typical single tank group, the casters will linger behind just enough, that attempting to attack them directly exposes you to their attacks, and will likely break agro off the tank.
I was experimenting with Chilling Winds, Glyph of Sacrifice, Deep Freeze, Glyph of renewal, Maelstrom, while using armor of mist and water attunement.
This allows you to put in Chilling Winds on a caster, fall back, use GoS, insta cast Deep Freeze, fall back again, then keep using GoR and maelstrom.
But as said, if your group is all about tank holding agro, this most likely won't work or be just as effective, although even a single maelstrom will severly disrupt their casting.
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
i wounder how many wounders a rit could do in there....
a spirit spammer/restauration rit might be more usefull then a bonder imo what do u guys think? |
Basically the rit used shelter, union, EoE, Symbiosis, Shadowsong, Earthbind, and Weapon of Quickening. Symbiosis gave the tank and other enchanted allies huge amounts of health. Shadowsong protected the group from stray enemies that lost aggro. Earthbind made MS from the eles a lot more effective. Weapon of Quickening was used on the Obsid Flesh tank before he used Obsid Flesh in order to allow him to keep it up constantly.
The Obsid Tank's huge health allowed him to withstand the vamp touch skills from enemies which stole about 89 health each time. A dwayna's Kiss from a HB monk would heal about 800-1000 health each time.
It was one of the most solid groups I had ever been in. Unfortunately, I got disconnected after being in for about an hout.

MAJOR Kudos to whoever manages to beat all the 4 areas using only GWN and Core skills.
You know what would make some peoples day, have Razah be able to unlock all the Nightfall Ritualist skills after getting him as an added plus. So getting him would seem more balanced in some ways.
Originally Posted by sindex
You know what would make some peoples day, have Razah be able to unlock all the Nightfall Ritualist skills after getting him as an added plus. So getting him would seem more balanced in some ways.