Domain Of Anguish
The Great Al
I think NF needed a unique/fun area more than a superhard elite area with recycled environments. Sorrow's furnace may not have been hard, but it was well thought out, and IMO looked awesome, and was extremely fun to play. Sitting for 5 hours staring at pretty much the same environment, with nothing new or innovative, is not, in my opinion, fun...and isn't that what the game is about?
You know what I'm truly getting sick of? The misconceptions of DoA.
-You do NOT need 100 gemstones to get a gold item. You need Armbraces of truth for those. And those actually drop off monsters. Yes, I've seen one drop myself. The 100 gemstones is probably for something extremely leet. And the crafter never says he'll give you an armbrace of truth. If you talk to the guy at which you can exchange them, he says they can only be found by killing the guys that killed other Whispers.
-You do NOT need to get Razah if you don't want him.
-You should just TRY for more than 2 minutes. People in here come in, hold alt, click on a group with 6 people in it and invite. Hurray, you joined a crappy party, and ofcourse you'll get whiped. It looks bad? OMG! I want shiny graphics to look at while fighting with insanely hard monsters. Why isn't this in pre-searing?
-It's supposed to be hard. There are people that finish NF in 2 days, then whine for eternity how bored they are. Maybe DoA is for those people?
-PuGs may indeed not be the most efficient way of playing DoA. A good Friendlist or guild/alliance helps a lot. However, it's just fine to play with PuGs. So far I've only played with PuGs. We got kind of far some times, but got screwed over by bad luck, over aggro or err7. However, I don't give up.
-You do NOT need 100 gemstones to get a gold item. You need Armbraces of truth for those. And those actually drop off monsters. Yes, I've seen one drop myself. The 100 gemstones is probably for something extremely leet. And the crafter never says he'll give you an armbrace of truth. If you talk to the guy at which you can exchange them, he says they can only be found by killing the guys that killed other Whispers.
-You do NOT need to get Razah if you don't want him.
-You should just TRY for more than 2 minutes. People in here come in, hold alt, click on a group with 6 people in it and invite. Hurray, you joined a crappy party, and ofcourse you'll get whiped. It looks bad? OMG! I want shiny graphics to look at while fighting with insanely hard monsters. Why isn't this in pre-searing?
-It's supposed to be hard. There are people that finish NF in 2 days, then whine for eternity how bored they are. Maybe DoA is for those people?
-PuGs may indeed not be the most efficient way of playing DoA. A good Friendlist or guild/alliance helps a lot. However, it's just fine to play with PuGs. So far I've only played with PuGs. We got kind of far some times, but got screwed over by bad luck, over aggro or err7. However, I don't give up.
Jeff Highwind
Despite not playing in DoA, I still support it. I don't go down there because I realized I don't stand a chance down there with my current skills, so I am waiting to either befriend 7 people who beat Nightfall and are good players or boost my guild alliance and escort them through the story so they can get to DoA.

To natuxatu: gems are worth ~ 40k each. No way in hell will anyone be salvaging one on purpose too soon, even if they're stinking rich. The gems are still rare, and money can't buy you something that isn't there, can it?
I have read through here and notice that alot of ppl also complain about the reward they get and how its not worth the time it takes.
Hell do any of u even know the reward?????????
Yes when u get the 4 gemstones you can go to another area "heart of abbadon" to get RAZAH but thats not the elite mission!!!!!!!
You will stil get another mission which is the actual elite mission and nobody knows what the reward is for that or what Mallyx drops at the end. Maybe he also drops 3 greens like kanaxi and urgoz.. who knows..
So get to the actual elite mission and then see what happens. Remeber these 4 missions are only quests to obtain the elite mission.
Hell do any of u even know the reward?????????
Yes when u get the 4 gemstones you can go to another area "heart of abbadon" to get RAZAH but thats not the elite mission!!!!!!!
You will stil get another mission which is the actual elite mission and nobody knows what the reward is for that or what Mallyx drops at the end. Maybe he also drops 3 greens like kanaxi and urgoz.. who knows..
So get to the actual elite mission and then see what happens. Remeber these 4 missions are only quests to obtain the elite mission.
Sli Ander
Originally Posted by Etrik
To natuxatu: gems are worth ~ 40k each. No way in hell will anyone be salvaging one on purpose too soon, even if they're stinking rich. The gems are still rare, and money can't buy you something that isn't there, can it?
Originally Posted by MirkoTeran
Thank you mods for letting 1500 posts with 'omg/nerf!11!' in and deleting my post with an actual screen-shot showing its not impossible.
Well, here it is again: |
Lord Ra
All 4 quests are completable. It is highly unlikly anyone would ever beat all 4 quests on just there 1st or 2cd try on each. Miko never said he beat them all, even if its implied with the picture (think you would have learned from gaile and the nf game manual). Any doubts on the ability to beat the quests? Don't worry, proof will be given soon enough. No point in releasing guides to the quests, it would ruin all the fun for you guys. =P
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by Fates Monk
You are absolutely right, DoA isn't for the casual or even the majority. That's why they called it "elite." If it was designed for the casual players and/or the majority of players, they wouldn't have called it an elite area, they would have called it an expansion or just additional content.
It's called elite for a reason, have you figured that out yet? |
And before you say I didn't pay for these areas, you are quite wrong there was no end game up until this point, if they was to add more areas after like they did with Chapter 1 and SF, then that's bonus content I didn't pay for.
In hynsight if I'd known properly about the content of NF, I wouldn't have brought it, be that as it may ArenaNet are going to have to do something pretty impressive if there going to get my money again next time around.
Originally Posted by Etrik
To natuxatu: gems are worth ~ 40k each.
"WTB Gemstones!"
Originally Posted by lyra_song
thats some bad spirit placement then

its a shame that ai wont do it
Maybe I am completely wrong in it...
The idea would be to bring 7 Necros and 1 Ranger.
3 of the 7 necros would be BiP. 4 would be MM. The idea of the whole build is that before taking the quest, all the BiP keep sacrificing themselves (ideally with vampiric weapons or whatever), so that the 4 MM can create minions.
Needed skills would be Heal Area, Death Nova, Flesh Golem, all the create minions skills except the "Animate bone minions".
Good others skills would be Symbiosis, Death Nova, Aegis, Lively was Naomei, Blood of the master, Verata Sacrifice, Dark Aura etc.
When all the 40 minions are made, just take the quest. The ranger then pull the group of Margonites with a longbow, and the minions attack them. The Necros MM stay behind, putting Death nova on their minions, while the BiP put Death Nova on themselves and keep sacrificing themselves on the mobs. Thanks to symbiosis, they are no more at 1 HP (At least Death nova + Dark Aura, possibly Aegis...)
The ranger, I am not too sure, maybe Barrage?
I have not tried it, it is just an idea of a build, but I think it could work. What do you think of it guys?
Cannot try it today, but if anyone is willing to try, will be there Wednesday night, around 9- 10 pm, IGN Warden of the East.
Thanks in advance for any comment, etc.
The idea would be to bring 7 Necros and 1 Ranger.
3 of the 7 necros would be BiP. 4 would be MM. The idea of the whole build is that before taking the quest, all the BiP keep sacrificing themselves (ideally with vampiric weapons or whatever), so that the 4 MM can create minions.
Needed skills would be Heal Area, Death Nova, Flesh Golem, all the create minions skills except the "Animate bone minions".
Good others skills would be Symbiosis, Death Nova, Aegis, Lively was Naomei, Blood of the master, Verata Sacrifice, Dark Aura etc.
When all the 40 minions are made, just take the quest. The ranger then pull the group of Margonites with a longbow, and the minions attack them. The Necros MM stay behind, putting Death nova on their minions, while the BiP put Death Nova on themselves and keep sacrificing themselves on the mobs. Thanks to symbiosis, they are no more at 1 HP (At least Death nova + Dark Aura, possibly Aegis...)
The ranger, I am not too sure, maybe Barrage?
I have not tried it, it is just an idea of a build, but I think it could work. What do you think of it guys?
Cannot try it today, but if anyone is willing to try, will be there Wednesday night, around 9- 10 pm, IGN Warden of the East.
Thanks in advance for any comment, etc.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Oh I figured that out long ago, but look I don't care what they call it, they can call it Elite if they want doesn't bother me none, except for this; I paid money for this game I demand my full entitlement to explore or go anywhere I choose to without these idiotic areas, which are really just fillers to get people frustrated and annoyed at it.
And before you say I didn't pay for these areas, you are quite wrong there was no end game up until this point, if they was to add more areas after like they did with Chapter 1 and SF, then that's bonus content I didn't pay for. In hynsight if I'd known properly about the content of NF, I wouldn't have brought it, be that as it may ArenaNet are going to have to do something pretty impressive if there going to get my money again next time around. |
If they made everything fit for the casual player, there wouldn't be any end game stuff and no gvgs either oh and no Team Arena.
Fact is, the casual player sucks, and we cannot always take care for them.
Noone is forcing you to go to DoA.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
I paid money for this game I demand my full entitlement to explore or go anywhere I choose to without these idiotic areas, which are really just fillers to get people frustrated and annoyed at it.
Your problem is that you don't enjoy it. There is a complete difference between not being able to do and not enjoying when doing. As far as that is concerned, what can you expect? As I've said several times, and as others have pointed out, Anet cannot please 100% of the people 100% of the time. So you don't enjoy it, others don't enjoy it. Well, others do.
Anet is presented with the problem of making it easier for the people complaining, in turn pissing off those that are having fun or keep it the same way for those that do enjoy it, in turn pissing off those that don't enjoy it. It's a catch-22 and the only way to avoid that is to not create and distribute anything at all because someone, somewhere will always be displeased with something.
If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. Do something else that you enjoy instead. The area is there for you if you choose to use it, that is all you, or anybody else, are entitled to.
Originally Posted by jereiter
I have not tried it, it is just an idea of a build, but I think it could work. What do you think of it guys?
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by Deleet
Actually, you bought the rights to play a game, not to decide what they give you.
If they made everything fit for the casual player, there wouldn't be any end game stuff and no gvgs either oh and no Team Arena. Fact is, the casual player sucks, and we cannot always take care for them. Noone is forcing you to go to DoA. |
Yes but, if we dig up the grave marked by ANet them selfs when they first released Guild Wars, it was for the "Casual Player" I say grave because that idea is complete done for.
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Yes, you are entitled to that and guess what? You have that. You have the ability to explore those areas to whatever extent you choose, it's not like you're barred from them.
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Your problem is that you don't enjoy it. There is a complete difference between not being able to do and not enjoying when doing. As far as that is concerned, what can you expect? As I've said several times, and as others have pointed out, Anet cannot please 100% of the people 100% of the time. So you don't enjoy it, others don't enjoy it. Well, others do.
For example FoW/UW style would be perfectly fine, maybe a little harder but that would still be just fine with me.
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Anet is presented with the problem of making it easier for the people complaining, in turn pissing off those that are having fun or keep it the same way for those that do enjoy it, in turn pissing off those that don't enjoy it. It's a catch-22 and the only way to avoid that is to not create and distribute anything at all because someone, somewhere will always be displeased with something.
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. Do something else that you enjoy instead. The area is there for you if you choose to use it, that is all you, or anybody else, are entitled to.
Well that's not entirely the case, because if I 'wanted' to go try it when I felt like it, by that time either the servers would be offline forever more, or there would be no people that to group with, so it's kind of a lose lose situation.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Yes, key word there "play", do you see any of the following letters in "play" w.o.r.k? no good, then it should be by and large fun for everyone at least to some degree, but it's not even that! it looks like the artists didn't even care when creating the place, in some cases they we're so slack that they didn't even bother texturing the world just left you in darkness and gave you a light bulb.
Yes but, if we dig up the grave marked by ANet them selfs when they first released Guild Wars, it was for the "Casual Player" I say grave because that idea is complete done for. |
Besides, it's not that hard, and it doesn't take long if you have a decent build. 2 hours is fine for my liking.
You're still not being forced to go there, if you don't want to. You seem like trolling to me.
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by Deleet
There is loads of stuff for the casual players, now this is something for the more advanced players, seems fair.
Besides, it's not that hard, and it doesn't take long if you have a decent build. 2 hours is fine for my liking. You're still not being forced to go there, if you don't want to. You seem like trolling to me. |
keep it in mind that with 4,217 hours 21 minutes over the past 17 months. I'm anything but casual, but there you go.
I'm rather sad at this whole mess.
I'm starting to lose faith in ANet. They lost sight of what makes the game fun for a lot of people. They pretty much nailed it with Prophecies, but Factions and Nightfall are sorely lacking repeatable, semi-difficult content.
Fissure of Woe? Great, you can grab a bunch of friends, dive in with pretty much any kind of slightly above mediocre builds, do a bunch of quests, farm, whatever floats your boat. You can visit different subsections on different visits, and spend anywhere from 1 hour to a few hours. Fun!
Underworld? Much the same, though a bit more difficult. Fun!
Sorrow's Furnace? Fun, in bite-sized chunks. Again: "Fun!"
Then Factions came along. No new content like this at all. Just two marathon elite missions that the majority of players can't even get to without begging for favors. Two boring places where you can do only one thing: play it from start to finish, ad nauseam.
Nightfall is (at this time) even worse. There's the storyline, which is pretty good mind you, and when you're done, there's this place called the Domain of Anguish. Enough said about that already.
Factions and Nightfall only added content for the casual player (the game) and the hardcore fanatic (elite missions). There's no repeatable content at all for the the thousands upon thousands of people who fall between those extremes. This game desperately needs content that's a step up from casual but far short of the type of areas they gave us with the Domain of Anguish.
I'm starting to lose faith in ANet. They lost sight of what makes the game fun for a lot of people. They pretty much nailed it with Prophecies, but Factions and Nightfall are sorely lacking repeatable, semi-difficult content.
Fissure of Woe? Great, you can grab a bunch of friends, dive in with pretty much any kind of slightly above mediocre builds, do a bunch of quests, farm, whatever floats your boat. You can visit different subsections on different visits, and spend anywhere from 1 hour to a few hours. Fun!
Underworld? Much the same, though a bit more difficult. Fun!
Sorrow's Furnace? Fun, in bite-sized chunks. Again: "Fun!"
Then Factions came along. No new content like this at all. Just two marathon elite missions that the majority of players can't even get to without begging for favors. Two boring places where you can do only one thing: play it from start to finish, ad nauseam.
Nightfall is (at this time) even worse. There's the storyline, which is pretty good mind you, and when you're done, there's this place called the Domain of Anguish. Enough said about that already.
Factions and Nightfall only added content for the casual player (the game) and the hardcore fanatic (elite missions). There's no repeatable content at all for the the thousands upon thousands of people who fall between those extremes. This game desperately needs content that's a step up from casual but far short of the type of areas they gave us with the Domain of Anguish.
Originally Posted by Inner Salbat
Really? please do list these heaps of places for casual players.
Inner salbat , why do u complain when u not even gona play the missions?????
you like pvp right... i love pvp aswell and these missions are fun aswell coz all the other missions are to easy, i mean you can go throught the whole game with just heroes by your side. Here you actually get to play with real ppl.
So a word of advice to you. Go to pvp where u enjoy urself. U dont have to do the missions if you dont want to.
you like pvp right... i love pvp aswell and these missions are fun aswell coz all the other missions are to easy, i mean you can go throught the whole game with just heroes by your side. Here you actually get to play with real ppl.
So a word of advice to you. Go to pvp where u enjoy urself. U dont have to do the missions if you dont want to.
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by MirkoTeran
Uh, how about just everything up to Realm of Torment? Prophecies and Factions are walk in the park... (excluding UW/Deep/..)
Unless your alluding to people playing the entire story over and over again, I've completed NF twice, I will not do it again that kind of punishment twice was bad enough.
FoW/UW would be acceptable responses, but I should highlight that then I would use the fact that these areas have been around for the last 2 years give or take, and are nothing new.
Originally Posted by natano
Inner salbat , why do u complain when u not even gona play the missions?????
you like pvp right... i love pvp aswell and these missions are fun aswell coz all the other missions are to easy, i mean you can go throught the whole game with just heroes by your side. Here you actually get to play with real ppl. So a word of advice to you. Go to pvp where u enjoy urself. U dont have to do the missions if you dont want to. |
well I for one dont want it to change. Its fine the way it is.
Its really not that difficult. if you cant play or adapt to the area then too bad,
It doenst take a cookie cutter build to beat the place it takes knowledge of how to play with your characters and basic gameplay. Its not just about going in and trying to kill kill kill.. you urself plays pvp and u know it involves more strategy than just kill kill kill..
Its really not that difficult. if you cant play or adapt to the area then too bad,
It doenst take a cookie cutter build to beat the place it takes knowledge of how to play with your characters and basic gameplay. Its not just about going in and trying to kill kill kill.. you urself plays pvp and u know it involves more strategy than just kill kill kill..
Inner Salbat
Originally Posted by natano
well I for one dont want it to change. Its fine the way it is.
Its really not that difficult. if you cant play or adapt to the area then too bad, It doenst take a cookie cutter build to beat the place it takes knowledge of how to play with your characters and basic gameplay. Its not just about going in and trying to kill kill kill.. you urself plays pvp and u know it involves more strategy than just kill kill kill.. |
Seriously though, yes it does but at least it's an even playing field I get shivers down my spine just thinking about the top 10 guilds being able run around with level 28-31 PvP toons, that would be well yes nasty and thankfully it's not even possible right now.
PvP more or less even playing field (depending on map), with even level players.
PvE ANet it would seam couldn't field an AI team that isn't over power in some way to beat us, by actually coding AI to think worth a damn so they cheap out on little gimmicky things they've done before hoping no one will notice.
It is an equal battlefield or actually, you are actually at advantage.
Since you have the powers to adapt, AI doesn't.
Since you have the powers to adapt, AI doesn't.
Originally Posted by jereiter
Maybe I am completely wrong in it...
The idea would be to bring 7 Necros and 1 Ranger. 3 of the 7 necros would be BiP. 4 would be MM. The idea of the whole build is that before taking the quest, all the BiP keep sacrificing themselves (ideally with vampiric weapons or whatever), so that the 4 MM can create minions. Needed skills would be Heal Area, Death Nova, Flesh Golem, all the create minions skills except the "Animate bone minions". Good others skills would be Symbiosis, Death Nova, Aegis, Lively was Naomei, Blood of the master, Verata Sacrifice, Dark Aura etc. When all the 40 minions are made, just take the quest. The ranger then pull the group of Margonites with a longbow, and the minions attack them. The Necros MM stay behind, putting Death nova on their minions, while the BiP put Death Nova on themselves and keep sacrificing themselves on the mobs. Thanks to symbiosis, they are no more at 1 HP (At least Death nova + Dark Aura, possibly Aegis...) The ranger, I am not too sure, maybe Barrage? I have not tried it, it is just an idea of a build, but I think it could work. What do you think of it guys? Cannot try it today, but if anyone is willing to try, will be there Wednesday night, around 9- 10 pm, IGN Warden of the East. Thanks in advance for any comment, etc. |
We used Death Pact Signet chain to get the minions. We had 1 BiP'er sac himself to death, then another person would use Death Pact Signet (and yet another person would use Death Pact Signet on that person). Whenever all 3 of them died we had our rezmer use Flesh of my Flesh to res one of the persons using Death Pact Signet.
The advantage of using DPS is that it gives NO death penalty. Only the BiP'er got any death penatly, which meant we only had 1 player who would be generally useless.
When our 4 MMs had a good amount of minions we'd head out and wreck havoc. The minions were able to tank just about any group, although they died fast. It's not exactly the best team build to use, but it does work for killing the monsters in DoA. I'm not sure if any of the quests can be done with the build though. And the build one has major drawback, it takes a long time to get the minions back after each fight, which makes the build dull in the long run.
This is how the team build looked like in detail:
R/N or N/R: Blood is Power, Winnowing, Predatory Season, Nature's Renewal
(the saccer, with some spirits helping the minions)
2 Rt/X or X/Rt: Death Pact Signet
(part of the res chain, the rest of their build can be anything. I recommend some form of damage dealer)
Me/Rt: Flesh of my Flesh
(the rezmer. Can be any class actually, but the res process is faster as a primary mesmer)
4 MMs
yes anet made their lvl 28 goons really tough and with some insane skills aswell. But hey u cant expect them to make a mob of lvl 20s with a certain build for 1 mob that would just make it to easy as we as real players will easily counter the build in no time. So what they do is give them more power to deal with the good and sometimes bad builds us real players come up with.
Thus making it more interesting for us to try and overthrow anet's ai.
Thus making it more interesting for us to try and overthrow anet's ai.
Very original build Sectus, great work out there
I woudl suggest Sectus using M/Rt and have some self healing so you can fit order of the undeath in each of the mm's
I woudl suggest Sectus using M/Rt and have some self healing so you can fit order of the undeath in each of the mm's
Originally Posted by Sectus
I've actually tried a form of minion factory in DoA. There's a very effective method of raising enough minions.
We used Death Pact Signet chain to get the minions. We had 1 BiP'er sac himself to death, then another person would use Death Pact Signet (and yet another person would use Death Pact Signet on that person). Whenever all 3 of them died we had our rezmer use Flesh of my Flesh to res one of the persons using Death Pact Signet. The advantage of using DPS is that it gives NO death penalty. Only the BiP'er got any death penatly, which meant we only had 1 player who would be generally useless. When our 4 MMs had a good amount of minions we'd head out and wreck havoc. The minions were able to tank just about any group, although they died fast. It's not exactly the best team build to use, but it does work for killing the monsters in DoA. I'm not sure if any of the quests can be done with the build though. And the build one has major drawback, it takes a long time to get the minions back after each fight, which makes the build dull in the long run. This is how the team build looked like in detail: R/N or N/R: Blood is Power, Winnowing, Predatory Season, Nature's Renewal (the saccer, with some spirits helping the minions) 2 Rt/X or X/Rt: Death Pact Signet (part of the res chain, the rest of their build can be anything. I recommend some form of damage dealer) Me/Rt: Flesh of my Flesh (the rezmer. Can be any class actually, but the res process is faster as a primary mesmer) 4 MMs |
lol - reminded me of Everquest and "RangerGate"
Originally Posted by Deleet
Since you have the powers to adapt, AI doesn't.
An adaptive AI *could* be written for a game like Guild Wars, using evolutionary programming techniques.
However, doing so would be a monumental effort, and is likely to produce unexpected behaviors. Consider Oblivion, which had to "dumb down" their AI when it started doing things they couldn't control or predict (whole villages getting into AI wars.)
How much howling do you think ANet would hear if they built an AI that learned from players? Let's say the AI started using a different monster mix based on past player choices -- people would get mighty grouchy if their cookie cutter group was suddenly rendered ineffective.
Economically, game companies have a difficult time justifying the sort of expense required for creating an advanced AI. Pretty graphics impress reviewers; smart monsters don't.
I've just managed to get up to Abbadons Gate in the Realm of Anguish and I can say it is the worst area for casual gamers to play not only are the monsters way overpowered unless you have happened to know every skill in the book to plan your perfect build and as for the poor newcomers who have only bought the Nighfall campaign how on earth their suppost to get through it is beyond me.
Plus the fact that every one seems to hate Dervishes I've managed to do mostly all the mission by my self since no one want to party with a Dervish and wading through that Elitist crap that is the realm of Anguish is about as much fun as driving a blunt metal spike slowly through the eyeball.
Plus the fact that every one seems to hate Dervishes I've managed to do mostly all the mission by my self since no one want to party with a Dervish and wading through that Elitist crap that is the realm of Anguish is about as much fun as driving a blunt metal spike slowly through the eyeball.

I though a minute ago that the problem with blood is power is that it will heal EVERY DAMN MINION, resulting in a 80% sacrifice...Maybe include Aura of The Lich? But that would be another Elite...
Sure, it will takes a lot of time...I think Death Nova could be great, as well as Symbiosis.
But yes, it'll take a lot of time...Still, I am willing to try it
I have spent a lot of time in PuG trying to kill Margonites to no avail...So I am ready to do it even if it is a bit long. With the time going, the build might be ameliorated.
Congrats for the Death Pact Signet. I have not Ritualist and did not think about it...
Why adapt when Anet can just change it. It's very simple. Anyways, I adapted by playing a different more fun game.
My time in Anguish dying was okay, I liked the chest runs better, gold drops are the only thing that makes this game fun for me. Occasionally playing with friends does too, but usually that's because I get a gold drop.
So GoA was fun for maybe 2 days, but much like the whole of GW, is boring to me now. Challenge to me is only fun when I have people to defeat that challenge with.
Chaotic, that's the game that I'm playing instead of GW. As far as I'm concerned Rag doll physics>GW.
You'd see me on GW often, but what I'm doing is talking to friends or talking in Grotto or some other town, not actually playing the content anymore.
My time in Anguish dying was okay, I liked the chest runs better, gold drops are the only thing that makes this game fun for me. Occasionally playing with friends does too, but usually that's because I get a gold drop.
So GoA was fun for maybe 2 days, but much like the whole of GW, is boring to me now. Challenge to me is only fun when I have people to defeat that challenge with.
Chaotic, that's the game that I'm playing instead of GW. As far as I'm concerned Rag doll physics>GW.
You'd see me on GW often, but what I'm doing is talking to friends or talking in Grotto or some other town, not actually playing the content anymore.
You know, ANet has the ability to track statistics with regards to maps/zones, how many people play them, how long they play, how successful players are. Heck, they even track the statistics of what skills you use.
The best way to "vote" against a un-fun map is to simply not play it. If ANet takes any pride in the (beautiful) locations and impressive monsters that they have created, they will try to encourage people to see them.
Evidence of this is clear if you look at the difference between Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. It seems that each chapter progressively has you staying in the same "places" longer (or repeatedly) or making sure that there's a purpose for exploring every nook and cranny of the world. The same happened when they exposed the elite missions of Factions.
Prophecies seems to have a lot of "dead" areas, where nobody goes because there's simply nothing there to do... or it's too hard...
So, as soon as people get tired of crashing against the rocks, they will play other areas and DoA will be a ghost town... seems like a waste.
Personally, I would rather see 100% of an "easy" game than 50% of a "hard" game. I have little patience or time for playing the same map over and over and over, getting wiped every attempt. Three tries is about my limit before the fun factor ends and frustration begins. I can go play some other game where I can be successful. I have enough sources of stress in my life.
HOWEVER, I fully respect that there should be "l33t" areas of the game. The reason for this is simply that different players play at different skill levels. If DoA is the hardest-of-the-hard of Guild Wars, then I think it has a place. I have plenty of fun playing the "normal" areas just fine so long as playing the hardest areas aren't required... or a gateway to get to large portions of the rest of the game.
The best way to "vote" against a un-fun map is to simply not play it. If ANet takes any pride in the (beautiful) locations and impressive monsters that they have created, they will try to encourage people to see them.
Evidence of this is clear if you look at the difference between Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. It seems that each chapter progressively has you staying in the same "places" longer (or repeatedly) or making sure that there's a purpose for exploring every nook and cranny of the world. The same happened when they exposed the elite missions of Factions.
Prophecies seems to have a lot of "dead" areas, where nobody goes because there's simply nothing there to do... or it's too hard...
So, as soon as people get tired of crashing against the rocks, they will play other areas and DoA will be a ghost town... seems like a waste.
Personally, I would rather see 100% of an "easy" game than 50% of a "hard" game. I have little patience or time for playing the same map over and over and over, getting wiped every attempt. Three tries is about my limit before the fun factor ends and frustration begins. I can go play some other game where I can be successful. I have enough sources of stress in my life.
HOWEVER, I fully respect that there should be "l33t" areas of the game. The reason for this is simply that different players play at different skill levels. If DoA is the hardest-of-the-hard of Guild Wars, then I think it has a place. I have plenty of fun playing the "normal" areas just fine so long as playing the hardest areas aren't required... or a gateway to get to large portions of the rest of the game.
Originally Posted by mlandry
I find it funny that people say the average players can't complete this... the average players aren't done with the game yet. Sorry but if you think the majority people who frequent this forum are average players, you have it all wrong. The average players are those that bought the game and play once in a while to have fun even if they are (most likely) no good at the game, not those that rushed through the game in a week to get rare skins.
The group I completed the city with had a person who started playing with nightfall.
Playing a monk even.
Had to buy some skills before we went.
Didn't even know what candy canes are.
Team play, cooperation, patience, willingness to learn. That is what determines who is leet down there.
Originally Posted by ChaoticCoyote
The *current* AI can not adapt.
An adaptive AI *could* be written for a game like Guild Wars, using evolutionary programming techniques. However, doing so would be a monumental effort, and is likely to produce unexpected behaviors. Consider Oblivion, which had to "dumb down" their AI when it started doing things they couldn't control or predict (whole villages getting into AI wars.) How much howling do you think ANet would hear if they built an AI that learned from players? Let's say the AI started using a different monster mix based on past player choices -- people would get mighty grouchy if their cookie cutter group was suddenly rendered ineffective. Economically, game companies have a difficult time justifying the sort of expense required for creating an advanced AI. Pretty graphics impress reviewers; smart monsters don't. |

even though i could imagine Guild Wars comming out with AI with adaptabillity.
Originally Posted by Deleet
This is still the future and is not quite doable, yet
![]() even though i could imagine Guild Wars comming out with AI with adaptabillity. |
But look at Shiro. He's a complete idiot. He goes and attacks the fully protected stance tank. And there's hundreds of posts of how difficult he is.
Now imagine Shiro that kites you. Then jumps in to spike your healer and retreats. Waits till you rez, or better yet, waits till the other monk uses rebirth. That very second he jumps in, kills both monks again, and runs away, kiting everyone.
Then he repeats that until you're dped out. If you try to attack him, he runs up to one of the shrines to agro more mobs. Not only that, but all 4 mobs now body block 3 casters, and kill them, then they all retreat.
And when everyone is at 60 dp, he starts running around, doing /laugh.
Or better yet, what if shiro actively attacked members in such manner to deplete first their soft rez, then kill only the players with hard rez, leaving the remaining 3 or 4 without healing, and with no way to rez?
You do not want smart AI.
Originally Posted by Bloodthorn
as for the poor newcomers who have only bought the Nighfall campaign how on earth their suppost to get through it is beyond me.
*cough* Meteor Shower *cough*