Vent lets you do a lot of things that you'd be unable to do with text chat.
This is a statement I hear all the time in regards to voice comms, what exactly can Vent or TS help you accomplish.
Ive used it many times in fact, not much in GW's, the only thing I ever found VC's to do for sure was give some jack ass, armchair general a forum to spout his views and seldom, never actually that I recall, has it ever enhanced the gaming experience.
If the actual experience of using them was better I might feel different, but the reproduction of the voices is so piss poor, I dont want to hear that crap, crackling mics, pops, pings, squeels of mic feedback, sorry no thanks. Add on top of that all the people who I do not want to converse with for whatever multitude of reasons.
Now I'm sure a lot of you feel different, but basically if the group feels the need for VC's(in a PVE setting mind you, I dont do a lot of PVP, I'm talking PVE here),that is a clear sign that there are problems brewing, if the players are not confident in their ability to accomplish said task without the aid of some third rate voice com, right there is a clear sign to me to look elsewhere.
But still there are going to people who want to use it, and those who dont, hopefully theres enough of both camp too make everyone happy.