Originally Posted by unienaule
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, here, but as far as I know, you don't get 1 gem for completing an area, you get 2, one from the quest and one from the chest, correct? Meaning, if you can get an area done in 3-4 hours, you then require only (60/2)*(3 or 4) 90-120 hours to get a Torment weapon, which is certainly much less than the time it would take to farm materials for a set of FoW armor. If I'm wrong, then it's 180-240 hours, still, less time than it would take to farm 120 ecto and shards. Do it yourself = win. Buy it from other people = lose.
So you're guaranteed for just 1 gemstone per City/Foundry/Gloom/Stygian run.
However, usually 3~5 gems drop per run also, and A.net has announced they will be upping the drop rate... it should come out to average of 7~8 gems drops a run for the team or so.
Meaning, you are guaranteed to have 1 gemstone from a completed run, and most likely another from drops.
In average, each run should net you 2 gemstone, unless you're immensely unlucky.
If you complete the entire Mallyx quest, including the FIFTH part and defeating of Mallyx, you will recieve 1 gemstone of each kind.
So to sum it up, 1 run through the entire Mallyx quest should net you 3 of each type of gems.
Five runs through the Mallyx quest will most likely net you enough stones for a Tormented Weapon.
Broken down like that, it doesn't seem THAT impossible now, hmmm?
(directed at those who are crying OMG IMPOSSIBLE NERF)