So double chance gold what have u got
So what have you got so far this weekend from the special event.
I have got about 33 golds outta 40 keys *vabbians* nothing to spectacular but that is probably cuz of the area/chests i am running...but still I like the odds so far. I have gotten 4 or 5 rare items that I have made a pretty penny on...just wondered if anyone else was enjoying this as much as me :P
I have got about 33 golds outta 40 keys *vabbians* nothing to spectacular but that is probably cuz of the area/chests i am running...but still I like the odds so far. I have gotten 4 or 5 rare items that I have made a pretty penny on...just wondered if anyone else was enjoying this as much as me :P
this weekend is great so far. made around 80k and got a nice req10 gloom shield +30 +10 armor vs blunt + lots of mods
I've spent about 30k or so on keys for the Desolation and the Realm of Torment (Margonite, not Stygian), at 600g and 750g each, respectively. I've also run a handful of Vabbian keys that friends in the game were nice enough to give me, since they all know that I'm trying to pump my titles up for salvaging purposes (and to work towards "Kind of a Big deal" ^_^).
Out of these I would hazard a guess - a *guess* - that a good 90%+ of the chests I have opened have been golds, which is wonderful, as I am typically unlucky with chests and wind up with odds more along the lines of 50-60% golds of the keys I use. This has been great for me, as the monetary return has been more than enough to make up for the cash I'm dishing out to spend on frivolous chest opening.
Out of these chests I have found only three items of any notoriety. One was in the Desolation area, and two were in the Realm of Torment, none from the Vabbian area. These were: 1) Req. 9 Strength inscribable Gloom Shield (I plan on keeping this), 2) Req. 10 elemental sword with a 20/20 mod, and 3) Rune of Superior Vigor.
I'd say that my hours of running - which have all been really fun with guildies - have turned out very well. I'm happy that Anet decided to give us this.
Out of these I would hazard a guess - a *guess* - that a good 90%+ of the chests I have opened have been golds, which is wonderful, as I am typically unlucky with chests and wind up with odds more along the lines of 50-60% golds of the keys I use. This has been great for me, as the monetary return has been more than enough to make up for the cash I'm dishing out to spend on frivolous chest opening.
Out of these chests I have found only three items of any notoriety. One was in the Desolation area, and two were in the Realm of Torment, none from the Vabbian area. These were: 1) Req. 9 Strength inscribable Gloom Shield (I plan on keeping this), 2) Req. 10 elemental sword with a 20/20 mod, and 3) Rune of Superior Vigor.
I'd say that my hours of running - which have all been really fun with guildies - have turned out very well. I'm happy that Anet decided to give us this.
The Last Anthem
I used 2 spare demonic keys I had layin around in storage, got a gold req 13 pyrewood staff and a gold req 13 bleached skull..No I wasn't thrilled but it got my monk wisdom r2 so I'm not complaining
Yea I've been doing vabbi chests to geting quite a few golds shame they where mostly req 13 or +14 whiled hexed. I did however get a a few 15^50 inscriptions but the best 2 drops where actually off mobs I killed while looking for chests.
Out of about 30 Margonite Keys I've gotten only maybe 5-6 purples. In the golds I've gotten 2 crenellated scythes, a crude axe, desolation hammer... lots of mods. I think I've gotten 8-9 Blazing Wing Wands. I've been quite fortunate with drops. 
(But now I have to sell something- I barely have any cash left.)
(But now I have to sell something- I barely have any cash left.)
I got a water focus item +30 hp fortitude.
exiled mat
Key's gotten: 0
Key's bought: 0
Chests opened: 0
enjoyed weekend: Not yet
Key's bought: 0
Chests opened: 0
enjoyed weekend: Not yet

Astro Pubes
a req 13 soul reaping wand *out of a vabbian chest*, and a bunch of kournan keys hurray!!!! they don't count for chests!!!!!! other then that, advancing 5 character simultaneously to kodash bazaar.
Bought 60 Ancient Elonian Keys, 27 left atm. Most of the stuff I merch'ed except for a purple req 9 Nightmare Scythe I sold for 500g. I'm too lazy to trade spam.
Only stuff I'll keep are a Scrying Glass Staff of Endurance with 20 energy that I'll try on my trapper, an Ancient Axe, req 11 (nice skin), 20/20 Boneclaw staff (req 9 death), Blessed Chalice (very pretty) , req 13 healing though.
Only stuff I'll keep are a Scrying Glass Staff of Endurance with 20 energy that I'll try on my trapper, an Ancient Axe, req 11 (nice skin), 20/20 Boneclaw staff (req 9 death), Blessed Chalice (very pretty) , req 13 healing though.
Bryant Again
I got a rock.
I got a paper.
Quid Pro Quo
I got a scissors.
Oh my its just like candy, once you get your first gold drop from a chest. I like GOLD, hehe.
T N Player
i did vabbi chests and i got around 6 fiery dragons swords, most r 15^50 and +7 armor vs ele and also some perfect hp mods. my desolation chests did not do any good, most wands with non max mods
T N Player
i did vabbi chests and i got around 6 fiery dragons swords, most r 15^50 and +7 armor vs ele and also some perfect hp mods. my desolation chests did not do any good, most wands with non max mods
Quid Pro Quo
Haven't really got anything too good. Best so far was a req. 9 crenellated spear I sold for 10k.
Although the weekend is doing wonders for my wisdom title.
Although the weekend is doing wonders for my wisdom title.
The Ernada
Blah. Im having horrible luck and only gotten 2 golds out of 20 chests.
So far no luck, bought about 20 ancient elonian keys and 20 vabbian keys, but aside from a few monk runes I got crap. I'm gonna switch to margonite chests.

Ebony Shadowheart
I've enjoyed running around opening Vabbi chests the past couple days. I think I've only had like 15 or 16 keys (what? you expected me to go wild buying keys? pfft w/e) and I (well, 'we') have gotten a couple nice things. The one that stands out right now was a drop though, not from a chest. Absolutely perfect gold (req 9) vampiric bladed recurve bow, my ranger is a happy woman atm.
Anyway, I've gotten mostly 'merch food' from chests; nothing I've really wanted to keep. Lots of nice mods, but like I said, nothing I've wanted so I just merched it and bought more keys. I've gotten several 14^50 and 15^50 inscriptions, and 3 or 4 +energy heads/insprictions that I've salvaged and kept. Beyond that, I've only kept one gold holy branch that I got. I don't remember what all the stats are, but I know it has a perfect mastery wrap, and I think it has a hale head and an energy inscription but I don't recall.
Anyway, I've gotten mostly 'merch food' from chests; nothing I've really wanted to keep. Lots of nice mods, but like I said, nothing I've wanted so I just merched it and bought more keys. I've gotten several 14^50 and 15^50 inscriptions, and 3 or 4 +energy heads/insprictions that I've salvaged and kept. Beyond that, I've only kept one gold holy branch that I got. I don't remember what all the stats are, but I know it has a perfect mastery wrap, and I think it has a hale head and an energy inscription but I don't recall.
I usually have rotten luck with chests.
Not this weekend.
So far: r9 Igneous Blade, r9 Skull Hornbow, r9 Ancient Daggers, r10 Igneous Maul, r10 Grim Scythe, r10 Nightmare Spear. Traded the Grim Scythe for a r9 Ungula Axe.
Lots of crappy staves, wands, offhands, but that's normal. Count is at about 15 Demonic Chests, 24 Ancient Elonian Chests, and about 5-7 Vabbi Chests.
Not this weekend.
So far: r9 Igneous Blade, r9 Skull Hornbow, r9 Ancient Daggers, r10 Igneous Maul, r10 Grim Scythe, r10 Nightmare Spear. Traded the Grim Scythe for a r9 Ungula Axe.
Lots of crappy staves, wands, offhands, but that's normal. Count is at about 15 Demonic Chests, 24 Ancient Elonian Chests, and about 5-7 Vabbi Chests.
nameless vagrant
I used like 130 ancient elonian keys...found two fiery dragon swords (r.9 & 10); a wingblad sword (r.9), two sup vigors, bunch of mods, monk runes. There are a bunch of other golds too. I think I'll make over 100k profit if i sell everything...just 100 points left each for rank 4 treasure hunter and rank 3 wisdom =)
10 grapes in a row. you heard me, 10. but other than that ive gotten some good inscriptions (about 5 attitude not aptitude). no good skins though
Pwny Ride
Been farming LB points (the non-exploiting way *glares at people with r8 LB titles*)and chest keys just outside Dzagonur bastion with my mes and 3 heroes + devona.
Each run i make about 800g, i buy a key when each run is done, so far ive bought about 9 keys, and 8 where gold
Definately one of the best event-weekend-thingomabobbies ive participated in, and i gota say well done a-net. now heres to hopin they extend the event a little bit longer as an early christmas gift ^^
Each run i make about 800g, i buy a key when each run is done, so far ive bought about 9 keys, and 8 where gold
Definately one of the best event-weekend-thingomabobbies ive participated in, and i gota say well done a-net. now heres to hopin they extend the event a little bit longer as an early christmas gift ^^
I've opened..about 230 chests.. Vabbian, Ancient Elonian and Anguish keys. Got about 164 rares out of that. A few nice mods, some new stuff for my guys..a few things I might be able to sell. Overall though, I didn't get anything really worth anything. Req 10 Ancient Shield, but I'm going to use that. I have 46 Margonite keys, so I'm hoping those fair better..after that I'll see what I can sell and hope I made some what of a profit even though I think I lost a good bit of cash. I did hit my r5 treasure hunter though.
I got a couple req 10 gold items for my Heroes so Im happy now.
Cow Tale
i got a bunch of perfect fortitude mods and 15^50 inscriptions thats abnout it. no rare skinned w.eapons
Seef II
Got enough stuff to fit out Zhed for fire magic, finally, so a-SF'ing he goes. Also, got a gold req 9 spear with 20/20 sundering. I'm not a fan of that mod, so I decided to pull it off and use the spear with a mod of my choice... but it broke. Ugh. Salvaging hates me, and I am spoiled.
That is all. Nothing terribly impressive or depressive. I do like getting usable purples (req 9 spears, namely) out of chests, though; prior to the inscription system purples were basically automatic merchant food.
That is all. Nothing terribly impressive or depressive. I do like getting usable purples (req 9 spears, namely) out of chests, though; prior to the inscription system purples were basically automatic merchant food.
holy lol, forgot about this event.
Mad King Corn
Normally my luck with chests is aweful, in fact I swore I would never open chests again. After I found out that the chance of rare items was 2x I decided to give it a try. I am really impressed, for once I am not losing money on keys, I am not getting rich but I have gotten several decent mods, a sup healing rune, and a +30 scythe grip. I did not get any perfect weapons but I love the fact that I can spend money on keys and not feel ripped off. I wish anet would keep this setting, it is much more fair that way.
Nexus Icon
I've avoided the chests in Stygian Veil (Euro market's flooded with skins from these), and mostly been doing Vabbian chests.
Got an inscribable Gemstone axe, but it's quite high req at 11, a max crenellated scythe, req 9 but purple, and quite a lot of other nice stuff, mostly salvaged for scrips and mods.
I've also noticed an increase in superior vigour drops; dya think ANet are doing to sup vig what they did to sup abs in Factions (increasing drop rate that is, not nerfing it)?
Got an inscribable Gemstone axe, but it's quite high req at 11, a max crenellated scythe, req 9 but purple, and quite a lot of other nice stuff, mostly salvaged for scrips and mods.
I've also noticed an increase in superior vigour drops; dya think ANet are doing to sup vig what they did to sup abs in Factions (increasing drop rate that is, not nerfing it)?
So far, just been running chests in Vabbi, as well. I just love the skins there and pretty much nowhere else. I've hit maybe 20 chests, with only 3-4 purples. Just about every item I've gotten is either good enough to keep or sell, or have great mods that I rip off. Ahh I love this weekend!
Poison Ivy
I've gotten Error 58s every time I try to log on GW 
This weekend event rocks hell.
This weekend event rocks hell.
Mister Muhkuh
opened around 80 chests this weekend, money is about the same because I sold UNID golds and still got some nice weapons to sell(dual winged axe, fiery blade axe, gloom shield
besides that I accidentally sold a colossal scimitar *smashes head on the wall* it was quite a nice weekend

besides that I accidentally sold a colossal scimitar *smashes head on the wall* it was quite a nice weekend
I got like 10% gold chests... dident open that much, but got mostly grapes
Originally Posted by The Ernada
Blah. Im having horrible luck and only gotten 2 golds out of 20 chests.

leeky baby
15 vabbis
5 golds all crap =/ 10 purples w00t
5 golds all crap =/ 10 purples w00t
borik oakwood
well i got 3 golds from 3 vabbi chests.
i got a gold bow of some plants lol req 9 15 while hexed vamp shortbow
i got a bloming gold gemstone axe req 9 15>50 !!!! i need to know how much its worth lol cozi need money.
ad i got a req 9 golsythe i need to sell forwhateva
i got a gold bow of some plants lol req 9 15 while hexed vamp shortbow
i got a bloming gold gemstone axe req 9 15>50 !!!! i need to know how much its worth lol cozi need money.
ad i got a req 9 golsythe i need to sell forwhateva
Tiny Biscuit
Golden req.9 Brute Sword ! ... 14-21

Seef II
Just ran ~21 Vabbi chests in Mirror of Lyss.
The ratio of golds to purples was about 3:1, but my purples weren't bad. I got a highly salvageable, and a couple of +5 armor staff heads, which I am fond of for equipping caster heroes on the cheap.
- Sup Vigor
- Req 9 Majestic Focus
- Req 11 Azure Longbow (accidentally sold it, grr...)
- Req 12 Vabbian Defender (promptly salvaged it)
- 1-2 unlocks from armor and foci, so I am pleased.
The ratio of golds to purples was about 3:1, but my purples weren't bad. I got a highly salvageable, and a couple of +5 armor staff heads, which I am fond of for equipping caster heroes on the cheap.