Why not let us use 7 Heroes; the reasons?
me + 7 PUG = 33% success rate
me + 7 hench = 70% success rate
me + 3 hero + 4 hench = 90% success rate
me + 7 hero = 95% success rate
me + friend + 6 hero = 95% success rate
me + 7 guildies = 99.99% success rate
hmmm, tough choice. even without the option to use 7 of your own heroes, I'd take any option except for PUGs.
My best example: Ruins of Morah. I spent about 2-3 hours failing this mission with PUGs. Then I read a few strategy tips, set up my heroes accordingly, and on my first try with 3 heroes + 4 henchies, I beat the mission with masters. -_-;
To those that are concerned about problems implementing 7 flags and 7 skill bars, I propose this: Allow us the usual amount of control over the first 3 heroes. The additional 4 only act like customized henchies who cannot be individually flagged or told to use certain skills. You can set up their skill bars and equipment, but you cannot control them outside of the outpost.
me + 7 hench = 70% success rate
me + 3 hero + 4 hench = 90% success rate
me + 7 hero = 95% success rate
me + friend + 6 hero = 95% success rate
me + 7 guildies = 99.99% success rate
hmmm, tough choice. even without the option to use 7 of your own heroes, I'd take any option except for PUGs.
My best example: Ruins of Morah. I spent about 2-3 hours failing this mission with PUGs. Then I read a few strategy tips, set up my heroes accordingly, and on my first try with 3 heroes + 4 henchies, I beat the mission with masters. -_-;
To those that are concerned about problems implementing 7 flags and 7 skill bars, I propose this: Allow us the usual amount of control over the first 3 heroes. The additional 4 only act like customized henchies who cannot be individually flagged or told to use certain skills. You can set up their skill bars and equipment, but you cannot control them outside of the outpost.
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
I dunno about 7 heros. That would mean 4 more characters I have to buy runes and insignia for and probably get to level 20. I've heaped a great deal of attention on Dunkuro, Koss, and Acolyte Sosuke and have developed a nicely functioning unit. With 4 more heroes I'll have to spend a great deal of time capping elites for them and buying necessary skills.
I have a full unlock in the game, and have runed every hero so far and 6 of them have greens that I spent ages farming for them, because I find it fun to be able to customise and configure my squad of heroes to suit my needs. Unfortunately, I can only use 3 of those heroes at a time and would relly like to be able to use 7.
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
I would imagine the reasoning is simple; Anet doesn't want to totally kill the PuG.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
What may be fun for you may be detrimental to others.
If you played Heroway, it would be unfun for an opposing, all human team, if they expected a geniune match. If you allow 7 Heroes, you devalue all accomplishments that PvE offers. There's a difference between "fun" and "integrity." I strongly favor the latter. |
DL Lorre
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
Folks it's real simple. If they (GW/Anet) see that it will boost sales and/or increase profits from future sales, it will be added (the ability to play 7 heroes). And no amount of whining, complaining, or flaming will change that. It's the golden rule, the ones with the gold make the rules. And to be honest if it's only PVE why does anyone care if they do add it? Sillyness to the extreme if you ask me.
Yes they will gain people, but they will also lose people
Originally Posted by KiyoshiKyokai
Also, earlier in the thread, someone commented that they couldn't get Dunkoro to use spell breaker unless they manually gave it to him. Note that heroes will spam the skills on the left hand of their skill bar, and only use those on the right as a last resort. Thus, important spells like spell breaker should go on the left, and your emergency skills (such as rez signet), should go on the right.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
What may be fun for you may be detrimental to others.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
If you played Heroway, it would be unfun for an opposing, all human team, if they expected a geniune match.
Besides the fact that Heroway was a quick way to get 1 or 2 fame a run while bored and waiting on guildies.
*On Topic* I personnaly I'm not much for the 7 heroes but to each his own if you ahve 7 heroes and PuGs die, Ill just play with my friends its all i do in PvE anyways (except farm)
So i s'pose /signed
Originally Posted by bhavv
That may be a problem for you, but you wouldnt be forced to rune and equip every hero and cap the elite skills, its just there if you want to.
I have a full unlock in the game, and have runed every hero so far and 6 of them have greens that I spent ages farming for them, because I find it fun to be able to customise and configure my squad of heroes to suit my needs. Unfortunately, I can only use 3 of those heroes at a time and would relly like to be able to use 7. |
I'm not against 7 heroes but I'm against 7 heroes with no drawbacks. Make mobs bigger and/or higher levels. Decrease chests and gold drops. Something.
Alright, now I'm just beginning to repeat myself. Please, for anyone new to this thread, read all 12 pages!
I'm not against using customized heroes. I'm against using 7 customized heroes.
And about 7 heroes in PvE, fortunately, someone started a "hardest accomplishment in PvE" thread. 99% of the accomplishments in that thread would be obsolete with 7 heroes. Legendary Survivor? Set up a perfect team, let your heroes do the work while you stay back. Grandmaster Cartographer? Just set up all Monks, all Warriors with Charge, and you can run anywhere. Protector titles? Set up a team with 2 MM, 2 personalized Monks, 2 Searing Flames, a "They're on Fire!" Paragon, and you. You can complete all missions pathetically easily.
Of course, in a game where everyone is equal at max level, accomplishments mean little. But they atleast indicate some semblance of skill. Allowing 7 heroes would completely eliminate that.
I was not implying Heroway is weak; it isn't. But there's a certain annoyance about fighting AI instead of people.
Uh. No.
While I play, the health of all players in my party rarely decreases. The Vigor Runes have no effect on that. Why?
It's because I use skill. I plan out my Heroes, I choose appropriate Henchmen, and I steam-roll through areas. (for reference, I play as SS, I have Olias as MM, Morgahn as a ToF Tank, and Zhed as Searing Flames. I choose the Henchmen Khim/Sogolon (mighr swap him out after Paragon nerfs)/Devona/Gehraz.)
Yes, I don't use a Monk Hero. Here's a hint to everyone in this topic who thinks PvE is too difficult and your party dies too quickly:
Best defense is a good offense.
If you have a Monk Hero, you don't have enough offense, and you are a coward. The enemy can't kill you if they're dead.
Originally Posted by bhavv
How is using 7 heroes in PVE detrimental to others, how does it devalue accomplishments in PVE? If the majority find it fun to play with their customised heroes in PVE how is that spoiling your fun? I dont find using heroes detrimental, I find it 3 times more fun then pugs.
And about 7 heroes in PvE, fortunately, someone started a "hardest accomplishment in PvE" thread. 99% of the accomplishments in that thread would be obsolete with 7 heroes. Legendary Survivor? Set up a perfect team, let your heroes do the work while you stay back. Grandmaster Cartographer? Just set up all Monks, all Warriors with Charge, and you can run anywhere. Protector titles? Set up a team with 2 MM, 2 personalized Monks, 2 Searing Flames, a "They're on Fire!" Paragon, and you. You can complete all missions pathetically easily.
Of course, in a game where everyone is equal at max level, accomplishments mean little. But they atleast indicate some semblance of skill. Allowing 7 heroes would completely eliminate that.
Originally Posted by DL Lorre
Not to be frank but I have gotten my ass whooped by Heroway . Name an arena in Heroes Ascent and my guildies and I (on vent and weve gotten 80+ fame together since about 3 weeks after NightFall came out) have probably lost to heroway there (yep even in halls)
Besides the fact that Heroway was a quick way to get 1 or 2 fame a run while bored and waiting on guildies. |
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
You're right about not having to rune your heroes but if you don't you usually pay for it. I'm saving to get Dunkuro a Rune of Superior Vigor because I'd rather have him concentrate on keeping me alive rather than himself. So runeing heroes is absolutely necessary if you want to...actually do anything with them.
While I play, the health of all players in my party rarely decreases. The Vigor Runes have no effect on that. Why?
It's because I use skill. I plan out my Heroes, I choose appropriate Henchmen, and I steam-roll through areas. (for reference, I play as SS, I have Olias as MM, Morgahn as a ToF Tank, and Zhed as Searing Flames. I choose the Henchmen Khim/Sogolon (mighr swap him out after Paragon nerfs)/Devona/Gehraz.)
Yes, I don't use a Monk Hero. Here's a hint to everyone in this topic who thinks PvE is too difficult and your party dies too quickly:
Best defense is a good offense.
If you have a Monk Hero, you don't have enough offense, and you are a coward. The enemy can't kill you if they're dead.
It still amazes me to see people complaining that Guild Wars was meant to be played with other players. I don't have a problem with that but it's not the only way the game can be played. On the inside of the Prophecies game box (warrior pic), on the right hand side, it clearly says "Join with Friends or play solo with a band of skillful henchmen.
These days, a large majority of players are nothing but local chat spammers and trouble makers. Do I want to use 7 heroes? Yes!
These days, a large majority of players are nothing but local chat spammers and trouble makers. Do I want to use 7 heroes? Yes!
Like the Real life Analogy,
The better players will become better, The "poorer" players will become worse.
Having said that, i dont mind 7 heros but dont really see it happening.
The better players will become better, The "poorer" players will become worse.
Having said that, i dont mind 7 heros but dont really see it happening.
Originally Posted by Thallandor
Having said that, i dont mind 7 heros but dont really see it happening.
Of course that is something I don't see happening either. Heroes never really solved the problem with henchmen (that has been there from the start) since they are still forced on you when you play alone. Heroes in their current form are a gimmick and nothing more. Hell, give the henchmen the 'Guard' AI instead of the 'Fight' AI (so they don't aggro everything in sight and run when you do), add an MM henchman, and you could do away with heroes entirely for all I care. I use the SAME freaking heroes no matter what character I use anyways. Most of the ones I have just sit there in my choice box.
Gimmick. Thanks for yet another half-assed gimmick. Can't wait for Chapter 4's poorly thought out gimmick.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
If you have a Monk Hero, you don't have enough offense, and you are a coward.
I use TWO monk heroes... AND at least one monk henchie...
And why so many monks?
Because some explorable areas don't have many nice, small groups of corpse-exploitable enemies... but rather non-exploitable enemies and then huge hoardes which effectively require one's own undead hoarde to take on..... and thats a lot easier if the minions one does have are all being preserved from one area to the next.
Hence why I have Olias, Tahlkora and Dunkorro with me most of the time. Olias on MM duty, and the monks set to area-effect heal to keep the minions running.
Offense? I don't need extra offense. My offense is me... a zerg-rushing hoarde of undead... and gratuitous application of Spiteful Spirit and Mark of Pain to the enemy groups (when I go A/N at least, which is quite often these days). When the Shambling Horrors are stripped to the bone and causing bleeding all over the place, Ulcerous Lungs can leave quite a mark too with the weekend change (and was quite nifty as an extra hex even without).
Going without tailored monks is just too high-risk.
As for the whole 7 heroes thing.... I love micromanagement.
It'll mean more things to go loot-farming for... at least for those of us who care. More oppurtunity to see our hard work and micromanagement pay off.... And for the lazier fetchers out there... they can just slam whatever skills they like down...
On the downside.... it could spell an end to teams of human player characters in GW.... but then A-Net don't seem to care much about PvE any more anyway, and all the people who want human interaction are in PvP... just about... or at least in guilds where they have the choice whether they want in with decent (assumption) humans or not. People like me who are sick of interaction with the meatbags out there (I dunno what "PUGs" stands for, but I brand all humans as meatbags, so its all the same to me) are just fine going in with an AI team.
So I'm all for the 7 hero thing.... not that its hugely difficult to get by with 3 heroes and 4 henchies.
I Write Sins
pf, i'd like to be able to bring 7 heros into Heros Ascent, muahahaha....
Franco Power
you could only bring 5
6man ftl

6man ftl
gene terrodon
How about this. Allow 7 heroes and take the PvE version of the game offline. That's pretty much what the game will become. It's halfway there already.
So PvE would be single player offline and if you want to MMO in GW, you have to PvP. That's it. No if ands or buts.
Reminds me of countless console and offline RPGs. Unlock characters, obtain weapon, skill and armor upgrades and plow through the game.
So PvE would be single player offline and if you want to MMO in GW, you have to PvP. That's it. No if ands or buts.
Reminds me of countless console and offline RPGs. Unlock characters, obtain weapon, skill and armor upgrades and plow through the game.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
How about this. Allow 7 heroes and take the PvE version of the game offline. That's pretty much what the game will become. It's halfway there already.
So PvE would be single player offline and if you want to MMO in GW, you have to PvP. That's it. No if ands or buts. Reminds me of countless console and offline RPGs. Unlock characters, obtain weapon, skill and armor upgrades and plow through the game. |
But for that matter, it would mean all the character data would have to be regularly updated in far more ways than is current on the player's own computer.
I'm not one for promoting that anyway...
I kinda like having meatbags around for my personal entertainment in certain outposts.... even if I'd rather castrate myself with a rusty spoon than form a party with any of them...
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Uh. No.
While I play, the health of all players in my party rarely decreases. The Vigor Runes have no effect on that. Why? It's because I use skill. I plan out my Heroes, I choose appropriate Henchmen, and I steam-roll through areas. (for reference, I play as SS, I have Olias as MM, Morgahn as a ToF Tank, and Zhed as Searing Flames. I choose the Henchmen Khim/Sogolon (mighr swap him out after Paragon nerfs)/Devona/Gehraz.) Yes, I don't use a Monk Hero. Here's a hint to everyone in this topic who thinks PvE is too difficult and your party dies too quickly: Best defense is a good offense. If you have a Monk Hero, you don't have enough offense, and you are a coward. The enemy can't kill you if they're dead. |

It's obvious that you're much farther along than I am. I have 4 characters but play only 1 most of the time. I'm not finished with any of the games. I'd say I'm 2/3 of the way through Prophecies and NF and 1/2 of the way through Factions with my primary character, Vala. I use Dunkuro because I developed a habit of having him in my party while I was trying to beat Consulate Docks. He fit well into my team so I kept him on. I use Koss(random Hammer stuff), Dunkuro(Healing Prayers until I get some good Smiting skills), and Acolyte Sosuke(he's Searing Flames), Aidan, Devona, Mhenlo, and Sogolon most of the time. When I use Master of Whispers I have him setup as BiP because the only other Necro build I can do is MM and since I'm MM we'd be working at cross purposes. My team of heroes is, sadly, only as effective as the skills I have and what improvements(i.e. runes and insignia) I can afford.
Despite my supposed cowardice I've completed a good portion of each game with no help at all. The only mission I ever PuGed was Dunes of Despair. Its not about the titles, weapons, or platinum for me. Its about the journey. Corny but thats how I feel. I like going new places, facing new challenges, and advancing the storyline. A coward runs away, with the horizon at his back, because he fears what is ahead and would rather live without ever knowing what is unknown. A hero goes forth, even into the darkness, because he would regret not knowing what fate has in store for him and would rather die with honor knowing that he faced the horizon, the unknown unafraid. I have chosen the path of the hero and no matter how many times I die I will respawn and fight on.

lol... I just got another reason for why I want 7 heroes sooo badly, and why I never want to pug ever again.
My recent attemt of getting a pug for jennurs horde led to the following:
Please give me 7 heroes and let useless pugs die out from the game.
My recent attemt of getting a pug for jennurs horde led to the following:
Please give me 7 heroes and let useless pugs die out from the game.
gene terrodon
Originally Posted by bhavv
lol... I just got another reason for why I want 7 heroes sooo badly, and why I never want to pug ever again.
My recent attemt of getting a pug for jennurs horde led to the following: Please give me 7 heroes and let useless pugs die out from the game. |
Such is the elitist attitude in the game.
"Your build sucks and I have no time for you."
Lets give everyone 7 heroes and take the PvE experience offline, it'll save me from seeing nonesense post such as yours and garbage talk of how much better you are than the world.
I'm sick of this post and all of the posts like it.
It seems to me that a large number in the GW community would rather play solo, farm solo and do whatever, solo. They like GW, but not as a MMO, so they would rather change it to a single player game.
Sucks for all of those who purchased the game for the multiplayer PvE experience.
And please, please, please, stop telling me it's easy to get a PUG. That is utter and total bull!
There are outpost, in all three chapters, where the only people there are partied with 8. All hench and heroes.
There are some outposts, where the only people there are the NPC's and henchmen.
The only place I run into PUGs forming are those few missions that are not possible without at least one other person and a few of the tougher missions.
Partly due to the thinning of the community, spread across three chapters and partly due to heroes.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
And your point is what? They're suxor noobies and you have no time for them? Instead of posting the build here and laughing, wouldn't it have served you and the community as a whole to explain to the monk and the warrior what skills might work better, "lol."
Such is the elitist attitude in the game. "Your build sucks and I have no time for you." Lets give everyone 7 heroes and take the PvE experience offline, it'll save me from seeing nonesense post such as yours and garbage talk of how much better you are than the world. |
Its a matter of pride to many of them... They'd sooner be crap on their own terms than good on anyone else's... and its a rare thing to find a PuG with enough humility to accept tutelage from someone they just met. Its little wonder the rest of us have become jaded and want nothing to do with them.
By all means... if you have the social talents to be able to get them to listen to you and actually accept what you have to say then I'd love for you to teach me how... because maybe then a little coordination among PuG teams might be possible and reliance on AI might not be necessary..... but in general terms I find they just won't listen.
I HAVE tried.
I DO tend to give people the benefit of the doubt if they're polite to me first (and not showing themselves up as total retards).
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
Thats all fine and well... and your sentiment might be noble... but do you know how often the random meatbags will actually listen to advice? If you're lucky they'll nod and agree, then change nothing... and if not then they get offensive, throw a hissy fit and leave.
Most missions will turn out just fine if just 3 of the 8 players know what they're doing. If you wind up with clueless players on your team, it's just more of a challenge.
Worrying about their builds is kind of pointless. For instance, while the monk build bhavv posted could be better, you could certainly get a lot of healing done with it if you knew how to balance your skills. On the flipside, a perfect build is useless if someone doesn't know what to do with it.
Worrying about their builds is kind of pointless. For instance, while the monk build bhavv posted could be better, you could certainly get a lot of healing done with it if you knew how to balance your skills. On the flipside, a perfect build is useless if someone doesn't know what to do with it.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
And your point is what? They're suxor noobies and you have no time for them? Instead of posting the build here and laughing, wouldn't it have served you and the community as a whole to explain to the monk and the warrior what skills might work better, "lol."
Such is the elitist attitude in the game. "Your build sucks and I have no time for you." Lets give everyone 7 heroes and take the PvE experience offline, it'll save me from seeing nonesense post such as yours and garbage talk of how much better you are than the world. I'm sick of this post and all of the posts like it. It seems to me that a large number in the GW community would rather play solo, farm solo and do whatever, solo. They like GW, but not as a MMO, so they would rather change it to a single player game. Sucks for all of those who purchased the game for the multiplayer PvE experience. And please, please, please, stop telling me it's easy to get a PUG. That is utter and total bull! There are outpost, in all three chapters, where the only people there are partied with 8. All hench and heroes. There are some outposts, where the only people there are the NPC's and henchmen. The only place I run into PUGs forming are those few missions that are not possible without at least one other person and a few of the tougher missions. Partly due to the thinning of the community, spread across three chapters and partly due to heroes. |
If you have a Monk Hero, you don't have enough offense, and you are a coward. |
Originally Posted by Tyrnne
Most missions will turn out just fine if just 3 of the 8 players know what they're doing. If you wind up with clueless players on your team, it's just more of a challenge.
Great attitude, IMHO. I personally enjoy playing the Lone Ranger in PUGs. 99% of the time there is SOMEONE worthy of friendship. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
Wo Tan Ki (KoS) currently R/E

Originally Posted by bhavv
Exactly. No one changes their bars when I ask them to, I have purely given up on idiot pugs in this game. Im struggling enough trying to get through this mission with hench, I need 7 heroes ASAP.
gene terrodon
Originally Posted by grottoftl
I'm a pro-pugger and I know that you don't have to PuG to enjoy the MMO experience of the game! if you didn't notice those people who don't like to PuG, do enjoy the MMO experience of guild wars. they socialize with others in towns and like being part of a guild. quit saying the PvE part of the game should be an offline game when a few players prefer playing missions with heroes and henchmen, the still like the online atmosphere.
that's the dumbest thing I've read |
Most conversations in outposts are either 1)Sexual in nature or 2)just plain ol' ignorant.
Furthermore, if I wanted to go online and chat, I would go to a chatroom. Why would I pay 50, 100, 150 for what amounts to, per your point above, a online chat program. That's absurd.
My point about PvE being offline is valid. Chatting in an outpost is not playing PvE, it's chatting in an outpost. There is a distinct difference. The MMO experience, as related to PvE is dying down, for more reasons than one. My argument is that 7 heroes will further diminish the PUG pool, making the game less enjoyable to those who like to PvE in live groups.
Also, if you're not getting paid to PUG, you're not a pro, and if you are getting paid, please send me an application.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
Most conversations in outposts are either 1)Sexual in nature or 2)just plain ol' ignorant.
I don't think 1) is really true, except in beginner areas like Ascalon or Shing Jea Monastery
Originally Posted by Zinger314
If you can't beat the game with Henchmen, that's your problem, not the game's. Many people have beaten the game with Heroes/Henchmen. Don't blame the game.
Originally Posted by bhavv
You fail to misunderstand. You can beat the game with henchmen, but you cant get masters on Jenners horde or Dzagonar Bastion at least with them. Its too difficult with pugs that dont have a clue what there doing as well. I got masters on the former with a guildie and 6 heroes, and am leaving the second untill the end of the game.
As I said, you lack tactical skill.
Kayleen Ajzurion
I think part of the problem that we can't have 7 heroes is because all those hero skill bars would flood the screen. heck even with 3, a pretty big portion of my playing screen is taken, and I even reduced the other stuff(health, energy, party window...)
One thing I don't get with people who say that "heros are bad for pugs so they should be limited/removed" is why you want to play with people that don't want to play with you?
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Got Masters on Dzagonaur Bastion in two tries with Heroes/Henchmen (because I had thought you needed 6 defenses intact, I had 5 the first time, and I reset), and I also did Jennur's Horde with Heroes/Henchmen (Jennur's is easier, when you realize it's Red Light/Green Light and you have some patience.)
As I said, you lack tactical skill. |
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
Its sort of hard for people to give credence to what you say when you're continually insulting them. Methods of success vary from person to person. I've come far henching/heroing everything but other might not have the same results. I happen to be working on Dzagonaur Bastion now and am finding it difficult to beat. Does that mean I lack skill? No. I'm making mistakes, learning from them, and trying new things. Few people are born with the tactical skills of a four star general and they actually have to work at things to get good at them.
Originally Posted by bhavv
You fail to misunderstand. You can beat the game with henchmen, but you cant get masters on Jenners horde or Dzagonar Bastion at least with them. Its too difficult with pugs that dont have a clue what there doing as well. I got masters on the former with a guildie and 6 heroes, and am leaving the second untill the end of the game.
I was trying for masters on Jennur's Horde, got expert because I didn't destroy the Margonites with the second Harbinger (I hadn't read the wiki page telling that and followed the in game instructions, never knew why I didn't get it until much later). Obviously would not have been any great deal to bother to do so as I did the hard part.
The only time a bonus or masters is really hard is when you have to split your team up (say, bonus on Dunes of Despair). Even then others have done it - many even before we could flag them to split the team up.
The hench are only as good as you are. Every mission and bonus in the game is doable with them.
I would also like to have a full party of heroes to play with team builds. I enjoy that a great deal, I would like to see hero battles at 6v6 and 8v8 also. But none of it is required to clear pretty much anything - heck go look in the Elona explorer section and Mallyx has been hero-way'd now.
Originally Posted by Kayleen Ajzurion
I think part of the problem that we can't have 7 heroes is because all those hero skill bars would flood the screen. heck even with 3, a pretty big portion of my playing screen is taken, and I even reduced the other stuff(health, energy, party window...)
Y'know... it makes the gameplay much more efficient to give the heroes skill-sets that they can actually use themselves to good effect and not have to be manually hand-walked through (which saves having to allocate a portion of your own time away from your own actions to control theirs).
I only ever open the hero info bars in outposts to either make mention of their skills to other people.... or to test the effects of various items on health / energy levels.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
You actually bother to have ALL the hero info bars open ALL of the time?! o_0;; ...
Y'know... it makes the gameplay much more efficient to give the heroes skill-sets that they can actually use themselves to good effect and not have to be manually hand-walked through (which saves having to allocate a portion of your own time away from your own actions to control theirs). I only ever open the hero info bars in outposts to either make mention of their skills to other people.... or to test the effects of various items on health / energy levels. |
You have the three open so you can see what they are using, and to make sure energy management is not an issue... besides the fact that heroes don't always use skills and you have to tell them to manually use them...
FFS, thats not even taking into account the ability to see what enchants, conditions are on them and what their DP is at
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Not exactly. I was responding to bhavv's ridiculous claim that you need 7 Heroes to get Masters on those missions. I take that personally.
ok, try to get through tomb of the primeval kings with hero + hench. Im preety sure thats undoable, and I cant ever find a group there cos im not a ranger or necro or monk.
Anyway, besides the comments of trying to justify using 7 heroes to make more areas of the game accessible, the main reason why I and most of the others here want to use them is because they would find it fun. Allowing us to use 7 heroes in PVE doesnt in any way affect other peoples gaming experience, it only affects your own experience. If you dont want to use them, you dont have to, you just would be able to if you enjoy playing with all heroes.
To the above post, it rarely makes a differnce if you have all the bars open, unless you have a skill somewhere you want to trigger manually like SB or fall back. Leaving the bars closed is fine, and, actually using 7 hero bars would be completely possible on higher resolutions anyway.
Originally Posted by bhavv
ok, try to get through tomb of the primeval kings with hero + hench. Im preety sure thats undoable, and I cant ever find a group there cos im not a ranger or necro or monk.
Although I have to wonder if heroes would do much better than henches there.
Originally Posted by bhavv
ok, try to get through tomb of the primeval kings with hero + hench. Im preety sure thats undoable, and I cant ever find a group there cos im not a ranger or necro or monk.
There is not a single area in the game where you are allowed a full party of AI constructs that is not doable. It may be slow and you may get the occasional spawn that wipes your party where a human group wouldn't, but it is doable.
Mallyx has been beaten by three humans and the rest AI. While not solo with hero/hench it is pretty durn close and MUCH harder than ToPK.
"You gave me this, now I want more. Give me more non-humans to play a MULTI_PLAYER game."