Originally Posted by Chet Ingram Kabak
The point is that I would rather see the game changed, than stop playing it.
Nightfall was not super great. It was just "OK". Super great is your opinon. "Just OK, but frustrating" is my opinion.
If you have nothing to actually add to the conversation (such as what you think should be changed, or should not be changed) please refrain from flaming other people who do not agree with you.
We want to see the game changed. That is why we post here. If you do not, simply say you like it the way it is, and leave it at that.
Thank you
Posting pure opinions won't help A-net improving the game.
You made a list of everything YOU think that doesn't work, but there are several threads adressing the problems you listed and they were all answered.
Meaning you basically end with pure rant without new things to bring or new propositions.
I will try to adress your problems so you can feel better about the game.
Understand that I eat up my time doing this instead of working. (/Slap on my dumb self).
Fall of Camelot.
You express more a feeling than true fact. It's logical that GW's feeling has changed. Everything were new, and for everyone at the beginning. Now, WPE players know the in and out of the game. IMHO, you should just look expansions with the child's spirit.
About "GW may loose players", there's 1 thread per week popping up saying the same thing since the release of Factions. And GW sales get them wrong each month.
I'm really sick of these threads made by PVEers that didn't even tried a shot on PvP outside RA. PvPers NEVER complained about PVE "messing up" PvP. Even when they were forced to grind PVE to be competitive. I personnally do both. And this kind of thread are REALLY made by ignorance. GW has always been presented by its Devs as a competitive game. You should REALLY do some PvP (team based PvP, not RA/AB) to understand the in and outs of this part of the game before complaining. When I moved at the end of Prophecies to PvP, I couldn't before that understand the true meaning of the BALANCE word. I was a scrub.
I like PVE. But imbalance in PvP is like facing Glint as a regular mob, as EVERY player in PvP turns on skills ensuring victory, i.e. the most overpowered and imbalanced. So nerfs are needed. A-net nerfs are not always good (overnerfing or underbuffing), but at least they try to keep a balance.
Please, do some GvG regularly to understand what I'm meaning.
And again, you throw your FEELS (as written in your text), not facts, truth, nor propositions.
The Fellowship is Broken
Again a Heroes against People thread.
If you define fellowship by PuGs availability, then you just missed 95% of the game. Fellowship is not in PuGs, but in GUILDS. For a game called GUILD WARS, I find this justified.
There is a guild recruiting forum around here, ingame also, just find ones with like-minded people. When you will be in a good guild, you won't be alone. Follow Kormir's advice, don't fight alone, and join a guild suited to your needs (i.e. a guild turned towards PVE for you apparently). For me the fellowship has never been broken, and I went in several different guilds since the beginning of the game.
PuGs could be improved, thus. By putting an in-game audio communication tool. By allowing every player skillbar / energy bar to be displayable in battle (exaclty like hero does, but for real players). I already made these points in the HeroVsPeople flamefest thread. However, until this could be done, they will be by far largely inferior in terms of efficiency compared to a guild group or a hero group.
For the love of Money
Sigh. You'll love collector items.
BTW, if you want that skin, farm for it. Alone, like farmer Joe? No, with your guildies. That's an exciting PVE entertainment. Look, take the Cantha event, ask if some friends/guildies would be there this weekend, and go farm some greens/chest runs etc...
Guildwiki already gives all the info on where and how to find the rarest skins in the game. If you are in a PVE guild, doing Elite areas with guildies to stockpile rare skins items will not take you much of that time.
Farmer Joe
To me casual farming is okay, it brings supply, lowering prices. Botting for ebay is not. Because ebayers, with their large amounts of money, will be able to afford for themselves a huge price on weapons that don't worth it (skyrocketting rarest skins). But I'm not an economist, so I could be wrong.
Anyway, economy in GW is NOT linked with efficiency.
So, as I already said, you should look for collector weapons.
Deja Vu!
Seriously... Are you blind? For Factions Kaineng City I can understand but... Nighfall? The somptuous fountains of Vabbi? The Dark Sulfurous Wastes? The warm savannah of Kourna? The Hidden City of Adashim? The tortuous Badhok Caverns? Are they so identic?
No. It's Elona, Land of the Sun. But from the blue glowing of the Realm of Torment to the Red lands of Kourna, coming from the green jungle of IStan, you cannot say "that's the same".
As I said, look with the child's eyes. Elona is really beautiful.
Closing thoughts
So where are your propositions to "improve" the game, huh? Or is it just a rant in the face of A-Net?
In addition, asking for people only with your views to post in your thread is symptomatic of a closed mind. You give the stick to be beaten.
Anyway, just quit the game and join other MMORPGs if Guild Wars doesn't suit you. If you want a more lone, PVE oriented, and deeper world, just try WoW. It's not that more expensive than buying collector's edition of each new chapter of Guild Wars. I've tried it myself, and was astonished by the gigantismic world, with deep lore, billions of quests, and various landscapes.
The time investment it requires to be optimal and efficient just didn't suit me.
I'm done with it. Greetings to you, and have a nice game.