Originally Posted by strcpy
Personally I would also like to see a "one against many" always up arena where it is just a free for all kill-fest (effectively a PK town/district on the battle isles).
HAHA, I love it, great idea. Have a [Records] person and time how long each person can be standing. That'd be hysterical to do, I'd have a blast in that.
Which brings me to my point.
(Okay, it wasn't a close link but here we go anyways)
Another huge reason that I PvP is that I can solo, and solo EFFECTIVELY. I've gotten the Protector title twice (Cantha and Elona, and halfway through Tyria at the moment) and I've done most of it with either henchmen or one friend and the rest henchmen. With the new introduction of Heroes, almost every single completion has been with the same friend (and his heroes) or solo with henchmen to fill in.
Is it sorta "lame" that people can solo and duo through PvE stuff? Does it take "no skill" because our Heroes can take the place of humans (which, by the way, I don't feel is true...skilled and runed up properly, they can do a much better job than many people, it just takes skill and observation from the user)? I don't particularly feel so. My Heroes don't whine or scream at me, they don't complain, and I know that they have the skills, gear, and experience they need to help me through the missions. Extra emphasis on the "don't whine or scream at me" part.
Now, I may be biased because I haven't really gotten into the high-end PvP stuff yet. I'm one of those people who want to "finish" my character. On my to-do list? Protector of Elona, seeing what these "Hard Mode" things are all about, Tri-Grandmaster-Cartographer, and the Elite Skill Hunter title. I'm not in a Top 100 guild; hell, my guild only has two people in it (myself and a friend).
That, however, doesn't mean that I'm an idiot. And a lot of people think it does.
I've worked my tail off to become good at being a Ritualist. I like my character, and I don't particularly care to play a different one. For one, I dislike that PvP folks will require people to play classes they don't like, simply to stay in the group. Let me play my Ritualist or leave me be; I have 90 unused skill points (over 1.5mil exp, I can't keep up with the money), I can buy or capture whatever skill you feel (BELIEVE. IT MUST BE SO.) that I should be bringing along.
I feel that in part, the narrow-mindedness of many people in the PvP community plays a very large part in the alienation of "PvE People". If things aren't flawless, if a character isn't as efficient as humanly possible, they're terrible and should never PvP again. Only certain skills should be used. Only certain builds work. Only certain weapons should be used. And if you're not? Either learn to use them, farm the faction to get them, or "go crying to your PvE momma".
Now, I think that a big part of that actually comes from the PvP system ITSELF. Many of the problems are created by the system. The fact that a select tier of people have gotten so skilled leaves very little room for error, and increasingly people are HAVING to require perfection from their players just to make it through. And even if they have perfection, oftentimes that isn't even enough! There has to be a loser! This I feel just leads to frustration and anger, and it's so often pinned on that tiny flaw or imperfection. And most often, in TA or the arenas that "noobs" can feel somewhat safe in, it's pinned directly on said "noobs". And that turns a lot of people away.
Am I saying that perfection is a bad thing? Absolutely not. It's required, I understand this. To a certain extent, it's also required in the upper-tiers of PvE as well. It's downright difficult to get some of those missions done (thank you, DoA!). Do some of us PvE players research skills to find out what is most efficient? Do some of us take the time to "practice" our skills (mostly by just doing PvE...same as you PvP folk, although we solo ours)? Do some of us scrounge up the cash for the best equipment that we need? The answer is yes to all of them.
PvP and PvE both have their areas for eletism. However, in PvE, it's easily escapable, simply because we can solo many of the "easier" things. There are rarely any "easy" moments in PvP (even in the RA, it's hard to keep those horrible builds alive), and once again, that leads to frustration and anger which in turn is pushed onto the new folks...who in turn go off to solo and end up liking the lack of pressure.
Do I wish that I was more into PvP? At times, yes. I'm sure when I start pressing on those Grandmaster Cartographer titles, there will be NUMEROUS times when I'll ask myself if there could be more fun things that I could be doing. However, a few things are blocking me from doing so (I feel). I'm not in a big PvP guild. I don't have very much experience with other classes; I can handle myself, but I truly shine playing a Ritualist. I have Vent, but hate using it because talking to my computer depresses me (old, bad memories of other elitist games). But you know what? Those things can ALL be cancelled out by PvE. I can play the class I want, I can solo or duo just about everything, and I can blast my music as loud as I want in the background. The only thing that bums me out sometimes is not being in a guild with more experienced people. I would love bouncing ideas off the guild and trying some new things; as such, I can do that with my friend, but it always helps to have more friends to arge with, y'know? No regrets though, 'cause there's no pressure to do anything.
So there's my two bucks (I wrote way more than two cents, c'mon) on the whole thing. Thanks to those who read it all. To those who didn't, I'll try to summarize.
PvP demands perfection. When things screw up, people blame the cause. That cause is normally newer people. Who in turn turn to that which does not blame them: PvE.
(apologies for spelling errors)