2nd Birthday Ideas?
A firework with unlimited uses?
I'm all for more mini pets because i'll just sell them and get my loyalty back in gold.
Slightly off topic but how about a birthday gift to Guild's when they reach a year old etc? An addition to the hall or a cape trim or even just more logos for the cape?
Slightly off topic but how about a birthday gift to Guild's when they reach a year old etc? An addition to the hall or a cape trim or even just more logos for the cape?
I'm still with the chaos dye. It's so perfect. Nothing can go wrong. It would be tradeable. If you don't need it, sell it. Perfect. What POSSIBLE arguments can there be against this? A random colored chaos dye to make any, even green, item glow. Then you can show it off and be happy about it.
a pve-only skill, or a title with an effect like lightbringer, that raises all attributes by one, similar to the gods' blessing. the attribute bonus might raise by one for each year. call it veteran's insight or something like that.
oh, and no more minipets please.
oh, and no more minipets please.
Nothing random, please. I'd like something like /bonusitems honestly. Except that it doesn't spawn a crappy Ithas bow. Instead it spawns a set of unique-skinned weapons that are customized, worth zero, and cannot be salvaged, but CAN be modded and are inscribable. I guess the mods could be salvaged when you put them on, but i don't know how it would work. I think that would be nice, and make it so much less expensive to equip my heroes.
If it were me, I'd host a Design-A-Weapon contest just before the 2-year mark rolls around.
If it were me, I'd host a Design-A-Weapon contest just before the 2-year mark rolls around.
I vote with the others on moving away from mini-pets.
New Emotes (random list?):
you could even make it an item, like the squash serum, so when you click on it you get an effect (except that it stays in inventory)
- A birthday cake, or a glowing 2
- An overall yellow birthday flame glow
- A big uber glowing dwarf that brings his hammer down twice ;-)
Birthday disguises
If it's a mini-pet:
- Please add more actions to them (flying, jumping around, etc.) ... I think that's what makes kunnavang so popular (at least with me). And btw *I like the sound effects*
- A mini-me (a miniature of yourself)
- A glowing ball mini (since it follows you around in town)
- Minis that float by your head vs. floating near the ground
- Mini-Moa!
- Mini-penguin, that waddles
- Mini-rabbit, that hops
- mini-elf
- Mini candy corn warrior
- mini pumpkin head person
New Emotes (random list?):
you could even make it an item, like the squash serum, so when you click on it you get an effect (except that it stays in inventory)
- A birthday cake, or a glowing 2
- An overall yellow birthday flame glow
- A big uber glowing dwarf that brings his hammer down twice ;-)
Birthday disguises
If it's a mini-pet:
- Please add more actions to them (flying, jumping around, etc.) ... I think that's what makes kunnavang so popular (at least with me). And btw *I like the sound effects*
- A mini-me (a miniature of yourself)
- A glowing ball mini (since it follows you around in town)
- Minis that float by your head vs. floating near the ground
- Mini-Moa!
- Mini-penguin, that waddles
- Mini-rabbit, that hops
- mini-elf
- Mini candy corn warrior
- mini pumpkin head person
Originally Posted by truemyths
I vote with the others on moving away from mini-pets.
New Emotes (random list?): you could even make it an item, like the squash serum, so when you click on it you get an effect (except that it stays in inventory) |
I think it's not surprising that the most popular request for a 2nd birthday present is minipets because to be honest people in general just aren't very creative or imaginative. If the first year present had been a hat everyone would now be wanting a 2nd birthday hat now and nobody would even ask for minipets, period.
So asking a large group of people to come up with ideas and then taking the most common idea will definately not result in anything creative, and as such asking a big group of people to come up with anything creative seems like a flawed concept to begin with.
That came out a bit meaner than I had intended
Minipets just get sold to whoever wants to spend a lot of cash and almost never has anything to do with the actual character itself, not to mention a lot of people get screwed over when they get a 'worthless' minipet that's very common.
Birthday presents shouldn't be about some people getting rare pets and making a lot of platinum by selling their presents to grinders, and others who don't get a rare pet seeing other people around them selling the pets for a huge profit.
I think birthday presents are supposed to be actually be character related and should stick to the character because it's a gift to them and not to someone who has farmed extensively. The minipets are the opposite of this. If you keep on giving people minipets each year you may as well make a minipet trader and simply give people platinums for their birthday and then they can chose to spend it at that trader. (please note that this is a worst case scenario for me)
Instead a weapon (if it comes pre-customised), an armor, an aura, more storage, an emote, all of these don't have to upset any gameplay balance and seem much more character related as a present so that's what I would go for.
So please Anet don't assume we want minipets again. The only reason it's mentioned so often is because people either don't think you guys have the imagination to come up with anything new or they themselves don't have it. That would be a pretty crappy way to decide on policy wouldn't it?
So asking a large group of people to come up with ideas and then taking the most common idea will definately not result in anything creative, and as such asking a big group of people to come up with anything creative seems like a flawed concept to begin with.
That came out a bit meaner than I had intended

Minipets just get sold to whoever wants to spend a lot of cash and almost never has anything to do with the actual character itself, not to mention a lot of people get screwed over when they get a 'worthless' minipet that's very common.
Birthday presents shouldn't be about some people getting rare pets and making a lot of platinum by selling their presents to grinders, and others who don't get a rare pet seeing other people around them selling the pets for a huge profit.
I think birthday presents are supposed to be actually be character related and should stick to the character because it's a gift to them and not to someone who has farmed extensively. The minipets are the opposite of this. If you keep on giving people minipets each year you may as well make a minipet trader and simply give people platinums for their birthday and then they can chose to spend it at that trader. (please note that this is a worst case scenario for me)
Instead a weapon (if it comes pre-customised), an armor, an aura, more storage, an emote, all of these don't have to upset any gameplay balance and seem much more character related as a present so that's what I would go for.
So please Anet don't assume we want minipets again. The only reason it's mentioned so often is because people either don't think you guys have the imagination to come up with anything new or they themselves don't have it. That would be a pretty crappy way to decide on policy wouldn't it?
Adding on to my previous thread:
If I had the opportunity to influence aNet:
Preferred to mini-pets
- Emotes, auras
- reusable items that create graphical wowzas
(fireworks, flameheads, etc.)
If Mini-Pets
- Add uniqueness to minipet actions, eg. rolling versus walking, flying, hopping, etc.
- personally, I like items that float near your head, another thread mentioned butterflies, hummingbirds, etc.
And a really weird idea: how about a emote "nerf bat" LOL I am quite sure that this would be really popular
If I had the opportunity to influence aNet:
Preferred to mini-pets
- Emotes, auras
- reusable items that create graphical wowzas

If Mini-Pets
- Add uniqueness to minipet actions, eg. rolling versus walking, flying, hopping, etc.
- personally, I like items that float near your head, another thread mentioned butterflies, hummingbirds, etc.
And a really weird idea: how about a emote "nerf bat" LOL I am quite sure that this would be really popular
Tide to Go
update the distance they can be away from you, i hate it takes them two minutes to notice u have moved and so they run after you like litte....hmm shouldn't use that word........
mini halo
mini devil horns
mini heads (spirited away)http://www.stomptokyo.com/img-m6/spirited-away-c.jpgid kill for this one
not a mini, but like the lazy cats that lay around in cantha....ya one of those to follow ya
mini u's would suck, w t s a mini me, who would want a mini you?
mini emperor of Cantha
mini ettin
omg id love it, knee high
mini you(the kind that you fight, not the one that looks like u)
mini halo
mini devil horns
mini heads (spirited away)http://www.stomptokyo.com/img-m6/spirited-away-c.jpgid kill for this one

not a mini, but like the lazy cats that lay around in cantha....ya one of those to follow ya
mini u's would suck, w t s a mini me, who would want a mini you?
mini emperor of Cantha
mini ettin
omg id love it, knee high
mini you(the kind that you fight, not the one that looks like u)
Back to my comments above ... a tonic that let you take on the appearance of any minipet in your inventory would be better to me that an additional mini pet. Better yet, an emote that only works after your second birthday to give you the appearance of a minipet from your inventory (tonics take inventory space, emotes don't).
Other ideas would be other emotes that only work after the 2nd birthday - maybe a half dozen or so potential effects on or around the player (small fireworks, butterflies, halo, "trailers" when they move (glimmering marks or even a blur factor), etc.
If anet is bound and determined to throw me more inventory hogs for me to sell off (ie: Minipets), then I would say a mini emperor, or a mini doppleganger, or a mini Gwen.
Other ideas would be other emotes that only work after the 2nd birthday - maybe a half dozen or so potential effects on or around the player (small fireworks, butterflies, halo, "trailers" when they move (glimmering marks or even a blur factor), etc.
If anet is bound and determined to throw me more inventory hogs for me to sell off (ie: Minipets), then I would say a mini emperor, or a mini doppleganger, or a mini Gwen.
how about a BIGGER STORAGE SPACE!? lol
mini pet are cool. but i think bigger storage space would be pro..
or a chance to change your character hair from any of the other expansion would be pro too
mini pet are cool. but i think bigger storage space would be pro..
or a chance to change your character hair from any of the other expansion would be pro too
Originally Posted by Corinthian
I'm still with the chaos dye. It's so perfect. Nothing can go wrong. It would be tradeable. If you don't need it, sell it. Perfect. What POSSIBLE arguments can there be against this? A random colored chaos dye to make any, even green, item glow. Then you can show it off and be happy about it.
I prefer it to be untradeable, it is YOUR birthday present, but well thats my opinion..
The only thing that could go wrong is that GW would soon look something like this: http://www.tron-sector.com/gallery/show.aspx?id=861
Feels a bit non-GW
But anything except a mini makes me happy, unique weapons, aura's it all sounds good!
Mini anything...
Have our new mini's PICK UP LOOT for us. ^^
Have our new mini's PICK UP LOOT for us. ^^
Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
Slightly off topic but how about a birthday gift to Guild's when they reach a year old etc?
auras FTW
i like the minis, but they take up a space, and then i always forget i have em... and noone will buy mine (i like 2 of the ones i got though ^_^)
i like the minis, but they take up a space, and then i always forget i have em... and noone will buy mine (i like 2 of the ones i got though ^_^)
1. Special Costumes!!!
something like an inventory item when u equip/double click/use it you change into something like a clown, barney or the teenage mutant ninja turtles hahaha
2. Mini me!! mini pet!!
err i mean a mini pet of your character.
4. Plastic Surgeon!!
lol a npc that lets you change the way you look, your face, your hair style your skin color etc etc, it would be great if i can change the hair my TYRIAN necro into those styles in factions.
something like an inventory item when u equip/double click/use it you change into something like a clown, barney or the teenage mutant ninja turtles hahaha
2. Mini me!! mini pet!!
err i mean a mini pet of your character.
4. Plastic Surgeon!!
lol a npc that lets you change the way you look, your face, your hair style your skin color etc etc, it would be great if i can change the hair my TYRIAN necro into those styles in factions.
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Please count from beta Please count from beta Please count from beta

Hello ppl.
Alot has been mentioned, some good proposals and some quite bad (imo ofc).
I'd say that bad ones is;
Easily sold or cashed in for a few extra golds.
None char specific, meaing it's not cutomised - it is this single one char's birthday right?
Something totally new, it should remind us of why / when we first started playing right?
I will repost some suggestions that i see as a good option.
1. Aura - Your char gets an aura based on your choice of god / profession with a title - using the title would show the aura.
2. An armor, why not make the substiute for the FoW age required, thus making an eternal armor (not salvagable).
3. An item, a truly unique item (why not white with bonuses on it) rare, green or other that is customised, not destructable and inscribable (without those bloody ugly names for the inscriptions).
4. Token (account based) to move ONE char to GW2 (whenever it comes), unless this is going to be possible anyway.
5. This would actually be quite fun, many have proposed some kind of elite mission, instead (as someone posted) re-open the catacombs in tyria and let 2 year olds access it.
*Show a piece of tyria that wasnt destroyed and let the old char's find it in some quest or mission.
6. An Emote, god/profession based - maybe even an emote of the char itself if its doable.
7. Something useful for the account in general, key ring, more storage, minipet/green storage...
8. A movie, about how tyria got restored (unless chapter 4 will be about that
- sorta a happy ending to the tale of tyria.
If youre missing good proposals from former posters pls feel free to type down a few to keep ppl up to date with what has been said.
Alot has been mentioned, some good proposals and some quite bad (imo ofc).
I'd say that bad ones is;
Easily sold or cashed in for a few extra golds.
None char specific, meaing it's not cutomised - it is this single one char's birthday right?
Something totally new, it should remind us of why / when we first started playing right?
I will repost some suggestions that i see as a good option.
1. Aura - Your char gets an aura based on your choice of god / profession with a title - using the title would show the aura.
2. An armor, why not make the substiute for the FoW age required, thus making an eternal armor (not salvagable).
3. An item, a truly unique item (why not white with bonuses on it) rare, green or other that is customised, not destructable and inscribable (without those bloody ugly names for the inscriptions).
4. Token (account based) to move ONE char to GW2 (whenever it comes), unless this is going to be possible anyway.
5. This would actually be quite fun, many have proposed some kind of elite mission, instead (as someone posted) re-open the catacombs in tyria and let 2 year olds access it.
*Show a piece of tyria that wasnt destroyed and let the old char's find it in some quest or mission.
6. An Emote, god/profession based - maybe even an emote of the char itself if its doable.
7. Something useful for the account in general, key ring, more storage, minipet/green storage...
8. A movie, about how tyria got restored (unless chapter 4 will be about that

If youre missing good proposals from former posters pls feel free to type down a few to keep ppl up to date with what has been said.
Funk ee Monk ee
I agree, there are enough mini's to lag a third world nation right off the map.
How about a visible Character Aura? Like the green glow one gets with the Chalice of Corruption quests in Factions but different colors? An Ele with a red glow, a Nec with a green or black glow, a Monk radiating white light ... you get the idea.
How about a character-redesign signet. After 2 years my poor monk is about the ugliest thing in the world to me. What WAS I thinking when I made her bald? Say perhaps adding a key which allows you to redesign a character's LOOK OR NAME one time only.
(sorry if these were suggested, I did not have the time to browse 31 pages)
How about a visible Character Aura? Like the green glow one gets with the Chalice of Corruption quests in Factions but different colors? An Ele with a red glow, a Nec with a green or black glow, a Monk radiating white light ... you get the idea.
How about a character-redesign signet. After 2 years my poor monk is about the ugliest thing in the world to me. What WAS I thinking when I made her bald? Say perhaps adding a key which allows you to redesign a character's LOOK OR NAME one time only.
(sorry if these were suggested, I did not have the time to browse 31 pages)
Mini Lich (idk it is in game or not)
Mini Glint <<< You know how people Like Dragons. They are high in demand.
Mini Balthazar
Mini Grenth
Mini Dhuum
Mini Abaddon
Mini Dwayna
Mini Lyssa
Mini Melandru
Mini Menzies
Mini Facet
Mini Norns
Mini Sylvarians
Mini Dragon Moss <<< Dragon
Mini Obsidian Furnace Drake
Mini Shadow Lord
Mini Abyssal
Mini Tengu
Mini Centar
Mini Shadow of Fear
Mini Blade of Corruption
Mini Margonite
Thats all I can think of
Mini Glint <<< You know how people Like Dragons. They are high in demand.
Mini Balthazar
Mini Grenth
Mini Dhuum
Mini Abaddon
Mini Dwayna
Mini Lyssa
Mini Melandru
Mini Menzies
Mini Facet
Mini Norns
Mini Sylvarians
Mini Dragon Moss <<< Dragon
Mini Obsidian Furnace Drake
Mini Shadow Lord
Mini Abyssal
Mini Tengu
Mini Centar
Mini Shadow of Fear
Mini Blade of Corruption
Mini Margonite
Thats all I can think of
2nd birthday maybe fix/create quest involving gwen and make it accesible to chars when they have there 2nd birthday.
and on completion the reward is a mini Gwen.

Legendary Battousai
Mini The Last Pride
Mini War Machine
Mini War Machine

mini <yourcharacter here>
Make it customized so people know who's 2 and who isnt
Make it customized so people know who's 2 and who isnt

Tin Lone
Random unique items that name after the chars.
Special area for b'day prize draw!!
Not really fancy mini thingy - my storage's already full of junks!

Special area for b'day prize draw!!

Not really fancy mini thingy - my storage's already full of junks!
1. Instead of minis why don't we get a random free endgame weapon from either Factions or Nightfall. Its more useful than a mini !
2. Or somehow give us tokens to allow us to purchase standard max armor at half price or something along those lines. Again, more useful than a mini !
3. I say a set of free tokens ( maybe 3) that can be given to Grenth or Balthazar for free UW and FOW runs. Yet again, more useful than a mini !
2. Or somehow give us tokens to allow us to purchase standard max armor at half price or something along those lines. Again, more useful than a mini !
3. I say a set of free tokens ( maybe 3) that can be given to Grenth or Balthazar for free UW and FOW runs. Yet again, more useful than a mini !
N Sane OEF Marine
I dont have a b-day character yet. 5 chars of mine are coming up in about 5 or 6 months though. IMO mini's r not cool anymore. Even myself as a non b-day acct have 5 mini-pets
. It was cool having them back then but, now they r clogging storage space. Extra Storage space and Special Auras will be a nice bonus (Prolly wont apply for me). For my acct's b-day though coming up, I would like to have 120 ectos, 120 obsidian shards, 120 rubies, and 120 sapphires instead of the usual white mini-pet
(Gaile and ANET might notice my post, hopefully and make my ridiculous request come true)
My IGN btw: Staff Sergeant V (Tank)

My IGN btw: Staff Sergeant V (Tank)
N Sane OEF Marine
I dont have a b-day character yet. 5 chars of mine are coming up in about 5 or 6 months though. IMO mini's r not cool anymore. Even myself as a non b-day acct have 5 mini-pets
. It was cool having them back then but, now they r clogging storage space. Extra Storage space and Special Auras will be a nice bonus (Prolly wont apply for me). For my acct's b-day though coming up, I would like to have 120 ectos, 120 obsidian shards, 120 rubies, and 120 sapphires instead of the usual white mini-pet
(Gaile and ANET might notice my post, hopefully and make my ridiculous request come true)

Alexei Septimus
Thinking outside the box a little bit, how about new profession-specific emotes of some type? By making them profession specific, there would still be reason to look forward to future birthdays on characters other than the first. Or perhaps something that functions similarly to the Divine Aura of the first GW collectors edition taking advantage of GW's graphical improvements and move from Dx8 to Dx9. Some sort of radiance, perhaps.
How can I find out when my character is created?
Jaythen Tyradel
type /age ingame.
Maybe a mini flesh golem?
Or you can:
A special ingame item like a birthday cake that gives sugar rush and +20 points into the title and like 5 gifts which contains maybe like fruit cakes, mini( make em like 1%) and 100g-1k idk lol
Or you can:
A special ingame item like a birthday cake that gives sugar rush and +20 points into the title and like 5 gifts which contains maybe like fruit cakes, mini( make em like 1%) and 100g-1k idk lol
How about a title like all other titles... simple but definitive.
1st year -> Guild Wars Veteran
2nd year -> Guild Wars Seasoned Vet
3rd year -> Guild Wars Elite
and so on.
Or an aura on the ground where the character stands, with different colours denoting age.
1st year -> Guild Wars Veteran
2nd year -> Guild Wars Seasoned Vet
3rd year -> Guild Wars Elite
and so on.
Or an aura on the ground where the character stands, with different colours denoting age.
Originally Posted by ShickMP
![]() ![]() |
Jongo River
"Respect Thy Elder" Glyph - inventory item, that when activated, kicks the last person who used the term "Noob", "N00b" or "Nub" from an outpost.
The kicked player is sent to Northern Ascalon and has to perform a "Mission of Humility" as a Charr slave. He's made to carry a rock for a very long distance, by Charr who keep using a knockdown attack on him (causing him to drop the rock). They insult the player, shouting stuff like "Ha, pathetic human can't even carry a rock!" Every now and again they get so mad they want to kill him, so he has to use his special "Beg for mercy" skills, to avoid being killed and sent back to the start. Only when he's finished the mission (i.e. gets the rock to the end), is he allowed back in to any outposts. No drops, chests, gold or XP gained from this mission.
After that, the next time he's in an outpost, he's followed around by Mhenlo, who tells him exactly what to say and who to say it to (i.e. he must repeat polite chat messages to other randomly assigned players). Failure to comply results in being kicked out of all outposts for 3 minutes (to think about what he's done). Lesson ends after 30 minutes of time spent in an outpost (non-consecutive).
The kicked player is sent to Northern Ascalon and has to perform a "Mission of Humility" as a Charr slave. He's made to carry a rock for a very long distance, by Charr who keep using a knockdown attack on him (causing him to drop the rock). They insult the player, shouting stuff like "Ha, pathetic human can't even carry a rock!" Every now and again they get so mad they want to kill him, so he has to use his special "Beg for mercy" skills, to avoid being killed and sent back to the start. Only when he's finished the mission (i.e. gets the rock to the end), is he allowed back in to any outposts. No drops, chests, gold or XP gained from this mission.

After that, the next time he's in an outpost, he's followed around by Mhenlo, who tells him exactly what to say and who to say it to (i.e. he must repeat polite chat messages to other randomly assigned players). Failure to comply results in being kicked out of all outposts for 3 minutes (to think about what he's done). Lesson ends after 30 minutes of time spent in an outpost (non-consecutive).
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by Jongo River
"Respect Thy Elder" Glyph - inventory item, that when activated, kicks the last person who used the term "Noob", "N00b" or "Nub" from an outpost.
The kicked player is sent to Northern Ascalon and has to perform a "Mission of Humility" as a Charr slave. He's made to carry a rock for a very long distance, by Charr who keep using a knockdown attack on him (causing him to drop the rock). They insult the player, shouting stuff like "Ha, pathetic human can't even carry a rock!" Every now and again they get so mad they want to kill him, so he has to use his special "Beg for mercy" skills, to avoid being killed and sent back to the start. Only when he's finished the mission (i.e. gets the rock to the end), is he allowed back in to any outposts. No drops, chests, gold or XP gained from this mission. ![]() After that, the next time he's in an outpost, he's followed around by Mhenlo, who tells him exactly what to say and who to say it to (i.e. he must repeat polite chat messages to other randomly assigned players). Failure to comply results in being kicked out of all outposts for 3 minutes (to think about what he's done). Lesson ends after 30 minutes of time spent in an outpost (non-consecutive). |

Having to have Mhenlo follow you around in town. That, sir, goes too far!
Wait..thats it! A Mini Mhenlo that follows you around with annoying but catchy sayings! And he always TANKS and falls down. Best B-day mini!
The slave for the Charr is moderate enough for a punishment.

hmm... how about, in conjunction with Kormir, she gives you a set of Truth Seekers (what they are I don't know yet) but when you use them in an explorable area you can see all the locations of chests. Just an idea 
And along with it you get a skull key which can open any chest and always results in a perfect gold weapon.

And along with it you get a skull key which can open any chest and always results in a perfect gold weapon.
I want....MINI ME!
No seriously no more mini's...
A key purse extension to storage would be nice, so I can store all my keys, and not have to jump between characters to find them.
No seriously no more mini's...
A key purse extension to storage would be nice, so I can store all my keys, and not have to jump between characters to find them.
Originally Posted by Buster
1. Instead of minis why don't we get a random free endgame weapon from either Factions or Nightfall. Its more useful than a mini !
2. Or somehow give us tokens to allow us to purchase standard max armor at half price or something along those lines. Again, more useful than a mini ! 3. I say a set of free tokens ( maybe 3) that can be given to Grenth or Balthazar for free UW and FOW runs. Yet again, more useful than a mini ! |
Some thing like:
A title that while used shows a BIG 2 on the ground below your character determined by their class.
Birthday weapons(like the candy cane ones) like candle sword, biscuit sheild(with a 2 on it) or cake focuses.