PC Gamer May 2007 Information - "Guild Wars Reborn"


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Join Date: Dec 2004

PC Gamer
May 2007 Issue #161

"Guild Wars Reborn"

For information on how you can obtain a copy of this PC Gamer issue please see the Media Partners page on GuildWars.com here.

I encourage you to pick up this magazine as there is much that isn't covered here. It's packed with 11 pages of pictures, concept art, tips and tricks from a game designer and the lead designer, descriptions on the new playable races for GW 2, a Q&A with Jeff Strain on the new technology for Guild Wars 2, a Guild Wars to do list while waiting for the sequel, of course the exclusive bonus Asura mini-pet and more!

~Credit to LiQuId StEeL for the summary and information

General Intro Summary:

They are abandoning the Campaign format because it required them to reinvent GW completely for every chapter, and it began to feel 'bloated' to them. It's also increased the tutorials and has created a barrier to new players entering the chapters. The Expansion increases the timeframe but allows them to do what they want to with the game, without worrying about new professions, or pre-lvl20 content. This is a new blueprint for a completely new game.

Expect a BETA for Guild Wars 2 in 2008.

Eye of the north is a HOLIDAY 2007 RELEASE and is catered to exisiting players. It will required that you own at least one of the previous campaigns and is not considered a standalone. This expansion will connect the Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 storylines. The developers listened to the community that 2 campaigns a year isn't necessarily what people wanted, that many hadn't finished a chapter before the new one was released.

A team will be assigned to support the current games with live contet still expected.

Guild Wars Expansion: Eye of the North Summary

Will cost less then other chapters with no new professions. 40 new armor sets, 150 new skills (including 50 pve only), 10 new heroes.

"Extend character development beyond level 20" ~James Phinney~

EOTN will link Guild Wars 1 and 2 storylines.

Underground complex of tunnels through all three 'continents' present thus far is revealed.

Three acts:
  • Act 1 takes you through 18 underground dungeons to help the dwarves defend against 'the fiery Destroyer', eventually taking you to the Asura and Norns (races)
  • Act 2 has three story arcs ranging from exploring the Norns, to the Charr homeland, to an Asura resistance of the Destroyer
  • Act 3 pits you against the Great Destroyer

Far Shiverpeaks are Norn Lands, Charr homeland is north of ascalon, Asurans are near Maguuma, Tyrian catacombs stretch across the entire continent presumably


Guild Wars 2 Summary

There will be no option to migrate characters from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2. But you will be able to carry achievements forward through a Hall of Monuments. These are built via quests in Eye of the North and is only available in this chapter.

4 new Playable races:
  • Sylvari
  • Asuras
  • Charr
  • Norn

Hundreds of years later, in Tyria... sounds more of a race-reliant struggle.

Radical changes - overhauled environment and character control system, redefined PvP play and retooled NPC companion system.

Predominately open worlds, with instancing as a secondary feature in some areas (not positive on the interpretation). Hundreds of people in the same area, and choices that the population as a whole change the quest structure. PCG gave an example of choosing to rally against a dragon or not. Those that help, gain loot and xp. If the dragon isnt driven away, another 'quest' may trigger, leaving more options for the population. Very cool idea IMO.

I'll just take the level cap stuff directly - "Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high [100-plus], or possibly no level cap"

Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char.

'Click to move' will be abandoned in favor of a more freedom-rich control scheme, including 'jumping, swimming, and sliding'

Destroyable environments?

Redefined PvP Summary

No real world limitations to servers. You pick a 'world', but can switch between the realms.

PvP World vs World combat sounds to be a massive scale capture the flag (AB style?) with no minimum or maximum party size. Big-ass raids that can supposedly take place for weeks on end. At the end, the 'world' will be reset, and it will start again it seems. More a casual version of PvP where you can pop in and out to perform various smaller tasks. Developers will reshuffle the teams into well-balanced match-ups every week or so.

GvG will still be present, as a more balanced form where everyone is on a level playing field.

Companions Summary

NPC like heros can join you (like a pet it sounds), and dont count towards your party. Not using this feature lets you be mroe powerful. Every player can bring a single companion on his adventure and won't take up a slot.

I think I read somewhere in here that it will be mission-based, but I didn't see it in my quick second-look.

Conclusion Summary

As of now, there will be no monthly fees, and no 'campaigns' for Guild Wars 2... mini-expansions, and expansions are hinted at.

Developer Quotes on PC Gamer Article

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I just chatted with Mike O'Brien, Jeff Strain, and Isaiah Cartwright on the question of PvP. Here is what they said:

There will be two types of PvP in Guild Wars 2:

World PvP will allow you to play characters of any level, using the skills that you have in your possession at that particular time.

Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX.

Roleplaying Characters will gain the opportunity to acquire higher levels. I believe that the magazine refers to a cap of 100 or more. This is an opportunity that players have been requesting over the last couple of years. I know that personally, I like the idea a lot.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
No monthly fees.
I have to say it.
Tell your friends.
Inform your neigbors.
Put your guild on alert.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
It may be a little confusing with discussing both the expansion pack and the new game. The raising of the level cap will apply to Guild Wars 2, not to Eye of the North.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
More info Gaile...please... I don't want GW2 PvE to be filled with Grinding!
I really don't see how having a higher level cap equates to "grinding." Seriously -- I've played games with caps, without caps, with caps that the devs raised over the years, and everything in between.

As a gamer, I think I sort of like the ability to get higher numbers, even if it only shows my investment, my time spent in the game. Now, surely it's true that someone may have lots of lower-level characters, and that player may have achieved more and know more about the game than a player with a single high-level character. It's not, in my opinion, anything like, "My level 50 is 'better' than your level 20." Or, "I'm all that because I was the first to reach Level X."

I just sort of like that feeling of having been around for a while, or "veterancy." It sort of ties in with how much I like the Divine Aura, and the birthday presents, and the first year's Halloween items and with the fact they're only owned by those of us who were here, 'way back then. Each of those things seem to show a history, and for some, that's a very cool thing.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
DirectX 10 will be supported. It will not be required.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
In answer to a couple of questions:

GWEN will be accessible for players of any of the previous campaigns. You need not own all three.

Hard Mode is not connected to Guild Wars: Eye of the North or to Guild Wars 2. It is a new option for Guild Wars Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. I need to ask about Eye of the North, because I'm really not sure about that just yet. (Will try to learn more later.)

And yes, there are decided benefits to playing Guild Wars: Eye of the North as you look forward to Guild Wars 2. Read the details about the Hall of Monuments for more info.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
A expansion pack differs from a campaign -- in the Guild Wars sense, that is -- in that the first three campaigns were stand-alone products, and you did not need to own any of the others in order to play. An XP, though, does require that you own at least one of the previous campaigns.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I see some questions about transitioning from Guild Wars: Eye of the North to Guild Wars 2. I haven't been able to read all the excerpts that PC Gamer subscribers are kindly sharing with you, but pay careful attention to what they share about the Hall of Monuments. While character transfers are not in the offing, there is great benefit for veterans of Guild Wars as they move into Guild Wars 2. These benefits are available through Guild Wars: Eye of the North, and they will play a very meaningful role in your continuation of the Guild Wars experience.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Oh, something near and dear to my heart:

We are not removing instances, not at all. There's no way we're going to buy into loot stealing, griefing, boss camping, and all that other stuff. (Excuse personal note here: I got my introduction to the downside of non-instanced missions long ago, in an early MMO. My friend and I finally made it into a major destination: a dungeon with a high-level boss. I looked around and then asked my friend, "Why are we standing here? Why are all these other people standing here?" He responded, "The boss spawns every six minutes. Looks like we have about 11 groups in front of us, so we'll be able to kill the boss, get the loot, and move on in just over an hour." I seriously and truly thought he was joking! He wasn't. )

Anyway, the design team firmly believes that instancing is a very good mechanic and instancing will be a factor in Guild Wars 2.

But here's the good bit: While we are including instancing in Guild Wars 2, we are also including persistence. This will allow you to take advantage of the many positive aspects of that presentation both in a social and gameplay sense.

Through persistence, we can offer "event chains," which are area-wide experiences that you can participate in, and which give rewards just like missions or quests. They're dynamic, and result in consequences to the world as a whole. I imagine one of our good PC Gamer analysts here will share the event chain example from the preview.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
You know that famous expression. "If you want to know, read the [blinkin'] manual!" (Some liberties taken with the verbiage there. )

I really, really hope that you guys will go out of your way to find this magazine. Or try to find whichever one a local media partner is publishing about Guild Wars: Eye of the North or Guild Wars 2. Give it a thorough read. Read it from front to back. And then once again from back to front, if you wish. The point is, the article is stuffed with information of all kinds, and it's really difficult for anyone to provide all the details of so much content in forum posts or bullet-point lists. It really is worthwhile for you to find and read this article yourself!

The magazine isn't expensive, and you get an in-game miniature if you buy one. If you don't choose to buy, or if you're located where a PC Gamer is not available, do keep in mind that many public libraries and some schools subscribe to major gaming magazines and you may be able to find a copy there. All in all, there will be much more information -- in many places -- over the next couple of months, as you can see on the Media Partners Page. Find it. Read it. We think you'll like it a lot.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I'm going to share my thoughts on this not as any sort of official position, but just as a personal opinion as a gamer. When I played Diablo II, I did not have a portal to magically carry over my Diablo characters. When I played Half-Life 2, I didn't get to carry over my chars or weapons from HL. Sim City 3000? Nothing moved from the earlier Sim Cities. Civilization 2 didn't have a tie to Civ. MoO 2 wasn't MoO with the same guys. I didn't keep my 10-wheeler from Railroad Tycoon when I started Railroads.

You catch my drift?

Yes, some of you have played a long time. Dwayna knows I have played Guild Wars a long while, too, and I put time in all those other games, as well. But as the article says, GW 2 offers a whole new world, it's not even the same century, and goodness, I feel that it's ok to start fresh! Yes, I'll miss my characters. But I know that the ones I make in GW2 will be even better.

Mostly, I want to point out that these GW->GW2 changes are a long time away! The article mentions a beta in 2008, right? I vote we look to the distant future with positive anticipation, and to the near future with joy.

Again, just my two cents.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We positively will continue to support Guild Wars! While we believe that Guild Wars 2 will be so compelling that players will want to get involved in the new game, we absolutely understand and respect that some will prefer to stay with Guild Wars. They will find that we continue to support them doing so, absolutely!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Psuedo Halgoen
So what is the point of this monument then?
To reward involvement, attainment, and even, I guess, "investment" of time in the game. It's not to bring over the characters themselves.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by MasterMistwalker
Does this include gold too?
From one game to another? I can't see any way that that would, could, or should happen. I'm not responding officially, but that sounds like a very poor idea to me, as a gamer.
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by peffy
In any case, they DID release SOMETHING six months after Factions. I wouldn't go so far to say Anet was "lying" about it; rather, they had intended to do the 6-month thing but changed their minds later (I think that the forums had a big role to play in this - many posters had the opinion that 6 months is too short a time span)
Yes. And yes.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Kinlin
Agreed, seriously depressed about that, even the news about free updates till GW2 is not enough to rekindle my enthusiasm. I am sorry Gaile, but the fact that GW Chapter 4 was cancelled and Eye of the North is the last official release for GW 1 proves you wrong.
Not at all. People want to know if they can continue to play Guild Wars. Yes, they can. People want to know if we will shut the servers, as we open Guild Wars 2. No, we will not. It's true that a majority of our focus would be on the new title, but that does not mean that we would shut people out of Guild Wars in the future, and it was that worry that I most wanted to address.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by VGJustice
The only sticking point I see for GW2 is the "limitless level cap".
In truth, the statement in the article was quoted in one of the reports, and it was "Arena is planning a very high (100-plus) or perhaps no level cap." But the decision on that is, I believe, still very much part of design discussions, and neither "100-plus" or the possibility of no ceiling should be taken as fact at this time.

Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
The server structure for GW2 highly interests me. One of the main reasons i luv GW is the fact it's global - no separate servers/shards that other MMOs have, so you can meet every single person playing the game online. Having a persistent world in GW2 makes separating the world into smaller parts a must, as no server would stand dozens of thousands players in one place. The question is - will players/characters be able to move freely between those 'districts'/'instances'/however-they-will-be-called-zones or just bound to the realm they've chosen ?? ?
We love the global nature of our game, too. The "play with anyone, anywhere" message and the experience itself drove many to Guild Wars at the beginning, and brings them to the game today. Readers of PC Gamer have already confirmed that there will be easy transfer of characters between worlds.

Again, to those of you trying to appraise this announcement, I do beg of you to read the article in whole, and personally. It is not possible for any single individual to give a full and meaningful synopsis of all that is contained in those 13 pages, and it's really essential, I think, for you to read it for yourself.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Why can't anybody post partial scans of just the screenshots from that article? Not full pages, no text but just screenshots. I remember that such scanned screenshots from Factions or Nightfall previews in magazines were posted here and on other big gw forums and weren't removed as illegal.
The contents of the article is copyright. That means it is illegal for fansites to house scans of any part of the article.

We will release shots soon enough, but it would be inappropriate to, essentially, "steal" PC Gamer's exclusive content by posting it on a fansite forum. Please don't do that.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by The Great Al
Gaile, how does one become a beta tester? Is there some sort of lottery?
Hi, there,

No details on the beta test, for we are quite a bit out from wanting or needing to make those decisions. There are several ways we can go, and although I did try to wheedle info out of the co-founders, Mike and Jeff, about the beta... well, not exactly wheedle, but maybe wrangle? they said that it was too soon to make or announce a decision on that matter.

We'll let you know when we know more!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I'm not sure if it was in this thread that the question was asked, but I did want to share some good news:

We do completely understand that you want to keep your character names. After all, character names are a special part of your Guild Wars experience. So you'll be happy to know that yes, your character name will be reserved for you. If you link a Guild Wars 2 character to a Guild Wars character, the GW2 character will inherit the GW character’s accomplishments, as recorded in your Hall of Monuments. The Hall of Monuments, available through Guild Wars: Eye of the North, will provide access to unique companions, equipment, miniatures, titles, etc. that can’t be obtained any other way in GW2.

I like the whole idea of building a "family history" for my characters in The Hall of Monuments. With the timespan between Guild Wars: Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2, it's a cool idea to pass things--even names--down "through the family."
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Luciana Lucius

Can you confirm this - you said earlier in your post that 'equipment' can be transfered over along with mini pets and other various items... Will weapons be able to cross over?

What about FoW armor - will that somehow be recognized? I understand that your characters won't be able to cross over - but ppl put alot of time and effort into getting FoW and I know several that are really upset about this... IF we can move pets, items, (weapons maybe), titles etc... what about armor and clothes? Pass it down in the family... PLEASEEEE LOL

MY mother left her wedding dress for me... why can't my monk do the same for her future generation? LOL Thanks in advance...
The only details are pretty much what I wrote. I'm not sure exactly what will transfer beyond the few words on the subject from PC Gamer, which I think I quoted earlier, right? Let me know and I can try to dig out that bit - I think it's here on the forum, though.
Clearing Up Misconceptions

~ Credit to ChaoticCoyote

Yes, I've read the article. No, I won't post any pictures or direct quotes, but I can say this:

1) The article emphasizes, over and over again (to the point of absurdity!), that there will be no monthly fee, or hidden fees. They even talk about how no one believes them when they say it! There will *not* be a monthly fee for GW2.

2) Some people are seriously confusing GW:EN with GW2. For example, Gwen appears in GW:EN, not GW2. Gwen, by the way, is dressed in a green outfit with Mesmer overtones; I doubt she's become a fire ele.

3) ANet states emphatically that they know some people will stay with GW1, and they will support GW1 past the opening of GW2. This includes the release of GW:EN *and* additional events and updates. So all the sackcloth-and-ashes stuff about GW1 "dying" is nonsense.

4) The new races will be NPCs in GW:EN and player characters in GW2. In GW2, they will have racial traits, so a Norn will be different from a Sylvari. No news about professions; my *GUESS* is they will revert to the original six classes in general. I'd prefer a classless system, but hey...

5) Instances have *not* gone away; however, the world will be persistent in some fashion. The article notes that ANet intends to avoid the kill camping/loot stealing problem, though it is unspecific as to how. At this juncture, I suspect ANet is still experimenting.

6) Richard Garriott's recent "clarification" (see the front page of Guild Wars Guru) is, in fact, a reaction to the PCGamer article, wherein they attribute certain statements to him. Garriott has disavowed such statements, and I suspect a PCGamer reporter took something out of context. Garriott has always been a strong supporter of Guild Wars in the interviews he's given.

As a programmer with some experience in the gaming field, I understand what ANet is doing. It may very well be that many of the features people are begging for CANNOT BE IMPLEMENTED in the current engine. Adding a Z-axis, for example, means a major rewrite of the engine and significant changes to game balance and design. It may sound easy to do "X", but if you haven't written 100k-line programs, you probably have no idea of the complexities involved.

I *STRONGLY* urge people to read the PCGamer article before wildly speculating and posting rants that have no basis in fact. Of course, the nay-sayers and doom-seekers will continue to see the negative in everything, so I'm probably wasting my time here...

Just a note: This post will continue to be updated with Developer quotes and more to keep the information all in one place and to get it to you quickly. Please check back to this first post frequently for updates.

Silly Warrior

Silly Warrior

Hold it!

Join Date: Jul 2006

In your local courthouse.

The Arctic Marauders [TAM] (elite PvE, PM)

Thanks for the more organized thread Inde!

Now all we need to top this day off is a new forum area for GW2 and GWEN...lol.

You know, just for kicks.



Hugs and Kisses

Join Date: Oct 2005

Scars Meadows

Thanks for the easy to read compiliation! (Instead of having to dig through that thread)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Bereg's Dark Legion


Wow awesome thanks for sharing ;D



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



It sounds like it's going to be a totally different and new type of game, I can't wait to hear more about it.



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Thank you for posting.

I'm not sure I'm please by the idea of a massive level cap (Grind anyone?), the low level cap of Guild Wars as a important factor.

Other then that the chapter 4 information sounds really good, looking forward to it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Thanks peeps, so far everything is good, loving the ideas Anet good job! One last thing though..which would be "1337"

*Pleads to character transfer...* :P

Shawn The Divine

Shawn The Divine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Nova Scotia

My Other Healer Is Lvl Eighty


Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
I'm not sure I'm please by the idea of a massive level cap (Grind anyone?), the low level cap of Guild Wars as a important factor.
However, it doesn't say anywhere that level grind is required. Maybe there aren't any tangible benefits to leveling past 20, for all we know. It could be that each level past that only gives the GW2 equivalent to something like a skill point, plus the bragging rights to say 'lol im level 500!.' And if that's the case, then people who don't want to grind can stop at 20, and those that do, can.

Tide to Go

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

I War Torn I [Torn]


O so theres more info, phew, any pictures jeez!!!!!!!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006


New Dragons[NDR]


good information.I like all

EDIT:why i don t live in UK?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007



I am loving this information. Everything is so awesome. <3




Join Date: Jul 2005

Shields Up [IMBA]



Question: Will world PvP be like UO? Where you can attack anyone and dry loot their corpse? Or will it only be guilds at war with each other, or people who turn on a PvP flag or some other consentual bs.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Gaile just confirmed that characters and accounts will not be able to transfer over on the other thread, so can someone put that up in bold somewhere here or something, people might wanna know that.

Ritual del Fuego

Ritual del Fuego

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


Frogs in Winter [FiW]

Some info from Gaile in the other thread

Originally Posted by Gaile
I just chatted with Mike O'Brien, Jeff Strain, and Isaiah Cartwright on the question of PvP. Here is what they said:

There will be two types of PvP in Guild Wars 2:

World PvP will allow you to play characters of any level, using the skills that you have in your possession at that particular time.

Structured PvP (similar to today's GvG) will allow you to enter the game at maximum level with all skills. Yes, that's UAX.

Roleplaying Characters will gain the opportunity to acquire higher levels. I believe that the magazine refers to a cap of 100 or more. This is an opportunity that players have been requesting over the last couple of years. I know that personally, I like the idea a lot.

No monthly fees.
I have to say it.
Tell your friends.
Inform your neigbors.
Put your guild on alert.


It may be a little confusing with discussing both the expansion pack and the new game. The raising of the level cap will apply to Guild Wars 2, not to Eye of the North.

I really don't see how having a higher level cap equates to "grinding." Seriously -- I've played games with caps, without caps, with caps that the devs raised over the years, and everything in between.

As a gamer, I think I sort of like the ability to get higher numbers, even if it only shows my investment, my time spent in the game. Now, surely it's true that someone may have lots of lower-level characters, and that player may have achieved more and know more about the game than a player with a single high-level character. It's not, in my opinion, anything like, "My level 50 is 'better' than your level 20." Or, "I'm all that because I was the first to reach Level X."

I just sort of like that feeling of having been around for a while, or "veterancy." It sort of ties in with how much I like the Divine Aura, and the birthday presents, and the first year's Halloween items and with the fact they're only owned by those of us who were here, 'way back then. Each of those things seem to show a history, and for some, that's a very cool thing.

As I said earlier, there will be no transfer of characters to or from Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. There will be many benefits to having a history with Guild Wars. Please see comments shared concerning "The Hall of Monuments."

Gaile Gray
Community Relations Manager
The Guild Wars Site

savage vapor 33

savage vapor 33

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Regems Basement

The Malevolent Wolfpack [tMw]

Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
.....no.....no.....no...NO IT CAN'T BE.....that can't be true. ANET SAY IT IS LIES LIES!!!

The low level cap is what I love about this please do not change it!
HIGHLY AGREE!! Can any1 say WoW? If this is true, please make the level cap like 21, or 25. This is one of the true reasons why i play GW over WoW. It gives more of an advantage.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

higher lvl cap ftl. i cancelled my wow membership purely because i dont have time to lvl to 70 to become competitive. i returned to gw as i can get a max lvl char without grinding my arse off.

i wish i could transfer all my items but with high lvl cap they will be useless =(

also there better be something with names reserves from gw 1 in place as i dont want a ton of griefers stealing players names.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

[JF] Just Friends, [NOT] Nomads of Turmoil

Were there any new pictures in the magazine? I don't think you can post them but any descriptions would be nice .

Originally Posted by savage vapor 33
HIGHLY AGREE!! Can any1 say WoW? If this is true, please make the level cap like 21, or 25. This is one of the true reasons why i play GW over WoW. It gives more of an advantage.

A new game...with a level cap of 21? One level above the current one? Are you daft?



Master of Mallyx

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Kaizen Order [Kaiz]


I don't think it will be a very high level (unless they changed their philosophy entirely).... I think they'll add more bonuses to those who keep grinding, but not more levels.

i.e. I am inferring from the new hard mode how this will go. You will be level 20, but the more you do in PvE the more PvE only skills you will gain as well as more perks. So that by the time you are at virtual level 100, you have a significant advantage over a guy who just got to level 20, but not more health or attribute points. Kinda like how Lightbringer works now.

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

From what is posted about GW2, it will not be the type of game I want. I'm disappointed by the direction the game seems to be going in, and worried about what will happen to GW after this expansion is released.

After reading the summaries, I feel sick to my stomach. I need to go lie down now.

dead man ivan

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The question now is who do I have to sleep with or kill or bribe or plain old grovel in front of to get in on that Beta!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
.....no.....no.....no...NO IT CAN'T BE.....that can't be true. ANET SAY IT IS LIES LIES!!!

The low level cap is what I love about this please do not change it!
Actually, I like the low level cap too, and am a little concerned about 100+ levels, or maybe even infinite levels.

I've asked around, and it has always been explained to me that Anet chose a low level cap because they wanted the game to be more about skill (e.g., specific builds). Class distinctions aside, each player has access to the same HP & energy pool, the same attribute point pool, and roughly the same skills (all of which are attainable with a little effort).

Players are encouraged to use these "standard" resources to make the best builds to suit their purpose, whether it be in PvP or PvE. In contrast, people pointed to WoW which has a much higher level cap of 70, and which, because of this, they said indirectly promoted "grinding."

I don't know if that explanation was correct, but it made sense to me, and still does.

I just hope that the game doesn't turn into the WoW grind which I hear so much about, either by direct or indirect intent on Anet's part. I've thoroughly enjoyed GW so far, and trust that Anet will move the game in a direction that doesn't violate the culture and expectations of the GW community.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Vanguard of the Forsaken


Gaile care to fill us in about what will happen between the release of EOTN and the 2 year gap till new GW?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Why don't people understand that level cap balance was intended for pvp, geez pvp is so perfect balanced as it is(except for few skills hehe) Anet would never mess that aspect of the game up. So chill people.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


GO Anet GO Anet GO Anet weeeeeeee

Taka Nagasani

Taka Nagasani

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006




Thank you Gaile,
As stated in the other thread, for being strait forward and confirming the information from the article. At least I know ahead, I need to start looking for a new game.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by dead man ivan
The question now is who do I have to sleep with or kill or bribe or plain old grovel in front of to get in on that Beta!!
Now that's the best question yet! LOL

But I'm not very excited about "Eye of the North" - Never cared much for the underground areas in the current games, especially with the maps that fog over again once you leave the area. Sounds like there's going to be a whole bunch of that - meh.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Charter Vanguard


Originally Posted by Feminist Terrorist
From what is posted about GW2, it will not be the type of game I want. I'm disappointed by the direction the game seems to be going in, and worried about what will happen to GW after this expansion is released.

After reading the summaries, I feel sick to my stomach. I need to go lie down now.
My thoughts exactly? No level cap? That was the main selling point of GW for many people.

My biggest concern is not having your character progress to GW2. Yes, I understand the technicalitys, new game engine etc etc... But that's the only reason why I linked the campaigns to my acount, to create a legacy. I mean, those who play the game for all its worth know what I'm talking about, you create a fictional story and background for your character, even roleplay at times, and then they expect to start it over on a clean slate?

Sure, you have the monument stuff, but I don't play the game to transfer gold and items to the next chapter, I mean... if it's going to be years into the future, there shouldn't even be transfer.

The general idea vocalized from others I've talked to is thumbs down. I'll be like the geek that still plays the original Diablo even though D2 came out.

Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales



GW, ill miss yea....well there goes a year of my life....


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


I really wish that people here and on GWO would quit the crying. What we know atm is nothing more than a set of general facts that may or may not change in the future. I personally think it sounds great. Yes, many things will change, but it's made by the same people who made GW1.

With GWEN, it is the closing of the current commercial guild wars story. You can't say it would never come. I myself thought it would continue longer, but I am more than pleased with the progress they have made, and more than understanding that creating more and more level 1-20 campaigns would become dry. For those of you who will not buy because of the lack of professions, what more can you really ask for? The massive bulk of skills in this game allows for a character to play any desirable role, and making a new prof. would be more work than we should ask for.

The number of skills and armor is only mildly disappointing, but I trust that the rest of the expansion will more than make up for it. It is, in fact, only an expansion. If you think GW is going to die a sudden, tragic death, you are so wrong. It will remain one of the finest out there. Slowly people will some in to an excellent game with everything set up and ready to go, not worried about falling behind with the flow of campaigns.

Guild Wars 2 not ick, which is about the only thing that has been said so far. You do not know yet the outcome of an infinite level cap. They will not make a level 420 stronger than a level 30. They may look cooler or have more skill points. Big deal. And for the love of God and all that is good in life, DO NOT COMPARE IT TO WOW!!! WoW is just another MMO on the market. In fact, their setup is so typical and unoriginal that it is considered the standard for an MMO.

So what if GW is becoming more of one? I am more than positive that it will take all of the best parts of typical MMO's and all of the best parts of GW and make a game that will shake the market.

I say great job Arenanet. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

Sai of Winter

Sai of Winter

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005



Even though GW2 will be an entirely new game, I hope they'll bring some of the basics from GW1.

1)Max armor with no level requirement to use
2)Max weapons with no level requirement to use (only attribute requirements)
3)Quick and easy leveling. After you reach lvl15 it will only take 15k xp to reach the next level and to receive skill points (keep 15k as the xp cap).
4)Since it's an open world, keep the assigned drops system.
5)Please don't add blacksmiths to repair items if they are going to be broken. Never liked the concept of repairing and broken items in mmorpg's >_>



Hitmonk Extraordinarre!!

Join Date: Jan 2007

Lurking moar on my forums

Starvin Chillin on Lincoln Drive [MAFB]


Interesting piece, and I thank Liquid Steel for sharing the information that a lot of us have been waiting for. I'm sure that some of this stuff will be answered when I actually get to read the article in April, or may have been posted already, but I was wondering if someone, or even Gaile, could answer a few of these. I'm not really going to touch on GW2 because, at this stage in the game, it's still all speculation with the exception of the highlights that have been posted.

1. I've seen it insinuated here that GW:EN is going to be the last 'expansion' of GW1. While I like the idea of not adding any more classes in lieu of focusing on what's already out there, is it indeed true that this is it - For +2 years, there will be nothing more than weekend and holiday events to look forward to in GW1?

2. Will there be an open BETA, or a world preview event for GW:EN? If so, is there an approximate timeframe as to when we could expect to see either occur?

3. When James Phinney says that there's going to be extended character development past lvl 20, could you expand on that a little bit? Are we talking about titles based on XP points, etc?

4. Because these catacombs supposedly extend all over the three main continents, will you need to have all three prior campaigns to play this expansion to its fullest?

5. This is a follow-up to #1, but because you're abandoning the Campaign-style format in favor of Expansions, does this mean we could expect to see skills for Faction characters, like Assassins and Rits, in Lion's Arch?

6. Anet now has three campaigns worth of experience to work from, and all the associated flames and kudos to prove it. Are there any specific problems or successes that C4 will address or build on?

7. In GW:EN, will we finally know where and why "Charr sez Rawr!"?

That's all that I can think of right now.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

I would even be satisfied with Anet just giving some type of benefit for previous achievements, such as I don't know some type of exchange rate for the value of things you accumulated or titles you achieved, it would simply end a lot of their problems with people being pissed about "wasting time" so to speak (even though a lot of people had a lot of fun).

Blackest Rose

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

This both thrills me and scares me at the same time...

There's a reason I'm a GW player and not a WOW player.
With GW2 it seems it's coming a hell of a lot closer to WOW (which I did not like!)
Namely because of the "unneccessary" grind : spawn killing for 2 hours for a stupid drop is not fun.

But Anet has excelled my expectations in nearly all aspects of GW1 and I will have faith until we know a lot more at a later date.
Regardless if there's no monthly fee's I'll be a customer for the first of the GW2 installments anyway.

PS - Learn from GW1 and implement an auction house from the start..... pretty please! This for me has been the biggest letdown in GW1..... but I still luv's ya Anet! - give me every reason to have 3 GW2 accounts like I do with GW1!!!!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heavens Royal Knights


I just wanted to say that I think that Anet is doing a great job.
Give them some support. I mean they did make the game that you all love. So give them a break. See it all out until you make a opinion.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Blackest Rose
Namely because of the "unneccessary" grind : spawn killing for 2 hours for a stupid drop is not fun.
Yes, exactly unnecessary grind to do certain things, key word unnecessary, meaning you are not forced to do it!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I really don't see how having a higher level cap equates to "grinding." Seriously -- I've played games with caps, without caps, with caps that the devs raised over the years, and everything in between.

As a gamer, I think I sort of like the ability to get higher numbers, even if it only shows my investment, my time spent in the game. Now, surely it's true that someone may have lots of lower-level characters, and that player may have achieved more and know more about the game than a player with a single high-level character. It's not, in my opinion, anything like, "My level 50 is 'better' than your level 20." Or, "I'm all that because I was the first to reach Level X."

I just sort of like that feeling of having been around for a while, or "veterancy." It sort of ties in with how much I like the Divine Aura, and the birthday presents, and the first year's Halloween items and with the fact they're only owned by those of us who were here, 'way back then. Each of those things seem to show a history, and for some, that's a very cool thing.
Gaile, could you please clarify how level will be related to attributes?

As it stands now, you can reach level 20 naturally by following the storyline and completing two 15 attribute quests. Additional experience over level 20 does not add more attribute points. Having a limited number of attribute points (200) and limited number of skills (8) at a time is the aspect of GW I really enjoy. Since all players can easily acquire level 20 and all attribute points, the only difference between two players is their skill. However, if you have level 100 player that had a luxury to grind several hours a day with many more attribute points than level 20 player, the player with higher level will be better just because s/he spent more time playing the game. If level will be only an indicator of experience, then I am all for it, but if high level characters will have significantly better abilities compared to low level characters, a player that grinded more will be better than a player with better skill.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char.
Levels will therefore affect your combat abilities.

Welcome to Grind Wars.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Agency Of Forbidden Fruits [Oot]


Guys, you're blowing this out of the water way too early!

Sure they may be removing a level cap, but I really don't see Arena.net as capable of making JUST ANOTHER MMORPG. I'm sure whatever they come out with will be MUCH better.

Stop worrying, I doubt they'll disapoint.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

will GW2 have tradeskillz??!!!?!??!?!!!



Join Date: Mar 2007

so WOW with no monthy fees ??... well i guess its going to be grind focus...
i might have to only focus on 1 char now =( instead of a variety.
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