Originally Posted by Domino
I'm just going to throw all my crap into the lake.
Here's where I'll probably make my offering (just in case you give a ****) since this part of the jungle is my all-time favorite. |
Feelings about moving from GW1 to GW2
Ares Moonlight
Originally Posted by Hyprodimus Prime
Am I bovvered if Ultraguy8665 has the sword of a thousand truths? No because I dont play WoW.
Ares Moonlight
Originally Posted by Hyprodimus Prime
Am I bovvered if Ultraguy8665 has the sword of a thousand truths? No because I dont play WoW.
Originally Posted by kalebmordannon
Exactly. They haven't said(yet) that they are going to shut down the servers for the current guild wars when gw:2 gets here. So, you should be able to still play with your current characters. As far as creating new characters in gw:2, just think of the roleplaying and nostalgic factors. Your new character could be a decendant of your old one(assuming you create a human character). The way the article sounds, and from some of Gaile's comments, it seems as if you will get some benefit from being a gw:1 veteran(Hall of Monuments, although I'm not completely sure what this will do for you. I haven't read the article myself). I'm excited about this concept and I think it will be a fun story to play out.
If it is in the future, how far?I mean..wil it be in the time of machine guns or lazers or sompthing?If so i think there would be alot of people that would miss the medievil setting, i probably would.
On the other hand, such a major leap in time is rarely done in games, and im very curious to see what Anet can cook up, i have lots of confidence in them, they are good people.
But still, i have mixed feelings about Guild Wars 2.(Wont stop me from buying it anyway.
Personally I won't be moving into GW2, as long as GW1 is still being supported. Nothing against the game, I'm more than confident GW2 will be more revolutionary and inspiring than ever, but I've devoted too much sweat and blood in my necromancer.
I can't abandon a girl just because I met another younger, hotter, and more attractive girl...
... can I?
I can't abandon a girl just because I met another younger, hotter, and more attractive girl...
... can I?

Onarik Amrak
It'll be her descendant... sounds a bit on the weird side doesn't it?
Seriously though, it seems that titles, armor, weapons and minipets will be transferable according to the Kotaku article. Gaile didn't deny anything said in her post on that thread so we should all assume it's true. Good news!
Seriously though, it seems that titles, armor, weapons and minipets will be transferable according to the Kotaku article. Gaile didn't deny anything said in her post on that thread so we should all assume it's true. Good news!
I'm a little mixed on the idea of a GW2.
I mean they could do some amazing thins, and in fact looking at the art it looks impressive. I would hope for one that they let us reserve the names of our current characters to use in GW2, if it is in the future, it is not uncommon to have the name of an ancestor, and I wouldn't want someone to take a name I have worked hard for reputation.
I can see not having the gold, if it is a seperate server than that information is not shared. but it would be nice to have some of the hats and mini-pets on any character that I have.
I will try GW2 when it comes out, I'm looking forward to the expansion, and I will then decide which I like, even if I like both that is ok, I just hope that they have the support for GW1 for a long time.
If not, can I get a DB copy of my account and the server?

The only thing I think I would be disappointed with GW2 is if they do not have a barber shop, or stylist.
You would think that in a hundred or two year time span, someone would lear how to change the look of their hair.
I mean they could do some amazing thins, and in fact looking at the art it looks impressive. I would hope for one that they let us reserve the names of our current characters to use in GW2, if it is in the future, it is not uncommon to have the name of an ancestor, and I wouldn't want someone to take a name I have worked hard for reputation.
I can see not having the gold, if it is a seperate server than that information is not shared. but it would be nice to have some of the hats and mini-pets on any character that I have.
I will try GW2 when it comes out, I'm looking forward to the expansion, and I will then decide which I like, even if I like both that is ok, I just hope that they have the support for GW1 for a long time.
If not, can I get a DB copy of my account and the server?

The only thing I think I would be disappointed with GW2 is if they do not have a barber shop, or stylist.
You would think that in a hundred or two year time span, someone would lear how to change the look of their hair.
Onarik Amrak
Gaile already said names will be reserved. It also looks very certain that minipets, armor and weapons can be forwarded.
Gold definately doesn't look transferable.
Gold definately doesn't look transferable.
If my characters can't go, then I won't be purchasing GW2. If I'm going to start characters over again, I'll do it by buying a game where the company doesn't force its customer base to abandon the work they put into their characters.
Originally Posted by oyesur2
If my characters can't go, then I won't be purchasing GW2. If I'm going to start characters over again, I'll do it by buying a game where the company doesn't force its customer base to abandon the work they put into their characters.
Originally Posted by Ares Moonlight
Thats just silly,everyone knows only Stan from southpark has that sword.
I'm not dissappointed or elated. It was something I was expecting. I honestly didnt expect them to keep coming up with new professions/lands/thousands of new skills (or recycled old ones). A new game can't possibly be seen as a bad thing IMO, especially since folks can always elect to continue with the old one.
I'd like to say i'm eager to try out the GW2, but really... 2008. It's possible that i might not even be interested in online rpg 18 months from now. It's far enough away that i really can't get too excited about it. I'll likely have different feelings when release is a month or two away, but for now...meh.
To those who have suddenly lost interest in accumulating titles or acquiring armor... it's a sad excuse to say the "end of the game" made you lose interest. The servers will continue to opperate. People will continue to kick around. If you wanted the title in the first place, i see little reason for not wanting it now, other than you've given up because it ended up being more difficult than you had estimated, and this seems like a viable scape-goat. Suck it up and play or don't, but this is no good reason to whine about such things.
I'd like to say i'm eager to try out the GW2, but really... 2008. It's possible that i might not even be interested in online rpg 18 months from now. It's far enough away that i really can't get too excited about it. I'll likely have different feelings when release is a month or two away, but for now...meh.
To those who have suddenly lost interest in accumulating titles or acquiring armor... it's a sad excuse to say the "end of the game" made you lose interest. The servers will continue to opperate. People will continue to kick around. If you wanted the title in the first place, i see little reason for not wanting it now, other than you've given up because it ended up being more difficult than you had estimated, and this seems like a viable scape-goat. Suck it up and play or don't, but this is no good reason to whine about such things.
I will play gw2 if...
...I can transfer my KOTB tittle
...I can transfer my FOW armor visual
Thats was the more important to me, and if i can get my mini-pets will be nice, and the 2nd birthay thing. (I like the old-age stamp in my new char).
I have played too much with my 5M xp monk to leave it alone in the shadows.
Just my 2 cents.
...I can transfer my KOTB tittle
...I can transfer my FOW armor visual
Thats was the more important to me, and if i can get my mini-pets will be nice, and the 2nd birthay thing. (I like the old-age stamp in my new char).
I have played too much with my 5M xp monk to leave it alone in the shadows.
Just my 2 cents.
Dfx Gladiator
Originally Posted by Superdarth
Actually this is what bothers me:The time.
If it is in the future, how far?I mean..wil it be in the time of machine guns or lazers or sompthing?If so i think there would be alot of people that would miss the medievil setting, i probably would. |

Onarik Amrak
Seems like people just don't know the facts. Do me a favour, read the summaries, read the Kotaku article. Try read the PCGamer article if you can. Cause seriously all this bitching about how all your time spent on GW1 is wasted is a load of crock.
Originally Posted by thelegendozelda
Do you feel it is useless to keep going for that cetain title?
That set of FoW armor? (or other armor) |
People are behaving like its the end of the world now that GW2 is in development.
There is this spreading attitude of "well if GW2 is coming and I cant take my character, then why bother playing anymore".
Such an attitude seems strange to me. Even before GW2 is released, we are going to have a good 2 or 3 years of gameplay left before the game comes out.
Even when GW2 is released, the GW1 servers wont suddenly stop functioning. Anet will probably use the exact same servers to play GW2 accross and there is no reason to suddenly kill GW1.
The only different is that we wont get updates, and amount of suppport we get will decrease. But I expect Anet will create a small, dedicated team to offer that limited support. It would be foolish not to, otherwise they would loose a dedicated fan-base.
And aslong as that fan-base exists, plenty of people will want to play GW1. You might find players who dont like GW2 and return to the earlier edition.
It will never die.
But if you consider the worst, we still have 3 or 4 more years left. 3 or 4 years left of a game which has managed to survive for 2 years already. Thats impressive.
We should be greatfull that we have all had such a good time playing for this amount of time. Alot of games only get 15 minutes of fame and then completely collapse.
Im personally looking forward to the 4th installment of GW1 and a whole new start with GW2. You can only play a game for so long before it gets stale and GW2 offers the chance to re-juvinate the franchise and lure new players in.
But consider how much older you will be in 3 or 4 years time.
If your 16 now, are your priorities not going to change in about 3 or 4 years time?
If your my age (24), are you still going to be playing when your 27 or 28? I could be married by then (scarey) and have more important worries.
I think there are more important things to worry about then whether its worth continuing playing a game, just because it might not be around in 3 years time.
Thats a long time!!!
Do people get this emotionally attached to FPS games? I hope not. Games which most people pick up, play for about 2 months and then put on a shelf to gather dust for 12 months.
At the end of the day. Its a game. Its entertainment. Its not real life, and its not something to get overly attached to.
I hope you all put as much passion and effort into your real lives, as you do in GWs. If you do/did, we would have a much better world where people cared about things alot more.
I just want a GW2 without damn class discrimination!!!! Balance the classes nicely and make em all playable and welcome in groups

i wonder if there will still be primary/secondary professions, I don't know of any other game that has this, so I hope that GW2 Keeps it.
Dfx Gladiator
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
But consider how much older you will be in 3 or 4 years time. If your 16 now, are your priorities not going to change in about 3 or 4 years time? |

I know for a fact I'll probably being playing PC games (whether or not Guild Wars, I don't know) 4 years from now. Dunno about you guys

I won't be playing GW2......afterall in 2009, when the game comes out, I'll be Finished School, working full time, more in likely married

I see it as a good thing. I was disappointed with factions and nightfall and see this as a better future for gw.

Originally Posted by Wilhelm
I won't be playing GW2......afterall in 2009, when the game comes out, I'll be Finished School, working full time, more in likely married
![]() |

So far I have seen I want I want I want, you cant do that, give me give me give me. It is very rare for any sequal to have a direct crossover of any content, money weapons, etc. You can keep an account name on occasion, but money weapons and skills etc dont normally go to the sequel.
Maybe I missed something in the myriad of posts, got kind of tired of reading all the complaints about a game not developed and demands after page 4. The posts (sorry not going back to quote) that say new game,new start, new stuff, cant wait to see what incredible things start in the new game, are on the right track. I have one character that I have been bringing along. She started in Tyria went to Cantha and is now visiting elona. She may have titles or not. I have also brought a couple of other chars along slowly. To be honost after the expansion I will enjoy being able to take some time to fully develop my little GW family, without feeling left behind or pressured because I havent finished and maxed out the previous campaign in 6 months. Been playing for nearly year now and still need to finish respectively Factions an dNightfall with their primaries.
I will miss not bringing my Necro over she is my favorite by far, but her name will live on to the descendants, worked hard on getting Ascension armor, would like to pass it on, but may not happen. Some ancestor probably will have to sell it to feed the kids or something who knows
. There is still much to do in three existing campaigns, especially for those who can only devout a handful of hours here and there.
I have been enjoying the storylines to date of all 3 campaigns and hope to enjoy them more fully without feeling the need to grind my way to levels or armor or money or titles.
So on that rambling note. I will go back to work. Check on the kids, give my husband a kiss and continue to enjoy GW1.
Maybe I missed something in the myriad of posts, got kind of tired of reading all the complaints about a game not developed and demands after page 4. The posts (sorry not going back to quote) that say new game,new start, new stuff, cant wait to see what incredible things start in the new game, are on the right track. I have one character that I have been bringing along. She started in Tyria went to Cantha and is now visiting elona. She may have titles or not. I have also brought a couple of other chars along slowly. To be honost after the expansion I will enjoy being able to take some time to fully develop my little GW family, without feeling left behind or pressured because I havent finished and maxed out the previous campaign in 6 months. Been playing for nearly year now and still need to finish respectively Factions an dNightfall with their primaries.
I will miss not bringing my Necro over she is my favorite by far, but her name will live on to the descendants, worked hard on getting Ascension armor, would like to pass it on, but may not happen. Some ancestor probably will have to sell it to feed the kids or something who knows

I have been enjoying the storylines to date of all 3 campaigns and hope to enjoy them more fully without feeling the need to grind my way to levels or armor or money or titles.
So on that rambling note. I will go back to work. Check on the kids, give my husband a kiss and continue to enjoy GW1.
Originally Posted by Hyprodimus Prime
And you missed my point completely, starting fresh is your choice. What if I dont want that, "magic, sense of adventure ect?" Its about choice.
As GW is (player-skill based style), money wont have much of a difference anyway. Getting money in GW took a long time, getting in the new game will too. Doesnt matter where you get it it takes work. Saying we are luck they are giving us the titles doesn't carry any weight. I can say we are lucky they made a lv 20 cap, or the HoH or 8 skill bar or even the game at all! |
Think of my other All Time favourite Online game series... Battlefield
a system of unlocks was introduced in Battlefield 2....i spent long hours unlocking new weapons....when Battlefield 2142 came out....no one asked to be able to transfer their characters because frankly everyone understood its a new game!
and as my old guildie Herbilizer said.... starting a new character is so much diffrent from starting a new game.... ok when factions and nightfall came out they wowed me for like a few hours...when prophesies came out i couldnt sleep! wondering.....whats over that hill? and what kinda monster will i face?
im still having hard time deciding will i buy GW:EN, might just buy it for the collection factor thats it
Quid Pro Quo
Originally Posted by Wilhelm
I won't be playing GW2......afterall in 2009, when the game comes out, I'll be Finished School, working full time, more in likely married
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Originally Posted by billypowergamer
Working and married means you can't play video games? Since when? I've been married for 5 years and it hasn't stopped me
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I think that it's absolutely fantastic that Anet made such a decision. The entire Guild Wars 1 series was basically the same game - that game has dulled for me and many other players who have quit since then. GW2, for me, brings hope and some sense of respect for Anet, who have realized for themselves (a realization that most of the community already knew) where GW was going at present rate (new expansion every 6 months, stretching out the player base without adding anything new essentially to actual game play and game mechanics).
Personally, in my definite GW hiatus, I am drawn to more conventional MMO's (LOTRO) that offer more social game play along with sufficient action/combat. As it is right now, GW is completely focused on combat/pvp elements that isn't fun after a while and, like all PvP games (first person shooters especially), results in player elitism and an unfriendly player base.
Personally, in my definite GW hiatus, I am drawn to more conventional MMO's (LOTRO) that offer more social game play along with sufficient action/combat. As it is right now, GW is completely focused on combat/pvp elements that isn't fun after a while and, like all PvP games (first person shooters especially), results in player elitism and an unfriendly player base.
aaje vhanli
Originally Posted by Quid Pro Quo
Yeah, I agree. You make it sound having a job and being married is the end of your life. You should still keep up your hobbies.. not feel like you can't anymore.
Originally Posted by billypowergamer
Working and married means you can't play video games? Since when? I've been married for 5 years and it hasn't stopped me
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aaje vhanli
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Same here! And with any luck, you'll get a wife that loves to play GW, too!
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i think the whole persistant and interactive world is gonna be frickin sweet, but what happens to gw1? do they keep the servers up and continue releasing expansions, or do they eventually shut down?