Where's Conjure Earth?
strange guy, wtf r u smokin?
The Mad Man
i think that if there was a conjure earth, it would combine with defensive earth spells too well. Imagine all the tanks using armor of earth, obsidian flesh, and conjure earth all at once.
Kendar Muert
I believe that there should be a conjure earth spell..but that it isnt offensive. It should be an earth fort. I mean, does anyone else think its odd that the best defense skill in the game against outright damage is used on foes?
Originally Posted by Strange Guy
Uhmm I do use Conjure for HA buddy! And if you think of it as a noob skill then u would say my rank 10 is worthless >_^ and 10-20 fame per run is nothing!
I do agree conjure Earth should exist! |

and yes cookies for you! Its nice to see the old iway C space mastrubaters are playing again! KUDOS!
You can add to your bow a granite string.
Why to? Not many monsters are weak against earth.
Please, give granite strings a reason to live.
Why to? Not many monsters are weak against earth.
Please, give granite strings a reason to live.
Link Weaver
It probley wont be called "conjure earth" More like conjure gaia....now thats a sexy idea
The first statement made in this post is false. Elements arent equal at all. Sure they all got their attunement but thats....doh.
Water, fire and air all got their speedbuffs, earth does not.
on the other hand earth has the best ability to protect the caster from harm, where water has some and air and fire has none.
Water, fire and air all got their speedbuffs, earth does not.
on the other hand earth has the best ability to protect the caster from harm, where water has some and air and fire has none.
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
The first statement made in this post is false. Elements arent equal at all. Sure they all got their attunement but thats....doh.
Water, fire and air all got their speedbuffs, earth does not. on the other hand earth has the best ability to protect the caster from harm, where water has some and air and fire has none. /notsigned |
I can also say that all magic types have spammable spells (recharge 0), but Air.
And you can also say that all elements can spike... but water, which has almost no spells with casting under 1 second.
The point is not to make them equal. Is that there is absolutely no reason to for Conjure Erath not to exist.
Earth damage does NOT ignore armor. Some skills do, but that's not earth damage.
There are insignia agains erth damage (Geomancer and Earthbound) and the insignia against Elemental does affect Earth damage.
Not armor ignoring Earth skills do not deal much more damage than air or fire ones, but there is armor against them.
Won't harm. Could be used. Can be added.
Why not? No reason.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Why not? No reason.
That's a reason for you.
Originally Posted by Faer
[skill]Ebon Dust Aura[/skill]
That's a reason for you. |
[skill]Mark of Rodgort[/skill] - Remove Conjure Flame!
[skill]Spinal Shivers[/skill] - Remove Conjure Frost!
[skill]Glimmering Mark[/skill] - Remove Conjure Lighting!
I insist. NO REASON.
[skill]Avatar of Melandru[/skill]
try that one
try that one
[skill]Mark of Rodgort[/skill]
Hex that is easily removed, not exactly spammable, and besides, four seconds of Burning is laughable unless combined with some real Burning-linked direct damage. The limited synergy between Mark of Rodgort and Conjure Flame is not a problem.
[skill]Spinal Shivers[/skill]
Hex that is easily removed, not exactly spammable, easily interruptible, and has a situational effect that isn't going to be a problem against casters that are popping off 1/2s or 1/4s skills (unless you're suggesting training a Warrior...). The limited synergy between Spinal Shivers and Conjure Frost is not a problem.
[skill]Glimmering Mark[/skill]
Hex that is easily removed, sort of spammable, easily interruptible, with a decent effect... If all your foes are bunched up and do damage with martial weapons. The synergy between Glimmering Mark and Conjure Lightning is not a problem.
[skill]Ebon Dust Aura[/skill]
Self-cast enchantment spell, easily covered by other enchantments to hinder removal attempts, maintainable, already sees use in various forms of PvP, and when combined with bonus damage, could pose even more a problem for enemy martial-weapon users. The synergy between Ebon Dust Aura and Conjure Earth could be a problem.
This is not to say that I believe Conjure Earth should not be added. I am merely pointing out that there is a reason why it shouldn't, contrary to your statements. And, as orthrus has pointed out in his above post, there are certainly more reasons than just EDA.
Hex that is easily removed, not exactly spammable, and besides, four seconds of Burning is laughable unless combined with some real Burning-linked direct damage. The limited synergy between Mark of Rodgort and Conjure Flame is not a problem.
[skill]Spinal Shivers[/skill]
Hex that is easily removed, not exactly spammable, easily interruptible, and has a situational effect that isn't going to be a problem against casters that are popping off 1/2s or 1/4s skills (unless you're suggesting training a Warrior...). The limited synergy between Spinal Shivers and Conjure Frost is not a problem.
[skill]Glimmering Mark[/skill]
Hex that is easily removed, sort of spammable, easily interruptible, with a decent effect... If all your foes are bunched up and do damage with martial weapons. The synergy between Glimmering Mark and Conjure Lightning is not a problem.
[skill]Ebon Dust Aura[/skill]
Self-cast enchantment spell, easily covered by other enchantments to hinder removal attempts, maintainable, already sees use in various forms of PvP, and when combined with bonus damage, could pose even more a problem for enemy martial-weapon users. The synergy between Ebon Dust Aura and Conjure Earth could be a problem.
This is not to say that I believe Conjure Earth should not be added. I am merely pointing out that there is a reason why it shouldn't, contrary to your statements. And, as orthrus has pointed out in his above post, there are certainly more reasons than just EDA.
Originally Posted by Pok
You people shouldn't be thinking about what makes sense or not you should be thinking how it would affect the game.
Conjure earth - 10 e, 1 cast, 30 recharge x-y damage for a-b seconds Grasping earth - 5 e, 3/4 cast, 12 recharge Nearby enemies move 50% slower for x seconds Conjure earth + grasping earth = Linebacker that does a shwack of extra damage. |
Conjure Frost + Frozen Burst ?
Excepting larger NRG requirements....??
And an Hex can quickly and easily covered by other hexes.
All enchantments can be easily removed in one shot by some skills.
Lingering Curse
Well of the Profane
Gaze of Contempt
Shatter Storm
Assault Enchantments
Test of Faith
Actually, they are much more than the ones that remove all the hexes, so removing an enchantment is much easier than an Hex.
So it's easier to remove a covered enchantment than a covered Hex.
Not adding a skill just because it will make possible an skill combo would be a mistake.
There are combos much stronger than that, like Mark of Rodgort>Liquid Flame>Searing Flames>Searing Flames>Searing Flames....
In PvP, players rarely stick together, so a Dervish would rarely hit more than one character with that combo.
There are much many skills that grant extra damage, and to trigger that skill you just need a Granite weapon.
Sorry, but I still see no reasons.
All enchantments can be easily removed in one shot by some skills.
Lingering Curse
Well of the Profane
Gaze of Contempt
Shatter Storm
Assault Enchantments
Test of Faith
Actually, they are much more than the ones that remove all the hexes, so removing an enchantment is much easier than an Hex.
So it's easier to remove a covered enchantment than a covered Hex.
Not adding a skill just because it will make possible an skill combo would be a mistake.
There are combos much stronger than that, like Mark of Rodgort>Liquid Flame>Searing Flames>Searing Flames>Searing Flames....
In PvP, players rarely stick together, so a Dervish would rarely hit more than one character with that combo.
There are much many skills that grant extra damage, and to trigger that skill you just need a Granite weapon.
Sorry, but I still see no reasons.
Originally Posted by BSSuperman
Please explain why this would hurt more than
Conjure Frost + Frozen Burst ? Excepting larger NRG requirements....?? |
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
All enchantments can be easily removed in one shot by some skills.
Lingering Curse Well of the Profane Gaze of Contempt Shatter Storm Assault Enchantments Test of Faith |
You have shown me the light. Heaven forbid that I ever sink to the darkness again.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Why to? Not many monsters are weak against earth.
Please, give granite strings a reason to live. |
EDIT: Please do not quote flames, even from outside sources. -Swampgirl
And what is this shit about all elements are meant to be equal to begin with? That's just wrong. They never were, they aren't and they shouldn't be. Earth has more defensive skills than fire, so an offensive skill in Earth would be stronger than an offensive skill in Fire, because you require less attribute points to get both a good offense and a good defense. That's why there should not be a conjure earth. If you still don't get it, I can't help you. Then it's beyond me.
Conjure Lightning + shock is a good powerful combo, probably more so than ebon dust aura, as that uses your elite.
The only way to know how would a skill affect the game is by adding it.
Most the people that says 'no' here to conjure earth would hardly and harshly insult anyone who suggested any skill similar to Searing Flames befor its addition.
But searing Flames is in the game.
Once a skill is added, everything else is balance.
Too powerful? Tune it down.
But I really don't think this would add any unfair advantaje.
There are a lot of skills that can make much stronger and powerful combos than a 60 seconds enchantment.
Most the people that says 'no' here to conjure earth would hardly and harshly insult anyone who suggested any skill similar to Searing Flames befor its addition.
But searing Flames is in the game.
Once a skill is added, everything else is balance.
Too powerful? Tune it down.
But I really don't think this would add any unfair advantaje.
There are a lot of skills that can make much stronger and powerful combos than a 60 seconds enchantment.