Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Again, fast casting does not need to be buffed. It is perfectly fine.
We are throwing around suggestions, and I was hoping that you had a few as well.
Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Again, fast casting does not need to be buffed. It is perfectly fine.
We are throwing around suggestions, and I was hoping that you had a few as well. |
Originally Posted by munnif
Originally Posted by munnif
Ive read alot of this thread, and many of the arguments against mesmers seem to come from the fact that they cant obliterate people, or deal reasonable damage.
I come from a guild that has a seriously strong backbone of Mes primaries, I think people need to turn their ideas of mesmers on their head. They are NOT damage dealers, they are support, much like Paragons, Ritualists or Monks, they can do damage, however, their primary purpose is to negate that damage or deal it back to the source. To quote from my alliance leader Shan: "It may seem obvious but the purpose of an interrupt or a shutdown(I&S) skill is to deny your enemy the use or effect of that skill/s. So what? you may say, when we can just overwhelm with damage. But we’ll come to that later. Let’s take an example from PvE. The Ruby Djinn’s in Elona will cast searing flames at your team. If allowed through, this will equate to around 90-120 damage per affected team member, plus the heavy degen of burning; which at -7 degen equates to a health loss of 14Hp per second for around 6 seconds. Giving a total affected team damage if unhealed of a minimum of 174 damage(assuming normal caster armor). Regardless of the numbers, the point being is it will hurt.. Now of course the monks will heal this off, but that costs them energy and a skill downtime If it costs energy it increases pressure on the team, which in turn increases the chances of a characters death. Get enough pressure and the team will wipe. Now what if stop the searing flames from hitting? Players won’t get hit for 174, the monks won’t need to use energy and skill and the net effect is a reduction in pressure for the entire team. Remember, it’s not damage that kills a team, its pressure. Especially pressure on the energy and skills downtime of the monks. Killing before being killed is now prevalent in PvE. Steam roller AoE is now pretty much cookie cutter mandatory in some elite places, DoA for example. However stopping that spellbreaker cast by a Margonite monk, Invoke lightning from an Ele can make a team’s chances of surviving the quest substantially greater." Think about that... We are support, and mesmers are extremely good at it. Mesmer builds require a MUCH more in-depth knowlege of what you are up against in each mission/explorable area to be effective, it is entirely possible for an ele or warrior, (and i am sure many are guilty of this) to bring the EXACT same skill bar for every mission in all 3 campaigns and just wade through on damage alone. i) this is a bad habbit to get into (your not developing as a player) and ii) your not taking into account the mesmers/monks in the background that are keeping you alive by varying their skills to the situation and trying their best to prefvent/heal through the damage you are receiving while you take this approach. A bad mesmer is a mediocre damager at best, but a good mesmer, through interrupting and shutdowns, will give the monks, and therefore the team, a much easier ride through any higher level area. I know to many, the argument against us Mesmers goes that, "all PvE enemies come in mobs, therefore Mesmers are useless as they are mainly 1v1 folk." To answer this, im going to use Margonites as an example (the reason being they have a good mix of professions per mob) while you guys (im talking to the nukers, mainly) are AoE'ing the hell out of the mob, you should be thinking "hmm, why havent i been hit by invoke lightening?" or "why is that Margonite executioner swinging wildly at me but hitting air?" the answer is usually... mesmer's, during this battle we have also saved the monk in the party needing BR after every mob or 2 by negating the damage through subtle spells like ineptitude or powerblock. Also, we will never be running out of energy, nor will we be spending 2-3 seconds waving our arms around trying to get off 1 spell. In the time it takes to use Meteor shower for an ele, we could, concievably, have made a few interrupts to casters, gained 15-20 energy in the process, stuck empathy on a warrior and blinded a mele attacker. the TAB button is a wonderful thing, we are selecting specific targets all the time, not finding the center of a mob and hitting SF/SH/Meteor shower. Nobody is denying that nukers have their role, but for people to say we are usless because we are not AoE is just plain wrong. Having 1 or 2 mesmers in a party (in FoW/UW/high level we usually bring 2, one anti-caster one anti-mele) is predominantly, not a bad idea. Please think twice before condemming us mesmers, and PLEASE try them out for yourself, you will learn to love them. I hope Anet will understand that most people playing mesmers do not want to be Leeroy, or nukers, they prefer to be more refined, to take a step back, take into account which foes they will be up against in each area and adjust their skill bar according to the situation with which they are faced. Please Anet, consider our experienced mesmer opinion, and not those to which the mesmer is considered a useless profession, to be honest, we are happy as we are, many would rather wait for a party that says YES to mesmers as opposed to falling in line with the other A-B-C preofessions in exchange for being accepted in otherwise boneheaded, "holy-trinity" orientated parties. |
michelle mal
michelle mal
Originally Posted by michelle mal
I don't play nec much anymore, but I often use my nec hero as mm. He seems to be as effective as he ever was. So was he affected by the nerf, as a real player would be? And if he is still doing ok, maybe the nerf was not as bad as it might seem.
Originally Posted by Series
Depends on build.
Originally Posted by michelle mal
But I think fast-casting is one of the least useful primary attributes.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by cyberjanet
Try the new soul reaping primary attribute...
Master Sword Keeper
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Spawning power would just like to pipe in here and say that you should quit whining. Strength would have come too, but it was overcome with feelings of worthlessness and couldn't get out of bed.
Originally Posted by free_fall
In the beginning, GW was a game which you could pretty much play the way you liked. We had builds we liked, that were effective for us and THAT WE HAD FUN PLAYING. Then it seems that anet would always come along and say, "Sorry, you're having TOO MUCH FUN with that build, here's a nerf - try one of these cookie-cutter builds instead, everybody's using them."
Originally Posted by spawnofebil
I don't care if a primary ele can get 4 more points of damage from Flare or something - I can cycle flare in twice the time he can.
Originally Posted by Avarre
Yes, if your build is bad, you will have trouble running it.
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
That is my question!?!?!??! I just do not understand the fascination in ANet to "lowering" things.
Balance can be achieved by "raising" things too. ![]() |
Originally Posted by rohlfinator
It's easier to change one class than to change nine of them, would be my guess.
Not that I agree with this particular implementation, but if SR was in fact overpowered, it's a much better solution to rebalance one class against the other nine than to try to rebalance nine against the one. (And if they had solved the problem by buffing every other class, it still would have looked unfair to necros. Pretty much a lose-lose situation.) |
mortis corpus
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Mesmers are already quite useful in PvE
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
They're not useless, no, but of all my chars it's clearly the one which does the least amount of damage. Sure, I can make life miserable for one enemy with my mesmer before I run out of energy, but with my necro or my ele I can make the entire enemy *group* miserable, and have better energy management.
The main problem with mesmers is that they have no multi-target capability. I've always felt, and argued, that Spiteful Spirit should have been a mesmer skill, as it's basically the elite version of Empathy. Just that one skill would've turned everything around. I have a year old mesmer I play from time to time, but I wouldn't make a new one. Mesmer is great as secondary class in PvE, but not so great as a primary. It also depends a bit on where you are. Mesmers work a lot better in Prophecies and Nightfall than in Factions, where everything carries multiple hex removal skills _and_ will interrupt any cast longer than a second. Sorry for rambling but I guess my point is that yeah, Mesmers need some AoE damage spells. Spiteful Spirit would be choice. Alternatively the spells should be 5 points cheaper across the board so the mesmer could spread the love around manually. |
Mortius Madius
Originally Posted by Mortius Madius
I did not care for the nerf to Soul Reaping, but not for any of the reasons I have read so far on these forums.
I didn't care for it, because I don't like walking around with the word 'nerfed' on my forehead. |
Originally Posted by cyberjanet
Try the new soul reaping primary attribute...
Originally Posted by Alleji
Soul reaping is still the best or second-best primary in the game (after expertise).
It's just not "the best by a mile" anymore, and that's hardly a reason to complain. |
Originally Posted by Series
Can I get a gg?
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
2) SR is inferior vs other classes passive EN management because it requires you to be winning and killing enemies to use it properly