New Scribe Out - Boardwalk Returns and Clues on 2nd Birthday
Whisper Evenstar
Check out the latest scribe for some interesting info:
Cupcakes and new minis..... yay!
Cupcakes and new minis..... yay!
Awww, I'm at work and due to my company's firewall I can't reach the GW site. Can someone copy and paste the scribe message here?
The World Celebrates its Birth
The season of the Zephyr has always been associated with renewed life and birth. But recently, members of the Order of the Sky, working at the Astralarium in Northern Istan, claim to have pinpointed the exact date of the birth of our world. According to Emissary Dajmir, a visiting scholar from the Kournan province, the world's birthday will occur during this coming weekend.
The release of this information has prompted an impromptu celebration with a particularly sweet reward, although this intrepid inscriber of international information cannot help thinking that the merchants in Cantha may have latched onto this spurious astrological information for their own monetary gain. In any event, an exciting celebration has been planned, which should entice tourists to descend upon Shing Jea Monastery this weekend. Once there, celebrants will not be disappointed, as the ever-popular Shing Jea Boardwalk will reopen, along with Rollerbeetle Racing and the Dragon Arena.
In addition to boosting the local economy, the Boardwalk games will once again reward Festival Tickets that participants can trade for prizes. Twenty-five tickets will net you a prize, which could contain bottles of rice wine, red bean cakes, 5 Victory Tokens, or 1,000 gold. You can also win Victory Tokens in the Dragon Arena, Dragon Nest, or at the Rollerbeetle Races.
Those lucky enough to win a few Victory Tokens can trade five of them for Sugary Blue Drinks, Champagne Poppers, Bottle Rockets, or Sparklers. And, if you feel like spending tokens like there's no tomorrow, ten Victory Tokens are enough to acquire Crème Brulee, Flasks of Firewater, or one of three types of magical scrolls. If you prefer something really special, you can spend your tokens on a birthday cupcake. Now, let me assure you, these aren't your ordinary cupcakes. These celebratory cupcakes have been baked by Imperial Chef Tian, the creator of Canthan Truffle Delight, the dessert created for the Celestial Pig during the Canthan New Year festival. Tian promises a special surprise for any who ingest one of these royal confections. So good are these treats that they keep disappearing in mysterious numbers, and there have been scattered reports that various creatures have been spotted with frosting on fin, fur, and scale. This leads one to ponder whether the monsters have absconded with their own supply of the treats.
So, whether this weekend is the true birth date of the world or not, it should be a merry time for all who participate...and even merrier for the good merchants near my home, Shing Jea Monastery.
Mahk Delivers
The Istani toymaker, Mahk, has had a busy year. As you may recall, some months ago he was awarded a quite profitable contract from Vabbian investors. That bit of good fortune seems to have inspired him to new levels of creativity. With the recent announcement of a worldwide birthday celebration, Mahk has deemed this the proper time to release his latest line of toys.
Now, Mahk is remaining silent about the details of his latest line of miniatures. Every attempt on my part to pry answers from him got the simple response, "You'll just have to wait and see." I suppose all we can do is wait for some benevolent soul to hand out these new creations, perhaps as birthday presents. It does seem to be all the rage at the moment.
Keep your ears open for any mention of Mahk's new miniatures. In fact, if you're lucky enough to be among the first to receive one, be sure to display it proudly in town or share illuminations of it via your own scrolls and letters.
The season of the Zephyr has always been associated with renewed life and birth. But recently, members of the Order of the Sky, working at the Astralarium in Northern Istan, claim to have pinpointed the exact date of the birth of our world. According to Emissary Dajmir, a visiting scholar from the Kournan province, the world's birthday will occur during this coming weekend.
The release of this information has prompted an impromptu celebration with a particularly sweet reward, although this intrepid inscriber of international information cannot help thinking that the merchants in Cantha may have latched onto this spurious astrological information for their own monetary gain. In any event, an exciting celebration has been planned, which should entice tourists to descend upon Shing Jea Monastery this weekend. Once there, celebrants will not be disappointed, as the ever-popular Shing Jea Boardwalk will reopen, along with Rollerbeetle Racing and the Dragon Arena.
In addition to boosting the local economy, the Boardwalk games will once again reward Festival Tickets that participants can trade for prizes. Twenty-five tickets will net you a prize, which could contain bottles of rice wine, red bean cakes, 5 Victory Tokens, or 1,000 gold. You can also win Victory Tokens in the Dragon Arena, Dragon Nest, or at the Rollerbeetle Races.
Those lucky enough to win a few Victory Tokens can trade five of them for Sugary Blue Drinks, Champagne Poppers, Bottle Rockets, or Sparklers. And, if you feel like spending tokens like there's no tomorrow, ten Victory Tokens are enough to acquire Crème Brulee, Flasks of Firewater, or one of three types of magical scrolls. If you prefer something really special, you can spend your tokens on a birthday cupcake. Now, let me assure you, these aren't your ordinary cupcakes. These celebratory cupcakes have been baked by Imperial Chef Tian, the creator of Canthan Truffle Delight, the dessert created for the Celestial Pig during the Canthan New Year festival. Tian promises a special surprise for any who ingest one of these royal confections. So good are these treats that they keep disappearing in mysterious numbers, and there have been scattered reports that various creatures have been spotted with frosting on fin, fur, and scale. This leads one to ponder whether the monsters have absconded with their own supply of the treats.
So, whether this weekend is the true birth date of the world or not, it should be a merry time for all who participate...and even merrier for the good merchants near my home, Shing Jea Monastery.
Mahk Delivers
The Istani toymaker, Mahk, has had a busy year. As you may recall, some months ago he was awarded a quite profitable contract from Vabbian investors. That bit of good fortune seems to have inspired him to new levels of creativity. With the recent announcement of a worldwide birthday celebration, Mahk has deemed this the proper time to release his latest line of toys.
Now, Mahk is remaining silent about the details of his latest line of miniatures. Every attempt on my part to pry answers from him got the simple response, "You'll just have to wait and see." I suppose all we can do is wait for some benevolent soul to hand out these new creations, perhaps as birthday presents. It does seem to be all the rage at the moment.
Keep your ears open for any mention of Mahk's new miniatures. In fact, if you're lucky enough to be among the first to receive one, be sure to display it proudly in town or share illuminations of it via your own scrolls and letters.
No... Nnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo
No more minis for presents, we want something original gaahh!
No more minis for presents, we want something original gaahh!
Thx MSecorsky.
Yay, boardwalk!!! I love it when the boardwalk opens. Scarlet spends the entire weekend getting drunk, gambling and whacking wurms.
I think she needs a good AA program.
Yay, boardwalk!!! I love it when the boardwalk opens. Scarlet spends the entire weekend getting drunk, gambling and whacking wurms.
I think she needs a good AA program.
good incentive to buy factions
finally i can afk farm the lucky title some more I was wondering when they would bring those back. As well as rollerbeetles, dragon arena (dodgeball), ... yeah my weekend will be busy
Sir Skullcrasher
I can't wait for the new mini!!
Bryant Again
Indeed, only time can tell. I just hope it's something interesting. Already mention I'm not getting my hopes up, though. Not after the Canthan New Year.
Jeez I really thought we would be getting something else for the 2nd birthday and the thing said about the 2nd line of minis probably means we'll be getting more mini's for the 2nd present.
I ok with the boardwalk events but another set of minis for the 2nd birthday(they better all have the same rarity since 2 years and getting a white mini would be awful and not at all rewarding to a 2 -year player).
I ok with the boardwalk events but another set of minis for the 2nd birthday(they better all have the same rarity since 2 years and getting a white mini would be awful and not at all rewarding to a 2 -year player).
How am I supposed to choose between farming for cupcakes, racing beetles, and winning tickets? I need a way to play the same account on 2-3 computers, which is unfortunately impossible
Knightsaber Sith
Let's hear it for more minis!
What difference does the color of the text on your mini make? A "white" mini that a first year character can't even get themselves isn't any less special than a gold.
Originally Posted by Crimso
(they better all have the same rarity since 2 years and getting a white mini would be awful)
finely will be able to spend the 860 victory tokens that i got stuck with after the new years festivle
Minipets again.. I'm really dissapointed. I guess I'll sell mine while the prices are still high if I feel up to the trade spam. Someone else who has been solo farming and willing to pay a large amount of platinums will end up with a new pet, all in the spirit of 2 years guildwars.
Knightsaber Sith
I don't see how people can keep complaining that they didn't get something else. Why not just be thankful you got anything since they could've given you nothing >_<
Takeko Nakano
New minipets. Oh hurray............
Seriously, ANet, that is so unimaginative. Why can't you try something new, rather than a gimmick most people have got tired of already?
Seriously, ANet, that is so unimaginative. Why can't you try something new, rather than a gimmick most people have got tired of already?
Originally Posted by ducktape
How am I supposed to choose between farming for cupcakes, racing beetles, and winning tickets? I need a way to play the same account on 2-3 computers, which is unfortunately impossible
At least you can sell them for incredibly inflated prices, hell I sold my Necrid Horseman for 100k + 5 ectos lol
Oh well, more moneh for me!
Oh well, more moneh for me!
Oh man. that sucks,more minis? jeez. I really thought they would do something cool. ugh.. I guess there could be something really different about them.. dunno. wow.. I'm really disappointed.
Well.. at worst, I can make some moneys!
Well.. at worst, I can make some moneys!
I wonder if Cantha chars having their first birthday will get the new mini's, or if they are only for chars having their true second birthday.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I don't see how people can keep complaining that they didn't get something else. Why not just be thankful you got anything since they could've given you nothing >_<
It's a gift, people. A gift. You did nothing to earn it. They didn't have to do anything for any birthdays.
Well, I was hoping for a way to increase my lucky title and maybe make those lockpicks worth using, and they decide to open boardwalk on the weekend that I'm away. We need another way to work on lucky/unlucky titles outside of these weekend events....and I was really hoping that rollerbeetle racing would be available more often....I'm happy that ANet runs these special weekends, but the timing doesn't always help.
I'm ok with minipets for birthday presents. Most of my characters have only just started getting their 1st year presents anyway. Minipet Dryder, Minipet rampaging ntouka, minipet stoneshard crag would be fine with me.
I'm ok with minipets for birthday presents. Most of my characters have only just started getting their 1st year presents anyway. Minipet Dryder, Minipet rampaging ntouka, minipet stoneshard crag would be fine with me.
It's not so much that, it's that they asked us what we want and the poles I saw said: not minis. Besides that, it seemed that there was going to be something really special for the 2nd years.
Like I said, it's at least free money, which i'm thankful for.
Who knows, maybe it's a toy that makes you glow? that would be cool.. I guess we are being premature in complaining.
Like I said, it's at least free money, which i'm thankful for.
Who knows, maybe it's a toy that makes you glow? that would be cool.. I guess we are being premature in complaining.
Where is the eye rolling smiley face? Honestly, some people....
I for one am eagerly looking forward to this weekend for all the sugar and fun and next week when I get my 2nd birthday mini.
I for one am eagerly looking forward to this weekend for all the sugar and fun and next week when I get my 2nd birthday mini.
savage vapor 33
One question though, is the 2nd birthday prize a minipet? or do we not know yet? cuz if its a minipet, ugh.
Originally Posted by savage vapor 33
One question though, is the 2nd birthday prize a minipet? or do we not know yet? cuz if its a minipet, ugh.
All i got to say is if the presents are going to be minis, they better be good ones! I've seen so many ugly minis lately i wanna shoot myself = Asura,gray giant,varesh and little other new rather uninteresting minipets, i hope for more among the lines of the ever popular mini kunnavang. Plz more ugly minis...
Ritual del Fuego
I think the hint of new types of minis is for variety for all the Canthan's that will be having their first birthday this weekend. The scribe doesn't specify that this will be for two year birthdays. Please see this quote for reference.
With the recent announcement of a worldwide birthday celebration, Mahk has deemed this the proper time to release his latest line of toys |
Patience. Maybe the minipet is a replica of YOUR character? :P
Who knows. And if they're just another bunch of Minipets, well free money. Though if my word would have any value on it I'd like the second birthday pets to be customized to their owner.
Who knows. And if they're just another bunch of Minipets, well free money. Though if my word would have any value on it I'd like the second birthday pets to be customized to their owner.
...I got a special sneak peak
Originally Posted by Ritual del Fuego
I think the hint of new types of minis is for variety for all the Canthan's that will be having their first birthday this weekend. The scribe doesn't specify that this will be for two year birthdays. Please see this quote for reference.
It would royally suck for Canthan players who started with factions or players who supported factions from day one to get lame minipets that have been out for a whole year and arent new, exciting, or worth anything.
EDIT: I guess that the day of the tengu is not an annual event, again begging the question of why Factions players were excluded from the Wintersday event.
Ritual del Fuego
Those are some crazy mods for a celebration item if it is true...
I love the reference to 'boosting the local economy' rofl
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
...I got a special sneak peak
Kinda cool, I guess.
Sir Skullcrasher
I can't wait for Mini Glint!!!
heh i'm fine with new pets. i just hope they don't release the asian minis . ..
I wonder if my Necro will have the new mini-pet set.Since he's gonna get 1 year old very soon.
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I can't wait for Mini Glint!!!
savage vapor 33
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Seriously? It just lessens the difficulty of your game? I thought it would be something fun...
Kinda cool, I guess. |
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
...I got a special sneak peak
(picutre of what cupcake does) |