Originally Posted by explodemyheart
A service? Do you pay for it monthly?
You pay one time. What you pay for that one time is access to the game. That's it. You pay for the right to access their servers to play their games, that's it. Any changes made to the game over however many years the game is online, are not paid for by you (general you).
You bought access to their game. You are playing their game. Anet has fullfilled the part of their "service" that you bought. Anything above and beyond is not something they have to do, but rather they choose to. Whether they choose to in an attempt to keep people coming back to the game or to say thank you to the players for their patronage does not matter. You got what you paid for (the one time you paid for it) and anything above it is a gift of which you are not entitled to.
If you paid monthly... you might have a point.
I don't pay monthly, but I do pay bi-anually. $69.95 for a collectors edition and $10 for a preorder. That comes out to a little over $13 a month.
On the whole, Guild Wars is a wonderful SERVICE that provides many hours of entertainment for the $250 I have spent to play it (three collectors, three preorders). Note I am estimating "$250" because that is closer to what I would have spent if I had purchased from the beginning. (As it stands, I bought Prophecies Collectors later for a much higher price.) But even at $250, and considering that Guild Wars is not quote 24 months old, it looks very similar in real dollars to the subscription models. And this doesn't count the 11 extra character slots I bought in lieu of storage. Oh, and while I'm at it, how about the unlock packs that are now available? And the people who had to buy multiple accounts before extra character slots were available. And those who bought accounts to get around favor....
I digress.
The point is, that although on the surface the game is a buy once, there are numerous reasons that Anet have given us (either by design or by omission) to spend more money. It's not technically a subscription service, but many of us have paid more than others who play subcription based games.
In my view, that means I have a point.
And on the subject of entitlement: this is not a government program. This is a commercial product. Customers purchase products based on (among other things) what kind of product a company has already provided. If Anet demonstrates that even after their game is purchased, they'll continue to develop and enhance it, then this is an implied promise to do said development and enhancement. As I stated in another post, it is highly unlikely that Anet would still be selling a two-year old online game if it were not for continued development and enhancement. And I don't believe that Factions and Nightfall would have sold as well as they had if Anet didn't have a REPUTATION for adding content. Anet has gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to state that GW2 will have regularly updated content and NO SUBSCRIPTION. To state this is to create and expectation, and, arguably, a promise.
I felt the need to address the points you make, because so often I comment on how people fail to address the ones I make. I don't ever wish to be a hypocrite. In that light, I offer the following example of a point that, as yet, no one has addressed:
Someone else made the comment (which I can't confirm or deny as I wasn't there) that Gaile said that second birthday presents will be even cooler the first. I can confirm that Gaile posted on this forum asking our opinion about 2nd birthday ideas.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
The popular choice for a special second-year birthday gift seems to be a new set of miniatures. So, as we often do, we'd like to ask your ideas about this. What sort of new miniatures that you would like to see in the game? Please post in here and share your ideas. All the comments will be gathered and shared with the designers, so that this coming birthday will be the best ever!
Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts on this. 
Furthermore, I believe Gaile to be an honorable person who cares about customer service and who genuinely wants to please the community.
But the very first post after her inquiry said "please, no more minis". Shortly after this threads sprang up all over debating whether 2nd birthdays should be rewarded with minis or something else. Although most if not all of these threads contained the typical flaming among the substance, most of the people who decided to post wanted something OTHER than another mini.
The poll right here on Guild Wars Guru ended with less than 9% of people favoring a new minipet.
So I stand by my disappointment -- which was based on my opinion that Anet should have done more in light of community requests.
THIS IS MY OPINION. If you like minipets then you are in luck. Judging from the Sapphir Djinn featured prominently on the Guild Wars Events page, you're in for a very cool one.
But a lot of people are disappointed. We believe we have good reasons for our disappointment and hope that by expressing that feeling that Anet will listen and do things a little differently next time. Historically, this has been the case. Therefore, I will continue to praise when I'm happy, and complain when I'm not. It is my right.