Witte's HM Solo Farm
Mister O
I farm outside ranmusu garden (55 spoil victor)
1. mantis
-monk (SoR)
-assassin boss
2. kappas (ele)
3. nagas
1. mantis
-monk (SoR)
-assassin boss
2. kappas (ele)
3. nagas
Nice build witte, but im wondering whats going on with droprate now.
Is it still chance 1/8 that a mob will drop anything. Or does the enemies always drop something in solo HM.
Is it still chance 1/8 that a mob will drop anything. Or does the enemies always drop something in solo HM.

@ Tuit. The mobs drop scaled drops still, but they didn't scale things like golds. All in all you just lose on random crap to merch.
Great job Witte, can wait for the full tyria hard mode solo your

i'm farming the mergoyles with:
shield of absorption
shielding hands
prot spirit
Arcane Echo
Healing breeze
Blessed aura
Balth's Spirit
smiting 16
healing 6
prot/div 12
This way you can kill the huge bog skale group. I just ball up the first 3 groups of waves and kill all 9 at the same time, then proceed to do the same with the next 3 groups (one bog in there, so keep breeze up), then kill the group of bogs/waves up ahead, then repeat. Got 3 necro tomes and 3 elem tomes in the last hour doing so, and a crapload of purples.
shield of absorption
shielding hands
prot spirit
Arcane Echo
Healing breeze
Blessed aura
Balth's Spirit
smiting 16
healing 6
prot/div 12
This way you can kill the huge bog skale group. I just ball up the first 3 groups of waves and kill all 9 at the same time, then proceed to do the same with the next 3 groups (one bog in there, so keep breeze up), then kill the group of bogs/waves up ahead, then repeat. Got 3 necro tomes and 3 elem tomes in the last hour doing so, and a crapload of purples.
Originally Posted by ArKaiN
i'm farming the mergoyles with:
shield of absorption
shielding hands
prot spirit
Arcane Echo
Healing breeze
Blessed aura
Balth's Spirit
smiting 16
healing 6
prot/div 12
This way you can kill the huge bog skale group. I just ball up the first 3 groups of waves and kill all 9 at the same time, then proceed to do the same with the next 3 groups (one bog in there, so keep breeze up), then kill the group of bogs/waves up ahead, then repeat. Got 3 necro tomes and 3 elem tomes in the last hour doing so, and a crapload of purples. I actually kill that group fine with the build in the OP...
Only thing this build doesnt kill in that zone is the normal Mergoyles(they use powerblock), and whatever else is with them.
shield of absorption
shielding hands
prot spirit
Arcane Echo
Healing breeze
Blessed aura
Balth's Spirit
smiting 16
healing 6
prot/div 12
This way you can kill the huge bog skale group. I just ball up the first 3 groups of waves and kill all 9 at the same time, then proceed to do the same with the next 3 groups (one bog in there, so keep breeze up), then kill the group of bogs/waves up ahead, then repeat. Got 3 necro tomes and 3 elem tomes in the last hour doing so, and a crapload of purples. I actually kill that group fine with the build in the OP...
Only thing this build doesnt kill in that zone is the normal Mergoyles(they use powerblock), and whatever else is with them.
Witte Was
26/04/07 Update: posted builds for the following places
- Anvil Rock
- Skyward Reach
- Naphui Quarter
- Wajjun Bazaar
- Pongmei Valley
- Arborstone
- Anvil Rock
- Skyward Reach
- Naphui Quarter
- Wajjun Bazaar
- Pongmei Valley
- Arborstone
Is SS faster than SoJ on hydras?
Witte Was
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
Is SS faster than SoJ on hydras?
Yes it is
Well...I think it is

Originally Posted by Witte Was
Yes it is
Well...I think it is
I would believe it is.....SS does damage whenever they cast AND attack...SoJ only does damage when they attack....besides, you can keep SS up the whole time(even overlapping it on different guys of they are close enough), whereas you need serpants quickness, or arcane echo to keep SoJ up.

Originally Posted by Witte Was
Arborstone [Explorable]
[skill]healing breeze[/skill] [skill]protective spirit[/skill] [skill]blessed signet[/skill] [skill]shield of judgment[/skill] [skill]arcane echo[/skill] [skill]mending[/skill] [skill]essence bond[/skill] [skill]balthazar's spirit[/skill]
Healing Prayers: 13 (9+3+1)
Smiting Prayers: 15 (12+3)
Protection Prayers: 9 (6+3)
Divine Favor: 9 (6+3)
Template Code:
Watch out for the knock-down from the Warriors!
You can leave the Warden of the Summer's alive, they are hard to kill
I'll post more monk builds and more warriors builds tomorrow!
Take care!
Witte Was / Dave Tawings Hey Witte, to easily combat the kd from warriors while using soj, just subsitute blessed and arcane for balanced and on your knees, perma balanced, also make sure you keep them in range of brambles/lacerate.
Nvm fleeting stability would cover the use of 2 skills so it is much better I guess
T N Player
wow, i need to go cap ss on my monk
and how do u gte 105 health?
and how do u gte 105 health?
Originally Posted by T N Player
wow, i need to go cap ss on my monk
and how do u gte 105 health? 5 superior runes, just like the 55, except without the -50 offhand.
and how do u gte 105 health? 5 superior runes, just like the 55, except without the -50 offhand.
Glints Bane
Nice Guide witte....can't wait to see more. I've been farming these listed places on my 55 necro and they are very nice thanks.
Originally Posted by mwpeck
I would believe it is.....SS does damage whenever they cast AND attack...SoJ only does damage when they attack....besides, you can keep SS up the whole time(even overlapping it on different guys of they are close enough), whereas you need serpants quickness, or arcane echo to keep SoJ up.
You do not need to keep SoJ up at all times, and with the right build, you can aggro everything on the map, and 1 SoJ will kill them all.
Hey... Witte...
Does your Nahpui Quarter system include only the "Star" Tengu or does it account for the gradual addition of the Celestial critters too? In that case, which of them would you suggest we avoid activating?
I was doing Chest Runs in Nahpui Quarter in Normal Mode before HM came along, hoping to get Celestial Weapons... and generally tried to avoid killing any of the Celestial Creatures... and found that the chests would still drop Celestial kit on rare occasions without the big guys around. I suspect though that as far as drops go, only the Celestials themselves drop the Celestial weapons.... right?
Hey... Witte...
Does your Nahpui Quarter system include only the "Star" Tengu or does it account for the gradual addition of the Celestial critters too? In that case, which of them would you suggest we avoid activating?
I was doing Chest Runs in Nahpui Quarter in Normal Mode before HM came along, hoping to get Celestial Weapons... and generally tried to avoid killing any of the Celestial Creatures... and found that the chests would still drop Celestial kit on rare occasions without the big guys around. I suspect though that as far as drops go, only the Celestials themselves drop the Celestial weapons.... right?
Alien Bobster
Okay, when i first saw those 2 builds i started crying, thinking witte had gone old and horrible on making build... But now, u're incredible! I though you were good on clearing areas wasting hours and getting nothing. I've really changed my mind. After you updated with more builds i got really impressed! You are godly, and most of those build are probly profitable... Please brag a little more about the drops you get ^^ so i can decide where to farm.
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
You do not need to keep SoJ up at all times, and with the right build, you can aggro everything on the map, and 1 SoJ will kill them all.
That sounds unlikly depending on the area....such as the minotaurs outside Ice Tooth Cave, in HM. I know for a fact you cant kill all of them in 1 SoJ...I've tried it.
Originally Posted by mwpeck
That sounds unlikly depending on the area....such as the minotaurs outside Ice Tooth Cave, in HM. I know for a fact you cant kill all of them in 1 SoJ...I've tried it.
You can with the hydras outside of Augury, they cannot be knocked down and they attack 2 times faster in hard mode, 1 SoJ kills them.
One really good place to run this is Minister Cho's Estate Explorable
I usually go with 105hp with SoA. Serpent Axes and Sephis Axes drop there so if you get lucky it's worth of the time. (Sephis Axe prices are dropping fast tho..)
I usually go with 105hp with SoA. Serpent Axes and Sephis Axes drop there so if you get lucky it's worth of the time. (Sephis Axe prices are dropping fast tho..)
how the hell u do that? there are afflicted mesmers there, and they use some enchantment removal stuf...i didnt triy it on my monk yet, but tried a few times on my ele, and it didnt work, coz my enchs got stripped...
Originally Posted by Ati
how the hell u do that? there are afflicted mesmers there, and they use some enchantment removal stuf...i didnt triy it on my monk yet, but tried a few times on my ele, and it didnt work, coz my enchs got stripped...
Really? I got only Afflicted Mesmers (they do -4 health degen) Sickened Servants, Guards and Scribes. Nothing else, are you sure that you went to right place?

sry, i meant necros... i dunno, but i skipped the castle thingi and went trough the garden full of animals, and then at the gate theres a necro...
Hmm.. I have a feeling that you went to mission instead of explorable area?
nop. explorable. i checked. necros use order of apostasy...
could this build be used on the undead outside bergen?
Witte Was
27/04/07 Update. Added 2 new builds for:
- Witman's Folly [Azure Shadows]
- Prophet's Path [Sand Elementals]
- Witman's Folly [Azure Shadows]
- Prophet's Path [Sand Elementals]
Originally Posted by DarioLeanza
Nice one Witte Was, hope you find a Warrior place to farm soon
I've done some testing with my warrior and found that you can use the war/rit VWK build to farm the minos in:
Elona reach HM
Black curtain (just before Kessex, you can zone in and out of kessex Got lots of golds and tomes there as well)
Anvil rock (I've gotten tomes and golds)
[card]Vengeful Was Khanhei[/card][card]Vengeful Weapon[/card][card]Resilient Weapon[/card][card]Bonetti's Defense[/card][card]riposte[/card][card]healing signet[/card][card]dolyak signet[/card][card]enraging charge[/card]

Elona reach HM
Black curtain (just before Kessex, you can zone in and out of kessex Got lots of golds and tomes there as well)
Anvil rock (I've gotten tomes and golds)
[card]Vengeful Was Khanhei[/card][card]Vengeful Weapon[/card][card]Resilient Weapon[/card][card]Bonetti's Defense[/card][card]riposte[/card][card]healing signet[/card][card]dolyak signet[/card][card]enraging charge[/card]
yo home boi
Crimson, i will try that 2moro =D, thx for posting ^^
Karl The King
you can use the build in the gate of kryta mission and to farme outside bergen
getting like 2-3 dead bows ea run outside bergen.
getting like 2-3 dead bows ea run outside bergen.
My-way Ftw
Another fantastic guide Dave, i guess thats why i saw you on your monk so often :P
Just ascended mine, ill give these builds a try soon
Just ascended mine, ill give these builds a try soon

Great Job Witte! now how about a few warrior builds =)
Tsunami Rain
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
Is SS faster than SoJ on hydras?
^yes. and you can tell the difference after farming them one run after the other for awhile

Although with SoJ you can go /D for Fleeting Stability, which allows you to aggro an entire map of Hydras and kill them at once. Without Fleeting Stability the Meteor hits become too much with a large group.
Originally Posted by clawofcrimson
I've done some testing with my warrior and found that you can use the war/rit VWK build to farm the minos in:
Elona reach HM
Black curtain (just before Kessex, you can zone in and out of kessex Got lots of golds and tomes there as well)
Anvil rock (I've gotten tomes and golds)
[card]Vengeful Was Khanhei[/card][card]Vengeful Weapon[/card][card]Resilient Weapon[/card][card]Bonetti's Defense[/card][card]riposte[/card][card]healing signet[/card][card]dolyak signet[/card][card]enraging charge[/card] I don't seem to be able to kill them fast enough. The minatours that is.
Elona reach HM
Black curtain (just before Kessex, you can zone in and out of kessex Got lots of golds and tomes there as well)
Anvil rock (I've gotten tomes and golds)
[card]Vengeful Was Khanhei[/card][card]Vengeful Weapon[/card][card]Resilient Weapon[/card][card]Bonetti's Defense[/card][card]riposte[/card][card]healing signet[/card][card]dolyak signet[/card][card]enraging charge[/card] I don't seem to be able to kill them fast enough. The minatours that is.
There are much, much better builds for killing the Minotaurs in Anvil Rock than that. Hell, theres a thread dedicated to it somewhere.
Could probably get by with the same build actually if i switched in Wild Blow instead of Power Attack for the Black Curtain... i'll have to try sometime. (wish i'd capped VwK on my Warrior though
EDIT by Claw: off topic
Could probably get by with the same build actually if i switched in Wild Blow instead of Power Attack for the Black Curtain... i'll have to try sometime. (wish i'd capped VwK on my Warrior though

EDIT by Claw: off topic
My only suggestion is that in the Mo/D builds, take mystic regen instead of healing breeze.
Swift Thief
Hey, I'm pretty sure that a N/Mo works for the ones that are Mo/N right?
Xiaxhou of Trinity
didn't we already go through this, evilsod, on witte's farming build outlining how a trapper can farm various places in FoW solo? Persistent pessimist i name you!
Healing Breeze is dumb, use Mystic Regeneration on the Mo/Ds, only need 8 points.