Second Birthday miniatures are out!
I love MOST of the new minis (the elf is a bit rediculous). So sad that I have to wait till october for mine. I would give my first born son for a mini-Koss!!

Jumping Is Uselss
Ugh...minis, looks like ill have to sell a few of mine to make space for the new miniatures. The heket looks cool, if i get it i will make it fight my turtle.
I got a Miniature Juggernaut.
PS: It's included in my giveaway thread, so if you are into that mini ...
PS: It's included in my giveaway thread, so if you are into that mini ...
Originally Posted by thezed
I love MOST of the new minis (the elf is a bit rediculous). So sad that I have to wait till october for mine. I would give my first born son for a mini-Koss!!
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Originally Posted by Miral
make it daughter and you have a deal.
Shawn The Divine
Personally, I didn't vote in any poll since the original question from Gaile was which minipets did you want.
And one of the often mentioned suggestions...more storage...we got already.
I like minipets and would like to eventually have one of each. Why don't those of you who hate them give them to people who want them? You could make it a fun event...trivia questions, scavenger hunts, whatever. Or just give them to guildmates.
As far as how people express their opinions: a lot of how people react to what you say is based on how you deliver your opinion.
Very cool idea.
And one of the often mentioned suggestions...more storage...we got already.
I like minipets and would like to eventually have one of each. Why don't those of you who hate them give them to people who want them? You could make it a fun event...trivia questions, scavenger hunts, whatever. Or just give them to guildmates.
As far as how people express their opinions: a lot of how people react to what you say is based on how you deliver your opinion.
Originally Posted by Da Silva Fox
As hundreds of different forum polls are evidently hard to keep track of how about a xunlai voting agent ingame?
That would surely get a higher turn out than a community forum that alot of gw players never even look at let alone post on. |
Cool, I'm looking forward to expanding my mini-pet collection. (Once the prices drop a bit).
Actually, I like the mini elf. It sounds like i'm the only one though. Perhaps I can snatch one cheap. I think the Water Djinn looks really really cool. I can't wait to get one of those.
Actually, I like the mini elf. It sounds like i'm the only one though. Perhaps I can snatch one cheap. I think the Water Djinn looks really really cool. I can't wait to get one of those.
Rothen Kithkanan
It seems (and I've set myself up to be flammed right here) that there is a certain aspect of spoilt child syndrome going on here.
Anet give you all a lovely FREE birthday present which, they did not have to do lets be honest. But the majority appear to be spitting out their dummies because it's not what they wanted. I dunno, how dare Anet not give you what YOU wanted. If you dont like it, sell it, give it away, leave it to rot in storage. Dont see the need to come on here and attack Gaile and the devs for it
I personally dont give a rats arse about minipets and have sold all my 1st birthday ones but thats a side issue
now, let the public burning commence
Anet give you all a lovely FREE birthday present which, they did not have to do lets be honest. But the majority appear to be spitting out their dummies because it's not what they wanted. I dunno, how dare Anet not give you what YOU wanted. If you dont like it, sell it, give it away, leave it to rot in storage. Dont see the need to come on here and attack Gaile and the devs for it
I personally dont give a rats arse about minipets and have sold all my 1st birthday ones but thats a side issue
now, let the public burning commence
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
As to why there is a birthday mini, well, we conducted numerous polls in several langauges, but there was there was no clearcut "other thing" called out by fans. Sure, there were about a hundred ideas, but none of them were resoundingly the conclusive "vote of the masses" for a birthday gift. In the collected votes, miniatures were a very highly-rated choice, and received more votes than any other single alternative. In the end, the designers chose something that they felt would be fun and enjoyable, and something that players can keep, sell, or trade, as they see fit.
It's a gift. Enjoy it, or not, but please get over the negative attitude, it contributes nothing to the discussion here. |
Take this simple analogy: Your friend (we'll call him Bob) gave you a plushie for your birthday almost a year ago, and you were happy with it at first, it was cute, maybe it even made funny noises. Nevertheless, after awhile you lost interest in it and it ended up sitting in your closet for the rest of the year. Now, almost up to your birthday again and Bob comes and asks "hey, I'm thinking I might get you another plushie this year, is there one in particular you'd like?", to which you reply "well actually I'm kind of tired of plushies now, I'd really rather something else."
Bob doesn't respond, but finally your birthday roles around, you open your present, curious to see what your friend decided to get you... and find another plushie. To make matters worse, your friend has been handing out plushies like candy to everyone they know, so any value it has as far as just being a special gift from a friend is absolutely nil. Effectively the plushie has no value to you, not even as a gift as you've already told your friend that it wasn't something you really wanted, so you feel more than a little disappointed that they didn't listen to you.
The important point here is that I believe for many players, the desire was not for a specific item, it was for something that wasn't a minipet which quickly loses its appeal and just isn't special anymore and it hasn't been for a long time. Saying that since there was no clear consensus between the players on what other item they'd want is a weak argument that misses the point entirely.
Now I'm not going to go into some big rant as to how I'm going to quit the game or that ANet never listens to us, because we both know that isn't true. All I'm going to say is that I'm disappointed, and that your blithe dismissal of what I feel is a very valid complaint adds nothing to this discussion.
Originally Posted by =HT=E5Destroyer
WoW! your old enough to be on a computer and you cant read?
i wrote this is what mine says. |
Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
An emote would have been so much better, Although it would be slightly look at me I'm elite it would have been better than look at me I have gold to waste.
![]() |

There's already enough elitism in the game. People should take these things more lighthearted and enjoy them for what they are; funny pixels you can collect
Originally Posted by Bubba
You just gave yourself the reason why they shouldn't do that
![]() There's already enough elitism in the game. People should take these things more lighthearted and enjoy them for what they are; funny pixels you can collect |

Something non tradeable would have been my condition, something very personal character wise too.
Originally Posted by Miral
make it daughter and you have a deal.

If Anet didn't make 2nd birthday mini-pets, youd have whining and groaning from people who wanted it.
Anet made 2nd birthday mini-pets, so you have whining and groaning from people who didn't want it.
Its ok to not like it.
Its ok to like it.
I dont think its ok to act like some baby who didnt get their lollipop or something. Some of the posts here sound like my 4 year old niece.
The negative attitude I think Gaile is referring to is the "Anet owes me, and you lied to me Gaile" thing that seems to be going around. Gaile needs a banhammer.
Anet made 2nd birthday mini-pets, so you have whining and groaning from people who didn't want it.
Its ok to not like it.
Its ok to like it.
I dont think its ok to act like some baby who didnt get their lollipop or something. Some of the posts here sound like my 4 year old niece.
The negative attitude I think Gaile is referring to is the "Anet owes me, and you lied to me Gaile" thing that seems to be going around. Gaile needs a banhammer.
Originally Posted by Rhedd
Did you mean that to sound as icky as it did? ^_^
no... i just don't like males.
Necro Niazriv
i like liche ones...but i want a mini glint!

Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
Ahhhh but playing devil's advocate I can now go out with my 100k + xxx ectos buy a Gwen and be elitist can't I?
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(Ah, I think this is refreshing in this topic; a friendly argument

Originally Posted by lyra_song
Gaile needs a banhammer.
Originally Posted by Bubba
(Ah, I think this is refreshing in this topic; a friendly argument
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Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
You can't ban people for expressive a view no matter how deluded and non factual it is. Everyone deserves a say including Gaile so less of the bashing guys.
Originally Posted by TLLOTS
The negative attitude is warranted in this case Gaile.
Take this simple analogy: Your friend (we'll call him Bob) gave you a plushie for your birthday almost a year ago, and you were happy with it at first, it was cute, maybe it even made funny noises. Nevertheless, after awhile you lost interest in it and it ended up sitting in your closet for the rest of the year. Now, almost up to your birthday again and Bob comes and asks "hey, I'm thinking I might get you another plushie this year, is there one in particular you'd like?", to which you reply "well actually I'm kind of tired of plushies now, I'd really rather something else." Bob doesn't respond, but finally your birthday roles around, you open your present, curious to see what your friend decided to get you... and find another plushie. To make matters worse, your friend has been handing out plushies like candy to everyone they know, so any value it has as far as just being a special gift from a friend is absolutely nil. Effectively the plushie has no value to you, not even as a gift as you've already told your friend that it wasn't something you really wanted, so you feel more than a little disappointed that they didn't listen to you. |
Here is a better analogy (and one i can relate to personaly): Lets rename Bob to Grandpa Bob. Grandpa Bob has a lot of grandkids, some of them with birthdays very close to eachother. Grandpa Bob tends to give these grandkids with close birhtdays pretty much the same gifts. Now, you might not LOVE what he got you (lets face it, grandpa Bob is a little behind the times) but, gosh darnit, despite that funny smell he gives off you just love grandpa Bob and your gratefull he was thinking about you, cares about you, and got you a gift.
Thanks "Grandpa Bob"!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
No one lied. No one promised anything. Until recently we didn't even confirm there would be a gift. Now, if you can show me where we "promised" something other than a mini, I'd like to see it.
Can't? Didn't think so. As to why there is a birthday mini, well, we conducted numerous polls in several langauges, but there was there was no clearcut "other thing" called out by fans. Sure, there were about a hundred ideas, but none of them were resoundingly the conclusive "vote of the masses" for a birthday gift. In the collected votes, miniatures were a very highly-rated choice, and received more votes than any other single alternative. In the end, the designers chose something that they felt would be fun and enjoyable, and something that players can keep, sell, or trade, as they see fit. It's a gift. Enjoy it, or not, but please get over the negative attitude, it contributes nothing to the discussion here. |
You are joking right? ROTFL.
Wait wait!!!!!
IT ISNT CUSTOMIZED !!!! WHAT THE F???? WHY DO I WANT IT ? zomg... Those damn people that didnt support GW from the beggining will have a damn 2set of miniatures if they want???
Go away anet. You completely disapointed me.
Christmas 2005
Christmas 2006
Red GameBoy
Originally Posted by lyra_song
I think its perfectly fine to ban someone if they can't express their opinion without getting insulting and personal.
Kry Onicle
Aataxe and Djinn are ftw. Others are poor though Imo.
Personal preferences aside, I don't care what the gifts actually were - I am happy that the effort was made to give us something to say thank you. Thank you Dev Team.
I am once again PISSED however that we still have the white/purple/green/gold random prezzies. Give us all the same gift or let us choose from the list. This crap about some people selling their presents for 100k +40ecto vs some people getting the 5k grand prize is just uncalled for.
I am once again PISSED however that we still have the white/purple/green/gold random prezzies. Give us all the same gift or let us choose from the list. This crap about some people selling their presents for 100k +40ecto vs some people getting the 5k grand prize is just uncalled for.
Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
That I agree with, its just whether the mods see calling someone a liar is getting insulting.

I see lots of elitist attitudes and greed manifesting in some of these posts.
No mini tengu?
Sweet! I can't wait to see a miniature Pawolo Joko - that may be the perfect compliment to my Necromancer.
I agree that a Fire Djinn would've rocked...I personally like them more than the Water Djinn.
I agree that a Fire Djinn would've rocked...I personally like them more than the Water Djinn.
Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
You can't ban people for expressive a view no matter how deluded and non factual it is. Everyone deserves a say including Gaile so less of the bashing guys.
This isn't a democracy.
Originally Posted by lucifer_uk
You can't ban people for expressive a view no matter how deluded and non factual it is. Everyone deserves a say including Gaile so less of the bashing guys.
This isn't a democracy.
Horseman Of War
hmmm my mesmer /age is 24 months but no mini yet, maybe in a few hours
oh hey go read the suggestion posts for the mini ideas.. Ty ANet for making all my suggestions minis!! Irukandji is win!
oh hey go read the suggestion posts for the mini ideas.. Ty ANet for making all my suggestions minis!! Irukandji is win!
Neo Nugget
Wow those are pretty cool minis. Im not as jealous becuase my assassin just got a burning titan(yay)!
My friends Mini Palawa Joko:
Originally Posted by Mournblade
I am once again PISSED however that we still have the white/purple/green/gold random prezzies. Give us all the same gift or let us choose from the list. This crap about some people selling their presents for 100k +40ecto vs some people getting the 5k grand prize is just uncalled for.
Although I would have preferred something customized for the character and untradable.
Thanks for the new mini-pets A-net
Alot of us realize that we aren't 'owed' any birthday present, but rather that they are a nice token of appriciation for the player base. Alot of the whinning you see here is the results of parents not beating the greedy out of their kids enough.

This is meant to be a dicussion about the new mini pets... this has gone wildly off topic
Neo Nugget
Whats the green mini?
Gwen (yay) ^^
Originally Posted by thezed
This analogy is a bit unfair. In this case "Bob" is not a sigle individual giving 1 present to a friend. Bob is a multi-national company giving millions of gifts to millions of characters. It is impossible to give that many people exactly what they want, or even to avoid giving anyone something they DONT want.
"The moment you open your birthday gift a small odd looking Elf leaps out at you, bellowing in a surprisingly deep voice 'Hear me mortal! I come to you with many gifts, but only one shall be yours. Which do you desire, a furry (or even spikey) minipet, or a mystery prize? Think carefully, as once your decision is made it cannot be taken back!'"
Answer one: "I love things that are furry, except for that food I found under that rubble in Ascalon, that was just nasty. Err... where was I? Oh yes, give me the minipet!"
Answer two: "Wow, a mystery prize, I wonder what it could be? Maybe it's a minipet? I've always wanted one of those. I'll take the mystery prize!"
Originally Posted by thezed
Here is a better analogy (and one i can relate to personaly): Lets rename Bob to Grandpa Bob. Grandpa Bob has a lot of grandkids, some of them with birthdays very close to eachother. Grandpa Bob tends to give these grandkids with close birhtdays pretty much the same gifts. Now, you might not LOVE what he got you (lets face it, grandpa Bob is a little behind the times) but, gosh darnit, despite that funny smell he gives off you just love grandpa Bob and your gratefull he was thinking about you, cares about you, and got you a gift.
Thanks "Grandpa Bob"! |