Lol, well, I have about 4 months to go till my first character will be two years old *My Warrior*. I was kinda-sorta hoping it wouldn't be minis, especially after seeing how many didn't want it to be that. But ah well, gotta live with whatcha get. I'm just hoping what I get this next time, will be something other than a white, I got a white Mini Siege Turtle last time lol. I'd love to get either a green Gwen, or a gold Water Djinn Mini, all the rest I've no interest in

*DARN I wish they had a Sylvari! They have an Asura now, but no Sylvari!!
And after flipping through 4 pages of this post, and not seeing one, has a page up for minis now, 1st year, 2nd year etc. Pics and all, so here's a link to them....
Happy B-day to the rest of you who are turning 2, and maybe some 1? Hope ya get something good, don't "rage-quit" on us now, if it isn't