how is guild wars for you NOW?
1- Love the changes
My guild is also starting to gain a lot of new blood after almost a year of inactivity. And I'm closely approaching my R6. I ain't stoppin anytime soon!
My guild is also starting to gain a lot of new blood after almost a year of inactivity. And I'm closely approaching my R6. I ain't stoppin anytime soon!
I'm a 3, maybe a 2.
The implementation of Hard mode really bummed me out, and even the double-XP-for-caps weekend didn;t bring back the old spark. I put in a couple thousand hours, beat most everything there is to beat, and I think I'm just *bored*.
No knock against GW; I got more than my money's worth out of it.
Frankly, I think I just wore the game out.
I don't care enough about the titles to do the same thing *again* for another title in HM. My characters all have "uber" gear -- as uber as it gets -- so there isn't much reason to farm. Playign the same content with new characters is boring... I'm off playing other games.
I'll be much more active when GW:EN comes out, I suspect.
The implementation of Hard mode really bummed me out, and even the double-XP-for-caps weekend didn;t bring back the old spark. I put in a couple thousand hours, beat most everything there is to beat, and I think I'm just *bored*.
No knock against GW; I got more than my money's worth out of it.
Frankly, I think I just wore the game out.
I don't care enough about the titles to do the same thing *again* for another title in HM. My characters all have "uber" gear -- as uber as it gets -- so there isn't much reason to farm. Playign the same content with new characters is boring... I'm off playing other games.
I'll be much more active when GW:EN comes out, I suspect.
3D House of Beef
This poll is too vague. Specifically we should be looking at the changes one by one, rather than "Do you like the changes".
Hard Mode = 1
Finishing the Nightfall Titles = 1
New Guardian and Vanquisher Titles = 1
Soul Reaping Nerf = 2
Loot scaling Nerf = 2
Extra Storage = 1
Razah change = 1
Improved Axe Sounds = 3
Also, some weight to the choices would be nice. The loot scaling change really annoys me, and has led to me playing far less than the addition of titles and hard mode area's. So even with more specificity to each choice, the damage to my enjoyment of the game from the bad loot scaling outweighs my enjoyment of hard mode (which I quite enjoy).
-3D House of Beef
Hard Mode = 1
Finishing the Nightfall Titles = 1
New Guardian and Vanquisher Titles = 1
Soul Reaping Nerf = 2
Loot scaling Nerf = 2
Extra Storage = 1
Razah change = 1
Improved Axe Sounds = 3
Also, some weight to the choices would be nice. The loot scaling change really annoys me, and has led to me playing far less than the addition of titles and hard mode area's. So even with more specificity to each choice, the damage to my enjoyment of the game from the bad loot scaling outweighs my enjoyment of hard mode (which I quite enjoy).
-3D House of Beef
1 definitely. Don't really care about the loot scaling, after they limited it to standard stuff. Like HM. SR nerf didn't seem to affect things much - can still spam whatever. Took a break for a while, am now playing more than ever (have been playing since 1st week of Prophecies). Starting to enjoy PvP finally. ANets frequent futzing with the skills just means I get to try more builds.
Pet hate of mine: I spend all day working on a build - messing with skills/attributes/secondary till it finally starts to work in PvP. Then some clown yells "cookie cutter" The freaking arrogance of assuming that no one can come up with something through their own rigorous testing.... But sometimes it's helpful. One loser did a skill list in his rant, and it had something better I hadn't thought of,
Pet hate of mine: I spend all day working on a build - messing with skills/attributes/secondary till it finally starts to work in PvP. Then some clown yells "cookie cutter" The freaking arrogance of assuming that no one can come up with something through their own rigorous testing.... But sometimes it's helpful. One loser did a skill list in his rant, and it had something better I hadn't thought of,
midnight caretaker
Long story short all chars and money on my account were not there after taking a 2 month break from the game. I came back and had to start from scratch.
The tomes will be very helpfull once I can make some money. GW is supposed to be grindless (or minimal). My first time through game (b4 he got deleted) for my droks armor i solo farmed lots of bugs/trolls in the jungle and mergoyles in kyrta, got my droks armor with minimal grind. This time through since the loot scaling it took days just to get some freaking droks armor on my first character. For a new player that never played gw and may have changed over from WoW or whatever to get away from grinding (which is what gw is supposed to be about fun by skill not by grind) there isnt much you can do so i grinded with stupid loot scaling and it took way took long. Please anet unless you have someone working on this issue with an economics degree stop, and if you already have someone with an economics degree working on the guild wars economy fire him cus he sucks. Stop trying to change the game or save your precious economy, its video game not real life, people play to have fun not get frustrated. If people want to play in groups let them, if people want to farm let them. You keep making changes that change the game, for the love of God STOP. Not sure why the loot scaling came about but I imagine it was due to gold/ebay sellers. Personally I dont see why they are viewed as that big of a problem for anet. They buy the games too which is a plus for anet right?
The tomes will be very helpfull once I can make some money. GW is supposed to be grindless (or minimal). My first time through game (b4 he got deleted) for my droks armor i solo farmed lots of bugs/trolls in the jungle and mergoyles in kyrta, got my droks armor with minimal grind. This time through since the loot scaling it took days just to get some freaking droks armor on my first character. For a new player that never played gw and may have changed over from WoW or whatever to get away from grinding (which is what gw is supposed to be about fun by skill not by grind) there isnt much you can do so i grinded with stupid loot scaling and it took way took long. Please anet unless you have someone working on this issue with an economics degree stop, and if you already have someone with an economics degree working on the guild wars economy fire him cus he sucks. Stop trying to change the game or save your precious economy, its video game not real life, people play to have fun not get frustrated. If people want to play in groups let them, if people want to farm let them. You keep making changes that change the game, for the love of God STOP. Not sure why the loot scaling came about but I imagine it was due to gold/ebay sellers. Personally I dont see why they are viewed as that big of a problem for anet. They buy the games too which is a plus for anet right?
Number 3. It's just a game...
Mister Overhill
#3 Losing interest, and moving on to other games that I bought and never got around to playing. Still planning to get GW:EN, and probably GW2.
Hard mode is fun -- spending all evening trying to get a PUG group together is not. My guild is all family members who only play off and on, but leaving them behind to join a large guild is not an option. Neither is going out with henchies and heroes after doing it once or twice --- have plenty of good unplayed single player games on the shelf for that. Never got interested in farming or PVP.
Still, Guild Wars is right up there in the top five of games I've played, and at my age I've played plenty.
Hard mode is fun -- spending all evening trying to get a PUG group together is not. My guild is all family members who only play off and on, but leaving them behind to join a large guild is not an option. Neither is going out with henchies and heroes after doing it once or twice --- have plenty of good unplayed single player games on the shelf for that. Never got interested in farming or PVP.
Still, Guild Wars is right up there in the top five of games I've played, and at my age I've played plenty.
Originally Posted by Sephiroth Istari
3 guild wars has lost some of its first time luster but i still play it alot
GW use to be a way for me to unwind. Go online, kill some critters, improve my weapons, armor, and skills, do a mission or two with a group. Now it takes too long to find a group, when you just want to do a quick mission. Drops are going south. Use to be relatively easy to have the gold and materials you needed. Now, to equip a new character, I bring an older character on to 'farm' materials and gold for the new one.
Today I see Monks, 15 - 30, in different towns running in and out by themselves and none are there to help with missions. People are advertising "Buy gold here 'www.######' best prices around." Etc. This game is doing what I saw Diablo 2 do. Only way to play and win, buy what you need at
GW:EN not buying
GW2 not buying
By the end of this month, will probably have completely stopped playing.
Today I see Monks, 15 - 30, in different towns running in and out by themselves and none are there to help with missions. People are advertising "Buy gold here 'www.######' best prices around." Etc. This game is doing what I saw Diablo 2 do. Only way to play and win, buy what you need at
GW:EN not buying
GW2 not buying
By the end of this month, will probably have completely stopped playing.
Cos i quit GW a long long time ago
Cos i quit GW a long long time ago
3 for me, GW doesn't control my life, its just another hobby to waste time on.
Just spotted this thread, and I'm gonna have to say 1, and I'm a farmer. Why you might ask?

How long it has been since an entire smite run could be done in 5 gigantic lures...^^

How long it has been since an entire smite run could be done in 5 gigantic lures...^^