Originally Posted by unienaule
Has to be at least 10 skills, what with there being ten classes and all.
The Mid-June "Super-Update": Predictions
Originally Posted by Miral
you'd think so, wouldn't you? but it could be like celestials, there aren't 10 of them.
Originally Posted by Miral
you'd think so, wouldn't you? but it could be like celestials, there aren't 10 of them.
The sunspear title comes from Nightfall, and as such should support 10 professions.
Silly Warrior
Originally Posted by Zinger314
The Gaile log I linked to in the first post says there will initially 1 per profession (i.e. 10 skills, unless you account for the fact that all Paragons deleted themselves, then 9.
![]() My guess is that'll you'll need atleast Sunspear Rank 6 to obtain the first skill, as that's a breaking point in the title track (for "And a Hero Shall Lead Them"). I'm Rank 10, so that'll work out well. ![]() |
That changes everything, well lets just see how things pan out then.

Originally Posted by Zinger314
The only reason Paragons and Dervish didn't get unique Celestial skills was that ArenaNet was lazy. Obviously they have a significant amount of time to prepare unique Sunspear skills...

Tea Girl
Originally Posted by Voltaire
Well I'm tempted to think that because they decided to delay such (major?) feature, it has a better chance of being properly balanced than if the skills were just hastily shoved out the door. Seems more logical. Then again, who's logical these days?
![]() |
So go figure... let's pray for the worst

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Miral
hehe think having time will make em less lazy? cute
![]() |
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Naw I agree with Zinger. Celestial skills don't really require a lot of thinking to make. They don't have to be balanced in any sense since there's only two areas in there game where you're allowed to use them.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
But it takes two months to do the art for the icons!

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Zinger314
But it takes two months to do the art for the icons!
Vahn Roi
Most of the Icons seem to be pictures of Dev. At least in the factions necro line. two that come to mind immediately are [skill]Spoil Victor[/skill] and [skill]Gaze of Contempt[/skill]
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
That actually might work if it's deemed to be too much of a problem as it is.
i bet there'll be more nerf , nerf and more nerf going on
farming even harder and pve getting duller
farming even harder and pve getting duller
Originally Posted by MoreaChanduen
See, I really hope they DON'T mess with Mystic Regeneration at all, because it's the one thing I see as creating a link where the Dervish is valuable as a secondary profession (like the Paragon, it's very limited as a primary), and really isn't 'broken' as much as it is 'good'. It rewards you for having a lot of enchantments, but without enchantments it's just a 20sec mending. Don't mess with it.
OR, 3rd option, make it an elite, since, well, it pretty much is. that would actually fix a lot of the imbalance this skill sees in both pvp and pve.
I don't get all the fuss about mystic regen, it's nice to have when you are a dervish, but it requires investments in earth prayers to be worth it. High investment in earth prayers is less damage, which is fine by me.
Other classes using mystic regen are:
-Stoneflesh eles (poses about as much thread as a fluffy bunny)
-Bonders (they get stomped into the ground by any half decent team)
-SF eles (They will be asked to bring something to the team instead in any PvP that's organised)
Actually Mystic regen really isn't game breaking ImO (don't know if GvG teams use it though, I'm not really into that).
Nerfing stoneflesh aura into uselesness? 2 sec. cast time, doesnt bring something to the team, last time I checked stoneflesh was already useless ^^.
Other classes using mystic regen are:
-Stoneflesh eles (poses about as much thread as a fluffy bunny)
-Bonders (they get stomped into the ground by any half decent team)
-SF eles (They will be asked to bring something to the team instead in any PvP that's organised)
Actually Mystic regen really isn't game breaking ImO (don't know if GvG teams use it though, I'm not really into that).
Nerfing stoneflesh aura into uselesness? 2 sec. cast time, doesnt bring something to the team, last time I checked stoneflesh was already useless ^^.
I think he was targeting his Mystic Regen rebalance at solo farmers (wheee balancing the game on solo farmers makes everyone happy: Spirit Bond, Protective Bond). 55 monks in particular can get a whopping 21 regen off of this skill alone, which means that they are a little more viable in heavy degen areas (such as Bergen Hot Springs).
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Wow, man. Do you play the game?

Originally Posted by Zinger314
The only reason Paragons and Dervish didn't get unique Celestial skills was that ArenaNet was lazy. Obviously they have a significant amount of time to prepare unique Sunspear skills...
There is no threat from Mystic Regen... its just turned 55 monk survival into a complete no brainer. It really is a bit annoying on those frigging Stoneflesh Tanks in AB, purely because they get a wave of idiots attacking them for ages without any real means of killing them.
I am actually tempted to just enter AB as a Stoneflesh/AoEarth/Obsidian tank w/ Glyph of Concentration just to see how many people i can get attacking me for no reason at all.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Ancestor's Visage looks like it took a good two minutes. Guess you'd need a couple more to take the photo, though.
Personally I think this update will not be the doomsday you all predict. Even if there are nerfs allround, I'll enjoy watch you all jack-off on one. Every update insures ether new ideas, or a comical forum outburst.
And, I always felt I was a hateful monster, but you people make me look like I'm skipping in flowers.
And, I always felt I was a hateful monster, but you people make me look like I'm skipping in flowers.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
I am actually tempted to just enter AB as a Stoneflesh/AoEarth/Obsidian tank w/ Glyph of Concentration just to see how many people i can get attacking me for no reason at all.
Jecht Scye
RA is a serious threat too, depending on the other team and whether or not the ele thinks he needs more protection than stoneflesh or not :/. Most of them I see are morons though that do absolutely no damage.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
For the Paragon it doesn't really matter. But as for the Dervish... the Celestial Skill was 1000x more useful than anything they could've given it while thinking. A massive 200 damage AoE + knockdown w/ a huge amount of damage absorbed.

no no, it would be avatar of Togo, for 70 seconds you lose all your hair and become useless.
Originally Posted by Shuuda
no no, it would be avatar of Togo, for 70 seconds you lose all your hair and become useless.
I predict that there will be short, intense outcries of dismay followed by bursts of outrage and then lingering bitching and moaning, then tapering off into the usual daily whining.
Seriously, I understand someone showing concern about what Anet may or may not do, BUT when the very first post in this thread is so accussatory its beginning to border the ridiculous. There is something called constructive critisim you know. Instead of finger-pointing and blaming Anet for everything they don't do for YOU why don't you give some ideas on how YOU would fix things.
And some people here have taken it to a whole new level of whining. You whine before you even know what will be in the update!! Ya, Gaile may have said what may be contained in the update, but Anet has the right to change that any time they want. What they don't have to do is please you every single update. And ya I know all about your rebutal about 'anet should listen to its customers' and 'we are the reason they make money' and all the rest of the bullsh#* people spew out. Give it a rest. Many here on Guru are just plain sick reading it every single day.
I'm not saying you don't have the right to state your opinion, just that there is a huge difference in the way you do state it. Gaile has stated many times that Anet will just not pay any attention to the whiners and doomsayers, but if you type a well thought out, intelligent complaint that it will get your voice heard a lot better.
Here is a suggestion for you: Stop playing.
Here is a suggestion for Guru: Make a new subforum for all the complaing, whining, accussatory, blaming, and crying threads. Some of us are just plain sick and tired of seeing them all over the forums.
Seriously, I understand someone showing concern about what Anet may or may not do, BUT when the very first post in this thread is so accussatory its beginning to border the ridiculous. There is something called constructive critisim you know. Instead of finger-pointing and blaming Anet for everything they don't do for YOU why don't you give some ideas on how YOU would fix things.
And some people here have taken it to a whole new level of whining. You whine before you even know what will be in the update!! Ya, Gaile may have said what may be contained in the update, but Anet has the right to change that any time they want. What they don't have to do is please you every single update. And ya I know all about your rebutal about 'anet should listen to its customers' and 'we are the reason they make money' and all the rest of the bullsh#* people spew out. Give it a rest. Many here on Guru are just plain sick reading it every single day.
I'm not saying you don't have the right to state your opinion, just that there is a huge difference in the way you do state it. Gaile has stated many times that Anet will just not pay any attention to the whiners and doomsayers, but if you type a well thought out, intelligent complaint that it will get your voice heard a lot better.
Here is a suggestion for you: Stop playing.
Here is a suggestion for Guru: Make a new subforum for all the complaing, whining, accussatory, blaming, and crying threads. Some of us are just plain sick and tired of seeing them all over the forums.
nicely said lol
They change the game. ...live with it...and thats low picking on Togo.
Togo and Mhenlo are my favourite characters and favourite proffesions.
i cant wait for these new skills
Aslong as they dont nerf Mhenlo!
They change the game. ...live with it...and thats low picking on Togo.
Togo and Mhenlo are my favourite characters and favourite proffesions.
i cant wait for these new skills

Aslong as they dont nerf Mhenlo!
Morea, while I do agree that they shouldn't nerf mystic regen, I think they will try to mostly because of 55/105 farmers.
They do it because after two years, people are starting to get a good idea of the kinds of changes anet can do.
Originally Posted by beanerman_99
Seriously, I understand someone showing concern about what Anet may or may not do, BUT when the very first post in this thread is so accussatory its beginning to border the ridiculous. There is something called constructive critisim you know. Instead of finger-pointing and blaming Anet for everything they don't do for YOU why don't you give some ideas on how YOU would fix things.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by beanerman_99
Instead of finger-pointing and blaming Anet for everything they don't do for YOU why don't you give some ideas on how YOU would fix things.
Water Angel
all i hope is they dont kill mesmers.
mesmer's are already fine as well in pve as pvp.no need touch it for make it *betta* in pve, cause too many idiots dunno how use it properly
mesmer's are already fine as well in pve as pvp.no need touch it for make it *betta* in pve, cause too many idiots dunno how use it properly
I sure hope they over-nerf paragons AGAIN!
Water Angel
ya.anet love killing paragons.why not do it again for the fun of it...
Originally Posted by bungusmaximus
AB is indeed the only place where stoneflesh eles pose a serious threat imo. And even then, gaze of contempt is god.
cause too many idiots dunno how use it properly |
Lucifer PVP
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Here's to hoping for inscribable weapons for all chapters, and the "rebalancing" of unconditional weapons.
"rebalancing" of unconditional weapons"
It has been two years it is unlikely they would do it now .. but who knows if they want to take out the last thing in the game that was created via an exploit .
I'd love to see ANet post a 'joke' list for the upcoming changes. Complete with the most far-out, unimaginable (<- that even a word?) shish possible. Just to poke the angry caged bear that is the player base.
C'mon ANet, you got the bells to do something like that
C'mon ANet, you got the bells to do something like that
I can't believe i just read 6 pages of crap that was pretty much a summary all the "ZOMG!! ANET SUCKS!!" of the last 6 months...I need a drink now.
Anyway to stay on topic (if one even remains after reading this thread) change is inevitable whether it be a video or real life....either adapt and learn to cope or stop playing, and by the fact that most of you state that you have been waiting for things to happen for 2 years chances are you have done the former.
I personally am going to wait for the update to be released and see what they did before passing judgment. Sure there are things done to the game like the rest of you but we can't always get what we want.
Anyway to stay on topic (if one even remains after reading this thread) change is inevitable whether it be a video or real life....either adapt and learn to cope or stop playing, and by the fact that most of you state that you have been waiting for things to happen for 2 years chances are you have done the former.
I personally am going to wait for the update to be released and see what they did before passing judgment. Sure there are things done to the game like the rest of you but we can't always get what we want.
Hard Mode with rare "Cow Level" Scroll can be nice. Then when you use it in town you are teleported to "Realm of Cows".
I may not disagree with the first post, but I dont like the tone of it. Its very negative and potrays the world-has-ended picture...seems like WoW spies to me paid for by others to harm Anet...you know why because unlike other developers..Anet listens alot to us and have made us all jealous small cry babies...MAybe they shouldnt listen to us. They have no obligation to do so and with so much whining and crying for nothing, pessimists dont deserve anything extra.
Sorry, Just thought I'll make a point towards useless pessimism..it seems like some people do it just for the sake of it.
Sorry, Just thought I'll make a point towards useless pessimism..it seems like some people do it just for the sake of it.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Phrozenflame
seems like WoW spies to me paid for by others to harm Anet...
Originally Posted by Phrozenflame
you know why because unlike other developers..Anet listens alot to us and have made us all jealous small cry babies...MAybe they shouldnt listen to us. They have no obligation to do so and with so much whining and crying for nothing, pessimists dont deserve anything extra.
Originally Posted by Phrozenflame
I may not disagree with the first post, but I dont like the tone of it. Its very negative and potrays the world-has-ended picture...seems like WoW spies to me paid for by others to harm Anet...you know why because unlike other developers..Anet listens alot to us and have made us all jealous small cry babies...MAybe they shouldnt listen to us. They have no obligation to do so and with so much whining and crying for nothing, pessimists dont deserve anything extra.
Sorry, Just thought I'll make a point towards useless pessimism..it seems like some people do it just for the sake of it. |
On topic, I'm probably more concerned for what hasn't been stated by Gaile to be in the update. See what happened with loot scaling?