Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
Hehe I think you are misnamed - you should be "Quote'em Duck"
All you can do is respond to my talking points, and you claim that this is a debate.
I ask again: What exactly do you expect a debate to be, other than quoting someone and responding to what they said? Perhaps not quoting them and making up strawmen like the following is more like a debate?
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
Like icymanipulator has demonstrated, you like to refer to ANet as being the ultimate authority.
And again: I never said that. I said that if you really want to make an arguement based on statistics (common usage and what's going on around the servers in the big picture), you aren't going to win when the people you are disagreeing with have a bigger picture view than you. If you want to disagree based on meaningful reasons, feel free.
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
See, per your history you then try and paint any detractor as a slavering communist traitor, as opposed to speaking the truth - perfection is an impossibility.
And again: I never said any of that. I said that I'm waiting for those who disagree with this particular point (SR was providing rediculous energy in PvE) to come up with reasonable counterpoint that doesn't rely on faulty reasoning. Thanks for another obvious strawman.
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
Once I subtract the ANet quotes from the war and peace novel you wrote, well, there isn't really anything left.
So if you write a huge post, and I simply respond to each point, you poke at me for writing a long post? I suppose I should simply write a one liner addressing each point? Or perhaps people who disagree with you simply shouldn't post lest they be accused of engaging in "quotewars" a term I still would love to see a definition of. Or maybe just not quote you and instead make up stupid arguements, attribute them to you, and then make up a name for you and criticize my silly version of you instead of the real one? And thanks for another obvious straw man, where you ignore every point I actually made in favor of easier ones to criticize. Ignoring what I actually said and arguing against strawmen doesn't make what I actually said disappear, no matter how much you might wish it so.
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
Just because ANet says something does not make it true. I have a different opinion, and I'll be darned if I am going to let you quote me to death to shut me up that this is a big mistake.
Who's telling you to shut up? Who's trying to quote you to death? Again, how do you expect anyone to discuss points with anyone else except by taking something that was said, quoting it, and then presenting the reasons they believe differently? How is that a quote war or suppression of any kind? And at what point did I even suggest that ANet saying something makes it right? I simply havn't seen a good answer to what they said, and I'm not willing to make the assumption that they are wrong without an actual reason.
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
So lets try this again - Monks are the one required class for PvE. Generally, parties I see go out want a minimum of 2. That's pretty serious dependency there.
Personally, I think dependency is the worst kind of imbalance, and that the entire game is imbalanced by a total dependance on dedicated healers. Most people don't seem to know that there are other forms of healing than Monks, so Monks are by far the most in demand profession. In my experience, Necros are second place and was way ahead of third until SF brough fire elementalists into the same realm of silliness. Since NF, I've seen a switch from total domination by Necros to total domination by a combination of Necros and SF eles. The fact that first place is imbalanced (Due to the nature of the game itself) does not imply that second place is not also imbalanced (Due to raw steamroller power).
Originally Posted by TabascoSauce
If you were right, and Necros were imba with superior energy, then why weren't they displacing Monks in the gamespace?
Do you have *ANY* idea how many exceptionally solid builds are not commonly used in this game? There have been numerious posts in the other thread by people talking about their solid healer N/Mos and N/Rts that you apparently ignored. Regardless of how common they are, they fill the mandatory healer role just fine (even post cap), thank you very much. How many reports of people actually witnessing this in action will it take to convence you that it is a real, if small, portion of the player base? How am I the one ignoring the player base when I accept their reports while you seem to think you know what everyone's up to while you ignore them?
But since my post was more than a paragraph long I suppose the best I can expect is to be called more names and see you put up a few more strawmen to knock down instead of actually answering it. I really wish someone would actually address the the point sometime.
Here's the short version without a dev quote: When I log into GW tonight, possibly with the worst version of the cap still in place, I am going to log onto my Necro and steamroller my enemies because that's what Necros do. I know it's possible because I did so last night. I have powerful spells a huge energy supply with which to cast them, which consistantly allows me to just walk over nearly everything in the game. Tell me why what I'm seeing in game does not match reality if you want me to believe the SR cap breaks Necros.
Originally Posted by WildmouseX
it "hasn't been addressed" over the last 4-5 month's, because it was addressed when the game first came out.... the answer is, was, and always will be the Mesmer - and if your guild is too Fin stupid to bring one to shut the necro down, you deserve to get owned by em.
the ignorant/nieve devs have already been coned into crippleing the necro because of you whiney ass, pos, pole smokeing PVP crybabies once already- it's not going to happen again just because ya'll refuse to bring a core character class into battle with you.
Wow. That's quite a lot of ad-hominem hostility you've got going on there. You seem to have missed the point where people explained the difference between "can be countered by a fully specialized build that is worthless against anything other than full out hex offense" and "balanced".
There are plenty of mesmers in PvP. Mesmers can certainly do a reasonable job of slowing down a hex offense via interuption and hex removal. And they currently often do in many builds. But many of the hexes involved have shorter cooldowns and lower energy costs than our interupts and removals, and even if a Mesmer could fully shut down one hexer you would still need a fully dedicated hex shutdown Mesmer *per hexer* to not be horribly crushed. Guess what happens when a team with 4+ fully dedicated anti hex Mesmers meets any team running anything but hexes as offense?
The fact that something can be countered in some theoretical world where you fully know what each opponent will bring does not imply that it is balanced.