Funniest Guild Wars Moment
Years ago, when Prophecies was the only Guild Wars, a friend and guild mate threw out into guild chat that he was about to go "assmend". He never heard the end of it.
This was the same friend and guild mate that laid down his un-muted mic and allowed some of us to overhear a conversation with his father. It ended like this:
Dad: *shouts something unintelligible*
Friend: *Laughs* "No YOU take it in the ass!"
I'll leave it at that.
This was the same friend and guild mate that laid down his un-muted mic and allowed some of us to overhear a conversation with his father. It ended like this:
Dad: *shouts something unintelligible*
Friend: *Laughs* "No YOU take it in the ass!"
I'll leave it at that.
Sigma Onkoron
I was in RA and I was monking. And I was constant KD'd (QQ) and this derv was QQing b/c I wasn't healing. So then I tell him to stfu and make a monk and heal if he is going to complain. So he then pm's me saying. "I have a monk, And when you can HM CoFF 600 tank you can talk"
I lol'd
I lol'd
Cale Roughstar
We were doing one of the dailies yesterday, hoping to score a few QP's (we have about 0 GvG exp, all HA). Anyways, we were running Golemway for epic lulz and we came up against dV on Druid's Isle. After they had wiped us once or twice, we managed to score a few kills, and even had them in a retreat when our caller had the great idea to go "gank their base, to the vine path!". Half the team was there before I kindly pointed out we did not have the seed... oh well. Having given their monks plenty of time to regen, they then proceeded to wipe us again at our base, leaving only our caller and his heroes (yes, we WERE spiking with heroes), alive. Our caller again had the great idea to go and gank their base, picked up the vine seed and head off to mess them up. He promptly got lost.
He is rank 10.
The hilarity on vent that ensued was truly one of the best times I have ever had in GW.
Who ever said that GvG was srs bsns?
He is rank 10.
The hilarity on vent that ensued was truly one of the best times I have ever had in GW.
Who ever said that GvG was srs bsns?
Kung Foo Man Choo
Having guildies talk down about my custom Derv build I created for PvP (used no sites to help me with a build all came from my looking up skills and putting them together). Completely stomped lots of people.
Probably not noticing my character was undressed after a friend accessed my account and bought me something from the store. I dunno.

Ranger Jonah
Doing Jokanur with a guildie for the first time as a newb. He claims to know the mission like the back of his hand...He gets squashed by the first trap, his heroes with him. =p
Tom Swift
About two weeks ago someone advertising in LA "wts charr kit 5 uses 1k per use."
Don't forget the times when you had a character "foreign" to Nightfall you would get a level 2 Koss and then you would proceed to have him death level up. When I say death leveling him up I mean he was dead more often than alive. The best way we leveled him up was taking him outside of Yohlon Haven and pinging an enemy. Lo and behold Koss would run headlong into some type of clothesline that would drop him like a sack of potatoes dead on the ground. We had more fun with watching Koss than with killing thing.
GvGing Naked with my guildies. People took so long to kill us, it was just lols.
AB Naked with friends. People get pissed when they get spiked by a nakie sin
. Although we didn't get past the npcs :/.
Lots of other moments, those just stand out
AB Naked with friends. People get pissed when they get spiked by a nakie sin

Lots of other moments, those just stand out

Sorry, had to keep the name there or it wouldn't be funny.
Originally Posted by Kung Foo Man Choo
Having guildies talk down about my custom Derv build I created for PvP (used no sites to help me with a build all came from my looking up skills and putting them together). Completely stomped lots of people.

One time this monk started telling me Healing breeze was a great spell. haha
lf obby tank for selve and we get some war and he pings
seems he's ursan
partyleader does nothing and goes on
someone goes back in and partyleader leaves
next partyleader = me
i kick him and then he starts begging me to get back in the team
seems he's ursan
partyleader does nothing and goes on
someone goes back in and partyleader leaves
next partyleader = me
i kick him and then he starts begging me to get back in the team
dance parties - especially the ones in makes me laugh every time.
also, at the Hell's Precipice mission outpost, there was a naked male wammo dancing/grinding up on this male ranger. male ranger screams, "AH! GET AWAY FROM ME!", starts running around. the wammo keeps following him though.
15 minutes later, after my party wiped and we're subsequently sent back to the outpost, the wammo is STILL chasing this ranger.
makes me laugh every time i think of it.
also, at the Hell's Precipice mission outpost, there was a naked male wammo dancing/grinding up on this male ranger. male ranger screams, "AH! GET AWAY FROM ME!", starts running around. the wammo keeps following him though.
15 minutes later, after my party wiped and we're subsequently sent back to the outpost, the wammo is STILL chasing this ranger.
makes me laugh every time i think of it.
Originally Posted by Shursh
dance parties - especially the ones in makes me laugh every time.
also, at the Hell's Precipice mission outpost, there was a naked male wammo dancing/grinding up on this male ranger. male ranger screams, "AH! GET AWAY FROM ME!", starts running around. the wammo keeps following him though. 15 minutes later, after my party wiped and we're subsequently sent back to the outpost, the wammo is STILL chasing this ranger. makes me laugh every time i think of it. |
some person turns into the norn and finds a warrior male stading there and does his dance from behind, very close. as you know, norn are rather tall...
guy runs away, norn follows. and more grind in the face dance till he runs into the isle of the nameless.
he continues to do this with all the male warriors he can see, untill this one war is shouting, "Dont Rap me!" and runs about the whole map with the norn following, each time they stop, GRIND
he also has a naked male assassin helping him. it was just funny his persistance. i suspect the perp was a victim of past war dance grind and wanted revenge

Zahr Dalsk
Me and my friend rolled male Necromancers in Factions and ran around /flex spamming on the people dancing.
Also, some guy was getting chased by a naked Warrior. I opened trade with the guy and gave him a speed boost item
Also, some guy was getting chased by a naked Warrior. I opened trade with the guy and gave him a speed boost item

Just saw this pop up while i was in gtob having a convo in AC chat...all the same person, all at the same time. I'm sure he'll post up in the titles thread eventually.
Menlai Littiz
my funniest time was when i was in a guild called LS, we were doing some ab with the guild leader and his wife and tbh i was a bit of a noob, but i got on well with the leader *generally* , so we end up getting chased by the kurzick mob *as you do* and all i hear is my leader shouting something obscene in a scottish accent which apparently was.... "Help im stuck inside the Minions!"
Too many to list XD
Once I was running a mes in FA. A ranger and a necro started attacking me. I cast backfire on the necro and VoR + empathy on the ranger but they continued attacking anyway.
The 3 of us died at the same time.
Once I was running a mes in FA. A ranger and a necro started attacking me. I cast backfire on the necro and VoR + empathy on the ranger but they continued attacking anyway.
The 3 of us died at the same time.