New Kurzick/Luxon Skill double faction exploit
First off, let me say I am not thrilled about the changes made to the way Faction transfer is now handled. Being the leader of a Faction Farming Alliance, we used to keep track of faction donations by having our members send in weekly screenshots of their Kurzick title as proof of donating their share (usually 10K/day) to the guild to keep the Alliance strong. We had to do this to keep amber farmers out of our alliance since we were all about owning a town, and gaining high level Kurzick titles, and NOT trading for personal wealth. With the introduction of this new update, it will be very difficult to track member donations since amber and these new skills now count toward your faction title. I will deal with these new updates as we have dealt with others (like scrolls which make HzH and Cavalon just another town), but have a problem with an exploit which can seriously advance a members title twice as fast as it should normally take.
I realize I am in the minority here having my Savior of the Kurzicks for the past couple months, but I spent several hours per day over 8 months to earn my title, and now it seems members can do the same amount of work, and get it in 4 months by creating a level 1 character, buying a skill for 3K faction (receiving 6K toward their title), delete the character, recreate the character, and buy the skill again spending 3K, receive another 6K. I also think it is ridiculous that I have a level 3 paragon who has a skill that does +40 damage (plus gives adrenaline). Apparently, if you have more than 10 million Faction on your title, you gain a larger bonus since the skill says it caps at +36 damage.
If these skills are to be a part of the game now, I would like to see them available only after you have completed the Befriending the Kurzick/Luxon quest. This way, a low level character with a high level Kurzick title doesn't have a god-like skill, and Kurzick/Luxon titles are gained at the same rate they have been from the start.
As I have said earlier, I will accept and deal with the challenges this new update is going to do to our alliance, and many other alliances, but don't like the fact a level 1 character has access to these skills, and can exploit them to quickly advance the title.
I realize I am in the minority here having my Savior of the Kurzicks for the past couple months, but I spent several hours per day over 8 months to earn my title, and now it seems members can do the same amount of work, and get it in 4 months by creating a level 1 character, buying a skill for 3K faction (receiving 6K toward their title), delete the character, recreate the character, and buy the skill again spending 3K, receive another 6K. I also think it is ridiculous that I have a level 3 paragon who has a skill that does +40 damage (plus gives adrenaline). Apparently, if you have more than 10 million Faction on your title, you gain a larger bonus since the skill says it caps at +36 damage.
If these skills are to be a part of the game now, I would like to see them available only after you have completed the Befriending the Kurzick/Luxon quest. This way, a low level character with a high level Kurzick title doesn't have a god-like skill, and Kurzick/Luxon titles are gained at the same rate they have been from the start.
As I have said earlier, I will accept and deal with the challenges this new update is going to do to our alliance, and many other alliances, but don't like the fact a level 1 character has access to these skills, and can exploit them to quickly advance the title.
QQ, shouldn't you be happy that people can get the max a TINY bit faster now, instead of whining about it? I agree, it sucls for the people that weren't able to get amber for their 10 million, but it also sucks for the chest runners that did it before titles were available, and for people that hit level 20 and left pre before LDoA, and for the people that ided 10k before Source of Wisdom, and the people that dies before survivor was available. Man, life sure does suck doesnt it...
Orphan Anthem
wait, dont you NEED HvH to buy kurz/luxon skill's?
Yes. I have been abusing this faction exploit. 3k is easier to get than 5k, and the 6k from the 3k is more rewarding.
Look on the bright side, Valens. Everyone will still pay you 1250g for your lockpicks.
Look on the bright side, Valens. Everyone will still pay you 1250g for your lockpicks.
Sorry what is this exploit - you can only buy a kurzick skill if u have 100k already...
Orphan Anthem
100k kurz is account wide so every newly made char has 100k kurz
Originally Posted by kooomar
QQ, shouldn't you be happy that people can get the max a TINY bit faster now, instead of whining about it? I agree, it sucls for the people that weren't able to get amber for their 10 million, but it also sucks for the chest runners that did it before titles were available, and for people that hit level 20 and left pre before LDoA, and for the people that ided 10k before Source of Wisdom, and the people that dies before survivor was available. Man, life sure does suck doesnt it...
Things happen, it's part of life. Choose your fights wisely. When people nitpick over every little change, it makes Anet less likely to listen to us when it really is a big deal.
Engel the Fallen
Anet Should Do A Rollback Or Ban The Exploiters.
Swift Thief
Well, you guys own HvH? Aren't you guys like 20+ million ahead of any other alliance? Just chill. Also, think about it. You are in competition with these other alliances. Those guilds usually require 5K per day (too much for me) and if your alliance has exploiters, these other alliances will also have them.
To Engel: Are you stupid? Rollback would be way too stupid for something this silly. Also, these "exploiters" don't deserve a ban. They are breaking alliance rules, not Guild Wars rules. Unless you were joking.
To Engel: Are you stupid? Rollback would be way too stupid for something this silly. Also, these "exploiters" don't deserve a ban. They are breaking alliance rules, not Guild Wars rules. Unless you were joking.
Vindexus made it for the old UAX argument, but I believe swapping 'unlock all my skills' with 'grind my title', it's fitting for this argument.
Nonetheless, if you need to use a "trick" to double your faction... it's an exploit.
Unfortunately you know the easy fix Anet would do... is remove the rewards NPC from the guild hall.
Unfortunately you know the easy fix Anet would do... is remove the rewards NPC from the guild hall.
Swift Thief
Originally Posted by FoxBat
Nonetheless, if you need to use a "trick" to double your faction... it's an exploit.
Unfortunately you know the easy fix Anet would do... is remove the rewards NPC from the guild hall. |
is this a spl0it?
Originally Posted by Swift Thief
It's not an exploit. ANet put it in their game. They put it in the update notes and they know about it.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Vindexus made it for the old UAX argument, but I believe swapping 'unlock all my skills' with 'grind my title', it's fitting for this argument. |
Drop of Fear
Originally Posted by FoxBat
Tell me where the update notes say "you gain 6k towards your faction title while only spending 3K on a skill. "
when u buy a kurzick skill the tranfer window tells that u will receive a 6k bonus in your track, ergo is not an exploit.
Marth Reynolds
QFT, as i see it they added the bonus so that people with lower faction donated can get a higher tier faster.
And just like others said you have acces to a discount merchant and can sell bundles of lockpicks with profit.... what are you complaining about?
And just like others said you have acces to a discount merchant and can sell bundles of lockpicks with profit.... what are you complaining about?
The exploit is the fact that you can Farm or AB 9K faction on a lvl 20 character, create a level 1 character, map to your GH and talk to the faction rewards guy, buy 3 skills (which cost 9K Faction) to get 18K faction toward your title. When you have all 10 skills, you can delete the character and do it over again, and always get double the faction on your title.
If thats what Anet intended then fine, I just told you how to max out your Kurzick/Luxon title twice as fast.
Please be nice to us new forum posters who are not new to the game, and have fun,
If thats what Anet intended then fine, I just told you how to max out your Kurzick/Luxon title twice as fast.
Please be nice to us new forum posters who are not new to the game, and have fun,
I suppose you have a problem with people earning high Lightbringer points in HM too? How unfair to those that had max LB before HM!!!
I mean heck...well most of the ppl running around with max LB before HM exploited that too. Heh.
I mean heck...well most of the ppl running around with max LB before HM exploited that too. Heh.
tbh, i didn't even know about the 6k thing until i read this . ..
Originally Posted by Firebaall
I suppose you have a problem with people earning high Lightbringer points in HM too? How unfair to those that had max LB before HM!!!
I mean heck...well most of the ppl running around with max LB before HM exploited that too. Heh. |
Farming LB in HM is, surprisingly, generally harder. Why shouldn't they get double points?
As for those of us who maxed LB before HM update, I'd guestimate that 90% did it via AFK anyway. (But this has been discussed to death, so let's not digress).
There has never been an update that suddenly made a title half as hard to get.
To draw a comparason, the double-faction trick could be compared to:
- Permanent double fame/gladpoints/commander points
- Every chest you open grants two opens to your Treasure title
- Every gold you id grants two ids to your Wisdom title
- All XP gained whilst under 1,337,500 total xp is doubled
- Cap an elite skill and instantly learn another one of your choice
- ...
So no, it really isn't an elitist post to vent steam, just a discussion of a pretty significant change to a title track.
All that said, I'm all for making things easier, (especially such a daunting title track,) in fact I hope they keep it in

Appologies for the rambling,
Originally Posted by Valens
I will deal with these new updates as we have dealt with others (like scrolls which make HzH and Cavalon just another town), but have a problem with an exploit which can seriously advance a members title twice as fast as it should normally take.
Originally Posted by FoxBat
Tell me where the update notes say "you gain 6k towards your faction title while only spending 3K on a skill. "
In order to accommodate the addition of Kurzick and Luxon PvE skills, the Friend of the Kurzicks and Friend of the Luxon titles have been modified: The number of ranks for these titles has been significantly increased. The faction point requirement for the top rank is still the same, but the faction requirement for the first rank has been lowered. The Faction Transfer and Faction Rewards NPCs have been combined. Exchanging faction points for amber or jade now gives progress toward these titles. The blessing provided by Kurzick and Luxon shrine priests now gives progress toward these titles for kills earned while under the blessing’s effects. Exchanging faction points for Kurzick/Luxon skills will also give progress toward these titles. |
So.... in short. Spending 3k on getting a skill gives you 6k towards the title?
Fair enough. It does seems like a little mistake on Anets part. Specially as you can just zone to the GH straight off and buy these skills.
They should either remove the 6k faction or do what someone above suggested. No skills till you complete Befriending, meaning you've done the storyline without haxxord skills.
Fair enough. It does seems like a little mistake on Anets part. Specially as you can just zone to the GH straight off and buy these skills.
They should either remove the 6k faction or do what someone above suggested. No skills till you complete Befriending, meaning you've done the storyline without haxxord skills.
Originally Posted by Cathode_Reborn
I wouldn't call it an exploit. If anet didn't like the way it's setup, it wouldn't have happened.
Originally Posted by Cathode_Reborn
But now that kurz/lux factions arn't useless anymore because you can get skills using them, anet made it easier for the casual players who never donated in the first place. I'm pretty sure they already know about this "exploit".

Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
definition of exploit: something is not meant to be in the game.
when u buy a kurzick skill the tranfer window tells that u will receive a 6k bonus in your track, ergo is not an exploit. period. |
An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one. See Synonyms at feat1.
tr.v. (k-sploit, ksploit) ex·ploit·ed, ex·ploit·ing, ex·ploits
1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See Synonyms at manipulate.
3. To advertise; promote.
Conclusion: You fail at definition.
I didn't know about this also. Woot I can't wait to do that.
Francis Demeules
Originally Posted by Evilsod
They should either remove the 6k faction or do what someone above suggested. No skills till you complete Befriending, meaning you've done the storyline without haxxord skills.
Just something to reduce the exploit.
Reducing the reward from 6k per skill to just 3k equal to its cost would fix this exploit right on the spot. People will just spend the faction points for jade/amber or scrolls instead of creating a new char over and over.
Neo Nugget
Originally Posted by Evilsod
So.... in short. Spending 3k on getting a skill gives you 6k towards the title?
Fair enough. It does seems like a little mistake on Anets part. Specially as you can just zone to the GH straight off and buy these skills. They should either remove the 6k faction or do what someone above suggested. No skills till you complete Befriending, meaning you've done the storyline without haxxord skills. |
Doctor Norris
Miral that was perfect. I laughed forever!
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
That is a shockingly poor analogy.
Farming LB in HM is, surprisingly, generally harder. Why shouldn't they get double points? |
I hope what is listed in the OP is indeed not an exploit because the Allegiance titles take ludicrous amounts of time to max. Cutting that Allegiance grind in half would be great. There is nothing hard whatsoever about maxing Allegiance the old way, it's only a matter of how much ludicrous amounts of grind time one put into it.
darkk wound
what valens is trying to say is, people can now spend there faction skills which gives them 6k faction towards there title. BUT what about all the faction based guilds ? how are they supposed to survive if members are spending there faction on the skills and amber ?
all you people saying its useless to own a town did you know you get discounted prices in the special area ?
all you people saying its useless to own a town did you know you get discounted prices in the special area ?
WAIT WAIT WAIT! Let me get this straight. We need 10mil faction to max out our title/luxon pve skill. From what I understand this can be cut in half from the method mentioned in an earlier post and the OP thinks this is BAD?
WAIT WAIT WAIT! Let me get this straight. We need 10mil faction to max out our title/luxon pve skill. From what I understand this can be cut in half from the method mentioned in an earlier post and the OP thinks this is BAD?
WAIT WAIT WAIT! Let me get this straight. We need 10mil faction to max out our title/luxon pve skill. From what I understand this can be cut in half from the method mentioned in an earlier post and the OP thinks this is BAD?
Originally Posted by darkk wound
what valens is trying to say is, people can now spend there faction skills which gives them 6k faction towards there title. BUT what about all the faction based guilds ? how are they supposed to survive if members are spending there faction on the skills and amber ?
all you people saying its useless to own a town did you know you get discounted prices in the special area ? |
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
Farming LB points in Hard mode is generally harder than in normal mode
Originally Posted by Navaros
LOL! No it's not! Using Show of Force and farming LB in worms in HM makes LB the second easiest title in the game to max...
I never said it wasn't easy, I just said there's at least _some_ justification of an increase in points. My point stands. (And was the "LOL" really necessary? :\)
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
"harder" != "hard".
darkk wound
byteme are you some sort of an idiot ? we dont care about the title what valens and i just said is what we want. an alliance that owns a town, which we have we own hzh the best town on the kurzicks side.
but with anets new update members can now get faction and spend it on skills/amber and have faction go towards there title yes it sounds great BUT what about the guild. the guild needs faction if you dont have faction then you loose the town.
with this new update it will be a challange to keep track on who donates good job anet you dont a wonderful job on that update. NOT "!"
but with anets new update members can now get faction and spend it on skills/amber and have faction go towards there title yes it sounds great BUT what about the guild. the guild needs faction if you dont have faction then you loose the town.
with this new update it will be a challange to keep track on who donates good job anet you dont a wonderful job on that update. NOT "!"
too bad they just don't add a list of faction amount donated by each member. i know one of my old guilds wanted this so we can give out prizes to people who donated a lot.
if they added in a list of faction contributors, would that fix the problem with you?
if they added in a list of faction contributors, would that fix the problem with you?