*Raises a cold one to you.
Although I have nothing to add to your thread, except a hearty:
I'll just say again; Keep up the good work and best of luck.
LOL @ emoxcore above me.
Originally Posted by KANE OG
LOL @ emoxcore above me.
amish lifeguard
Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
If you want to go suggest to have Anet add a rune trader, a xunlai storage, a fow armor crafter or whatever then I suggest you make another thread about it.
This is not what this thread is about. |
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
That's just how most GW players are, they always want more and more, no matter how unrealistic it is. It's all about personal gain.
amish lifeguard
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
I am simply saying that with the personalities of the current game player base, players will not stop pestering Anet until Pre emulates Post in every way. |
Originally Posted by emoxcore
whats so funny.?
Hes right..nothing goes good with a salvage kit like a nice max green weapon does ![]() |
Witchdoctor Avignon
Originally Posted by Roo Ella
the kits should not be from the merchants thats too easy
but from a drop say from an extra higher lvl boss I dunno lvl 10 or 15 surrounded by the bosses we now have or just from the bosses now and no extra boss would even work. Would give that added challenge to getting a kit AND learning about the diff between standard kits and expert kits and there use before they go post. But I could be wrong on this idea. |
amish lifeguard
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
I think adding expert salvage kits to pre (in whatever form) would be a great idea! The only ones who wouldn't like it would obviously be someone who'd hate to see salvages go for less then 100 plat each.
L|S >+>+G+<+<
Originally Posted by Personette
Slippery slope again. This is not a valid argument. If you want to prove that a certain innocent, non-objectionable change is a bad idea, because it will lead to some other unwanted, objectionable change, you need to show how one will lead to the other.
It is not enough to state that a good idea, when taken to extremes, becomes a bad idea - that is almost always the case, where ideas are concerned. And, as this very thread with its quotations of ArenaNet's standard reply to problems and requests shows, most of the time when someone complains Anet humors and ignores them. So saying that someone would complain isn't enough to prove that one thing (expert salvage kits) will lead to another (gold weapons in pre) Same deal. Why doesn't it count as being broke? There is no imbalance in PvE, therefore any examples of it don't exist? |
L|S >+>+G+<+<
Originally Posted by Oofus
Do you honestly think it will make anything easier? How much easier could it possibly get? There are ONLY FOUR foes who are over level 5 and ONLY ONE who IS level 5. Why oh why do you think you need a rune to defeat level 1, 2, and 3 foes and 4 level 12 Charr?
Originally Posted by Oofus
Now you can sit there from now till doomsday spouting some ridiculous “logic” about how adding these wont open the floodgates to people wanting more and more in pre, but the reality of it is that that's exactly what will happen. And please get off your high-horses talking about how everyone who is against this is some sort of scammer or glitcher. I take offense to that, not all of us did what the OP did and bought illegal items. The fact of the matter is that there are people who actually ENJOY pre the way it is and see no need to start making such drastic (yes is drastic) changes.
Originally Posted by Oofus
Untill I see a single REAL reason for this... /NOT signed
Originally Posted by Oofus
PS: Someone mentioned the idea of making pre armor incapable of holding runes, now that I WOULD /sign in a heartbeat. Why aren't more of you members of the "fairness police" supporting that idea, an idea that would actually accomplish the ends you CLAIM you are after.
Originally Posted by Firebaall
Might be on this thread, or the one on the other forum. I've stated that I would support this also. I have something to lose with this solution, but I would sacrifice it in a heartbeat for what I believe in. Would you? My conviction on this situation will not waiver.
Originally Posted by Spazzer
You are so transparent.
I'm lollin at this thread. ![]() |
Spike Stritter
Originally Posted by Spike Stritter
*sigh* thanks for making pre 1 step closer to where it shouldnt be...post.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
Why do people dredge up old posts?
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
Why do people dredge up old posts?
Originally Posted by AscalonWarrior
Yeah! Can you imagine someone bringing up a 20 day old post?