Just like there's such a thing as metal fatigue, this game is suffering from skill balancing fatigue.
My honest-to-god reaction to this skill balance is one word: Whatever.
I'm just waiting for Eye of the North and hope by then I still recognise the skills on my skill bars.
Maybe in the future I can make an all PvE skill bar...then I never have to worry about it anymore.
Update - Tuesday, June 19, 2007
cthulhu reborn
Originally Posted by prism2525
That is not the kind of constructive reply I was thinking about. SF is good, no doubt, but it's the players who only want that and don't accept any other fire builds. The problem is on the players' part, not the skill's.
It's the most effective and gets overused. then the smell of the approaching nerf bat can be sensed. |
To add a little light relief to the situation...Healbot...as relevant this time round as it was last year