In Game Pet Peeves
Lord Valon Chambers
- GW team putting monsters in my running paths
- people that don't know the price of what they're selling
- people that ask for amounts of gold smaller than 100g
- people that try to add you to their party at random
- people who ditch you on a quest
- people who argue with me about something when they've been playing for
like 3 days and i've been playing for 2 years
- grawl ulodytes...
- people that don't know the price of what they're selling
- people that ask for amounts of gold smaller than 100g
- people that try to add you to their party at random
- people who ditch you on a quest
- people who argue with me about something when they've been playing for
like 3 days and i've been playing for 2 years
- grawl ulodytes...
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Knockdowns, especially when I'm trying to escape annoying people in AB.
Fitz Rinley
I detest the Death Leveling set up in Pre where you have to beg or pay people to get north of the wall to do the most idiotic bull ever created for title. The title has an actual meaning of role play value. Death leveling is processed bull food. Charging people to let them over the wall (when you are on the same side of the war) is Prostitution.
People that, in general, call people noobs. For example:
Two interrupters and and elementalist on me. My team wasn't anywhere near the interrupters or the elementalist. They wanted to attack the warrior..or dervish...I don't remember. And I was a "noob monk."
I'll leave my comments to that person out of this...
People that make excuses when they lose. Especially the ones that say, "My team is noob" or something related to that. My example:
My team lost in RA, a warrior stated that "his team sucked." The conversation want like this:
Me: "You act like you don't either."
Him: "You wanna fight me?"
Me: "I hope you're joking..."
Him: "Why?"
Me: "Because if you're not I'm forced to label you as a total douchebag."
Him: "lol You're funny."
Me: "I'm not joking."
I found that very entertaining, personally.
I'm just going to sum up all of my pet peeves right here, actually. The majority of the Guild Wars community. Most are assholes or childish. Or both. So my one major Guild Wars pet peeve is its community.
Two interrupters and and elementalist on me. My team wasn't anywhere near the interrupters or the elementalist. They wanted to attack the warrior..or dervish...I don't remember. And I was a "noob monk."
I'll leave my comments to that person out of this...
People that make excuses when they lose. Especially the ones that say, "My team is noob" or something related to that. My example:
My team lost in RA, a warrior stated that "his team sucked." The conversation want like this:
Me: "You act like you don't either."
Him: "You wanna fight me?"
Me: "I hope you're joking..."
Him: "Why?"
Me: "Because if you're not I'm forced to label you as a total douchebag."
Him: "lol You're funny."
Me: "I'm not joking."
I found that very entertaining, personally.
I'm just going to sum up all of my pet peeves right here, actually. The majority of the Guild Wars community. Most are assholes or childish. Or both. So my one major Guild Wars pet peeve is its community.
Tender Wolf
Having an almost rank 3 Wisdom character break an item while salvaging, especially a gold, yet the characters that haven't ID'd one gold don't break anything.
The Minister Cho Estate tutorial in hard mode.
Foes running around and won't stop, so they dodge my arrows and I didn't bring a cripple because the only time I really need it is in AB.
Wasting energy casting a spell when a foe has Vow of Silence or Shadow Form on them.
Heroes wasting energy and spells on spirits and low leveled foes.
The Minister Cho Estate tutorial in hard mode.
Foes running around and won't stop, so they dodge my arrows and I didn't bring a cripple because the only time I really need it is in AB.
Wasting energy casting a spell when a foe has Vow of Silence or Shadow Form on them.
Heroes wasting energy and spells on spirits and low leveled foes.
Originally Posted by Jebus
People who say plz/pls.
Holy crap, its like, excuse me, please say "plz" outloud. Now realise how much of a retard you are? If you are really meaning to say please to someone, bother to write the whole word.. I don't feel inclined to help/talk/give stiff to someone who can't even be bothered to type out the word please.
Also, people who go AFK in the middle of missions, especially without telling anyone/saying anything. Then you get a breath of fire when you leave because your monk with 3 heroes has gone AFK..
• The bots that spam they're buying guildwars Accounts/ selling gold.
• plz/pls/PLX
• People that butcher the english language.
• People that randomly come up to you and /rank you. Seriously, I don't care how much you play Halls.
Funny story; I was playing my Ele earlier, and she's a survivor. I decided to give a pug a shot. No this isn't a story where I complain about dying.. because I'm still going
! On that note: There was, for some reason, a level 12 assassin who thought he was basically amazing because he would run into battles, get molested, run back to my monks and take credit for destroying the mobs. He over aggroed and everyone died except Odgen, who I flagged back further incase i needed to run. I pulled a rambo, shattered some fools while Odgen was busy ressing the others. Mind burn spikes > res, apparently and soon they died again. In the end: I was left microwaving (yes microwaving, everyone says 'nukes') the hell out of the mob and eventually they died, leaving Odgen and myself, victorious.
Now remember that sin I was talking about earlier? Throughout my process of saving his rear he was shouting every four-letter expletive he could because "I was taking to long OMGZZZ JUST DIE PLS SO I CAN RES. RES ME YOU -fill in the blank with your imagination NOOB. OMGWTF RES ME I CAN SOLO ALL IM A GOOD SIN!" And the like.
In the end: he didn't say another word to me
People like that, truely make the game undesirable.
• plz/pls/PLX
• People that butcher the english language.
• People that randomly come up to you and /rank you. Seriously, I don't care how much you play Halls.
Funny story; I was playing my Ele earlier, and she's a survivor. I decided to give a pug a shot. No this isn't a story where I complain about dying.. because I'm still going
Now remember that sin I was talking about earlier? Throughout my process of saving his rear he was shouting every four-letter expletive he could because "I was taking to long OMGZZZ JUST DIE PLS SO I CAN RES. RES ME YOU -fill in the blank with your imagination NOOB. OMGWTF RES ME I CAN SOLO ALL IM A GOOD SIN!" And the like.
In the end: he didn't say another word to me
People like that, truely make the game undesirable.
My latest pet peeve has been people who brag for no real reason.
I literally have had people bragging this week about:
1. "I have 5 sets of 15k armor!" Woooow. Sorry, but 15k armor is not a status symbol anymore, especially when you have like no skills on that character, but instead spend all your money on armors to make it pretty (the particular person who bragged about this, not players in general). IMO, not even FoW is status anymore, because it's not that hard to farm up if you really want it.
2. "I'm UAX!" Wooow. So am I. So are millions of people. Especially now that people can buy it with real money...sorry, just doesn't impress me these days.
3. "I've been playing for 2+ years! I know all!" Woooow. So have I, your point?
What actually does impress me? Players that not only have the skills, but know how to use them and strategize effectively. I have met some outstanding players who rock regular ol' 1k armor, not even dyed! *gasp*, who really were on the ball, extremely flexible and knowledgeable.
Also, players who can relax and not take the game too seriously...I don't understand players who say "I'm bored" while in game. Log off and do something else! Or players who honestly get angry over something. Turn off the PC and go for a walk if the game is upsetting you so much!
I literally have had people bragging this week about:
1. "I have 5 sets of 15k armor!" Woooow. Sorry, but 15k armor is not a status symbol anymore, especially when you have like no skills on that character, but instead spend all your money on armors to make it pretty (the particular person who bragged about this, not players in general). IMO, not even FoW is status anymore, because it's not that hard to farm up if you really want it.
2. "I'm UAX!" Wooow. So am I. So are millions of people. Especially now that people can buy it with real money...sorry, just doesn't impress me these days.
3. "I've been playing for 2+ years! I know all!" Woooow. So have I, your point?
What actually does impress me? Players that not only have the skills, but know how to use them and strategize effectively. I have met some outstanding players who rock regular ol' 1k armor, not even dyed! *gasp*, who really were on the ball, extremely flexible and knowledgeable.
Also, players who can relax and not take the game too seriously...I don't understand players who say "I'm bored" while in game. Log off and do something else! Or players who honestly get angry over something. Turn off the PC and go for a walk if the game is upsetting you so much!
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Velise_Snowtorm
3. "I've been playing for 2+ years! I know all!" Woooow. So have I, your point? What actually does impress me? Players that not only have the skills, but know how to use them and strategize effectively. I have met some outstanding players who rock regular ol' 1k armor, not even dyed! *gasp*, who really were on the ball, extremely flexible and knowledgeable. Weeee.... |
Tender Wolf
Constant "Your view of the target is obstructed" even though you're right there
Opening a locked chest, breaking the pick, and getting a purple
People who won't focus on the called, or right, target
Opening a locked chest, breaking the pick, and getting a purple
People who won't focus on the called, or right, target
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Constant "Your view of the target is obstructed" even though you're right there
In game b1tchers.
If someone is doing something terribly wrong in an outpost, report them and move on, otherwise shut up.
I really don't care if u hate plz/tyvm, I'm a slow typist and would rather be playing. Take it in the spirit in which it was given, otherwise shut up.
Anet made this lovely report system for a-holes who go afk in pvp, so use it, otherwise shut up.
Basically GW is a game! You should be having fun. If you aren't, go find something else to do that you do find fun, otherwise SHUT UP!
If someone is doing something terribly wrong in an outpost, report them and move on, otherwise shut up.
I really don't care if u hate plz/tyvm, I'm a slow typist and would rather be playing. Take it in the spirit in which it was given, otherwise shut up.
Anet made this lovely report system for a-holes who go afk in pvp, so use it, otherwise shut up.
Basically GW is a game! You should be having fun. If you aren't, go find something else to do that you do find fun, otherwise SHUT UP!
People who don't call targets in the Realm of Torment, anyone?
I was helping my significant other with Ruins of Morah which I admit, is in The Desolation, yet has those lovely 'Call to the Torment' creatures.
I don't think he's ever PUGed before, so he's used to having the last four henches of his team automatically attacking the targets he attacks.
As myself, and another one of my heroes were solely defence, I wasn't leading the attacks, and needed him to call out targets so my last two heroes could attack them and kill them fast enough.
Needless to say, he didn't call targets and two torment creatures turned into I dunno. Ten. Not including the rest of the patrolling torment creatures that joined the fray.
I was helping my significant other with Ruins of Morah which I admit, is in The Desolation, yet has those lovely 'Call to the Torment' creatures.
I don't think he's ever PUGed before, so he's used to having the last four henches of his team automatically attacking the targets he attacks.
As myself, and another one of my heroes were solely defence, I wasn't leading the attacks, and needed him to call out targets so my last two heroes could attack them and kill them fast enough.
Needless to say, he didn't call targets and two torment creatures turned into I dunno. Ten. Not including the rest of the patrolling torment creatures that joined the fray.
Mostly in aspenwood
That monk leech and ele bot in aspenwood luxon side (I don't have to say their names, I can't anyway). They've been there forever and I get pissed off just seeing their names.
Leechers altogether and the people who don't use the report system.
The guy with the survivor build and asks for a 1vs1, then I get even more pissed off when a teammate actually accepts his offer.
Builds that totally fail. I understand people like to test builds but some of these guys' builds don't even synergize, like life sheath on a ranger or fireball and flare on a monk.
That monk leech and ele bot in aspenwood luxon side (I don't have to say their names, I can't anyway). They've been there forever and I get pissed off just seeing their names.
Leechers altogether and the people who don't use the report system.
The guy with the survivor build and asks for a 1vs1, then I get even more pissed off when a teammate actually accepts his offer.
Builds that totally fail. I understand people like to test builds but some of these guys' builds don't even synergize, like life sheath on a ranger or fireball and flare on a monk.
I was in a PUG last weekend with a warrior that would aggro two or three mobs, die and then spam, "IM DEAD IM DEAD IM DEAD RES ME". We know you're dead, we stood here and watched you run down the hill into several mobs like an idiot and laughed when you died. After doing this several times we stopped resing him and he finally rage quit.
Neo Nugget
I give an offer for an item and they go, ......rofl, lol nothanx kkbai!
People in PUGS who don't listen to instructions when you're trying to get masters, and aggro enemies you tell them not to.
Bowstring Badass
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
I give an offer for an item and they go, ......rofl, lol nothanx kkbai!
- People that insist on criticizing builds in areas like Fort Ranik and Yaks Bend. Come on, just start the mission already. I could solo Fort Ranik on a Level 10 Mesmer/Ele with nothing but Flare and Conjure Phantasm on her bar. You don't have to have the bestest most elite bar ever to beat these early areas.
- Idiots with attitude. I don't mind "attitude" half as much if it comes from a player who knows what he's talking about. This happened to me yesterday in a Nahpui Quarter pug. I like this mission so I figured I'd help out some teams while looking for celestial weapons.
Our team consisted of 3 Sins, 1 Rit, 1 Ele (me) and 2 Warriors. The group wisely agreed that we needed a monk for the last slot. I asked if anyone had a hero. One of the sins threw a MAJOR fit at this suggestion:
Warrior 1: Add the hench monk and go please
Sin: Add Sister Tai.
Me: No, let's take a hero instead
Sin: shut up NOOB.
Me: ?
Sin: You can't use heroes, stupid!
Me: Why not? I have a monk hero. <adds Dunky to party>
Sin: DROP THE HERO NOW!!!!!!!! ADD A HENCH!!!!!!!
Me: again, why?
Me: yeah? so?
Warrior: um, yeah they will.
Eventually we used a hench monk because I really didn't care enough to push the point. I already have the protector title and was just helping out. Besides most of the team agreed with the sin.
(Yes we wiped before the 2nd boss)
- Idiots with attitude. I don't mind "attitude" half as much if it comes from a player who knows what he's talking about. This happened to me yesterday in a Nahpui Quarter pug. I like this mission so I figured I'd help out some teams while looking for celestial weapons.
Our team consisted of 3 Sins, 1 Rit, 1 Ele (me) and 2 Warriors. The group wisely agreed that we needed a monk for the last slot. I asked if anyone had a hero. One of the sins threw a MAJOR fit at this suggestion:
Warrior 1: Add the hench monk and go please
Sin: Add Sister Tai.
Me: No, let's take a hero instead
Sin: shut up NOOB.
Me: ?
Sin: You can't use heroes, stupid!
Me: Why not? I have a monk hero. <adds Dunky to party>
Sin: DROP THE HERO NOW!!!!!!!! ADD A HENCH!!!!!!!
Me: again, why?
Me: yeah? so?
Warrior: um, yeah they will.
Eventually we used a hench monk because I really didn't care enough to push the point. I already have the protector title and was just helping out. Besides most of the team agreed with the sin.
(Yes we wiped before the 2nd boss)
mortis corpus
i usually have no issue with the /rank emotes, personally if you spend so much time in HA then show it with pride
HOWEVER please people, when an entire team spams there /rank after a snowball fight, please there is no real joy there, its a mini game, not prestiege no real big deal, and to see that is just imho childish
oh and in local saying another noob bites the dust, and my guildies wonder why i dislike pvp at times
HOWEVER please people, when an entire team spams there /rank after a snowball fight, please there is no real joy there, its a mini game, not prestiege no real big deal, and to see that is just imho childish
oh and in local saying another noob bites the dust, and my guildies wonder why i dislike pvp at times
Alex the Great
Originally Posted by brian78wa
People like this.
People who think that cause they play GvG/HA theyre better players. |
amen, i know tons of noobs who think they are great cause they have a bambi or tiger.
I might consider you good if u are GvGing on a top 100, but even then, i've observed some pretty crappy play from top 100's
I quit GvG months ago, because it JUST WASN'T FUN!!
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Alex the Great
amen, i know tons of noobs who think they are great cause they have a bambi or tiger.
I might consider you good if u are GvGing on a top 100, but even then, i've observed some pretty crappy play from top 100's I quit GvG months ago, because it JUST WASN'T FUN!! |
Originally Posted by TheRaven
- People that insist on criticizing builds in areas like Fort Ranik and Yaks Bend. Come on, just start the mission already. I could solo Fort Ranik on a Level 10 Mesmer/Ele with nothing but Flare and Conjure Phantasm on her bar. You don't have to have the bestest most elite bar ever to beat these early areas.
Conversely, other small ones that make me cringe are when people who are making new characters ask:
"What's the best secondary for XYZ profession?" This totally doesn't matter anymore, unless the player is only playing Proph. You can change it easily and fairly early in the rest of the campaigns, and quite frankly I never use just one secondary on my characters.
"Can someone give me a good XYZ build?" This isn't a bad question in and of itself. It just makes me cringe when someone is asking in the context of a new character and the player is looking for a one single build that he can run forever.
Cale Roughstar
Ugh, people who randomly rank me annoy me.
One day, selling things in LA, some wammo came up to me and ranks me with his bambi. Slightly annoyed, I bambi him back (HA takes too long, but anyways...). He bambi'd me again, and then proceeded to run around and rank everyone near storage. I finally messaged him.
Me: Why are you ranking everyone?
Him: Because there is nothing they can do about it!
People like this guy drive me up the wall.
Other Pet Peeves.
WTS Elite Ele and Necro Tombs 9k ea!!!
For a while I would actually correct people, but finally gave up in disgust when I found that 90% of people do NOT actually want to spell correctly, and that my mother is several things that I cannot repeat here.
People who ignore PM's.
People who get mad in AB when you kill them.
High ranked people in HA who are dickweeds in underworld.
Eg. "Welcome to pvp noobs!"
and other things like that.
One day, selling things in LA, some wammo came up to me and ranks me with his bambi. Slightly annoyed, I bambi him back (HA takes too long, but anyways...). He bambi'd me again, and then proceeded to run around and rank everyone near storage. I finally messaged him.
Me: Why are you ranking everyone?
Him: Because there is nothing they can do about it!
People like this guy drive me up the wall.
Other Pet Peeves.
WTS Elite Ele and Necro Tombs 9k ea!!!
For a while I would actually correct people, but finally gave up in disgust when I found that 90% of people do NOT actually want to spell correctly, and that my mother is several things that I cannot repeat here.
People who ignore PM's.
People who get mad in AB when you kill them.
High ranked people in HA who are dickweeds in underworld.
Eg. "Welcome to pvp noobs!"
and other things like that.
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
I give an offer for an item and they go, ......rofl, lol nothanx kkbai!
Also, the people who spam whisper. I refuse to buy from you if I'm considering the item, making sure it's what I want and the right amount, and I see
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
{Trader Joe: accept}
I don't care if you're offering me a 4k undedicated mini Gwen. I'll cancel and leave.
a Pet Peeve?
whoa where can i cap one of those
whoa where can i cap one of those
I'm gunna add another thing to my list of two: the word scrub.
Agent Mold3r
idiot: Running Mission 2k
Me : Running Mission 2k
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me : Running Mission 2k
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiot : RUNNING MISSSION FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People who leave when they realise you're not going to get the bonus, without actually specifically stating they wanted it.
Was in a Nahpui pug with a decent warrior, and an ele who lead the group. Yeah. The ele didn't even have their attributes in the right place. ie. 0 earth magic, 12 air magic, all earth magic skills.
I was technically group leader, and always ask if people are ready, to which the ele had replied with, 'Whatever.'
The ele basically went around kiting, and not contributing to the team, until she figured out that we weren't going to get masters, and left after asking if we were noobs.
Was in a Nahpui pug with a decent warrior, and an ele who lead the group. Yeah. The ele didn't even have their attributes in the right place. ie. 0 earth magic, 12 air magic, all earth magic skills.
I was technically group leader, and always ask if people are ready, to which the ele had replied with, 'Whatever.'
The ele basically went around kiting, and not contributing to the team, until she figured out that we weren't going to get masters, and left after asking if we were noobs.
Kiragi Yagami
Originally Posted by Jebus
People who say plz/pls.
people who leave during missions who dont give a reason, just "g2g guys bye"
the phrase" guys who play girl characters are ghey nub lolz" -.-
when i say "selling such and such pm offers" and i get 50 whispers saying how much.
people getting their balls in a bunch when someone doesnt know what something is worth. whoopie, i offered 30k for something that i thought was 30k but you think its 40k, get over it. spamming "ROFFLE NUB LOLOLOLOL U KNOW ITS WORTH LEIK 20000000000K+999999999ECTOS RIGHT?!11!1!!1!ONEONE" isnt going to get me to adjust my offer.
as said before, the "your view of the target is obstructed" -.-
as ive said before, people who have decided that just because youre using a keyboard you must intentionally make your chat as hard to read and ibscenity-infested as possible. "ZOMFG U F***ING NUBCAYKE GO F*** YOUR MOM CAUSE CHUCK NORRIS DOES ROFFLE". im no english major, but i see a few problems in that sentence.
1) PUGs
2) Pick up groups
3) Using the various people in town to try and complete a quest or mission only to have them fail.
2) Pick up groups
3) Using the various people in town to try and complete a quest or mission only to have them fail.
Originally Posted by Cale Roughstar
Ugh, people who randomly rank me annoy me.
He just left the district on the spot.
Never will I forget xD
Setup the senario
HA dude: Selling screenies with Phoenix, 5k
Random: Hey, I'll do that! i wanna show off my e-peen ness
HA dude goes and takes the cash and does the phoenix...if you cant get it yourself, then dont bother trying to fake it!
HA dude: Selling screenies with Phoenix, 5k
Random: Hey, I'll do that! i wanna show off my e-peen ness
HA dude goes and takes the cash and does the phoenix...if you cant get it yourself, then dont bother trying to fake it!
Chicken of the Seas
People that are running for tips, then stop near the end of their run and whisper each person 'ok tips'. Then the whine that they don't get any tips, and expect pity out of us. Some even go to such lengths as to leave the party if they dont get any tips.
Selina Mesmer
1) Idiotic mesmer haters who owns all other 11 professions, but not mesmer.
2) Tanned wammos with glad 15k top, rest fow, tormented shield/ele sword, all over kamadan with their slayer/lightbringer rank 2.
3) People not responding when you offer or negotiate prices.
4) Mesmers without FoW armor and chaos gloves
5) Mesmers with KOABD ranks higher than mine
2) Tanned wammos with glad 15k top, rest fow, tormented shield/ele sword, all over kamadan with their slayer/lightbringer rank 2.
3) People not responding when you offer or negotiate prices.
4) Mesmers without FoW armor and chaos gloves

5) Mesmers with KOABD ranks higher than mine

Idiots in AB. They laugh at you when them and 3 others kill you, they call you a noob when you kite, they call you a pussy because you run from their mob, etc. Their lack of knowledge for gameplay makes me wonder how they manage to play the game. I know turning local chat off solves this, but I love AB local chat for lulz.

People who think they own AB/RA/Snowball Arena. Another one that pissed me off is that I was in Kamadan yesterday when someone said WTB Black Dyes! I had got one form a drop a few days earlier so I wispered him asking how much he was offering and he said 5K no more. I went to trade and I could sell it to the trader for and I would have gotten 5.5K. (trader was selling for 7K) so I whispered him back and he starts calling me a noob telling me that someone in his guild said the trader is offering him 3.6K and then insisting that the trader is selling them for 6.5K. I just added him to my ignore list and walked off. Another time I was in HA and someone was selling the 2nd or 3rd Eternal Blade. I asked him how much (out of interest) and he says 100K+5000e I kid you not, five thousand ectos. I said no thanks and that I was just wondering how much he was asking when he starts saying i'm too poor and calling me ever name under the sun. I report him for Abuse and spamming then add him to my ignore.He than runs up next to me and /rank's me. The cheek of some people.
i think i'm speaking for every mature player out there...
the people that yell "KURDICKS" or "SUXONS" while in AB. Then bash the other faction because they "suck". We are all players, just trying to get faction in a more fun way than questing.
the people that yell "KURDICKS" or "SUXONS" while in AB. Then bash the other faction because they "suck". We are all players, just trying to get faction in a more fun way than questing.
Originally Posted by Rexion
i think i'm speaking for every mature player out there...
the people that yell "KURDICKS" or "SUXONS" while in AB. Then bash the other faction because they "suck". We are all players, just trying to get faction in a more fun way than questing. |
What also annoys me, related to AB... is the people who MOB BACK. I swear, I'd rip their throats in game. All shrines are taken by opposite team, just split up, don't start mobbing back! -_-.
Originally Posted by Rexion
the people that yell "KURDICKS" or "SUXONS" while in AB. Then bash the other faction because they "suck". We are all players, just trying to get faction in a more fun way than questing.
i know the game that will solve their problem
going outside