First all drops are random.
Now in a zone that has a party size of 8 you have a solo drop rate of around 24%-28% chance to get the drop.
Now in a zone that has a party size of 6 you have a solo drop rate of around 32%-40% chance to get the drop.
Now in a zone that has a party size of 4 you have a solo drop rate of around 48%-56% chance to get the drop.
Now for preseering you have a near 98% chance since its a maximum size group of 2.
That is just the effects of Loot Scalling alone on soloing, with HM involved the only difference is you have a higher chance on the exemptions dropping instead of whites. In NM Its similar without the higher chance of exemptions dropping, while still being exempt.
Now for the rest of it.
Loot Scaling had NO EFFECT on its own except lower drop rates for less than max groups.Dont believe me look at the first 12 hours it was driving prices on everything up, then Anerf had a OH %^$& moment, and added the exemptions list is what allowed the prices to come down by increasing supply.
With HM the only difference is that the chance for drops from the exemptions list is increased.
So for all those out there that thinks it was Loot Scaling that helped you, you are wrong, it was the exemptions list.
Also mods try to leave this stickied so people dont get confused on Loot Scalling anymore.