Fish, I gotta agree with you on the trade situation. I hate trading. Like Woody, I have a storage locker full of golds that are too good to merch, but not good enough to move quickly in trade chat.
I got lucky a few weeks ago and a nice Elemental Sword dropped for me. I knew it was valuable, but had no clue on the exact value so I headed here and had it price checked. I got 2 replies. The first said 100k + 30-50e. The 2nd said 100k + 10-20e and I noticed later that the sticky agreed with that estimate.
I spent about an hour in Kaineng trying to sell. I listed it at 100+25e, a little high, but I had the same theory as Fish (room to haggle down). This was a nightmare. The hour went something like this.....
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword <insert stats here>.....100k +25e
Player 1: Can I see?
<shows sword in trade>
Player 1: Nice, I'll trade you a max bow for it.
Me: no thx. cash only.
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword <insert stats here>.....100k +25e
Player 2: I'll give you a mini hydra + 10k
Me: no thx. cash only.
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword <insert stats here>.....100k +25e
Player 3: Let me see
Player 3: How much?
Player 3: I have a Req 13 Chaos Axe I'll trade for it.
Me: no thx. cash only.
Player 3: Plz, plz, I'll add a purple bow too.
Me: no thx.
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword <insert stats here>.....100k +25e
Player 4: I have a shadow blade I'll trade ya.
Me: no thx, cash only.
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword ....100k +25e CASH ONLY!!!
Player 5: how much?
Me: 100k + 25e
Player 5: I'll trade you a thorn wolf + 20k for it.
(hmm, I was actually tempted here, but I'm not sure of the 2nd year prices)
Me: no thx, cash only.
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword ....100k +25e CASH ONLY!!
Player 6: Do you accept trades?
Me: nope
Player 6: plz, just open trade. i have a nice FDS!
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword ....100k +25e CASH ONLY!!
Player 7: <opens trade> <inserts Icy Falchion>
Me: cash only, no trades.
Player 7: Just hit accept. It's worth the same price, you noob.
Me: cash only, no trades. <closes trade>
(maybe it is worth the same price, but I have no idea if that's true or not)
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword ....100k +25e CASH ONLY!!
Player 8: Will you sell it for 15k
(I don't think I even bothered to answer him)
Me Trade Channel: WTS Elemental Sword ....100k +25e CASH ONLY!!
Player 9: I have a blade axe. Great stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll trade for it.
Me: cash only.
Player 9: how much then
Me: 100k + 25e
Player 9: no thx.
I must have had at least 50 offers on this sword. ALL TRADES! Not 1 person offered me gold for the sword. (No, I'm not counting the 15k offer) I would have loved to make 25e on the deal, but I'm realistic too. If someone had counter offered another price in the ballpark I would have happily accepted.
I finally gave up and placed the sword here in the sell forum. It sold quickly for 100k + 11e to a very nice and polite player.
On another note, Fish, I mean no offense, but if I had seen you in Kodash Bazaar trying to buy trade contracts for 100g I would have assumed you were a scammer as well. In your case it was innocent ignorance of the going rate but for everyone like you there are 10 more "WTB'ers" who are just trying to scam trade contracts off new players who have no idea what they can sell them for.
Think of it this way. You said you didn't know what they were worth. If you had a couple on you and someone in the bazaar offered you 200g each for them you probably would have sold. Later when you discovered their worth you would have felt scammed.