Whats you Average Income Now?
Before The AI/Farming changes I could make on average 30k/Hour. Nowadays, I seem to be averaging out at 10k/hour if I farm UW. Im just curious to see if everyone else is following this trend.
Before The AI/Farming changes I could make on average 30k/Hour. Nowadays, I seem to be averaging out at 10k/hour if I farm UW. Im just curious to see if everyone else is following this trend.
I used to make a good 20k per hour. Now I make about 25k, but I am farming in a different spot.
Originally Posted by Series
I used to make a good 20k per hour. Now I make about 25k, but I am farming in a different spot.
Neo Nugget
Well the ways i make "money" are chest running, green farming.
I'd say 70k/month. *impale* I just hope the next triple green drop isnt when im on vacation.Made 100k that weekend
I'd say 70k/month. *impale* I just hope the next triple green drop isnt when im on vacation.Made 100k that weekend
Unlucky Slayer
I wouldnt mind knowing where these people are getting 10k/hour +, cuz every farm I've done sucks and the only way I've actually made money lately has been from the Free Treasures.
In Uw, Even If you only get 2 Ectos Per Hour, With a solo ele clearing Smites in 15 Minutes, thats 9K worth of Ectos + Some cash from golds/scrolls/whites etc.
In all honesty Farming UW and getting free treasure is the only half decent way to make any sort of money, which is a shame.
In all honesty Farming UW and getting free treasure is the only half decent way to make any sort of money, which is a shame.
About 2k a day, since I don't farm often.
Money's just not that important to me.
Money's just not that important to me.
Havre Fras
To put it bluntly: Naff all.
I used to be ok at getting money, back when desert griffins weren't extinct like nowadays. Since then, bleh. Oh well, I just open thse chests every now and then instead.
I used to be ok at getting money, back when desert griffins weren't extinct like nowadays. Since then, bleh. Oh well, I just open thse chests every now and then instead.
balthazars hero
lol i make 1k an hour =0 most money i had on my account was 15k but some how i got my ranger 15k druids my warrior droks ( all that i could afford) and my ele droks armor the same. its just im not that type of farming person i just play the storyline.
Depending on the area, I get a few K while vanquishing, both cash and items.
Income has been around the same, but then I did not farm
Income has been around the same, but then I did not farm

Hmm.. I think the average is about 5~40k a hour..really depends..I got really lucky last run for example, 125k in 20 minutes. (Selling not included by the way, the selling takes long -.-)
Originally Posted by Markrids
In Uw, Even If you only get 2 Ectos Per Hour, With a solo ele clearing Smites in 15 Minutes, thats 9K worth of Ectos + Some cash from golds/scrolls/whites etc..
As for me I used to make 15k an hour.
I pretty much stopped farming after the nerf.
I have some cash reserves, and I don't spend my money on junk, so I am not short on cash
shogun avatar
Before AI and HM update i used to make up to 30k per hour if lucky and as low as 3k if i really sucked (not counting occasinal rubies/dyes/rare skins). that was from fow, slaves, trolls or pongmei valley.
When HM came out, was doing colossal farming (gave me decent amout of cash from couple of colossals), after that i did bugs for an averidge 5-10k per hour, and now i'm steady at 15k per hour while farming UW with warrior. each run takes up to 20mins, and nets me 0-4 ectos. usually 1 per run and 1.5k in cash and whites (earning of 1 ecto and 500 gold after entry fees on averidge)
When HM came out, was doing colossal farming (gave me decent amout of cash from couple of colossals), after that i did bugs for an averidge 5-10k per hour, and now i'm steady at 15k per hour while farming UW with warrior. each run takes up to 20mins, and nets me 0-4 ectos. usually 1 per run and 1.5k in cash and whites (earning of 1 ecto and 500 gold after entry fees on averidge)
I make about 2-3k an hour - without farming. Just doin quests, vanquishing, missions, all full party stuff in both NM & HM. It's not hard, just identify everything, and keep selling to the merch and not buying anything. Put the good stuff that people will buy on Ventari's Sell or GURU auctions. Pretty much a constant flow of income and I have fun doing it (since I have farmed, and hate it with a passion).
I myself have accomplished all my pve goals with the exception of putting my new necro through NF (I am so damn tired of that campaign). I am getting more into pvp now so no money for me
I make enough to buy 2 lockpicks every 10 minutes. I really stopped caring about money, I just wait until I make enough to buy a pointless mod and then snap it up, and go back to being poor.
My bro and I put our collective might together and made a FoW set in about a month of casual playing/selling. I used to pull 20k an hour about a year ago, but I've largely stopped farming since I made my FoW set (Last September)
Son Of The Axe
hmmm i'd say anywhere from 10-25k an hour with of course the occasional perfect item to make my day. for example i got 5 gold sephis axes yesterday...two req. 9, 2 req 13's, and a req 11. this is on top of my hourly earning.
Son of The Axe..may I ask how and where you are farming ?
i bet 1 glittering dust he farms outside bergen hotsprings
Rocky Raccoon
GW is game to me not a job. If I get money as part of my playing that is all good, but not the reason I play.
Bergen is some good farming. Clearing the rangers and going to clear the Cursed Lands will usually net me 5K or so, plus the occasional gold.
I don't farm 'cuz it's sooo boring and pointless. Collectors items and the occasional green drop are all I need.
Ahrims Assassin
My average income is 0gold/hour. Minus some for whenever I buy a skill.
I tried farming at bergan, at a whopping 1k/hour it just wasn't worth it. 8 hours for one build? No thanks.
I tried farming at Fahranur city. Worse than Bergan.
I tried doing the 6 jade brotherhood run outside the marketplace. A little bit better than bergan, still not worth the time.
I tried Naphui. Still not worth it.
I tried green farming several bosses with my sin. Guess what? Not worth it, to reliant on spending hours spamming in town.
And it's been over three months since I could open in keyless chests. Stuck with the same builds, same armor, same weapons, same characters.
I tried farming at bergan, at a whopping 1k/hour it just wasn't worth it. 8 hours for one build? No thanks.
I tried farming at Fahranur city. Worse than Bergan.
I tried doing the 6 jade brotherhood run outside the marketplace. A little bit better than bergan, still not worth the time.
I tried Naphui. Still not worth it.
I tried green farming several bosses with my sin. Guess what? Not worth it, to reliant on spending hours spamming in town.
And it's been over three months since I could open in keyless chests. Stuck with the same builds, same armor, same weapons, same characters.
I'm at 25-75k per hour in HM DoA depending how lucky I am... I don't farm too often though.
Andisa Kalorn
Average income? I really don't know. I haven't farmed since loot scaling but I have a lot more money than I did then. If I was making 30k per hour I wouldn't know what to do with it all. I've already bought most of what I want. I expected my income to slow down but I guess it hasn't. But I don't pay attention to how much I've made in any one hour.
In the past week or so though, I've been doing some pvp so that's 0k per hour. It's nice to not be moving money and items around between accounts.
In the past week or so though, I've been doing some pvp so that's 0k per hour. It's nice to not be moving money and items around between accounts.
2-7 hours - 6 days a week - foundry farming - 500k
AW Lore
varies, but mostly i try to get 10k a day with just farming, plus any extra gold i make from playing the game or helping guildies, which sometimes reaches the 3-5k

There are lots of ways to make money without even farming. For example, do the very first noobie Island NF mission in HM with all your characters (you'll get like 20k in an hour and a half, one time only of course with the masters reward).
Malice Black
The words "farming" and "Guild Wars" in the same sentence...doesn't sound right.
My old farms were 8-12k an hour (trolls, vermin, and some areas in Maguuma Jungle with various enemies).
Right now, it depends. I'm currently farming with my Dervish and it is slow. But then, she needs some more skill points for the skill hunter title (I started playing with some builds and used up too many skill points on non-elites), treasure hunter, and wisdom. Fahrunur is a pretty good mix there. As far as gold, a full run (including ID'ing and merching items) take about 30 minutes and is between 3-4 gold - so 6-8k an hour. I'm too lazy to track it over time, I get a little over one run per TV show.
Clearing the Cursed lands with my 55 monk averages a little under 15k an hour (and this time I *did* do some averaging, also includes ID'ing and Merching stuff). It is probably the best ratio of ease and profit that I know of, plus it seems to drop golds like crazy - nice for that title thing again
Those are my two "main" runs, I also do the old Dead Sword farming run. It seems to give a pretty good selection of runes but they aren't worth that much any more, the amount I get per run is too random for me to make a close guess, I would say 8-10k and hour.
I never farmed for ecto, even in the old days. I found the run a tedium - I prefer ones where I can watch TV at the same time. But with the price of Ecto as low as it is I can not see how it is very profitable any more. The release of HM and loot scale really hurt the high end farmers (honestly, I think that HM did more by vastly increasing drop rates of the rares that were farmed), for ones like me that Vabbian is a once or twice purchase in the whole game life cycle money is a little easier to get yet worth considerably more.
Right now, it depends. I'm currently farming with my Dervish and it is slow. But then, she needs some more skill points for the skill hunter title (I started playing with some builds and used up too many skill points on non-elites), treasure hunter, and wisdom. Fahrunur is a pretty good mix there. As far as gold, a full run (including ID'ing and merching items) take about 30 minutes and is between 3-4 gold - so 6-8k an hour. I'm too lazy to track it over time, I get a little over one run per TV show.
Clearing the Cursed lands with my 55 monk averages a little under 15k an hour (and this time I *did* do some averaging, also includes ID'ing and Merching stuff). It is probably the best ratio of ease and profit that I know of, plus it seems to drop golds like crazy - nice for that title thing again

Those are my two "main" runs, I also do the old Dead Sword farming run. It seems to give a pretty good selection of runes but they aren't worth that much any more, the amount I get per run is too random for me to make a close guess, I would say 8-10k and hour.
I never farmed for ecto, even in the old days. I found the run a tedium - I prefer ones where I can watch TV at the same time. But with the price of Ecto as low as it is I can not see how it is very profitable any more. The release of HM and loot scale really hurt the high end farmers (honestly, I think that HM did more by vastly increasing drop rates of the rares that were farmed), for ones like me that Vabbian is a once or twice purchase in the whole game life cycle money is a little easier to get yet worth considerably more.
Do you guys think we should be able to earn money from PVP?

Kern Wolf
Originally Posted by Markrids
Before The AI/Farming changes I could make on average 30k/Hour. Nowadays, I seem to be averaging out at 10k/hour if I farm UW. Im just curious to see if everyone else is following this trend. Zeno |
I've had as little as 3k, and as much as 100k. Havent seen a weapon or shield that I care to go broke over about buying---if I farm it, and can use it, that's one thing, but to spend 100k + ectos over a sword, or shield, is ridiculous, IMO. My heros use drops (I've bought some runes for them). So, what the point of collecting massive amounts of gold?
Mystic Cobra
Don't farm anymore...doesnt worth it and that suck.I still find the way to buy expensive stuff(FoW armor,tormented weapon,....)
Hou Lifu
No steady income for me, just the usual days where I sell stuff and get a ton of gold, and the others where I don't do anything. Did all my gold-making a long time ago through buying/reselling Prophecies greens.
I don't make money hardly anymore, I'm actually losing more than I'm making. But I can't farm much either. I did make about 3k in 25 minutes, which could be about 12k an hour if I would bother to spend my time doing it. But it's too boring.
haven't aggressively farmed since i got the armor in my avatar but i've pulled in about 60k just playing hm (currently up to sanctum cay). actually probably more since i blew like 15k on runes and crap for heroes and 60k on druid armor for my survivor when i finished her. mabye closer to 75k (oh, got the buried treasures with my necro finally too so that about 23k of it).
haven't done too many vanquishing trips yet (just in the ascalon area and the money for that so far stinks). the loot's been pretty lame and the 300-400g for finishing is kinda insulting. does that increase when you get into the higher-end areas?
haven't done too many vanquishing trips yet (just in the ascalon area and the money for that so far stinks). the loot's been pretty lame and the 300-400g for finishing is kinda insulting. does that increase when you get into the higher-end areas?
Originally Posted by magnawiz
Do you guys think we should be able to earn money from PVP?
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I do not farm. I am usually too busy enjoying the actual game.
Originally Posted by Wolf2581
I do not farm. I am usually too busy enjoying the actual game.
I do not have a steady income anymore, I only play PvP now.