OK, lets try to analyze this interesting breed of GW players called "RA leavers".
1. goal: getting a glad point
2. way: getting a good team via multiple tries and instantly leaving every team they don't approve as one
3. motto: "cya noobs"
4. self justification: "We play to win!"/"We're Spikes!" (check
this article to get a hold of this MtG specific lingo)
5. Reason for not playing in TA "It's way harder to get a glad point there" (~99% of them)
6. attitude: they don't give a damn about their team
7. why do they leave before the battle even starts: because they can go it and suffer no consequences or whatsoever.
So, I suppose that's everything we need to know about them.
Btw. here goes a small sidenote: why do people hate levers? Lets face the truth, leavers are not breaking any rules, they are just using the game features to their advantage trying to get all they can get in shortest time available. Well... the answer is simple. Because they don't care about other people, acting in arrogant and selfish way.
Ok, back for our primary target. For the starters I want to make a comment On "We play to win!" part. Well, basically it's true. They really do. But if they think that it equals to David Sirlin's "Play to win" from his
"Playing to win" articles, they're terribly wrong. Sirlin spoke of path of self improvement, not of the path of least resistance. Next goes the "Spike" part. Do RA leavers belong to "Spike" type? I'm not so sure. "Spike" seeks challenge. RA leavers don't. They are more like "Timmy" IMO. They play to get this sweet feeling of overwhelming power by stomping over bad teams and clueless players.
So, after I delivered this nice kick to RA leavers ego, lets have a look at possible solutions mentioned in this thread (random order).
Lock the ability to enter RA for a fixed amount of time for the leaver
possible consequences:
Leavers number: it will decrease drastically
negative effect on people with real life issues and bad connection: fairly minor.
leaver behavior: probably some will try to get their team killed instead of just leaving. Some will just stand there waiting for everyone to die... or win. Most likely most of them will leave RA for good. Or will charge the enemy as fast as possible to get a fast win/loose and leave team.
possible outcome: seems to be more or less OK
Lock the ability to leave once until the match ends
possible consequences:
Leavers number: will decrease... a bit
negative effect on people with real life issues and bad connection: almost none
leaver behavior: they will stop mapping out and start doing it by closing GW and simulating disconnects
possible outcome: not all that great
Faction penalizing for leaving
possible consequences:
Leavers number: doesn't change
negative effect on people with real life issues and bad connection: fairly minor
leaver behavior: no change
possible outcome: no change at all
Glad point penalizing
possible consequences:
Leavers number: decreasing significantly
negative effect on people with real life issues and bad connection: painful
leaver behavior: lots of them will turn into suiciders/leachers
possible outcome: pretty bad
Remove glad points
possible consequences:
Leavers number: almost none left
negative effect on people with real life issues and bad connection: average (they loose a way to gain glad points)
leaver behavior: they will move to TA or disappear as a whole
possible outcome: seems to be more or less OK
So, bottom line: it's not like it is possible to fully protect players from different methods of abuse but it is possible to scale down some of them. Different methods have different drawback but still it's better to try and do something

I really hope ANet will take those options into consideration.
P.S. Whoa, that's quite a post I madeā¦ I wonder if it's worth separate topic