More terribad preorder items
Since you have the code for them, you can use it anywhere.
Anyway to the OP, What are you bitching about? if you dont like the weapons then dont buy the pre release, simple as that.
I find it most usefull as i can now make as many swords as i want, which is pretty cool considering most of my chars have 2 hero warriors, and a third on the way, im always in the need of swords, staves and bows since you prettymuch have 20 heroes, its gonna suck finding equipment for all of them and so the pre release package is an awesome deal for what 5 dollars?
Anyway to the OP, What are you bitching about? if you dont like the weapons then dont buy the pre release, simple as that.
I find it most usefull as i can now make as many swords as i want, which is pretty cool considering most of my chars have 2 hero warriors, and a third on the way, im always in the need of swords, staves and bows since you prettymuch have 20 heroes, its gonna suck finding equipment for all of them and so the pre release package is an awesome deal for what 5 dollars?
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
People who bash "icy" and "fiery" mods are the same people who use Sundering (by the way, by dealing elemental damage, you bypass a warriors +20 armor vs physical damage, thus an elemental weapon is equivalent to a 100/20 Sundering weapon when used against a warrior).
Icy and Fiery is just fine, but problems is that is is specialized mod:
* Either very specific for build (conjure stuff, shivers ...)
* Specialized for enemy type or area: Icy will only make trouble vs ice bad mosters, and equals 100/-30 sundering vs ranger mosnters. ouch. since rangers appear as much as warriors in pve, id rather have NO sundering mod at all than any elemental mod. Not mentioning that warrior is only one of ten classes that you can meet.
Now, elemental mods are usefull, if you can swap them in midcombat and if you have one for exach prefix (along with other prefixes).
Since preorder items end up at heroes, were talking hero usage, where weapon is best if is most generic because when working with heroes, usually last thing you want to do is to micromanage their equiped. weapons. Thus you give them Physical damage weapons with either no prefix or with something like zealous/furious/sundering/vampiric.
Besides, while conjure sounds cool, i would much rather have hero that can assist with, i.e. triggering mark of pain.
Yes, More weapons for my heros.(not to mention all the new heros).
Now if only i could mod my G.O.T.Y. Weapons too. (come on A-Net Please)...

Why do people always dis on Free items?
Ever hear the phrase "Never look a gift horse in the mouth?"
Besides, most gamers will be satisfied just getting the head start "sneak peak."
(also, this should be moved to the Eye of the North forum)
Ever hear the phrase "Never look a gift horse in the mouth?"
Besides, most gamers will be satisfied just getting the head start "sneak peak."
(also, this should be moved to the Eye of the North forum)
Originally Posted by Navaros
Sure, why not. People are paying good money for them.
However, many people are expecting something better than perfect max greens. Make them fully moddable. The former pre-release items should be made fully moddable, and so should these. Absolutely no reason to not do that. I fail to see why anyone would wanna pay real-life money for weapons that are less moddable than in-game collector weapons are. |
How sad nothing for the Assassin Dervish or Paragon. Every other class gets an item but these three.
Hmm i know what we need, we need a new command for the bonus items because if you type /bonus now we get half an inventory full with stuff while we actually need one or 2 weapons for a newly unlocked hero, SO i would like to see that if you type /bonus + item name that you would only get that item, it would just be so much better and functional as i woudnt have to spend another minute to delete all the stuff, not that i am in a hurry at all while playing, but it gets annoying when following the NF story and have to create new weapons because the stock items of a new hero just suck big time.Ofcourse i can hear some one saying, create the items once and keep them in your inventory, ehm yeah nice but i dont want to have a full inventory when its getting busy and a gold or green item drop and you face a certain party wipe, you just want to be able to pick that up and move along.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
How sad nothing for the Assassin Dervish or Paragon. Every other class gets an item but these three.
typical... /sigh |
posted by Lonesamurai so the Dragon Fangs, Fiery Sunspear Of Shelter and Icy Soulbreaker Of Enchanting aren't enough? |
So why not Assassin Dervish and Paragon items. Besides people with those classes who might not have pre order items (purchased later) are left out.
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by GloryFox
Well obviously the preorder items and GOTY items from other Previous GW products were not enough because they added new preorder items for those classes. How about the coke, Korean, and Japan preorder items? Were those enough? Obviously not and for the same reasons.
So why not Assassin Dervish and Paragon items. Besides people with those classes who might not have pre order items (purchased later) are left out. |
posted by Sarevok Thordin The weapons supplied are mainly for CORE classes so that EVERYONE has a chance to benefit from them, no matter what campaigns they own/don't own. |
There is no reason to leave these three fine classes out of the pre order bonus items for GWEN.
BTW: Not everyone will benefit only non Assassins Paragons and Dervishes will benefit so where are you getting this EVERYONE in CAPs from?
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by GloryFox
Thats why the Hourglass staff for the Ritualists is being offered as well? LOL, Last I noticed a Ritualist is not a CORE class thus destroying your point. The bonus item Hourglass staff will make a nice addition for my Razah and Ritualist non CORE classes.
There is no reason to leave these three fine classes out of the pre order bonus items for GWEN. BTW: Not everyone will benefit only non Assassins Paragons and Dervishes will benefit so where are you getting this EVERYONE in CAPs from? |
The Ritualist is just lucky it uses a staff, thus they just threw a new variation on it. Less work than making a whole new staff.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
How sad nothing for the Assassin Dervish or Paragon. Every other class gets an item but these three.
typical... /sigh |
wish we could buy the weaponsets on the online store tho

posted by Sarevok Thordin The EVERYONE is there because EVERYONE has the CORE classes. The Ritualist is just lucky it uses a staff, thus they just threw a new variation on it. Less work than making a whole new staff. |
So whats the deal with ignoring the Assassin Dervish and Paragon ANET? Honestly your marketing manager needs to play the game.
If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's really not ANet's fault if you don't have bonus items for assassin, dervish, or paragon; it's yours for not getting the previous pre-orders. And if you do have those bonus items, I can't understand your complaint.
On behalf of my 10 new heroes, ANet, I thank you. I can't wait to see the new weapons.
On behalf of my 10 new heroes, ANet, I thank you. I can't wait to see the new weapons.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
S The Paradigm for CORE has changed with the release of expansions rather than chapters. With expansions there is no more sinister six CORE.
There are no new professions, we still have the 6 + 2 + 2 setup.
That said, Its a shame the paragon along with others is left out.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
Sorry you fail again... GW:EN is being marketed as an extension for all 3 chapters making all 10 classes CORE for GW:EN. Unlike previous chapters this expansion includes something for everyone not just the sinister six. So by bypassing the 3 classes that are CORE for GW:EN you alienate 3 alternate classes people do play. The Paradigm for CORE has changed with the release of expansions rather than chapters. With expansions there is no more sinister six CORE.
So whats the deal with ignoring the Assassin Dervish and Paragon ANET? Honestly your marketing manager needs to play the game. |
Once again people are bitching about the littlest things. You get what you get with the preorder, get the hell over it.
Ya, both the bow AND the staff will be great for heros. Although, I would prefer a +1 or 20% ench on the staff, as well as a +5^50 insc.
Originally Posted by Robin_Anadri
Bonus items won't spawn in pre.
meh it would be nice if they'd at least put the factions and nightfall prerelease weapons either into the pack or sell the old packs in the store..... some people will have hero weps for every class while other people will be left out... :\
Sophitia Leafblade
Ill be using them for my Heroes so im happy. besides there a free feature u can make as many times as u want. You dont complain about Free things!
If the sword is the skin i think it is its gonna look great
If the sword is the skin i think it is its gonna look great
My hero's are getting eager to lay there hands one em. I had to intoxicate them, so they just would fall asleep, they where so out of there minds they wanted to strike until GW:EN comes out. Can't blame em
Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
You dont complain about Free things!
Originally Posted by Robin_Anadri
Bonus items won't spawn in pre.
Off course they do.
Rhino's charge in pre-searing is probably the only good argument for buying the Goty pack.
All I know is my perma-pre warrior is going to be super-happy with his new sword!
For the record, I like the new items. I'll probably like them even more once I see the skins. I'm only a little upset about the sword because I already have a Jade Sword just like it (Icy + 15/ench + 5 def) for my conjure frost. Maybe I can just make it my new zealous farmer blade.... hmm...
For the record, I like the new items. I'll probably like them even more once I see the skins. I'm only a little upset about the sword because I already have a Jade Sword just like it (Icy + 15/ench + 5 def) for my conjure frost. Maybe I can just make it my new zealous farmer blade.... hmm...
Originally Posted by Longasc
But I think this is already countered by the fact that Hammers are not too popular outside PvP, and not overly much in PvP either.
FREE stuff.......yeah!!!!!!!!
Marth Reynolds
Sounds nice IMO, good enough for my heroes and i'll certainly use that bow since +15% -5 e is my favorite dmg mod
Originally Posted by Surena
Yes, but regen still matters more than maximum energy except for bursts. 15/-5 is really bad however.
What I don't like about the pre-order weapons is the skins they are using for them are from the design a weapon contest. Especially if the Glacial Blade is the skin I think its going to be. There was (IMO) a very nice looking sword in the weapon design contest winners, and I was hoping it would be a weapon that would drop in late game/elite mission areas. I would hate to see a skin that nice go to waste on a pre-order item that you will rarely see used by players.
If I had a weapon design that won in that contest and found out it was being used for a pre-order weapon while others' designs were dropping in an elite mission, I would be rather insulted. These people put a lot of time into designing weapons, and they should at least have a chance at their design being a highly sought after skin rather than just a disposable/throw-away weapon that most people will forget about shortly after release.
If I had a weapon design that won in that contest and found out it was being used for a pre-order weapon while others' designs were dropping in an elite mission, I would be rather insulted. These people put a lot of time into designing weapons, and they should at least have a chance at their design being a highly sought after skin rather than just a disposable/throw-away weapon that most people will forget about shortly after release.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Hero weapons.
Hurray. Now everyone shut up. ;P Go to every character, type /bonus and all your heroes are hooked up. Doesn't GWEN have 10 heros? I got pre-order weapons for Sins, Rits, Para, Derv and now ill get weapons for Warrior, Ranger and Casters. GG. |
I will just give them to my hero's (and throw away the bow, thats one of the whorst ever, -5 energy bah)
WOO!! The Glacial Blade is that sweet blue sword from the Design A Weapon contest winners.
The other two are kind of...meh...
WOO!! The Glacial Blade is that sweet blue sword from the Design A Weapon contest winners.
The other two are kind of...meh...
The other two aren't from the weapon contest..
The sword still looks great, and I actually really like the staff. The bow is rather uninteresting, but I think all bows are.
The sword still looks great, and I actually really like the staff. The bow is rather uninteresting, but I think all bows are.
10 heroes...presumably covering all 10 classes...that's why the preorder item has provisions for each caster class
Warrior - covered - sword
Monk - covered - staff
Necromancer - covered - staff
Elementalist - covered - staff
Mesmer - covered - staff
Ranger - covered - bow
Asssassin - not covered
Ritualist - covered - staff
Dervish - not covered
Paragon - not covered
except that they are covered if you bought previous pre-order packs and the game of the year edition (which anyone can unlock now through the online store)...what is making you buy this one...maybe you should miss out on this one too so your non-covered characters and heroes won't feel left out.
For those who bought all the pre-order packs...we're something for all of our heroes and characters.
would it make much sense to create a staff and make it so all caster classes except for Ritualist could use it? Wouldn't you be complaining about how ritualist can't use the staff if that were the case. I bet you would.
The weapons are supposed to be bonuses...just like the sneak peek exchange for saying yes you intend to buy the expansion. They have no obligation to outfit every single class with the weapons provided in the preorder pack.
Warrior - covered - sword
Monk - covered - staff
Necromancer - covered - staff
Elementalist - covered - staff
Mesmer - covered - staff
Ranger - covered - bow
Asssassin - not covered
Ritualist - covered - staff
Dervish - not covered
Paragon - not covered
except that they are covered if you bought previous pre-order packs and the game of the year edition (which anyone can unlock now through the online store)...what is making you buy this one...maybe you should miss out on this one too so your non-covered characters and heroes won't feel left out.
For those who bought all the pre-order packs...we're something for all of our heroes and characters.
would it make much sense to create a staff and make it so all caster classes except for Ritualist could use it? Wouldn't you be complaining about how ritualist can't use the staff if that were the case. I bet you would.
The weapons are supposed to be bonuses...just like the sneak peek exchange for saying yes you intend to buy the expansion. They have no obligation to outfit every single class with the weapons provided in the preorder pack.
Factions Preorder????
Spiritbinder Ritualist
Dragon Fangs Assasin
Spiritbinder Ritualist
Dragon Fangs Assasin
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
WOO!! The Glacial Blade is that sweet blue sword from the Design A Weapon contest winners. The other two are kind of...meh... |
oooo...nice....I'll definitely be using that sword...
Staff....yeah I'll use it...
Bow....umm...hmm...I dunno...doesn't seem very darksteelish...
The other two aren't from the weapon contest.. The sword still looks great, and I actually really like the staff. The bow is rather uninteresting, but I think all bows are. |
Translated from the german site:
We were on the search for something unusual, something that the Eye OF the North topic fits. With Bora Vergili from Istanbul, Turkey, we became fündig. We looked for something that a visual connection to far trembling summits manufactures unknown landing, and the entry of our Serbian participant Marko Cvetrovic fulfilled this exactly. Our third breath-robbing weapon, the ice age blade, is based on the Artwork of Andre Roux. |
1 question:
Why dont they ever make cool axes, i was like:"Hmm that sword can come in handy" then it struck me i never use swords, hate them with a passion. Axes FTW!!! Hoorah!!!
Why dont they ever make cool axes, i was like:"Hmm that sword can come in handy" then it struck me i never use swords, hate them with a passion. Axes FTW!!! Hoorah!!!
Jongo River
These plus the GotYE pack cover all the heroes I actually use. It's a shame I've missed some of the previous pre-order packs, but I don't see myself wasting a hero slot on a Sin anyway. I love playing the class, but don't see much point in picking Zenmai over pretty much any other hero. I level Zenmai as a crit barrager and then forget about her.