Originally Posted by boko
You mean in the event that you will not be affected?
I am completely affected both positively and negatively if/when this change were to occured. Didnt i mention that already?
i will repeat. AGAIN.
I have weighed the positive and negative effects (including on myself) and i have come to the conclusion that the positive effects outweigh the negative.
I have a few rare Tyrian/Canthan items and i dont mind sacrificing them if it meant better items for everyone else.
Yes. Coz Hitler had a very specific opinion on Jews, and we all know how wrong he was. An opinion can be wrong if you dun't consider a situation from all perspectives. That's a very basic thing.
Just because you only see one side of a person and think that a person is a very good person or a jerk does not make it true. In other words, your opinion is wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble but opinions can be wrong.
OMG you just did the hitler. LOL. Ok...ok...ok, let me clarify.
Theres nothing LOGICALLY wrong with an opinion since opinions do not require any logic. An opinion can be MORALLY or ETHICALLY wrong, but we're not talking about morality or ethics, since that is not the issue being debated.
So did I , Yet you ignored it. And now again you talk about collateral damage as if it was inevitable.
So what if i ignored it. The point was given already. And since there was no counterpoint against it, theres no reason to return to that point.
I completely believe it is inevitable. So whats your point?
Strawmanning? unproductive? I am making the discussion move. Showing you that you are not considering all the eventualities, and moving it towards that middle ground. Now how about you? Where are you moving the topic? Or are you being unproductive and sticking to you stance, refusing to consider other people views? Making the topic stay still, and telling me that I am unproductive when the whole of your comment is only defending yourself and not trying to help the community? Counter your arguments? Did I not already done that? Selective memory?
You seem to think that telling me that im biased and my opinion is biased etc etc is discussing the topic. It is not. Thats merely discussing me. As much as i love your attention, i must digress.
Im being productive since i am DEFENDING my position. Thats part of debate.
By cutting down your nonesense and showing that you arent arguing with me, just wasting my time.
The only person who has done any counter-argument to me is Snow Bunny.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
lyra, I suppose I argue against a larger generalization of the inscription system because it takes the sheer interest out of prophecies. Proph skins aren't all that interesting, and the reason certain weapons have been so attractive is because they are so difficult to acquire.
I can easily negate your argument by pointing out that what you state is based on personal tastes and does not reflect the actual possible outcome.
I know a LOT of players who prefer Factions and Prophecies skins to any Nightfall skins (with few exceptions) and would certainly appreciate usable versions of rare skinned weapons (Ornate Shield for me!)
I would certainly say its true that certain items are only highly valued purely on their rarity. As such, even if the inscribable system were added, they would still be higher in value since they are still rare, inscription or not.
The inscription system does not affect how easily it is to get a rare weapon. Merely that all rare weapons can become more easily useable.
The only thing that truly depreciated inscribable items was really the introduction of Hardmode and finding specific farm areas for rare items (Dead sword, Dead Bow and Colossal scimitar come to mind).
I mean, those Req8 perfect fellblades are amazing. With the inscription system, you don't see any q8 max weapons (I haven't at least, and no one else I know has either), and so with the inscription system, you begin to turn the items towards utility as opposed to aesthetics, which is largely a pointless move, because max weapons are so easy to acquire in the first place.
Thus, the only purpose of a Q8 perfect weapon is that it's a. rare b. interesting c. pretty good skin.
I think, that it would be hard for you to argue that items being actually valued for their use....is a bad thing.
Yes there is value in a weapon's aesthetics, but i dont see how you can argue that thats the only purpose of a weapon.
Rare pretty weapons will always be rare and pretty, regardless of inscriptions. Same with rare ugly weapons.
Its value might depreciate, but that shouldnt stop you if you really like the skin or its rarity or its functionality.
And while you may argue that unconditional items have an advantage, if you're not tailoring multiple weapon sets to deal with every possibility in pvp that you can, why bother attempting pvp to win?
if player A can cause more damage per swing than player B, player A has an advantage. if player A can have both -2 while enchanted and -2 while in stance, while player B cannot craft such a shield, player A has an advantage.
Its really that simple. What player B has to do to overcome player A does NOT negate the fact that player A still has an inherent advantage.
edit: i apologize to manitoba and lifeinfusion for not acknowledging that they countered some of my points too.