Originally Posted by ibex333
Wow.. so much flame... *most of it because people don't even bother to read what I wrote*
It's funny how everyone who replied is completely blind to the negative effects the modding has on the game. If you even took one minute to really THINK about it instead of flaming me, you might have understood what I'm saying.
I havent seen any effect however, there is one thing I will agree with.
I do believe that Anet shouldnt have allowed it, not because it gives any advantage currently, it doesnt, but because its a sliding scale. You either allow mods or you dont but I dont agree with saying "some mods are ok".
How can a modder interrupt faster or heal better? Change the gfx of the skill to say INTERRUPT ME with big red letters.. Put markers on the health bar for 50% 75% 90%. Make skins brighter.. Do I need to go on and on? If you choose to remain blind to this, there's no point for me to even bother explaining.
Thats undoable without the source code, just having access to the textures does not allow you to do so plus without very very detailed knowledge of how the textures are applied, constructed and used by the game itself such things as you describe may be possible ultimately but it would probably take years to accomplish.
Even so, all advantage would be in PvP which you say you're not interested in anyway.
People are talking about MINIMAL effect? What minimal effect? The effect is massive. I cant see how the game will recover from the harm that was done any time soon. The economy is destroyed. This game is like Diablo2 now. That's the reason why I quit Diablo2 after playing it for almost 6 years. At least I could sell my account there without anyone telling me if I can do that or not. Blizz simply didn't care. (probably because they knew and admitted to the fact that their game has gone to hell) I think it's only fair that I'm allowed to get my money back if I'm not really getting what I ORIGINALLY paid for.
The economy is just fine, the highest end item in the game has lost some value, thats all.
As for getting what you originally paid for, well, thats a rather weird request, I dont know when you bought the game but I know when I bought it there was no SF, there were no Battle Isles and we can make that list much, much longer.
One has to be completely brain dead to pay more than 1k for anything these days. Whatever you are buying.. it might have been duped.. 250 diamonds? - duped. Perfect crystalline - duped. 1000 ecto? - might have been duped too...
Uh yes...and who cares? 0.01% of players at most. I havent paid more then 1K for almost anything, in fact I'll gladly sell almost anything if people want to buy an overpriced skin or item because they want to look kewl.
If I only wanted to PvP and juggle my skills around to beat my opponent, I could have played Magic the Gathering. I chose GW because it used to offer so much more. That is no longer the case.
It still does but hey, YMMV.
Heh... there are thousands of armbraces in people's hands, and people are talking about MINIMAL effect...
Got any proof of that? Even if that was the case, so what? Does it matter to playing the game? Nope, not one iota, the worst side effect of that might be a drop in price on AoT's and more Torment items around. Well, that sure breaks the game, a rare skin being not so rare anymore!
Well ask yourself why you even took that journey in the first place... Either way, even if it is about the journey, which it probably is, even that factor is now gone. Why take the journey when you can have whatever you want instantly now?
Dude, its not about the destination, its about the journey and I never made the journey with the idea I'd get some kind of l33t weapon skin at the end of it. Its a game, we play it for fun. If you dont then its time to quit.
Who would lift weights if they could instantly have muscles all over their body? Who would work if money was falling from the sky? Who would strive for anything if it was already there in their hands?
Uh...I would, well, not lift weights obviously, but I do what I enjoy and I enjoy playing GW. I play for the fun, the challenge, the challenge doesnt diminish because I have a torment item or because I want one...in fact aside from some pixels on the screen that torment items costing 3-400K does the same damage as my 110gp self modded item.
But hey, my pen1s is big enough rl, I dont need an epeen to feel secure
Yes that is EXACTLY what I will do. That's the only thing I can do. Except for ranting off course.
Well, too bad, I think its sad you leave for such a reason but to each his own. Good luck in your next game.