Paragon females are not sexy barbie dolls!
Heh, funny this is. My gf hardly even plays female characters anymore, because they aren't ''Heroic'' looking enough, Basically she thinks heroes-(Not Npc heroes) should have armor and look more .. heroic i guess. So she just plays all male chars since they are actually armored and stuff. And honestly when you think about it, if you were going into battle and getting hit and stuff.. i doubt you'd be wearing armor like 15k druids, then everywhere on you is a target. *Waits for GW:EN armors*.
I hope Anet doesn't take this into consideration. Seriously, a GWEN without cleavage would be terrible. Female paragons are simply proud of their curves.
Originally Posted by Brianna
Heh, funny this is. My gf hardly even plays female characters anymore, because they aren't ''Heroic'' looking enough, Basically she thinks heroes-(Not Npc heroes) should have armor and look more .. heroic i guess. So she just plays all male chars since they are actually armored and stuff. And honestly when you think about it, if you were going into battle and getting hit and stuff.. i doubt you'd be wearing armor like 15k druids, then everywhere on you is a target. *Waits for GW:EN armors*.
I'm sorry to say this Shakkara, but you are fighting a losing battle here. So the girl Paragons are showing a little too much ankle and midriff? Cry me a river. It's a game and it's hardly pornographic. The majority of Guild Wars' players like to see a bit of T&A from time to time.
Are you a traditional Muslim? Actually scrub that, it's none of my business. Hell, you should check out the Ranger's Elite Druid, it'll make your Para look like Mother Theresa.
Are you a traditional Muslim? Actually scrub that, it's none of my business. Hell, you should check out the Ranger's Elite Druid, it'll make your Para look like Mother Theresa.
Originally Posted by Brianna
Heh, funny this is. My gf hardly even plays female characters anymore, because they aren't ''Heroic'' looking enough, Basically she thinks heroes-(Not Npc heroes) should have armor and look more .. heroic i guess. So she just plays all male chars since they are actually armored and stuff. And honestly when you think about it, if you were going into battle and getting hit and stuff.. i doubt you'd be wearing armor like 15k druids, then everywhere on you is a target. *Waits for GW:EN armors*.
Thing is, with the heavier plate mails your GF is thinking about, that's hardly what someone would want to wear most of the time. Yeah you can move and swim in it, but that's tough and the armor is uncomfortable and definately isn't something you'd put on in town and then prance about the countryside in. That kind of armor was worn for jousting and pitched battles against similarly armored people. If you weren't expecting to do either of those things, your plate mail stayed packed up.
I'm a guy, and I agree with the OP. To all the guys disagreeing with her opinion, think about this; how would you feel if every set of armor for your male character was basically a speedo and an armored belly-shirt? Yeah, that'd be pretty messed up, right?
Besides, I personally wouldn't give a crap if all of the female characters were flat-out naked, they're freakin' fake.
Besides, I personally wouldn't give a crap if all of the female characters were flat-out naked, they're freakin' fake.
OP I understand your position, however; you must remember that the intended audience for this game is MALE not the few (but getting more plentiful) females.
Men like to look at certain parts of the female, they want toons that are pretty, etc....they are who the game was designed for and for whom they will continue to design the characters to attract. We (women---yes I am in RL female) are in the minority, so your choices are few, though we can hope for something better in gwen (it supposed to have cold areas there so maybe something a bit more covering???????).
Good luck OP....
Men like to look at certain parts of the female, they want toons that are pretty, etc....they are who the game was designed for and for whom they will continue to design the characters to attract. We (women---yes I am in RL female) are in the minority, so your choices are few, though we can hope for something better in gwen (it supposed to have cold areas there so maybe something a bit more covering???????).
Good luck OP....
not another one of these thread. geez, it's a freakin' game!!! guild wars is a gme. it is not realistic. it is not a social commentary. it is entertainment. if you want realism and social commentary, stop playing on the computer and get out of your dwelling. you might as well complain about the follow:
1) the skill eviscerate doesn't eviscerate anything!
2) monk tattoo armor shows too much skin and shouldn't protect as well as it does
3) same with warrior gladiator armor
4) characters don't require food for sustenance <--- i mean, geez couldn't they have at least put in a food requirement? i real life, i eat, and so should my character
5) etc. etc...
1) the skill eviscerate doesn't eviscerate anything!
2) monk tattoo armor shows too much skin and shouldn't protect as well as it does
3) same with warrior gladiator armor
4) characters don't require food for sustenance <--- i mean, geez couldn't they have at least put in a food requirement? i real life, i eat, and so should my character
5) etc. etc...
what's wrong with this picture?
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
I'm a guy, and I agree with the OP. To all the guys disagreeing with her opinion, think about this; how would you feel if every set of armor for your male character was basically a speedo and an armored belly-shirt? Yeah, that'd be pretty messed up, right?
Besides, I personally wouldn't give a crap if all of the female characters were flat-out naked, they're freakin' fake. |
Razz Thom
Originally Posted by Whirlwind
... c'mon now a little more realism please.

If they had people running around wearing the invincible bandaid of uberness AL 345 it is fantasy and that is possible. Personally i like the female paragon armor but I think the dance sucks. OOOOOOH great idea, I'll start a post about how the female paragon shoud get a better dance because the current one is retarded and i find retarded dancing offensive. Rally the troops, these bad dances can't be allowed to stand. hoorah!
Phantom Gun
Hey it's kind of the same with male armour. Which is why I don't even have a Paragon as a main profession.
Exhibit A:

One 3 letter word comes to mind here with exhibit a, but i'm not sure if I can say it here.
Exhibit B:

If the marked spot was lifted any higher, I would go blind.
So some more manly paragon armour would be nice as well.
Exhibit A:

One 3 letter word comes to mind here with exhibit a, but i'm not sure if I can say it here.
Exhibit B:

If the marked spot was lifted any higher, I would go blind.
So some more manly paragon armour would be nice as well.
Agreed, Phantom Gun, those 'features' really are awful. And those nipples, ewww. But at least there is a little bit more choice as male, as I said, I really like their Vabbian armor. Expensive though

Originally Posted by Razz Thom
Yeah because we all run around getting assaulted by trees everyday. And I can't tell you how many times my tattoos have kept a sword from really hurting me. And please, for the love of Pete, don't get me started on those dang shadow monsters that attack me when i'm trying to do my job everyday. Realism, in a fantasy setting? Sure.
![]() If they had people running around wearing the invincible bandaid of uberness AL 345 it is fantasy and that is possible. Personally i like the female paragon armor but I think the dance sucks. OOOOOOH great idea, I'll start a post about how the female paragon shoud get a better dance because the current one is retarded and i find retarded dancing offensive. Rally the troops, these bad dances can't be allowed to stand. hoorah! |
Allright, I propose changing the male paragon dance to this.
Vossler Efson
Originally Posted by cellardweller
I'd like male paragon armour with the same attributes
Vossler Efson
Originally Posted by Shakkara
No there isn't. Point out a female paragon armor that covers the belly please.
Originally Posted by Vossler Efson
Point out a male paragon armor that covers the belly please.
not another one of these threads. look I am all for more variety in armor but calling the current armor we have unmodest offensive or unrealistic is just dumb. just because parts of the armor show some bare skin automatically makes them indecent or skankish, anything related to that word? ridiculous. remember these are pixels we are talking about they are not real people and this is a fantasy game, everything that is impossible in the real world is possible in this type of genre, use your imagination. but if you want to get realistic having less armor is good for mobility and agility that way you can evade hits. native americans had very light armor and they had skin showing too other tribes around the world had only loin cloths as armor but they depend on their agility to avoid getting hit. the way that the paragon armor is fitted makes sense because they are a spear throwing proffession so even though that there are some exposed or vulnerable parts, it will help them to arch their backs and position their legs so they can throw the spear more effectively and the mobility to dodge well. with heavy fully covered plated armor they wouldnt be able to do that well
I agree with having more variety but please dont call armor that shows some bare skin indecent unmodest or detesting and that it makes them look like some skank. its just ridiculous and I hope you dont join the rest of us who plan on playing age of conan
I agree with having more variety but please dont call armor that shows some bare skin indecent unmodest or detesting and that it makes them look like some skank. its just ridiculous and I hope you dont join the rest of us who plan on playing age of conan
1. Shakkara i wonder what you do when you go on the beach...and there are plenty of people in swimsuit...are you covering your eyes like the Rt does?
2. Not to say that in my country there are girls that don't wear bra on the beach...that's even cooler...not.
3. Yes, i agree with a variety of armors but as others said before... a full plate armor doesn't fit a spear thrower.
4. Male Para = ParaGay
5. /cheers
2. Not to say that in my country there are girls that don't wear bra on the beach...that's even cooler...not.
3. Yes, i agree with a variety of armors but as others said before... a full plate armor doesn't fit a spear thrower.
4. Male Para = ParaGay
5. /cheers
Hong Kong Evil
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
Male paras need somthing other than skirts too
![]() |

Guardian of the Light
Ok before responding I decided to look up Paragon armor (both genders) in the wiki page:
I also looked at the 'leaked' armor and it looks like things aren't changing.
There's nothing really wrong with armor but at the same time there's nothing wrong with choices. Every other profession has at least 1 'conservative' outfit (even the eles have Tyrian armor) and I don't see anything wrong with giving one for paragons.
So based on the sole fact that there isn't an alternative I'm gonna have to /sign this.
I also looked at the 'leaked' armor and it looks like things aren't changing.
There's nothing really wrong with armor but at the same time there's nothing wrong with choices. Every other profession has at least 1 'conservative' outfit (even the eles have Tyrian armor) and I don't see anything wrong with giving one for paragons.
So based on the sole fact that there isn't an alternative I'm gonna have to /sign this.
Peoples, as I've been saying in the other thread, it's about CHOICE.
Asking for one or two armour sets that are a little more modest is not in any way a suggestion that the existing armours be censored or anything like that. Apart from the time for the art design team to make a new armour set or two, can any of you tell me one how your own play experience would be negatively impacted by this?
Yes, Paragons can be expected to be more lightly armoured than Warriors... but there are male Paragon sets that have full breastplates. Why can't there be some female ones as well?
Asking for one or two armour sets that are a little more modest is not in any way a suggestion that the existing armours be censored or anything like that. Apart from the time for the art design team to make a new armour set or two, can any of you tell me one how your own play experience would be negatively impacted by this?
Yes, Paragons can be expected to be more lightly armoured than Warriors... but there are male Paragon sets that have full breastplates. Why can't there be some female ones as well?
God Apprentice
I'll be quick about this. I agree with the OP's suggestion, simply have choices for a more "covered-up" female paragon be nice. But also respect that the current armor sets out there, are just simply ArenaNet's art design. I've played a MMORPG called Lineage 2, there's a race called the Dark Elves, both male and female ( tho female more so ) wear barely anything, and definitely not anything that resemble "realistic" armor. While those Dark Elves armor are far from being realistic, I think Lineage 2 has the best and most creative art direction with the armors/outfit/everything in any MMORPG, imho. I personally prefer fantasy-style design over realistic-design because despite what a previous poster said, I think it's promotes creativity.
My point is, yes choice is always good, but we as the "consumers", always will have unlimited demands/needs. If Arena Net do release a female paragon armor that is more 'covered', what if its "the ugliest armor ever" and everyone hates it? Then were gonna repeat ourselves.
My point is, yes choice is always good, but we as the "consumers", always will have unlimited demands/needs. If Arena Net do release a female paragon armor that is more 'covered', what if its "the ugliest armor ever" and everyone hates it? Then were gonna repeat ourselves.

Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
A man with nipples? ew..
Johnny Madhouse
It would be nice to see more modest armor, maybe something along the lines of leather with metal plates on it. Flexible, protective, and you know, modest for those players that like modesty.
The kilts rule, don't remove those, but I would like a cheap option for covering the midriff on my male para that isn't ugly. As is, the only options are Elonian (ugly) and Vabbian (hella expensive, and before everyone tells me how rich they are, please don't bother).
The kilts rule, don't remove those, but I would like a cheap option for covering the midriff on my male para that isn't ugly. As is, the only options are Elonian (ugly) and Vabbian (hella expensive, and before everyone tells me how rich they are, please don't bother).
Paragon females are sexy rendered characters.
Graphik Desine
i am female as well, BUT i do not support this argument. i think the woman character should instead flaunt what they were given as a symbol of female empowerment, as a way to entice the male characters into a false sense of satisfaction. i actually wouldnt mind seeing a little more leg, arm, and breast myself on any profession ^^
Originally Posted by Graphik Desine
i am female as well, BUT i do not support this argument. i think the woman character should instead flaunt what they were given as a symbol of female empowerment, as a way to entice the male characters into a false sense of satisfaction. i actually wouldnt mind seeing a little more leg, arm, and breast myself on any profession ^^

While we're at it, why stop at Paragons? More variety for all classes.
Actually, let's not even stop there.
Fully user-customizable armor. Like in Neverwinter Nights, where you can choose between bunches of models for each armor section (left/right shoulders, forearms, upper arms, torso, neck, upper legs, lower legs, feet, waist, robe, etc). Problem solved.
Actually, let's not even stop there.
Fully user-customizable armor. Like in Neverwinter Nights, where you can choose between bunches of models for each armor section (left/right shoulders, forearms, upper arms, torso, neck, upper legs, lower legs, feet, waist, robe, etc). Problem solved.
Skimpy armor doesnt bother me at all.... strange :P I'm a female who happens to like breasts lol..... so yah doesnt bother me at all :P
Graphik Desine
A11Eur0 try quoting original material--original replies, for instance, before twisting sentences out of proportion and creating the illusion of fallacy.
two different ideas, two different views. the one quoted below was my own words, in response to BEHAVIORS, and a suggestion for the original poster, not views on clothing.....
in general, everyone is entitled to have different views on different topics. there is a difference between the way one may feel about [elementalist] behaviors that seem to weaken the power and intelligence a specific gender, thus making it more desirable to choose the opposite version (available by personal preference). as in the end, the person commanding the opposite-gender character in the game is irony in itself XD
supporting showing off the body for what it's worth as a symbol of power and confidence is different from not supporting showing off stereotypical mannerisms and visible lack of common sense. if the female paragon mannerisms reflected that of a "barbie," then i could see there would be less desire for a conservative female player to choose a female paragon as a permanent pve character. the paragon is a powerful, confident figure. why not reflect that confident image with matching clothing (or lack thereof :P)?
two different ideas, two different views. the one quoted below was my own words, in response to BEHAVIORS, and a suggestion for the original poster, not views on clothing.....
in general, everyone is entitled to have different views on different topics. there is a difference between the way one may feel about [elementalist] behaviors that seem to weaken the power and intelligence a specific gender, thus making it more desirable to choose the opposite version (available by personal preference). as in the end, the person commanding the opposite-gender character in the game is irony in itself XD
supporting showing off the body for what it's worth as a symbol of power and confidence is different from not supporting showing off stereotypical mannerisms and visible lack of common sense. if the female paragon mannerisms reflected that of a "barbie," then i could see there would be less desire for a conservative female player to choose a female paragon as a permanent pve character. the paragon is a powerful, confident figure. why not reflect that confident image with matching clothing (or lack thereof :P)?
Originally Posted by Graphik Desine
lolol. see, this is why i made my main characters prevent running into any of these types of problems, especially the creepy cyber whispers :P
it might be too late for you now, gnome, but a good way to see if the characters you create are going to have revealing or even really NEAT armor---is by looking on the armor pages of fansites first, even though it may be a spoiler, it'll add a few years to all of our life exectancies XD that's what i did with all my chars after i made my female ele...learned from mistakes ._. |
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by rohara
what's wrong with this picture?
They wear light but protectin gear to be able to toss quicklñy and effectively spears.
They armors are based in roman armors.
They worked for roman. They ruled an empire for quite a long time.
They armors are based in roman armors.
They worked for roman. They ruled an empire for quite a long time.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
They wear light but protectin gear to be able to toss quicklñy and effectively spears.
They armors are based in roman armors. They worked for roman. They ruled an empire for quite a long time. |

Athena is the only female soldier figure of that period that comes to mind, and she doesn't show midriff. Then again, some depictions of her show nothing at all.

Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Funnily enough, most men do, in fact, have nipples.
All classes should have a modest alternative, i mean fair play to the people who prefer to show off their toons body, but I am one who likes armour to suit my environment. For example my ranger is in the shiverpeaks, so she has her furry armour. Paragons would FREEZE in the shiverpeaks. poor souls.. :'(
You have.
Remeber the ones with the nipples?
Those are the 'cold' ones.
Remeber the ones with the nipples?
Those are the 'cold' ones.
Originally Posted by Ember010
That made me lol. =]
/signed. All classes should have a modest alternative, i mean fair play to the people who prefer to show off their toons body, but I am one who likes armour to suit my environment. For example my ranger is in the shiverpeaks, so she has her furry armour. Paragons would FREEZE in the shiverpeaks. poor souls.. :'( |
Their armor is solely for ease of movement. I'll be damn sure that the developers and character designers of this game took all of this into account. That's why 80% of ele NF armor is revealing, but there's alot of armor in Prophecies and Factions that is modest...those campaigns have areas where you would need more insulation from the elements. Sure you have the option of Iceforged in Yak's bend...but who's to say that wearing iceforged armor doesn't give you some resistance to cold? Hell, the original hydromancer armor before insignias gave you defense against cold attacks...
Paragon armor fails it anyway. I get that they're something of an angelic centurion class, what with the wings and all, but PLEASE can I get some armor that isn't 90% white? (And would it be possible to kick in something for the guys that isn't a skirt?)
I care less about the fact that Immy's running around in a sparkly metal bra than I do about the fact that I can only make the trim pink.
Although I agree with OP that some full-body paragon armor would be nice. Even Ele girls have options to wear something that resembles protective covering. XD
I care less about the fact that Immy's running around in a sparkly metal bra than I do about the fact that I can only make the trim pink.

Although I agree with OP that some full-body paragon armor would be nice. Even Ele girls have options to wear something that resembles protective covering. XD
For the 'white' problem, they should give normal armos two dyable areas, and elite armors four.