Originally Posted by lyra_song
Paragons wearing a very similar gem takes away from the class' individuality and creates a poor design. |
Petition: Helms for our Paras!
Master Sword Keeper
No you twat.... This one means, the color and actual design in basic.
Yes warrior's and rangers have an originallity, in no point do assasins have any conjunction in with rangers, They both wear masks yes, but share no design similarities,
A para helm is just what we need.
Yes warrior's and rangers have an originallity, in no point do assasins have any conjunction in with rangers, They both wear masks yes, but share no design similarities,
A para helm is just what we need.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Wouldn't a helmet take away from the Warrior's originality? Did Assassin masks take the originality from the Ranger masks? Did Monks and Necros both having Scar Patterns take away from their originality?
Stupid Shizno
i dont see kanyattas argument, monks and necros do not need to wear tattoos or scar paterns, they are clothed armor as well. as for the head piece, mhenlo looks pro with his tattoo on his head.
its pretty simple to get the reasoning a paragon needs a helment
this go over them.
paragons have shields
paragons have melee weapons.
paragons have adrenaline based skills.
all these the warrior have too, but will a paragon be a warrior with a helmet?
mmmm no, i think i can still tell the difference between a paragon and a warrior based of armor.
and i want the paragon to have a helm, it would make him pro.
and it dosnt even make me want to make a pargaon.
its pretty simple to get the reasoning a paragon needs a helment
this go over them.
paragons have shields
paragons have melee weapons.
paragons have adrenaline based skills.
all these the warrior have too, but will a paragon be a warrior with a helmet?
mmmm no, i think i can still tell the difference between a paragon and a warrior based of armor.
and i want the paragon to have a helm, it would make him pro.
and it dosnt even make me want to make a pargaon.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Wouldn't a helmet take away from the Warrior's originality? Did Assassin masks take the originality from the Ranger masks? Did Monks and Necros both having Scar Patterns take away from their originality?
Its very difficult to take away anything from these designs because they are already so different from each other, that they share little in common other than being helmets.
Creating a set of helmets that fits the themes of Paragons (whos armors share little in common with warrior armor) WITHOUT stepping on the toes of the warrior's designs is easy if they share a common design theme which ALREADY exists in all paragon armor.
Assassin masks follow a different asthetic from Ranger masks.
Assassin masks are more form fitting, Ranger masks hang off the face (basically a handkerchief).
Assassin masks MATCH their respective armors.
Ranger masks MATCH their respective armors.
Monks have head tattoos and Necros have face scar patterns. Thats significantly different.
Did you actually see Paragon and Elementalist pieces side by side?
The various Elementalist headpieces do not share enough in common to have common themes. Factions have auras in particular. This makes Paragon headpieces fit into their style very easily.
And the fact that the Paragon crests do not share design elements from the armors they are supposed to be with, does not further help the situation.
A paragon is the closest thing to a hoplite that i can get. I WANT A HOPLITE!
Now if only spears were melee weapons...
Now if only spears were melee weapons...
Paragons wear helmets ! how utterly ridiculous.
With all the historical comments one would have thought they would have researched it more.
Helmets screw up your hearing and speaking and forgive me here if I err but don't paragons depend on Shouts ?
I have done ancient and medieval reenactment for years and have worn "and still own" a helmet based on the greek full face helm.
You can hear ok if you don't have earpieces attached but if you yell it echoes around the helm.
Many medieval helms have the same problem, Its a case of visor up yell an order and visor down before you get an arrow in the face.
I know im being picky in a fantasy setting but if you want to use historical reasons for something to exist then expect historical reasons why it shouldnt.
Now can we have them please because they look really good /signed
With all the historical comments one would have thought they would have researched it more.
Helmets screw up your hearing and speaking and forgive me here if I err but don't paragons depend on Shouts ?
I have done ancient and medieval reenactment for years and have worn "and still own" a helmet based on the greek full face helm.
You can hear ok if you don't have earpieces attached but if you yell it echoes around the helm.
Many medieval helms have the same problem, Its a case of visor up yell an order and visor down before you get an arrow in the face.
I know im being picky in a fantasy setting but if you want to use historical reasons for something to exist then expect historical reasons why it shouldnt.
Now can we have them please because they look really good /signed
isamu kurosawa
Originally Posted by gremlin
You can hear ok if you don't have earpieces attached but if you yell it echoes around the helm.
I think we all know they aren't going to do this for players, but whatever...

I'd like to at least have a winged crown like Kormir:

Or maybe they could make a winged crest instead of a slightly modified Elementalist jewel.

I'd like to at least have a winged crown like Kormir:

Or maybe they could make a winged crest instead of a slightly modified Elementalist jewel.
it would be cool but id doubt they would even consider them. when i read information about paragons before nf was released i asuumed they would get helmets and armor with wings on them. Its weird how warriors only get helms, maybe they should consider in a future expansion or gw2 to let all charcters get a helmet, maybe even tattoos, gems etc
Meo Yeong
New helms like that would be nice
New helms like that would be nice
Paragon without a helmet is not a paragon. I mean come on, a soldier without full armor? Even in 300 they had helmets -.-
Paragon without a helmet is not a paragon. I mean come on, a soldier without full armor? Even in 300 they had helmets -.-
Originally Posted by gremlin
Paragons wear helmets ! how utterly ridiculous.
With all the historical comments one would have thought they would have researched it more. Helmets screw up your hearing and speaking and forgive me here if I err but don't paragons depend on Shouts ? I have done ancient and medieval reenactment for years and have worn "and still own" a helmet based on the greek full face helm. You can hear ok if you don't have earpieces attached but if you yell it echoes around the helm. Many medieval helms have the same problem, Its a case of visor up yell an order and visor down before you get an arrow in the face. I know im being picky in a fantasy setting but if you want to use historical reasons for something to exist then expect historical reasons why it shouldnt. Now can we have them please because they look really good /signed |

We're not talking about how it would work in real life, we're talking about what would fit the class in-game. If your point was going to fly, all "shouts" from warriors, like "Watch Yourself!" and "Shields Up!" should be removed as well. It's just about what looks cool and what would fit the class, but yeah.

And like stated before, the Paragon helms in no way need to tread on the Warrior designs. Warriors have an immense variety of helmet designs, yet none that look remotely like a Corinthian. If you make the Corinthian helm design linked to the Paragon (as it is perfect for the armour they wear) the lines wouldn't cross at all.
I wish they would just tell us "NO", if they have no intention of doing anything remotely like this..
Personally, I think the Paras & Dervish got shafted in terms of all armor. Especially female Paras.
Personally, I think the Paras & Dervish got shafted in terms of all armor. Especially female Paras.
Abonai Laguna
like the kormir helm tho the rest sux
Originally Posted by Darksun
I wish they would just tell us "NO", if they have no intention of doing anything remotely like this..
Personally, I think the Paras & Dervish got shafted in terms of all armor. Especially female Paras. |
Oh if there was one thing I would like to happen on forums it would be a list every 3 months or so with the main threads answered
Even a maybe answer would be better than nothing.
Ok I know its never going to happen but hey I can wish.
As for the Helmet idea I do admit to thinking of the paragon as a Valkyrie style warrior when I first read of them.
I did look through Valkyrie names before creating mine "Sigrun Elonadis" so a nice winged helm would be good.
Wouldnt mind a flying horse too
Great idea. i gots an idea attached.
Jumping Is Uselss
would be nice to have a helm for paragons, but I know Anet will never deliver this request.
would be nice to have a helm for paragons, but I know Anet will never deliver this request.
I would sooooooooooooo love a paragon helm. Except if it has a broom top. I want headgear, not a duster
I would sooooooooooooo love a paragon helm. Except if it has a broom top. I want headgear, not a duster

will be cool if they have a helm like the spartans
will be cool if they have a helm like the spartans

Kinda late to be asking for this since ArenaNet's focus is on GW2. Does anyone know if ArenaNet is still accepting suggestions for GW?
I wouldn't mind an occasional armor supplement while they work on GW2.
I wouldn't mind an occasional armor supplement while they work on GW2.
Curse You
Originally Posted by Richardt
I would sooooooooooooo love a paragon helm. Except if it has a broom top. I want headgear, not a duster ![]() |

Paragons are spear throwers and spear throwers need helmets! I can't imagine anything more crazy than a melee combatant without proper armor on their noggin.
I'll sign off on this! /sign
I'll sign off on this! /sign
Originally Posted by Curse You
Those helmets are why the Greeks and Romans always had clean ceilings.
![]() |
Also as Craywulf said how Anet focus is on GW2, maybe this could go towards GW2 if they decide to have some class that is a spear thrower or is like a paragon in some sense.
100% /signed
And not because I'm Greek, just because WTF PEBBLES ON MY PARAS HEAD!!! Paras don't do earth magic, so why have an earth magic-type headpiece on their head. A corinthian helm or even some of these sick newer helms I've seen floating around in this thread would look amazing on a paragon.
And seriously... what doesn't fit here: spear, shield, rock thingy?!?!?!
And not because I'm Greek, just because WTF PEBBLES ON MY PARAS HEAD!!! Paras don't do earth magic, so why have an earth magic-type headpiece on their head. A corinthian helm or even some of these sick newer helms I've seen floating around in this thread would look amazing on a paragon.
And seriously... what doesn't fit here: spear, shield, rock thingy?!?!?!
Onarik Amrak
Didn't anyone learn anything from 300? To throw a spear best, you can't have a helmet obscuring your vision.
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Didn't anyone learn anything from 300? To throw a spear best, you can't have a helmet obscuring your vision.

Haha, I end up wearing Magni's crown. Hahaha.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Didn't anyone learn anything from 300? To throw a spear best, you can't have a helmet obscuring your vision.
Onto Seriousness:
yeah, I think that in GW2 the paragons need to have helmets.Also more armor that resembles a commander or rather than an Angelic Figure.
Both style of the paragon are fine with me but most of the armor is way to revieling.
Fear Me!
Originally Posted by Odinius
On my last holiday I picked up a statuette of Athena which looks like the perfect paragon imo.
http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001399.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001400.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001401.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001404.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001405.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001407.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001408.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001409.jpg http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q...e/S6001411.jpg |
Onarik Amrak
^What para armour should look like.

/signed. A cool, feathered head-piece would look just the part.
And surely Homer is wearing Granite Citadel platemail?
And surely Homer is wearing Granite Citadel platemail?
I really like the idea of helmets on paragons , will make them look more ... powerful ? less-'spellcaster-ish' ? I dunno, anyway it would look better than some stones.
I really like the idea of helmets on paragons , will make them look more ... powerful ? less-'spellcaster-ish' ? I dunno, anyway it would look better than some stones.