Epic armor unlockable only by maxing titles (i.e Lengedary Gaurdian)
6am3 Fana71c
Fish no offense but I think it comes down to this: You want some kind of armor which requires effort to get it only so you don't have to listen to those jerks screaming you got FoW via Ebay. This way you are elite and no one can deny that. Right? Well whatever. FYI, I got half of FoW set for my warrior, only and I repeat ONLY because I like it. Not to be 1337 or anuthing, I just liked it and I got it. I could get full set but warrior males look fat in it imho. And one important thing: I never had to grind for it. I just did Urgoz Warren, and in a week I had enough money to buy it, and I was left with around 300K which I spent on mini Gwen. And guess what, I don't care if someone says I Ebayed it, I got it for myself, and because I like it. I don't know why people have a need to feel elite. You have titles? Good for you, pal. Display them and move on. Why would Anet add epic armor only cus you have a need to be somewhat more important then others, with armor which is saying: Wow, I got this armor by hard work, not like those stinky FoW owners, now bow to me...
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Your going to have to explain that one to me!
How is adding one set of armor that requires LG to unlock it, changing the entire game into something it isnt? What would this be changing it into? I really dont understand that statement! How is this going to fundimentally change anything. Its only an idea to add one extra armor set that requires you have achieved Lengendary Gaurdian to buy it. Yes I can see the entire Tyrian world calling apart now!! This need to max titles to achieve stuff is nothing new. You have noticed the favor system has changed? You do know that maxing certain titles effect lockpick survival and salvage survival? Titles already have incentives to complete them. But because those insentives dont result in a material object, people dont complain. Again the only argument I have seen against this idea is... "I dont like to max titles, and if I cant have this armor then no one can" ...well I like FOW armor, but you dont see me winging because Im realistic that I will never buy it. The reason being that I hate elite zones and I hate the idea of spending hours farming gold, ectos and shards just for some flashy armor. But you dont see me complaining about FOW armor do you? There are countless things ingame that require one level of grind or another to unlock, achieve or buy. Im sure some people consider FOW or Vabbian armor a grind to buy, but they dont complain. But again, I dont see how adding a title related armor set would fundimentally change the game? I dont mind debating this, but can someone please give a reason against this other then "I dont like to max titles, so it not fair on me". Because I could use that exact same argument for FOW armor, Vabbian armor, Luxon/Kuzack armor and elite zone green weapons!! Everything in this game requires some level of grind or another, so you cant use that as a reason against it. You have to put some effort in to get everything, and again its a choice! You dont have to own it!!! |
"I hate farming gold blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch!" So you want to farm titles instead? oh, I see WHAT A HUGE CHANGE!
Hate farming and elite areas buy normal armor, its strange when you say you hate grinding for items, yet you completely flip flop and say you want to grind for titles.
smart guy.
imo since when is fow armor hard to get?
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Fish no offense but I think it comes down to this: You want some kind of armor which requires effort to get it only so you don't have to listen to those jerks screaming you got FoW via Ebay. This way you are elite and no one can deny that. Right? Well whatever. FYI, I got half of FoW set for my warrior, only and I repeat ONLY because I like it. Not to be 1337 or anuthing, I just liked it and I got it. I could get full set but warrior males look fat in it imho. And one important thing: I never had to grind for it. I just did Urgoz Warren, and in a week I had enough money to buy it, and I was left with around 300K which I spent on mini Gwen. And guess what, I don't care if someone says I Ebayed it, I got it for myself, and because I like it. I don't know why people have a need to feel elite. You have titles? Good for you, pal. Display them and move on. Why would Anet add epic armor only cus you have a need to be somewhat more important then others, with armor which is saying: Wow, I got this armor by hard work, not like those stinky FoW owners, now bow to me...
Something you could have pride in owning.
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
I just think you're a moron. That's all.
"I hate farming gold blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch!" So you want to farm titles instead? oh, I see WHAT A HUGE CHANGE! Hate farming and elite areas buy normal armor, its strange when you say you hate grinding for items, yet you completely flip flop and say you want to grind for titles. smart guy. imo since when is fow armor hard to get? |
Yes I dont like grinding for gold and materials, but I dont mind doing something like completing missions on both normal and hard mode because it shows effort.
Understand this....
...I was suggseting we user [b]Legendary gaurdian[b/] to unlock the armor! I'm not personally trying to achieve that title because I love to grind titles. I dont.
Im trying to achieve that title because I happen to want to, because I want to play through the game in total on both normal and hard mode.
I dont consider wanting to complete the game on both settigns a grind, and if you do... why are you playing PvE?
Why are you playing a game when you considering re-doing missions a grind, when the most important aspects of PvE are the missions! I quite honestly think your a moron and a child for complaining that someone is asking you to complete the game in both normal and hard mode to get access to one set of armor.
But just for the record, have you been playing the GWEN preview weekend?
Did you happen to notice how you get access to Norn armor, and that you are required to achieve a certain rank in Norn respect? Hmmm!!
Are you going cry and winge now and make a thread complaining that you have to grind Norn points to get that set of armor?
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Well im sorry if it seems I just want to apear elite, but I really dont. I just wanted armor that required more then just gold and armor.
Something you could have pride in owning. Im a moron, why is that? explain that to me too! Yes I dont like grinding for gold and materials, but I dont mind doing something like completing missions on both normal and hard mode because it shows effort. Understand this.... ...I was suggseting we user [b]Legendary gaurdian[b/] to unlock the armor! I'm not personally trying to achieve that title because I love to grind titles. I dont. Im trying to achieve that title because I happen to want to, because I want to play through the game in total on both normal and hard mode. I dont consider wanting to complete the game on both settigns a grind, and if you do... why are you playing PvE? Why are you playing a game when you considering re-doing missions a grind, when the most important aspects of PvE are the missions! I quite honestly think your a moron and a child for complaining that someone is asking you to complete the game in both normal and hard mode to get access to one set of armor. But just for the record, have you been playing the GWEN preview weekend? Did you happen to notice how you get access to Norn armor, and that you are required to achieve a certain rank in Norn respect? Hmmm!! Are you going cry and winge now and make a thread complaining that you have to grind Norn points to get that set of armor? |
Have fun playing guildwars in your moms basement typing OMG I NEED ELITE ARMORZ! threads. I'm sure you can marry one of your characters online......... but then again they would clearly be the ones losing.
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
yes you are a moron, i'm not getting gwen so I dont really give a rats ass.
Have fun playing guildwars in your moms basement typing OMG I NEED ELITE ARMORZ! threads. I'm sure you can marry one of your characters online......... but then again they would clearly be the ones losing. |
But I love how you throw this steroe-type geek image at me, considering you play the exact same game, probably spend just as much time on it and yet your the one has to resort to foul language and insults to try and make a point.
Have you heard the expression "calling the Kettle black"?
If your not a geek like the rest of us, then why are you reading and posting in forums like this one?
As for the whole living my "mams basement" thing. Mate I live in the United kingdom, we dont have basements unless your rich and live in a mansion and you like to keep wine cool. But hey, if you want me to send you lots of photos of what it looks like on the inside of a pub and what its like to socialise outside of the house, let me know!
And actually im quite happy be the 25 year old jack-the lad that I am, so I dont think I'm gonna want to settle down with one my ingame character just yet!
Maybe come back and post, when you can think of a mature way to express your opinions and talk without the need to use insults and making huge assumptions about people.
Heres an assumption of my own...
...how about you finish your GSCEs or your A-Levels first, maybe go through pubity a bit, kiss a few girls and get over your teenage anx first. Then you'l know how to hold a conversation and realise that insulting people doesnt make you look cool.
All that aside, you still have explained why i'm a moron, other then your wonderfull American Stero-type about who I am?
The Lost Explorer
I know i might never get any HM titles but it still would be cool to see others with Awesome Armor. I Personally love titles and i have 6 Maxed not as good as most but I don't play as long as most do. But Eventually I will(Hopefully). But i think ppl who put the time in too those titles desevre a reward like awesome armor. Titles can only be showen in Outposts whereas Armor can be showen everywhere. Why can't we show our work towards the game everywhere like Extreme Farmers do?
I know i might never get any HM titles but it still would be cool to see others with Awesome Armor. I Personally love titles and i have 6 Maxed not as good as most but I don't play as long as most do. But Eventually I will(Hopefully). But i think ppl who put the time in too those titles desevre a reward like awesome armor. Titles can only be showen in Outposts whereas Armor can be showen everywhere. Why can't we show our work towards the game everywhere like Extreme Farmers do?
This is just a plain bad idea that adds even more grind to getting armor (which is a big grind already). I mean fine, PvE should be in the end nothing but a farm/grind/trade, but making one optional thing mandatory to get another optional thing you might like is totally killing even the repetitive PvE. God bless GvG.
great idea i like it. the little tittle that appears underneath ur name doesnt do it for me. this would be visible outside of outposts and getting custume armor is cool. if however it charged you once you maxed out a tittle the same it charges for fow it would be annoying like nothing else. the possbility to getting or unlocking unique emotes would be cool as well.
hmm this sounds reasonable EXCEPT that alot of titles are super grind. yeah 100% cartographer is cool but NO vanquishing isnt. vanquishing is the MOST boring task u can possibly do. i would support max title armro for non grind based, ie cartograpehr, guardians, skill hunter (sorta u get a use from elites at least) but not vanquisher, luck.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Well dunno if you noticed, but GWEN has added armor that requires you to max certain titles!!!
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
How exactly do you think slagging me off for absolutely no reason is going to get your view accross? How or why is anyone going to even care what you think if you cant get an idea accross without speaking like that?
But I love how you throw this steroe-type geek image at me, considering you play the exact same game, probably spend just as much time on it and yet your the one has to resort to foul language and insults to try and make a point. Have you heard the expression "calling the Kettle black"? If your not a geek like the rest of us, then why are you reading and posting in forums like this one? As for the whole living my "mams basement" thing. Mate I live in the United kingdom, we dont have basements unless your rich and live in a mansion and you like to keep wine cool. But hey, if you want me to send you lots of photos of what it looks like on the inside of a pub and what its like to socialise outside of the house, let me know! And actually im quite happy be the 25 year old jack-off lad that I am(I couldnt help it!), so I dont think I'm gonna want to settle down with one my ingame character just yet! Maybe come back and post, when you can think of a mature way to express your opinions and talk without the need to use insults and making huge assumptions about people. Heres an assumption of my own... ...how about you finish your GSCEs or your A-Levels first, maybe go through pubity a bit, kiss a few girls and get over your teenage anx first. Then you'l know how to hold a conversation and realise that insulting people doesnt make you look cool. All that aside, you still have explained why i'm a moron, other then your wonderfull American Stero-type about who I am? |

yes yes thats right I did explain why you are one! XD
teenage angst? huh Let me assure you, my breasts are much larger then yours! and i've touched WAY more girls then you.
whats fun in mature Oo
all I know is if populationcontrol agrees with this, i'm against it!!!
Originally Posted by The Lost Explorer
I know i might never get any HM titles but it still would be cool to see others with Awesome Armor. I Personally love titles and i have 6 Maxed not as good as most but I don't play as long as most do. But Eventually I will(Hopefully). But i think ppl who put the time in too those titles desevre a reward like awesome armor. Titles can only be showen in Outposts whereas Armor can be showen everywhere. Why can't we show our work towards the game everywhere like Extreme Farmers do? |
Originally Posted by Masterr
because guildwars is not a job, you dont spend time working in guildwars (thats why "working" a title is plain wrong), you play the game for fun, its not a job.
Originally Posted by Masterr
because guildwars is not a job, you dont spend time working in guildwars (thats why "working" a title is plain wrong), you play the game for fun, its not a job.
I dont find trying to max Legendary Guardian that intensive that it could be concidered a job. You go online for a couple of hours a night, maybe 3 or 4 days a week, do the odd few missions in hard mode.
How is that grind and how is that soooo intensive that it can be compared to a job?
I really dont understand that.
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
Lol its not my fault I like arguing with people for the 15 mins i'm on this site
![]() yes yes thats right I did explain why you are one! XD teenage angst? huh Let me assure you, my breasts are much larger then yours! and i've touched WAY more girls then you. whats fun in mature Oo all I know is if populationcontrol agrees with this, i'm against it!!! |
It's an interesting idea, I'll give you that, but it might need some tweaking.
1st: Not everyone has all chapters, so the legendary might not be the best type of title. Continent based a bit more reasonable imo (and it allows for more sets)
2nd: The requirement for access should be chapter completion, like canthan or primeval, and higher ranks in the title give discounts on the armor. Like Protector gives 25% off and Guardian gives 50% off both in mats and gold.
In this way, it gives everyone access to get it in the way they prefer, Be it missions and bonuses, or farming until you cant feel your rear end.
That's my take on this.
1st: Not everyone has all chapters, so the legendary might not be the best type of title. Continent based a bit more reasonable imo (and it allows for more sets)
2nd: The requirement for access should be chapter completion, like canthan or primeval, and higher ranks in the title give discounts on the armor. Like Protector gives 25% off and Guardian gives 50% off both in mats and gold.
In this way, it gives everyone access to get it in the way they prefer, Be it missions and bonuses, or farming until you cant feel your rear end.
That's my take on this.

I personally will probably never achieve these said armors...but I do enjoy seeing another player, that I know has EARNED every peice of it, wearing it proudly.
Who knows...maybe someday, with some extra effort on my part..I can gain it too!
PvE Helpful Hint #728: Dunkoroo is a closet Wammo!
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
teenage angst? huh Let me assure you, my breasts are much larger then yours! and i've touched WAY more girls then you. all I know is if populationcontrol agrees with this, i'm against it!!! |
I dunno... I kind of like the idea of elite armor that you actually have to earn. I may or may not bother to get it myself for the same reason none of my characters wear FoW -- I usually don't feel like grinding for the money or items, and I doubt I'm going to be as gung-ho about Norn titles when I'm not getting reputation points handed over hundreds at a time.
Entitlement kings complaining about not being able to instantly get at the good stuff should look at it this way -- you DO NOT have to have this equipment to play the game. Elite items in the game are elite for a reason. Don't want to have to work extra hard for that awesome piece of armor? Then don't get it. Buy yourself something with the same rating that costs about 100 fewer hours to get. Sure, it might not look as cool, and chances are nobody's gonna compliment your style, but that's the price you pay.
With botting and ebaying spinning so far out of control, high-priced armor that uses a stack or two of rare items are no longer reasonable limitations. Only thing left to do is implement a timesink or accept the fact that there isn't any really prestigious armor anymore.
Entitlement kings complaining about not being able to instantly get at the good stuff should look at it this way -- you DO NOT have to have this equipment to play the game. Elite items in the game are elite for a reason. Don't want to have to work extra hard for that awesome piece of armor? Then don't get it. Buy yourself something with the same rating that costs about 100 fewer hours to get. Sure, it might not look as cool, and chances are nobody's gonna compliment your style, but that's the price you pay.
With botting and ebaying spinning so far out of control, high-priced armor that uses a stack or two of rare items are no longer reasonable limitations. Only thing left to do is implement a timesink or accept the fact that there isn't any really prestigious armor anymore.
Nemo the Capitalist
Originally Posted by Elena
grinding titles for armor ? not in my game!
agrees wholeheartedly yeah play a few thousand hrs to get my guildhall smells like mahongany lmao
if i had no life ( oh wait i dont ^_^ )
no job (oops i do)
no school (college)

btw i prefer my FoW Tank armor (all farmed)
if i had a brain i woulda ebayed it but i believe in an honest game

Kool Pajamas
I can't believe people are not signing for more things added to the game. And it's most likely because they will have to do more than ebay their gold. If you want your FoW armor then get it. Go farm your gold and get it. But others would prefer a more fun (in their opinion) way of getting nice armor than farming gold. How is it different? Not much other than not being able to ebay it. So why add it? More options. When was that ever a bad thing? Nobody is demanding this. It's just a suggestion for more stuff to go for.
I don't even play the game hardly anymore either so it doesn't matter to me what happens, but I like a good debate.
I don't even play the game hardly anymore either so it doesn't matter to me what happens, but I like a good debate.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
I can't believe people are not signing for more things added to the game. And it's most likely because they will have to do more than ebay their gold. If you want your FoW armor then get it. Go farm your gold and get it. But others would prefer a more fun (in their opinion) way of getting nice armor than farming gold. How is it different? Not much other than not being able to ebay it. So why add it? More options. When was that ever a bad thing? Nobody is demanding this. It's just a suggestion for more stuff to go for.
I don't even play the game hardly anymore either so it doesn't matter to me what happens, but I like a good debate. |
I say hold a contest for people to send in armor designs, and use the 200 best ones for title armors.
And yes, I'm one of those people that can't stand grinding, so I'd most likely be one of the ones wishing I had that cool armor and knowing I'll never have it. But if someone else wants to take the time and get nice armor for it, I say they deserve it.
Snow Bunny
Maxing titles is already BS enough as it is.
Let's keep grind level down to a minimum, please?
Let's keep grind level down to a minimum, please?
/not signed
I don't care for the fact you have to get your title(s) up for weapons and armors. I mean, it should be account based for that.
I don't care for the fact you have to get your title(s) up for weapons and armors. I mean, it should be account based for that.
I think the idea is nice, however the way you're going about it is wrong.
Legendary Survivor or Legendary Defender of Ascalon are titles you cannot start over. I have a ranger I've spent enough time on to have near 4 million experience. I don't have legendary survivor or legendary defender, because he was my first character. I don't want to have to DELETE him in order to get a specific set of armor. Instead, I would prefer having items being gained... Customized items. That you can trade in some way to get armor, weapons, ect.
Example : Black Moa Chick. YES you can buy the hardened egg, honeycomb, herring... ect. However, you cannot buy the Incubator from someone. You need to beat Zho in the Norn Fighting Tournament, then craft it yourself.
I would be VERY interested in armor, weapons, or other such items.... That you could attain with very little gold on your part, but requiring certain items that cannot be bought from other players.
Such as if there was armor (like Destroyer Gauntlets) Only the items you trade for it are customized, so you can't simply buy them from other people.
As for how FoW armor is gained, you CAN purchase runs to craft that armor for you. I would suggest if an achievement must be attained, such as completing certain quests, that they should be Solo quests. Or, require only yourself, heroes, and/or henchmen. However, Whatever is attained, should be non-transferrable. I'll list some more examples below.
Let's say... ANET added 1-4 new armor sets (or simply armor pieces like Chaos or Destroyer Gauntlets) However, in order to attain this armor... You would have to overcome certain challenges either solo, or with yourself/henchmen. Like Hero Battles, only in PvE. This would prevent someone from simply attaining it from having a lot of gold. However, in doing so, it should not cost much gold at all, if any gold. This would allow players who perhaps are more Casual (meaning usually not having maxed titles or a great deal of gold) yet skilled players attain it.
I belive this solution would be adequate. I'm simply tired of farming gold endlessly just to save up enough money (or collector items) to get the armor I want. I would much prefer a challenge (or series of challenges) to get said armor. The "solo" aspect would prevent this armor from becoming too common, preventing "more skilled" players from running those who "do not deserve" the armor, but instead simply have amassed gold, possibly illegally.
I think the idea is nice, however the way you're going about it is wrong.
Legendary Survivor or Legendary Defender of Ascalon are titles you cannot start over. I have a ranger I've spent enough time on to have near 4 million experience. I don't have legendary survivor or legendary defender, because he was my first character. I don't want to have to DELETE him in order to get a specific set of armor. Instead, I would prefer having items being gained... Customized items. That you can trade in some way to get armor, weapons, ect.
Example : Black Moa Chick. YES you can buy the hardened egg, honeycomb, herring... ect. However, you cannot buy the Incubator from someone. You need to beat Zho in the Norn Fighting Tournament, then craft it yourself.
I would be VERY interested in armor, weapons, or other such items.... That you could attain with very little gold on your part, but requiring certain items that cannot be bought from other players.
Such as if there was armor (like Destroyer Gauntlets) Only the items you trade for it are customized, so you can't simply buy them from other people.
As for how FoW armor is gained, you CAN purchase runs to craft that armor for you. I would suggest if an achievement must be attained, such as completing certain quests, that they should be Solo quests. Or, require only yourself, heroes, and/or henchmen. However, Whatever is attained, should be non-transferrable. I'll list some more examples below.
Let's say... ANET added 1-4 new armor sets (or simply armor pieces like Chaos or Destroyer Gauntlets) However, in order to attain this armor... You would have to overcome certain challenges either solo, or with yourself/henchmen. Like Hero Battles, only in PvE. This would prevent someone from simply attaining it from having a lot of gold. However, in doing so, it should not cost much gold at all, if any gold. This would allow players who perhaps are more Casual (meaning usually not having maxed titles or a great deal of gold) yet skilled players attain it.
I belive this solution would be adequate. I'm simply tired of farming gold endlessly just to save up enough money (or collector items) to get the armor I want. I would much prefer a challenge (or series of challenges) to get said armor. The "solo" aspect would prevent this armor from becoming too common, preventing "more skilled" players from running those who "do not deserve" the armor, but instead simply have amassed gold, possibly illegally.
Originally Posted by Daisuko
I think the idea is nice, however the way you're going about it is wrong. Legendary Survivor or Legendary Defender of Ascalon are titles you cannot start over. I have a ranger I've spent enough time on to have near 4 million experience. I don't have legendary survivor or legendary defender, because he was my first character. I don't want to have to DELETE him in order to get a specific set of armor. Instead, I would prefer having items being gained... Customized items. That you can trade in some way to get armor, weapons, ect. |
Im primarily talking about legendary guardian! I would never suggest those other two because as you say, they cant be reset and I dont like those titles because those are PURE grind and have no connection to the actual play of the game unlike LG.
If people want a reward for having acomplished Legendary Guardian...then check your title list. The title is the reward for accomplishing Legendary Guardian, the second reward for finishing everything in NM and HM is time spend that could've been better spend elsewhere.
Instead of adding this second reward for the same accomplishment, how bout having Anet spend that time on fixing the vizunah square +death bug? This would positively affect more people then having a double reward for the same thing.
It's similar to the hypothetical suggestion:Hey lets add a title to the game called say "Legendary Servant of the Five Gods" or whatever which you can get after having completed Legendary Guardian, Skillhunter and Vanquisher BUT the only NPC that can give you this title (you don't get it automatically) requires you to pay him 800000 gold first. Hey, you don't need this title, it's optional!
Many people who like playing through all the missions in NM and HM wouldn't like this because they consider farming gold, powertrading or any other way to gain vast amounts of gold a grind but hey, it's optional, remember!
But having people grind gold in order to gain a respectable title is similar to having people be excluded from playing FoW or UW because they refuse to play HoH in order to gain favor.
I'm not against Anet adding diversity to the game, I'd rather see Anet use their resources to add diversity to the game in a way that benefits more players then by adding a reward to the game for something that theres already a reward for lol!
Optional...guess what, Guildwars itself is optional, you don't need to play it! And because guildwars is optional why not add an NPC to the game that you must unlock your gained titles from in order for you to be able to have them displayed ingame...and let this NPC charge 800k for each title you wish to be able to be displayed. Don't like it? Hey grinding gold is optional, you don't need to have a title displayed when you defeat all of the game in HM and NM. It doesn't affect your gameplay as everyone would have the same (dis)advantage, right? Would it be fun? Not to most people but I'm sure that many people would like the idea of having their title (or armor) be rare because most people refuse to farm tons of gold to display a title.
I'm sure many people would refuse to farm missions in order to get a set of armor they particularly like.
Everything in GW is optional but you'll have to work for most of it. This is a game and I think it should be fun to play. Some people like to grind while some pleople don't (or can't).
I think the reward for legendary guardian is already there. The title is the reward. Adding armors to the game will take resources from Anet that they can spend in a way better and less frustrating way.
If people want a reward for having acomplished Legendary Guardian...then check your title list. The title is the reward for accomplishing Legendary Guardian, the second reward for finishing everything in NM and HM is time spend that could've been better spend elsewhere.
Instead of adding this second reward for the same accomplishment, how bout having Anet spend that time on fixing the vizunah square +death bug? This would positively affect more people then having a double reward for the same thing.
It's similar to the hypothetical suggestion:Hey lets add a title to the game called say "Legendary Servant of the Five Gods" or whatever which you can get after having completed Legendary Guardian, Skillhunter and Vanquisher BUT the only NPC that can give you this title (you don't get it automatically) requires you to pay him 800000 gold first. Hey, you don't need this title, it's optional!
Many people who like playing through all the missions in NM and HM wouldn't like this because they consider farming gold, powertrading or any other way to gain vast amounts of gold a grind but hey, it's optional, remember!
But having people grind gold in order to gain a respectable title is similar to having people be excluded from playing FoW or UW because they refuse to play HoH in order to gain favor.
I'm not against Anet adding diversity to the game, I'd rather see Anet use their resources to add diversity to the game in a way that benefits more players then by adding a reward to the game for something that theres already a reward for lol!
Optional...guess what, Guildwars itself is optional, you don't need to play it! And because guildwars is optional why not add an NPC to the game that you must unlock your gained titles from in order for you to be able to have them displayed ingame...and let this NPC charge 800k for each title you wish to be able to be displayed. Don't like it? Hey grinding gold is optional, you don't need to have a title displayed when you defeat all of the game in HM and NM. It doesn't affect your gameplay as everyone would have the same (dis)advantage, right? Would it be fun? Not to most people but I'm sure that many people would like the idea of having their title (or armor) be rare because most people refuse to farm tons of gold to display a title.
I'm sure many people would refuse to farm missions in order to get a set of armor they particularly like.
Everything in GW is optional but you'll have to work for most of it. This is a game and I think it should be fun to play. Some people like to grind while some pleople don't (or can't).
I think the reward for legendary guardian is already there. The title is the reward. Adding armors to the game will take resources from Anet that they can spend in a way better and less frustrating way.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Who said anything about legendary survivor or defender?
Im primarily talking about legendary guardian! I would never suggest those other two because as you say, they cant be reset and I dont like those titles because those are PURE grind and have no connection to the actual play of the game unlike LG. |
I want Legendary Defender of Ascalon armour with +armour bonus vs Charr (but no insignias)!
Contest THAT!
legendary defender of ascalone does not derserve epic armor. i think they already added a few new armors that you have to unlokc though only pve tittle i think, would be cool if they had one for glads maxed tittle or tittles that take skill to get.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I want Legendary Defender of Ascalon armour with +armour bonus vs Charr (but no insignias)! Contest THAT! |
There's no need. Check Battle Cry for Vanguard Title Track. +armor vs charr, +adren when attacking charr, and +2 energy whenever you kill a charr.
Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
If people want a reward for having acomplished Legendary Guardian...then check your title list. The title is the reward for accomplishing Legendary Guardian, the second reward for finishing everything in NM and HM is time spend that could've been better spend elsewhere. Instead of adding this second reward for the same accomplishment, how bout having Anet spend that time on fixing the vizunah square +death bug? This would positively affect more people then having a double reward for the same thing. It's similar to the hypothetical suggestion:Hey lets add a title to the game called say "Legendary Servant of the Five Gods" or whatever which you can get after having completed Legendary Guardian, Skillhunter and Vanquisher BUT the only NPC that can give you this title (you don't get it automatically) requires you to pay him 800000 gold first. Hey, you don't need this title, it's optional! Many people who like playing through all the missions in NM and HM wouldn't like this because they consider farming gold, powertrading or any other way to gain vast amounts of gold a grind but hey, it's optional, remember! But having people grind gold in order to gain a respectable title is similar to having people be excluded from playing FoW or UW because they refuse to play HoH in order to gain favor. I'm not against Anet adding diversity to the game, I'd rather see Anet use their resources to add diversity to the game in a way that benefits more players then by adding a reward to the game for something that theres already a reward for lol! Optional...guess what, Guildwars itself is optional, you don't need to play it! And because guildwars is optional why not add an NPC to the game that you must unlock your gained titles from in order for you to be able to have them displayed ingame...and let this NPC charge 800k for each title you wish to be able to be displayed. Don't like it? Hey grinding gold is optional, you don't need to have a title displayed when you defeat all of the game in HM and NM. It doesn't affect your gameplay as everyone would have the same (dis)advantage, right? Would it be fun? Not to most people but I'm sure that many people would like the idea of having their title (or armor) be rare because most people refuse to farm tons of gold to display a title. I'm sure many people would refuse to farm missions in order to get a set of armor they particularly like. Everything in GW is optional but you'll have to work for most of it. This is a game and I think it should be fun to play. Some people like to grind while some pleople don't (or can't). I think the reward for legendary guardian is already there. The title is the reward. Adding armors to the game will take resources from Anet that they can spend in a way better and less frustrating way. |
As for that comment about exchieveing LG is just time that could have been spent elsewhere. What else was I or others going to do?
There were people like me who had protector on all 3, had 100% exploration on all 3, had all elite skills on all 3 and so on and so forth. Adding HM and the ability to reply all the missions on a much harder setting was a blessing to people like me who had nothing else to do.
Had Anet not added HM and gaurdian and LG titles, I probably would have packed in and left the games months ago.
I dont get where all the hostility came from in your post....
...im not asking for anything that would give an unfair advantage, or which you would need to own to in order to play. It would have been nothing more then a reward for completing the game on its hardest setting.
And we need a reward for playing HM because no body does play HM and we ned insentives to incourage them.
You get rewards when you go back and play others games on a higher settings, like in FPS. You unlock new characters, new weapons, armors and levels to play in. So why cant the same thing happen in GWs?
And what is wrong with reward someone for completing the entire game on both NM and HM? is that not worthy of some praise and congratulations?
HM is actually hard you know and it takes more ability then NM does. I really dont get why people are so anti-legendaryGuardian likes its some evil thing that you shouldnt try to get.
I find HM more fun then NM now because im used to a greater challenge. Are ou going to string me up for that? Are you goind to deny it doesnt take more skill to play through the game on HM?
Im not asking a whole lot, except that maybe we get an armor set that is only available to either RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO or other max titles. And it would not be incouraging grind, because playing the game again in HM is not grind.
Grind is when you do something you dont have to, outside of the storyline to achieve a goal that has no baring on the story. So how is playing through the game on a harder setting grind?
Do you consider the easy, normal, hard and insain settings on most FPs to be grind? or do you use those? because if you do, then technically youd be a hypercrit.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I want Legendary Defender of Ascalon armour with +armour bonus vs Charr (but no insignias)! Contest THAT! |
Legendary guardian shows you have the ability and determination to play through the game on both normal and hard mode.
LDOA shows you know how to camp out a res-shrine and death level for hours on end.
I wonder which one is worthy of a reward and which is isnt!
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Legendary guardian shows you have the ability and determination to play through the game on both normal and hard mode. LDOA shows you know how to camp out a res-shrine and death level for hours on end. I wonder which one is worthy of a reward and which is isnt! |
Maybe not for every title, but it would be nice to see a bunch of Epic Armor, as you dubbed it. Things like a Cartographers Armor, Vanquisher's Armor, Guardian's Armor, maybe even Hero's Armor (unlockable for PvP characters when bought?). Possibly even an Epic Luxon and Kurzick armor, though that may be pushing it.
While people have said that "the title is the reward", you can only show one title at once. And even then, only in an outpost. Armor would be a tangible reward. It would also give an even greater variety to the outposts, with people in all different armors and colors wandering around. Bear in mind, though, that I am a great fan of the unique, so every extra armor/mini/odd looking weapon added to the game would be agreed to instantly by me.
Maybe not for every title, but it would be nice to see a bunch of Epic Armor, as you dubbed it. Things like a Cartographers Armor, Vanquisher's Armor, Guardian's Armor, maybe even Hero's Armor (unlockable for PvP characters when bought?). Possibly even an Epic Luxon and Kurzick armor, though that may be pushing it.
While people have said that "the title is the reward", you can only show one title at once. And even then, only in an outpost. Armor would be a tangible reward. It would also give an even greater variety to the outposts, with people in all different armors and colors wandering around. Bear in mind, though, that I am a great fan of the unique, so every extra armor/mini/odd looking weapon added to the game would be agreed to instantly by me.
I would also like to see more epic armor... FoW Gets kinda bland after 13 months.
And what keeps people from paying to get someone to level their title? Thats what they already do in other games.
Plus you need to keep things open and balanced for a wider variety of players.
Plus you need to keep things open and balanced for a wider variety of players.
Originally Posted by Mineria
And what keeps people from paying to get someone to level their title? Thats what they already do in other games.
Plus you need to keep things open and balanced for a wider variety of players. |
Most missions in GWs you cant run and you do have to actually help out in some way. Especially the factions timed ones and the ones where you need to fight.
I admit some missions probably can be run, even in HM! But from my experience I dont see that being many, so achieving LG does require some skill.
Other maxed titles can be bought or run though, but it would all depend what maxed titles were used.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
If a person was able to get run through the vast majority of HM missions throughout the entire game, then I would be very impressed.
And can be done in GW as well, its just a matter of gold.
I'd like to see actual good-looking, NON-RESKINNED effing armor added to GW in any way.
My only issue is that this'll just cause more bitching by people who would rather QQ about having to earn their armor than go out and earn it. I mean, how many "Change the GW:EN title requirement" threads have we seen?
My only issue is that this'll just cause more bitching by people who would rather QQ about having to earn their armor than go out and earn it. I mean, how many "Change the GW:EN title requirement" threads have we seen?
And one more thing, please leave the epics in WoW.